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和谈破裂以色列哈马斯再度交火 Israel, Hamas Exchange Rocket Fire as Cease-Fire, Truce Talks Collapse
编辑:  admin  点击次数:   1145  发布时间:    2014/8/21 16:47:15





Israel, Hamas Exchange Rocket Fire as Cease-Fire, Truce Talks Collapse

Israeli forces are continuing to carry out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, while militants there fire more missiles toward Israel following the collapse of peace talks between the warring sides.

The Israeli military said Wednesday it conducted 30 airstrikes overnight, and that militants had launched some 70 missiles from the Palestinian territory.

The fighting had paused for 10 days while negotiators met in Cairo to search for a long-term end to the crisis that began six weeks ago.  Those talks have yielded no agreement on Palestinian demands that Israel end its blockade of Gaza or Israel's desire that Hamas be demilitarized.

Militant rockets flew into Israel hours before the end of the cease-fire late Tuesday, bringing Israeli strikes that Palestinian authorities said killed a woman and a 2-year-old girl.

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