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编辑:  admin  点击次数:   1530  发布时间:    2014/12/29 10:50:01

Can you imagine riding around the streets of your hometown on a skateboard without wheels? In the late 1980s, film director Robert Zemeckis showed a skateboard floating above the ground in his movie Back To The Future Part II.
你能想象到在家乡附近的街道踩上一款没有轮子的滑板吗?在20世纪80年代末期,电影导演罗伯特·泽米吉斯(Robert Zemeckis)在他的电影《回到未来 2》中呈现了一款漂浮在地面的滑板。

Now, an American company, Arx Pax, has moved the idea for such a device from a futuristic dream to reality. The new product operates on the same rules that govern magnetism.
美国Arx Pax公司现在已经将这种设备理念从未来梦想变成了现实。这种新产品根据磁性原理来工作。

When similarly charged ends of two magnets get close together, they repel or push away from each other. That force can make an object levitate or hover in space.

Since the 1980s, levitation has been used on trains in Europe, Japan and China. These maglev trains, seem to float above the ground. There is no contact between the bottom of the cars and the surface of the train track. Maglev trains are almost noiseless and can move very fast.

Greg Henderson says the same technology can make anything hover, even buildings.
格雷格·亨德森(Greg Henderson)说,同样的技术可以使万物悬停,甚至包括建筑物。

"Imagine there's an earthquake and the early warning turns on the warning systems and the supports fall away as the building starts to hover. The shaking stops, the supports return, and no one in that room or in that building ever knew there was an earthquake."

Greg Henderson's company created the first maglev hoverboard, called Hendo. It can hold a single person about 2.5 centimeters above a metal surface.

"We are creating a magnetic field, and then through a method of induction, that's part of our secret sauce, we are creating a secondary and equal magnetic field in this conductive surface."

Batteries provide the electricity needed to power Hendo's four engines. However, the batteries only last for a short time. But design engineer Kyle O'Neil says they last long enough for experienced skateboarders to learn how to control the hoverboard.
Hendo四个引擎所需的电力由电池提供。然而,这些电池只能持续很短时间。但设计工程师凯尔·奥尼尔(Kyle O'Neil)表示它们能够维持足够长时间,让有经验的滑板爱好者学会如何控制这种悬浮滑板。

"Some people say it's like snowboarding. Some say it's how they imagined a hoverboard is supposed to be, which is kind of an interesting response because no one's ever ridden one before."

The creators of Hendo say they do not expect to see their hoverboard on the streets anytime soon. The reason: it only works on a metal-covered surface. But they say larger hover engines could be used to transport containers in storerooms.

For now, their dream is to build a recreation area where anyone can take a ride on a hoverboard.


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