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编辑:  admin  点击次数:   1145  发布时间:    2014/12/28 19:45:37

As 2014 comes to an end, we look back at some of the most popular music of the year. We also bring to your attention some music you may have missed.

The Billboard Top 200 Album Charts suggests that music lovers this year are enjoying a trip back to 1989. The Billboard Top 200 lists the most popular albums by sales and online streaming activity. 1989 is the title of singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's latest music release. The album currently leads the sales charts for 2014.
公告牌Billboard 200专辑榜表明音乐爱好者今年正在享受一场回到1989年的旅程。公告牌Billboard 200专辑榜根据销量和在线播放量列出最流行的专辑。《1989》是创作型歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)最新发布专辑的名称。这张专辑目前是2014年销量排行榜冠军。

Another popular album this year is the soundtrack to the Disney film "Frozen." It includes the song "Let It Go," which won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.
今年另一张流行专辑是迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》的原声大碟。这张专辑中的《Let It Go》这首歌获得了奥斯卡原创最佳歌曲奖。

A popular country music singer returned to the top album charts this year. Garth Brooks released his ninth studio album called "Man Against Machine." Mr. Brooks had announced his retirement from recording and performing in 2000, but he came out of retirement this summer and started performing around world.
一位流行乡村音乐歌手今年重返了最佳专辑排行榜。加思·布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)发布了他第九张名为《Man Against Machine》录音棚专辑。布鲁克斯在2000年宣布退出录制和表演,但他今年夏天复出并开始在世界各地表演。

Album sales and chart lists, however, are not always the best way to find out if a music album is worth buying. Sometimes the best albums are those that slip through the cracks: they go unnoticed by the general public. Here is a list of albums from 2014 that you might also enjoy.

We start with an artist who has made a name for himself as an actor as well as a musician. Lenny Kravitz plays several instruments. This summer he released a new album, Strut.
我们首先从一位以演员和音乐家扬名的艺人开始。蓝尼·克罗维兹(Lenny Kravitz)能演奏数种乐器。今年夏天他发布了一张新专辑《Strut》。

Pinnick Gales Pridgen are the three last names of the dynamite rock musicians who make up the group. Bassist and vocalist Doug Pinnick is known for playing bass and providing vocals for another rock trio called King's X. Eric Gales has made a name for himself as a guitarist and leader of the Eric Gales Band. Thomas Pridgen has played drums with many bands including The Mars Volta and Suicidal Tendencies. PGP2 is the title of the trio's 2nd album released this year.
Pinnick Gales Pridgen这支乐队是由三位轰动一时的摇滚歌手的名字组成。贝斯手和歌手Doug Pinnick以演奏贝斯出名,并且是另一支名为King's X的摇滚三重奏乐团的主唱。Eric Gales作为吉他手和Eric Gales乐队主唱而闻名。Thomas Pridgen在多支乐队担任过鼓手,其中就包括The Mars Volta乐队和Suicidal Tendencies乐队。PGP2是这支三重奏乐团今年发布的第二张专辑的名称。

Pennsylvania-based Crobot is relatively new. The four-piece rock band released their latest album, Something Supernatural, in October of this year. The first single from the album is a song called "Nowhere to Hide."
宾夕法尼亚州的Crobot乐队相对比较陌生。这支四人摇滚乐队今年10月发布了他们最新一张专辑《Something Supernatural》。这张专辑的首支单曲是《Nowhere to Hide》。

After 17 years and several lineup changes, alternative metal band Nonpoint continues to tour and give energetic live performances. This year they released their eighth studio album called "The Return."
经过17年和数次阵容变化后,另类金属乐队Nonpoint继续巡演。今年他们发布了第8张录音室专辑《The Return》。

Last, but not least, is an album by a band called "Sevendust." The five-piece rock band formed in Atlanta in the 1990s. Their album Time Travelers & Bonfires shows a different, more powerful side to non-electric, acoustic music.
最后,但并非最不重要的是由Sevendust乐队发布的一张专辑。这支五人摇滚乐队于上世纪90年代在亚特兰大组成。他们的专辑《Time Travelers & Bonfires》展示了非电声音乐更为强大的另一面。


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