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姓 名: 包译员  [编号]:89 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 法律、国际政治 出生年月: 1957/11/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 浙江 舟山
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语语言文学
毕业时间: 35614 毕业学校: 杭州大学(自考)
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 国家二级翻译
口译等级: 工作经历: 5 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 浙江 舟山
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译
每周可提供服务时间: 笔译晚上,双休日口译(要求地点在舟山)
证书名称: 二级笔译
获证时间: 2007/10/1
获得分数: 70
工作时期: 1987/10/1--2007/10/1
公司名称: 检验检疫局
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 公务员/国家干部
所在部门: 签证科
职位: 签证审译与校对
自我评价: 责任心强,基础扎实。
案例标题: 舟山群岛导游图
原文: 舟山群岛观光景点导游图 舟山的生猛海鲜,品类齐全,烹调精工,鲜、嫩、爽、淡,口感极佳,入口即有一股清气沁人心脾,如聆听一支好曲,余音绕梁,回味不绝。不吃舟山海鲜,终生遗憾。 龙脊挑檐,两层店面,赭木栏杆,青石地板,定海中、西大街依旧保持昔日古朴风貌。琳琅满目的商品似过潮后的海滩,满街都是拾贝者。上世纪八十年代初,这里曾拍摄影片《玉色蝴蝶》外景。 始建于北宋咸平年间,祀东岳大帝,香火已历千年。东岳为泰山封号,类似旧民宅山墙刻“泰山石敢当”,大抵保一境平安之意。南宋理宗朝宰相定海人余天锡曾题匾“天赐福泽”。今重建。 原为革命烈士陵园,上世纪六十年代,因郭沫若题词“海山增辉”命名。山曰龙峰,寺曰普慈,年深月久。旧有成仁祠、同归域,纪念南明抗清殉难军民。成仁祠1939年被日寇焚毁,同归域今存。 赛会乃舟山民俗之一。最著名的是“三月半会”,箫鼓笙歌,舞龙抬搁,高跷戏曲,百艺杂陈,万人空巷。名曰娱神,实为自娱,高手献技,与民同乐,犹如西方“狂欢节”。 展茅镇位于舟山本岛东北。一说,“周昭王庶子食采于翁山,因以为氏。”翁氏为展茅大姓,翁家岙有“六桂堂”、“翁氏宗祠”,悬“亚魁”、“解元”匾。柴家村走马楼建于三百年前,四合院落,廊楼相通,计70间,为舟山现存第一民间古宅。 “青龙卧伏沈家地,白虎俯视东海门。”沈家门背靠青龙、白虎两山,面横十里滨港长街,隔港与鲁家峙对峙,山海形胜,环抱一湾深水良港。港口万船云集,千舸争流。朝飞暮卷,云霞似锦;入夜灯火星光,宛若仙境。 沈家门是中国最大的中心渔港,最大的产地水产品批发市场。鱼跃人欢,铺金堆银;车载船装,披星戴月。 舟山海星轮船有限公司是舟山市交通运输行业骨干企业,以全国重点风景区普陀山为依托,积极开拓向沿海大中城市辐射的客运航线,是浙江省水上运输行业最大企业。 公司主要经营普陀山至上海、宁波大榭、朱家尖、沈家门(半升洞)等水上客运航线,其中下属的舟山海星万事旅游客运有限公司增设普陀至上海、杭州等多条路上旅游客运专线。 公司坚持“以诚为本,用心服务”的理念,竭诚为您提供安全、便捷、舒适、愉悦的旅旅途环境。 开心旅程,从海星开始…… 我公司所属的“通达号”轮是连接舟山本岛至上海金山航线的主要客滚船舶,该轮396客位,33车位,是浙江省目前最大的沿海滚装豪华客船,是舟山北部通往大陆最理想的通道,深受旅客和车主的欢迎。该轮多次荣获优秀安全船舶、文明船舶、青年文明示范岗称号。 浙江金鹰集团有限公司 中国纺织机械企业10强 金鹰以制造麻、毛、丝、绢纺成套机械装备和注塑机系列设备为基础产业,并建立了绢纺、亚麻纺、制丝、以及与之配套的织造、染整、制衣生产基地。开创了国内独树一帜的纺机产品研制开发与纺织工艺实践紧密结合、不断改良、提高,机械制造与试验、生产基地建设并驾齐驱、同步发展的金鹰特色优势。形成了为国内外客户提供成套设备及项目设计、工艺技能培训等全方位配套服务的独特专业技术优势。1992年以来连续10年居全国百家纺机骨干重点企业前十强。 浙江华源电气有限公司作为电力电源专业制造商,主要生产电力系统发电厂、变电所直流操作电源和通信电源。公司坚持“高科技、高起点、高效益、高效率”产业理念,通过与电力电子应用技术国家工程研究中心的合作,建立了经省科技厅认定的浙江省重点研发中心--华源电力电子省级高新技术研究开发中心,属“浙江省高新技术企业”、“浙江省软件企业”、多次承担国家火炬计划项目、国家重点新产品计划项目、国家创新基金项目,具有自主知识产权的《华源远程监控直流系统》列入2003年“浙江省十大优秀软件产品”,是国内同行业最大规模企业之一。 普陀佛茶产于佛教圣地-“海天佛国”普陀山及周围诸海岛,每年在“清明节前后产制。时为浙江八大名茶之一。先后获省“名特优新”产品“金鹰奖”;中华文化名茶银奖;“国际名茶”金奖;浙江国际农业博览会金奖;“中茶杯”一等奖;被浙江省商业总会授于“浙江省商场超市畅销名牌”。产品出口到欧美等国家和地区。 秀山海景大酒店是一家三星级综合性旅游度假酒店,酒店集商务、度假、会议、娱乐为一体。拥有豪华、舒适的各类客房75间(套),设有装潢考究、风格各一的餐厅,宴会厅,并配备多功能厅级大小不同的会议室,康乐中心配有桑拿、按摩、KTV包厢、健身房、电子游戏、棋牌、足疗等。酒店另开设海滨浴场、海上垂钓、野外烧烤、沙滩篝火等“长城花园”是舟山长城房地产开发有限公司新近开发的高档住宅小区。座落于紫竹公寓以北,昌洲大道东测,与长岗山森林公园融为一体,面积达50000多平方米。 小区以多层为主,结合别墅式的布局方式,根据地型特征,营造了与小区环境相吻合的人文景观,主要有中央广场、音乐广场、园区雕塑、儿童游乐园、游泳池、会所等集健康、休闲、运动、教育、生态于一体的现代化生活设施。 旅游娱乐项目。是商务会议、度假休闲的绝好去处。 金塘镇以岛建镇,位于舟山群岛西南部,素有“中国螺杆之乡”的美誉。规划建设中的大陆连岛工程金塘大桥穿过全岛,更使金塘成为大陆通往舟山的桥头堡。金塘是全市著名的重点侨乡。 金塘具有独特的海岛风光,基础设施齐全,观赏性和娱乐性强,游客在旅游的同时,既可领略明清时代建筑风格,又可享受独特的海岛风光和乡村幽景,是一个理想的观光、休闲之处。 舟山兴业有限公司(中日合资) 舟山兴业有限公司是一家中日合资企业,于1994年与日本水产食品界的大公司——玛鲁哈株式会社合资建立而成。下属工厂有食品综合加工厂、鱿鱼加工厂、制品加工厂、冷冻加工厂、海鲜调味品工厂、鱼粉厂、油脂厂、包装厂、造船厂、渔网厂。经营的业务有渔业、鲜鱼采购和销售、水产品加工、冷藏制冰、海外进出口贸易、国内贸易、船舶修理及零部件的销售、聚乙烯、尼龙网片和绳索的加工、销售、餐饮旅游、职工培训、房地产经营等。 公司下属工厂已取得HACCP认证。(1999年欧盟注册,2000年美国FDA注册、并取得了ISO9000、ISO9002的体系认证);公司被评为中国外商投资先进技术企业,中国食品工业20大杰出企业;公司为浙江省五个一批重点企业,浙江省骨干农业20家龙头企业之一,浙江省出口先进企业;浙江省著名商标,浙江省绿色产品,并获得国家绿色食品称号;2000年第6届中国国际食品博览会上鱼酱油被评为《中国名牌食品》。
译文: The Sightseeing Guidebook About Zhoushan Islands Zhoushan seafood, characterized by its completeness in varieties and elaborate cooking style, tastes quite delicious because of its freshness, tenderness, and mildness. Once you have a taste of it, you will find it as refreshing as a melody, which will remain in your memory for a long time. Thus it’s a lifelong pity without having a taste of Zhoushan food. With dragons on the eaves, two-stored shops on the street, red -wood fences surrounding balconies and dark flagstones paved the way, The Mid Street and The West Street in Dinghai remain their simple style. The endless array of commodities look like the beach after tide with shellers strolling all around it .It was this street that functioned as the outdoor scene for the film “ Jade Butterfly” in early 1980’s. It was first built during 998-1003 of North Song dynasty to pay sacrifice to Heaven on East Mountain, namely Mount Tai, with the burning candles blazing for thousand years. Such a name was taken in hope of obtaining peace, resembling the inscription in the wall of old hillside house, which says the rock of Mount Tai can resist enemies. “Blessed by Heaven ”is an inscription left by Xu Tianxi, a Dinghainese as well as Prime Minister during 1224-1264 of South Song dynasty .It has been reconstructed now. Served originally as mausoleum for revolutionary martyrs, it was later nominated as “Haishan Park” owing to the inscription by Go Moruo in 1960s :“Adding Charm to the islands”. In addition to “Dragon Peak Temple” and “Universally Humane Temple” which witness changing of time, there used to be Chengren Memorial Temple and Tonggui Area to commemorate the soldiers and civilians heroically fighting against Qing invaders. Chengren Temple was burnt down by Japanese Invaders in 1939 while Tonggui Temple sustained until now. Clearly, it’s rewarding to pay tribute to the heroic deeds and poetic history of revolutionary martyrs. Of all the folkways in Zhoushan, the Mid –March game enjoys the highest popularity. At that time, with all the streets empty, people pour into the location to watch dragon dancing, stilt dancing and other sorts of artistic performance, all accompanied with such musical instruments as vertical bamboo flutes, drums, etc. It is actually held to entertain the local people despite its original intention to cheer god up. With master-hands exhibit feat and artistry to share joy with the audience, the atmosphere is as fascinating as carnival in western countries. Zhanmao town is situated in the northeast of mainland Zhoushan. The old tale that Wengshan was once the ligeance of illegitimate child of King Zhouzhao may be the reason why the family name “Weng” is a dominant one. Wengjia Village is famous for such historical sites as Liugui Hall and the The Family Memorial Hall For Weng with inscribe board for the first and the second place hanging on the wall. Built 300 hundred years ago, Zouma Building in Caijia Village is a quadrangle with each side connected by corridors, covering 70 rooms. It is the top ranked ancient residence ever preserved in Zhoushan. With its winding coastline stretching hundreds of kilometers, Zhoushan boasts of many deep-water harbors resembling the back of an enormous fish or the wing of a roc. Bordering on the rich Changjiang Delta and facing the international navigation line, it enjoys unique geographic advantage .At the beginning of the 21st century; Zhoushan is displaying its initial take-off. With the opportunities given by history, it is bound to achieve fundamental success. With its imposing manner as a coiling dragon and a crouching tiger, Shenjiamen is famous as the biggest central fishing habour in China. It faces Lujiashi across deep-water fishing harbour where over ten thousand fishing boats gather and numerous fishing lights flash when night falls, making seacoast ablaze with light. Besides, it is crowned as the biggest wholesale market for fishery products. During the harvest season, fishes busily discharged from boats to cars make local people rich and happy. A modern new downtown area is mushrooming up between Dinghai and Shenjiamen. Backed by Mountain and facing the water, it connects the two districts---an ancient town and a fishing town in a straight line. It takes a leading role among thousands of islands and shows its unique beauty. Backed by Mount Putuo, the state-level scenic resort, Zhoushan Haixing Shipping Co.Ltd makes so great efforts to broaden the passenger transportation route oriented to big and medium coastal cities that is regarded as a backbone enterprise of transportation in Zhoushan and even as the biggest enterprise of water transportation in Zhejiang. In addition to its water route transportation for passengers from Mount Putuo to Shanghai, Daxie (in Bingbo), Zhujiajian and Shenjiamen (Banshengdong), it also provides land route from Putuo to Shanghai and Hangzhou----a newly added route undertaken by Zhoushan Haixing Wanshi Passengers Tour Co.Ltd. , one of its subordinate units. According to the principle of thoughtful service based on sincerity, the company will try its best to provide safe, convenient, comfortable and enjoyable environment for tourists. A pleasant trip begins with Haixing… “ Tongda” , the company’s chief roll-on –roll –off trailer ferry with 396 passenger seats and 33 vehicle seats, offers sea route from Zhoushan to Jinshan, Shanghai .As the biggest luxurious coastal ferry for passengers presently in Zhejiang and the best route linking the north of Zhoushan to the mainland, it has won particular popularity with passengers and vehicle drivers. It has been awarded many times for its excellence as a model ship in safety and ethical progress and as a model post for the young. Zhejiang Golden Eagle Textile Machinery Co., Ltd.----Rank the first ten place among the textile machinery backbone enterprises in China。 The company has always attached great importance to its basic industry such as linen-making, fur-making, silk-making, the manufacture of silk-weaving sets and series of plastic injection machines .As a result, it has established several production bases including silk-spinning, linen-spinning, silk-making as well as its assorting bases for Weaving, dyeing and cloth-making .It creates its own advantageous features which can be seen in the close integration between textile machinery development and weaving workmanship application, along with their continuous improvement. The features also include simultaneous development of machine making and the construction of bases. Other unique superiority consists in its ability to offer all-direction relevant service such as offering design of complete set or project to clients from at home and abroad and providing skill training. Since 1992, it has sustained for 10 years in the first 10 place among the 100 textile machinery backbone enterprises in China. As a manufacturer specialized in making electric power supply, Zhejiang Huayuan Electric Co. Ltd produces communication power and direct current power supply to be used in electric power system, power station, and substation. By cooperating with State Applied Electric Technique Research Center on the basis of principle of high technology, high starting point, high profit and high efficiency, it established Huayuan Electric Research & Development Center----a provincial-level one authorized by Science & Technology Department of Zhejiang and the one entitled as“ High-tech Enterprise of Zhejiang ”as well as “Software Enterprise in Zhejiang”. It has undertaken many projects under the names of “State Torch Plan”, “State Key New Products Plan” and “State Innovation Fund”. The Direct Current System For Distance Monitoring And Controlling, the one with intellectual property right of its own, was listed in the 10 top software products. It is one of the largest enterprises in the same field in China. The Buddha Tea of Putuo is Originated in Mount Putuo, the Buddhist World by the Sea and the surrounding islets and is harvested and processed around Tomb-sweeping festival every year .It has been awarded many prizes such as Golden Eagle Prize in terms of famous and excellent specialty, the Silver Prize in terms of famous tea relating with Chinese Culture, Golden prize in terms of famous international tea, Golden Prize in Zhejiang International Farming Fair, the well-sell brand in supermarket of Zhejiang. It has been exported to many countries and regions such as Europe and America. Staying at the hotel eating seafood listening to the sound of tide enjoying sea sight. The Sea Sight Hotel in Daishan is a three-star tourist hotel integrating business activities; holiday spending, convention, and leisure entertainment .It has 75 luxurious and comfortable guest rooms, together with well-decorated dining halls and banquet halls of different styles. Other attached facilities are multi-functional hall, convention room of different size, and a recreation center equipped with sauna, massage, KTV boxes, gymnasium, electric game, chess room and foot bath etc. Besides, such entertainment programs as seaside bath, fishing in the sea, barbecue, and campfire on the beach are offered by the hotel. It is really an ideal place for holiday and business conference. To the north of “Zizhu Apartment” and by the east side of Changzhou Road stands “Changcheng Garden”, a first class housing estate newly established by Zhoushan Changcheng Estate Development Co. Ltd. It covers an area of over 50000 square meters and is integrated with the Forest Park located in Mount Changgang. With multistory apartment buildings being dominant ones, it was designed according to its geographic features and in combination with the style to arrange villas so as to create the sights full of humanistic and cultural charm which are in harmony with the environment there. The modern living facilities integrated with health care, leisure, sports, education, ecology include center square , music square , statues , children’s amusement park ,swimming pool.,etc. Located in the southwest of Zhoushan archipelago, Jintang Town ----a town on Jintang Island, is crowned as the hometown of steel poles. Jintang Bridge, which is under construction to connect the mainland, will cross the whole Jingtang, making Jintang the bridgehead from mainland to Zhoushan. With unique island scene and complete infrastructure, Jintang proves itself an ideal resort for sightseeing and holiday, where tourists can taste not only architecture style of Ming and Qing Dynasty but also distinctive island sight and tranquil country view. Zhoushan Industrial Co.,Ltd (Sino-Japan joint venture) Zhoushan Industrial Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Japan joint venture enterprise which was jointly set up in 1994 with Maluha CO.,Ltd.,a big company in the seafood processing circle of Japan. Its subordinate factories are Food Processing Factory , Squid Processing Factory ,Products Processing Factory, Cold Storage Factory, Seasoning Processing Factory ,Fish Meal Processing Factory, Package Making factory, Fishing Ship Making Factory, Fishing Net Making Factory. The business it conducts are fishing ,purchase and sale of fresh fishes ,aquatic products processing ,ice making for refrigeration , foreign oriented import & export trading ,home trading ,ship repairing and sale of accessory ,the processing and sale of nylon net and nylon rope, catering and tourism , training of workers ,and estate operation. Its subordinate factories have all pass HACCP authentication (registered in EU in 1999, in US in 2000 by FDA, with ISO9000 and ISO9002 authenticated.) The company has been also awarded many prizes such as the China’s advanced foreign funded enterprise in technology, one of the twenty excellent enterprises in foodstuff industry in China, one of the twenty backbone agricultural enterprises in China, The model exporting enterprise ,the famous trade mark . The products awarded include the “Green Food” entitled by the state and the Famous Brand Foodstuff for fish sauce , which was evaluated in the 6th session of International Foodstuff Fair held in China.
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