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个人信息 |
姓 名: |
周译员 [编号]:838 |
性 别: |
女 |
擅长专业: |
工程、机械说明书,合同,留学文案,专利翻译,广告 |
出生年月: |
1985/11/1 |
民 族: |
汉族 |
所在地区: |
陕西 西安 |
文化程度: |
硕士 |
所学专业: |
翻译理论与实践 |
毕业时间: |
201107 |
毕业学校: |
西安外国语大学 |
第一外语: |
英语 |
等级水平: |
专业八级 |
口译等级: |
高级 |
工作经历: |
1 年 |
翻译库信息 |
可翻译语种: |
英语 |
目前所在地: |
陕西 西安 |
可提供服务类型: |
笔译、口译、家教 |
每周可提供服务时间: |
5小时/天 |
证书信息 |
证书名称: |
英语专业八级 |
获证时间: |
2008/5/1 |
获得分数: |
合格 |
工作经历 |
工作时期: |
2008/11/1--2010/6/1 |
公司名称: |
上海碧德翻译公司 |
公司性质: |
民营企业 |
所属行业: |
翻译 |
所在部门: |
翻译 |
职位: |
兼职翻译 |
自我评价: |
兼职翻译 |
工作时期: |
2009/2/1--2009/6/1 |
公司名称: |
陕西省国际交流中心 |
公司性质: |
国营企业 |
所属行业: |
教育/培训 |
所在部门: |
美加部 |
职位: |
留学文案 |
自我评价: |
负责留学文案的撰写和翻译工作 |
工作时期: |
2011/4/1--2011/10/1 |
公司名称: |
万众物资有限公司 |
公司性质: |
民营企业 |
所属行业: |
电子/半导体/仪表仪器 |
所在部门: |
商务 |
职位: |
项目管理 |
自我评价: |
专业功底扎实、做事认真负责 |
笔译案例信息 |
案例标题: |
资产评估公司章程 |
原文: |
资产评估公司章程 |
译文: |
Company Constitution A
Chapter I General Principles
1. For perfecting our company’s business operation and management mechanism, protecting shareholders’ legal right, standardizing company internal activities, according to the related regulations and the “Company Law of People’s Republic of China”, we hereby made this constitution.
2. Our company will follow the principle of buying the shares with free will, having equal stock rights, sharing the profit and risk. Shareholders bear the responsibility of the company according to the capital they invested; company bears the debt with its all asset.
3. Name of the company: Xi’an Hengsu Industry Trade Co., Ltd.
Address: Daxing Rd. 23 Xi’an city
4. Our company achieves the lawful legal person qualification through register and our legal rights are protected by State law.
5. Company will be managed according to the State laws, regulations and policies, and accepts the related organ’s supervising and management.
Chapter II Tenet and Business Scope
6. Tenet of our company: Adjusting trend of market economy, abiding by the professional ethic, being lawful, and try the best to improve social service and enhance the company’s Economy profit and social profit.
7. Business Scope: processing and marketing of aluminum metal; wholesaling and retailing of architectural constructional materials, plastic, machine parts, hardware & electric material and general merchandise; designing and constructing of decorating project (need to go through the special examination and approval formalities).
Chapter III Registered Capital
8. Our company's registered capital is RMB520,000.
9. Our company’s registered capital was invested by two shareholders.
Tian Zhiqun invested RMB 360,000. Means of investment: investment in kind.
Liu Songmao invested RMB 160,000. Means of investment: investment in cash.
Our company’s capital have to be examined by be the legal institution, and hand in the Report on The Verification of Capital to the public office.
The shareholders who invested in kind should have its kind list evaluated by a legal property evaluation institution, or have the kind list admitted by all shareholders, then examined by the accountant firm, and process the legal transfer procedure. As for the kind which should be change the name of owner in a register, the investor should process this procedure within 6 months after the establishment of the company, and apply for records at the register organ.
After the establishment, company should issue the investment certificate to shareholders with the shareholders’ list.
Chapter IV Shareholder and Shareholders’ Meeting
10. The investors of the company is the shareholders of the company, shareholders should take the right and bear the obligations according to law.
11. The Rights of shareholders:
11.1 Participating the shareholders’ meeting with the right of vote according to the invested quotient;
11.2 Knowing the management and finance situation of company;
11.3 Electing or being elected to be the executive director or Supervisor;
11.4 Achieving the profit according to the law, regulation and company’s constitution;
11.5 Transferring the investment according to the law;
11.6 Has the priority to buy other shareholders’ investment, and the new added register capital.
11.7 Proposing the temporary shareholders’ meeting according to the law.
11.8 Splitting the rest of the asset after the end of the company.
12. Obligations:
12.1 Pay the investment according to the company’s constitution.
12.2 Bear the responsibility of company according to the invested quotient.
12.3 Can’t pull back the investment after company finished the registration.
12.4 Abiding the company constitution; protecting company's profit.
13. Our company set up a Shareholders’ meeting, and it was made by all shareholders, Shareholders’ meeting has the highest power of the company, has the powers below:
13.1 Choosing the company’s business strategy and investment plan;
13.2 Electing and changing the executive director, and the salary issues;
13.3 Electing and changing the Supervisor which was occupied by the shareholders’ meeting, and the salary issues;
13.4 Deliberating and approving executive director’s report;
13.5 Deliberating and approving Supervisor’s report;
13.6 Deliberating the annual Finance, final accounts plan;
13.7 Deliberating and approving company’s plan for profit distribution and making up to the loss;
13.8 Making resolution for increasing or reducing the registered capital of the company;
13.9 Making resolution for stock right transfer from a shareholder to a non-shareholder;
13.10 Making resolution for the issues of the company's combination, separate, variation of the company form, dissolution and liquidation;
13.11 Mending the company's constitution.
14. Shareholders’ meeting is held in every March. The temporary shareholders’ meeting could be held by the proposed by 1/4 shareholder who has the vote right, executive director or Supervisor.
Shareholders’ meeting will be emceed by executive director, if executive director can’t fulfill this obligation, he could entrust others to do it. Items of Shareholders’ meeting should be recorded, and signed by the participants.
15. It must be passed by more than 2/3 shareholders who has the vote right, if the shareholders’ meeting make the resolution for increasing or reducing the registered capital, separate, combine or vary the form of the company, dissolve or mend the company’s constitution. Other resolutions have to be passed by more than 1/2 Shareholders who has the vote right.
16. The vote right of the Shareholders’ meeting is according to the shareholder’s invested quotient.
17. Shareholders, shareholders’ meeting’s execution of power should stand by State law, regulation and company constitution.
案例标题: |
燁輝中國冰箱側板技術參數 |
原文: |
1. 適用範圍:
2. 產品結構:
2.2 彩塗板組成:
項目 訊息
底材 CQ(SGCC) 鍍層:Z80
化成處理 無鉻前處理
正面漆 PE
正面底漆 PU
背面漆 EP
3. 品質管控:
工藝 品管重點 備註
酸洗 熱軋鋼卷化學成分,鋼卷尺寸,外觀檢查
冷軋 尺寸,外觀,板形
鍍鋅 鍍層量,機械強度,尺寸,板形
烤漆 尺寸,外觀,各項試驗(塗膜厚度,彎曲試驗,衝擊試驗,艾力生試驗,MEK試驗,色差,光澤試驗,耐酸鹼,耐鹽霧試驗等) 耐酸鹼試驗和鹽霧試驗為非即時檢驗項目
4. 色差,光澤管控:
顏色代號 中文名稱 塗膜厚度
總膜厚 色差 光澤
底漆 面漆
I91R 高光灰 5 20 ≧21un ΔE≦1.0 85以上
5. 家電彩塗板各項參數:
序号 项目 标准方法 规格值 检查频率
1 宽度尺寸 卷尺测量 -0~+5mm 每一母卷
2 厚度公差 GB/T 12754-2006 ±0.05mm 每一母卷
3 涂层硬度 GB/T 1766-1995 H以上 每一母卷
4 外 观 0.5m处正面目视 无气泡,压痕,漏涂,划伤,颜色不均 每一母卷
5 色 差 GB/T 13448-2006 小于1.0 每一母卷
6 光 泽 GB/T 12754-2006 不小于规格值(高光泽) 每一母卷
6 划格试验 GB/T 12754-2006 0级(100格不掉漆) 每一母卷
7 弯曲试验 GB/T 12754-2006 2T无油漆剥落 每一母卷
8 冲击试验 GB/T 12754-2006 9J反向冲击无油漆剥落 每一母卷
9 杯突试验 GB/T 12754-2006 冲程7mm,无油漆剥落 每一母卷
10 盐雾试验 GB/T 13448-2006 试验240小时,划叉处腐蚀小于2mm,平面不起泡 每批抽检
11 耐酸碱试验 GB/T 13448-2006 5%HCl和5%NaOH中浸泡24小时漆膜不起泡 每批抽检
12 耐污染试验 烨辉标准 油性墨水笔书写2h后,可以使用丙酮擦拭干净 每批抽检
13 耐高温试验 烨辉标准 120℃恒温箱内放置3小时,样板表面无异状 每批抽检
14 耐低温试验 烨辉标准 放置在0±1℃环境中1h,弯曲2T涂层无剥落 每批抽检
15 耐溶剂试验 GB/T 13448-2006 MEK 擦拭漆膜100次不见底漆 每批抽检
16 耐沸水试验 烨辉标准 100℃沸水中放置2小时,无异状 每批抽检
17 自灭性试验 烨辉标准 酒精灯加热20秒后火焰自然在3秒熄灭 每批抽检
18 机械性质 GB/T 12754-2006 参照GB/T 12754-2006附录B规定之规格值 每一母卷
19 涂层厚度 GB/T 13448-2006 大于等于21um 每一母卷
20 不平度 GB/T 12754-2006 波高小于3mm 每一母卷
21 翘曲度 烨辉标准 弓形度(纵向翘曲和横向翘曲)小于25mm 每一母卷
22 环保测试 SGS检测 满足欧盟RoHS指令 每批抽检
译文: |
1. Applications
Color steel sheet of refrigerator for home appliances provided by Yieh Phui (China)
2. Structure
2.1 Sectional view of the steel
PE protective film
eco-friendly top coat
eco-friendly primer
eco-friendly chemical conversion
steel and Zn Layer
eco-friendly chemical conversion
eco-friendly primer
eco-friendly back coat
2.2 Composition of the color steel sheet
Item Information
Steel CQ(SGCC) clad layer:Z80
Chemical Conversion Treatment Cr-free pretreatment
Top Coat PE
Primer PU
Back Coat EP
3. Quality management :
Arts And Crafts Key Point Of Quality Management Remark
Pickling inspection of the chemical composition of hot rolling steel coil, size and appearance of steel coil
Cold Rolling Size, appearance and shape of the steel sheet
Galvanizing Galvanizing amount, mechanic strength, size and shape
Baking Finish
size, appearance, examinations (thickness of film, bending test, impact test, Erichsen test, MEK test, aberration and gloss test, acid fog and salt fog test, etc.) acid and alkali resistance test and salt fog test are non-real-time inspection item
Cr-free Pretreatment
Primer Finish
Top-Coat Finish
4. Aberration and gloss management
Color Code Chinese Name Thickness Of Film Coating Total Thickness Aberration Gloss
(Measure At 60°)
Primer Top Coat
I91R Highlight gray 5 20 ≧21un ΔE≦1.0 > 85
5. Parameters of color steel sheet for home appliances
No. Item Testing Standard Specification Frequency Of Inspection
1 Width tape measure -0~+5mm Each original roll
2 Tolerance Of Thickness GB/T 12754-2006 ±0.05mm Each original roll
3 Coating Hardness GB/T 1766-1995 > H Each original roll
4 Appearance visual observation at 0.5m No bubble, compressing marks, coating emptyness, scratches and unequal colors Each original roll
5 Aberration GB/T 13448-2006 <1.0 Each original roll
6 Gloss GB/T 12754-2006 ≧Standard Value (high glaze) Each original roll
6 Cross Cut Test GB/T 12754-2006 0 class(no paint coatings peeling off from 100 lattices) Each original roll
7 Bending Test GB/T 12754-2006 No oil paint desquamate at 2T Each original roll
8 Impact Test GB/T 12754-2006 no oil paint desquamate after reverse impact at 9J Each original roll
9 Cupping Test GB/T 12754-2006 Stroke at 7mm, no oil paint desquamate Each original roll
10 Salt Fog Test GB/T 13448-2006 Testing time is 240 hours, corrosion at scratched area is less than 2mm, no bubbles on the surface Sampling check in each batch
11 Acid And Alkali Resistance Test GB/T 13448-2006 Dipping in 5%HCl and 5%NaOH for 24 hours, no bubbles on the painted film Sampling check in each batch
12 Polluting Resistance Test Yieh Phui standard Can be cleaned by acetone two hours later after being written on by solvent-based ink Sampling check in each batch
13 High Temperature Resistance Test Yieh Phui standard Put in the climate box in 120℃ for 3 hours, no deforming on the surface of the sample sheet Sampling check in each batch
14 Low Temperature Resistance Test Yieh Phui standard Put in 0±1℃ environment for 1 hour,bend to 2T , no painted coatings desquamate Sampling check in each batch
15 Anti-Solvent Test GB/T 13448-2006 MEK the base coat will not be exposed after being scratched for 100 times Sampling check in each batch
16 Boiling Water Test Yieh Phui standard Put in hot water in 100℃ for 2 hours, no deforming Sampling check in each batch
17 Self- Out Fire Test Yieh Phui standard Heat up by alcohol burner for 20 seconds, the fire on the steel will be out within 3 seconds automatically Sampling check in each batch
18 Mechanical Property GB/T 12754-2006 meet the Standard Value in GB/T 12754-2006 appendix Each original roll
19 Coating Thickness GB/T 13448-2006 ≧21um Each original roll
20 Unevenness GB/T 12754-2006 The wave height<3mm Each original roll
21 Angularity Yieh Phui standard The camber angle (longitudinal warpage and transverse warpage)<25mm Each original roll
22 Environmental Protection Requirement SGS inspection meet RoHS of UN Sampling check in each batch