North Korea has warned several countries about their support of a United Nations condemnation of North Korea's human rights record. 朝鲜对一些支持联合国谴责朝鲜人权纪录的国家提出了警告。
North Korea's National Defense Commission released a statement that called the United States and its allies "riffraffs," a term that means not respectable. The statement said the United States, South Korea and Japan will be, in its words, "unable to escape the heavy blow of merciless punishment." 朝鲜国防委员会发布了一份声明,称美国及其盟友为不受人尊重的流氓。声明称,美国、韩国和日本,用他们的话来说,“将无法逃脱无情的沉重打击。”
The recent U.N. committee vote called on the Security Council to send North Korea to the International Criminal Court for suspected human rights violations. The government of Kim Jong Un is accused of operating a system of political prisons. Reports say North Korea is holding more than 100,000 people in such prisons. It is accused of crimes against humanity including murder, torture, rape, and forced abortion. 最近联合国委员会投票要求安理会将朝鲜送到国际刑事法庭,因为它涉嫌侵犯人权。金正恩政府被指责控制着一套政治狱体系。报告称,朝鲜在这类监狱中关押了10多万人。它被指控犯谋杀、酷刑、强奸和强制堕胎等反人类罪行。
Kim Yong-hyun is a professor of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University. He says he is not surprised that North Korea is reacting with strong language. 金永铉(Kim Yong-hyun)是韩国东国大学一位从事朝鲜研究的教授。他说他对朝鲜在言语上强硬回应并不感到惊讶。
He says he expected that North Korea would express resistance against the international community with words instead of military action. 他说他预计朝鲜会用语言而不是军事行动来回击国际社会。
The North Korean statement denies and rejects the human rights resolution. It says the resolution is an attack on the country's sovereignty. The statement says the resolution is a "declaration of war." 朝鲜的声明否认并拒绝了这一人权决议案。声明称,该决议是对该国主权的攻击,无异于一次宣战。
The statement's suggests the possibility of nuclear conflict. Some observers think this means North Korea is planning another atomic test. North Korea has held several nuclear tests and short missile launches in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. 该声明暗示了核冲突的可能性。一些观察家认为,这意味着朝鲜在计划另一次原子弹试验。朝鲜已经违反联合国决议,进行了多次核试验和短程导弹发射。
A South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman warned North Korea against doing nuclear tests. He said the international community will react firmly if North Korea provokes it. 韩国统一部一位发言人警告朝鲜不要进行核试验。他说,如果朝鲜挑衅,国际社会将会做出坚决回应。
Professor Kim Yong-hyun says North Korea knows that a nuclear test will destroy any chance for restarting international talks. Negotiators had been discussing an end to economic sanctions against North Korea for ending its nuclear program. 金永铉教授表示,朝鲜知道进行核试验会毁掉重启国际会谈的任何可能。谈判代表一直在讨论结束对朝鲜的经济制裁,换取朝鲜结束其核计划。
It remains unclear if the U.N. Security Council will request the International Criminal Court to try North Korea. China and Russia could veto such a move. 目前尚不清楚联合国安理会是否会要求国际刑事法庭审判朝鲜。中国和俄罗斯可能会否决这一举动。