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姓 名: 林译员  [编号]:810 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 法律语言学和商务英语 出生年月: 1984/12/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 40359 毕业学校: 广东外语外贸大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 10h
证书名称: TEM8
获证时间: 2008/6/1
获得分数: 71
案例标题: • Judge: Chihuahuas will go to rescue group
原文: • LANCASTER – A judge Friday gave a Burbank animal group 170 Chihuahuas taken from a retried school cafeteria manager accused of felony animal cruelty and other charges. • “I’m crying. I don’t know what to say,” Chihuahua Rescue founder Kimi Peck said after the judge’s ruling. “I can’t believe it. I wasn’t expecting it to happen.” • Emma Harter, 72, free on a written promise to appear in court, has pleaded not guilty to two counts of felony animal cruelty and misdemeanor charges of battery on an animal control officer, creating a public nuisance, running an illegal kennel, animal endangerment, keeping animals in unsanitary conditions and failing to isolate sick animals. • Harter resisted giving up the dogs, with her attorney telling Judge Lisa Chung the county should keep the dogs until a trial decides whether or not Harter is guilty. Harter had not paid the county’s impound fees, which as of last month amounted to more than $500,000. • Prosecutors argued for the dogs to be given to Chihuahua Rescue. • “They can humanely live out their lives, possibly to be rehabilitated and adopted,” Deputy District Attorney[地方检察官] Steven Heller said. • In 1995, Harter was convicted of operating an illegal kennel for about 40 Chihuahuas that shared her homes but was acquitted of charges of creating excessive noise and a public nuisance when her dogs barked. • She received a suspended sentence of up to 180 days in jail and was ordered to erect a building to house her tiny canines on her three-acre spread rather than keep the animals in her house. • An appellate panel of three judges in 1997 reversed Harter’s conviction, citing the trial judge’s error in instructing the jury. Prosecutors at the time decided not to retry the case because it appeared Harter has corrected the problems. (San Gabriel Valley TRIBUNE, August 9, 2003, P.A1 & A6.) •
译文: 法官裁定:吉娃娃暂归动物救援组织 本报记者 Karen Maeshiro报道 兰开斯特讯 本周五,法官裁定将原本属于一个已退休的学校自助食堂经理的170头吉娃娃狗判给伯班克动物保护组织,她被指控严重虐待动物及其他罪行。 “我哭了,不知道该说什么,”吉娃娃救援组织发起人吉米•贝克在听了法官的裁定之后这样说,“我真是不敢相信,太出乎我的意料了。” 被告哈特拒绝放弃这些狗,而她的律师则向钟丽莎法官请求郡政府暂时代为保管这些狗,直到法庭裁定哈特是否有罪。目前哈特还没有缴纳保管费给郡政府,截至上个月这些保管费已高达5万美元。 公诉人力争将这些狗交给吉娃娃救援组织。 “它们可以体面地过完这一生,可能恢复健康甚至被收养。”地方副检察官史蒂芬•海勒如此说。 1995年,哈特就被因在家中喂养40多头吉娃娃狗被判非法经营养狗场。虽然这些狗的吠声造成了很严重的噪音,但是法庭判决她制造噪音滋扰社会罪名不成立。 她被判入狱180天,缓期执行。法庭还勒令她在房子外的3英亩院子里再建一专用狗屋安置那些小狗。 1997年,一个由三位法官组成的上诉庭推翻了哈特有罪的判决,因为初审法官错误地引导了陪审团。当时公诉人决定不再重新起诉哈特,因为彼时看来哈特似乎已经纠正这些问题了。
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