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宁波翻译公司-调查人员:渡轮发生事故时船长未掌舵 Investigators
编辑:  admin  点击次数:   634  发布时间:    2014/4/29 11:10:15
宁波翻译公司-调查人员:渡轮发生事故时船长未掌舵 Investigators:Captain Was Not at Helm of Sunken Ferry

Investigators say the captain of a ferry that capsized off South Korea's southern coast Wednesday was not at the wheel when disaster struck.

Officials said Friday that a junior officer was at the helm when Sewol ferry possibly made a sharp turn and started tilting to the side and sinking.

Coast guard officials say as of midday Friday, 28 people were confirmed dead, although the death toll is expected to rise sharply.  Rescuers have fought strong currents and murky waters in their search for 268 people still missing, while 179 passengers have been rescued.

Among the ferry's 475 passengers were 325 students from a high school near Seoul, traveling to a popular resort island for a four-day field trip and sightseeing.

U.S. President Barack Obama has sent his condolences to the families of the victims and said he will pay tribute during a visit to that country next week.
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