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编辑:  admin  点击次数:   1186  发布时间:    2014/12/15 17:16:32

Last year, a typhoon seriously damaged Leyte Island in the Philippines. More than 7,300 people died or are missing. Four million Filipinos lost their homes, and many of them lost their incomes.

Many fishermen were among them. They lost their wooden boats. Without them, they had no way to make money.

The fishermen used boats called "bancas." These boats were made from wood taken from the island's forests. But the forests were damaged by the powerful storm, making it difficult to quickly rebuild the boats.

So a large, non-governmental environmental protection group is helping the fishermen rebuild their boats using a material made of glass and plastic. The material is called fiberglass. The group says fiberglass lasts longer than the wood and plywood materials the fishermen have traditionally used to build their boats.

Patrick Vincent Co manages the bancas rebuilding project for the WWF. He and his employees are teaching fishermen how to build boats with fiberglass.
帕特里克·文森特(Patrick Vincent)为世界自然基金会(WWF)共同管理这个班卡船重建项目。他和他的雇员正在教渔民们如何用玻璃纤维造船。

"We feel that this is simply the next step forward, both out of necessity and out of practicality to use fiberglass rather than wood and plywood, and also something that is essentially ecologically sound."

Ramon Binamira is a boat-building expert. He says many of the fishermen were worried about using fiberglass to build boats. He says they asked many questions.
拉蒙·本那米拉(Ramon Binamira)是一位造船专家。他说,许多渔民都对使用玻璃纤维造船忧心忡忡。他说,渔民们问了很多问题。

"Is it strong enough? Will it be able to take the day-to-day abuse that the traditional boats have proven to be capable of taking?"

The fishermen tested the fiberglass bancas with a heavy tool called a "sledgehammer." The fisherman used it to hit the sides of the fiberglass boats to see if the new boats were as strong as their wooden boats.

Norberto dela Torre is a 78-year old fisherman. He says he was surprised by the strength of the fiberglass bancas.
诺伯特·德拉托雷(Norberto dela Torre)是一位78岁高龄的渔民。他说自己对玻璃纤维班卡船的强度感到惊讶。

Mr. dela Torre says the fiberglass boats are durable. He says they are stronger in water than wooden boats. And he notes wooden boats get dirty easily.

The new fiberglass bancas are now being used only for small-scale fishing. But the World Wildlife Fund hopes the new boat-building skills that fishermen are learning will help them design and create larger fiberglass boats. The WWF says the technology will help them better-prepare for climate change and reduce the need for wood from forests damaged by Typhoon Haiyan.


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