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姓 名: 翁译员  [编号]:81 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 酒店、资产防损、SAP、商务、说明书、促销文案等 出生年月: 1980/3/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 上海 上海
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 化学
毕业时间: 37417 毕业学校: 华师大
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 高级口译
口译等级: 工作经历: 5 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 上海 上海
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 工作日晚上,周末两天
证书名称: 高级口译证书
获证时间: 2002/4/1
获得分数: 80
工作时期: 2007/6/1--2009/3/1
公司名称: IPP
公司性质: 外商独资
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 项目部
职位: 高级客服经理
自我评价: 工作内容包括英中翻译及最终审核
案例标题: Celine Codes of Conduct
原文: The Company recognizes and upholds all the principles stipulated in the Conventions of the International Labour Organization, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the guiding principles of the OECD and the principles of Global Compact, including, but not limited to, the principles related to forced labour, child labour, wages and benefits, and working hours. The Company and its subsidiaries pledge to treat all individuals, employees or external persons who deal with the company with respect and dignity. The Company and its subsidiaries respect and recognize the right of each employee to negotiate collectively, to create or join the union organization of his/her choice in order to protect his/her interests.
译文: 公司认可并支持国际劳工组织章程与世界人权宣言中规定的所有原则、经济发展与合作组织的指导原则,以及包括(但不限于)有关强迫劳动、童工、薪资与福利以及工作时间等问题的全球契约。 公司及其下属各子公司保证将平等、尊重地对待所有员工以及与公司有来往的外部人员。 所有公司内部政策的实施,包括雇佣、补偿金、培训机会、晋升机会及解除雇佣关系等,将不因性别、种族、宗教信仰、年龄、残疾、性取向、国籍、政治观点、社会或民族背景等因素而受到影响。 公司及其下属各子公司尊重并认可每位员工参与集体谈判,按个人意愿创建或加入联合组织以维护其自身利益的权利。
案例标题: Starwood Market Promotion
原文: Stay 3 nights for the price of 2 and find renewal this spring at any Westin hotel in Greater China. What’s more refreshing is that you will enjoy double bonus points too! This fantastic offer is valid from now till 30th April 2009 at any of these participating hotels.
译文: 以两晚的费用入住三晚中国区的任意一家威斯汀酒店,在这个春意昂然的季节里充分焕发您的活力!赢取双倍Starpoints积分的优惠一定让您更加精神振奋!即日起至2009年4月30日,您可在任意一家参与活动的酒店享受这一绝妙的优惠!
案例标题: 周大生珠宝
原文: 周大生珠宝一年扩张300多家店。 作为一家中国本土的珠宝零售连锁企业,周大生珠宝(CHOW TAI SENG)始终坚信中国珠宝业光明的发展前景。 2008年作为该品牌拓展渠道的重要一年,在岁末遭遇到全球金融危机影响的不利局面下,该公司始终坚信,没有淡季的市场,只有淡季的头脑这个经营法则。 在2008年年初时,该公司就意识到中国珠宝业日趋激烈的竞争态势,他们没有像一般企业认为的那样,在危机来临时按兵不动,而是加大投入,加大市场发展力度。 2008年,该公司投入到中国中央电视台(CCTV)的广告费达3000万人民币,并很快受到了良好的市场反响,2008年一年之内,该品牌的连锁店铺由400多家增加到700多家。 仅河南省目前就有70多家连锁店铺,其中郑州市有18家店铺。目前,包括西藏在内的全中国三十多个省都有周大生的品牌连锁店。 在山西省首府太原市的各大百货大楼,包括中档和高档百货大楼,比如位于老商业区柳巷的铜锣湾、联洋百货、贵都百货等定位大众的商场,及位于新兴商业区亲贤街的百盛和长风街的燕莎友谊商城都有周大生品牌入驻。 周大生有如此的魄力和胆量快速扩张中国珠宝零售市场,缘于该公司认为,在目前的市场形势下,珠宝不仅可以美化生活,日益满足物质不断富裕的中国人的情感和审美需求,更是人们目前最好的投资产品,因为中国A股神话的破灭和房地产市场走向低迷,让更多的有钱人认为投资珠宝更为划算的。
译文: Chow Tai Seng Expanded over 300 New Shops within One Year. Local jewelry chain Chow Tai Seng firmly believes in the bright future of the Chinese jewelry industry. The year of 2008 is of significant importance to the brand’s expansion plans. The company all along believes that there’s no off-season market, but only off-season marketing methods, even though facing the difficulties roused by the global crisis at the end of the year. At the beginning of 2008, Chow Tai Seng has already realized that the fierce competition in China’s jewelry industry is becoming more intense. But when facing the crisis, rather than taking no actions or adopt a wait and see attitude like other companies, Chow Tai Seng instead increased its investment in the market development. In 2008 Chow Tai Seng spent over RMB30 million on advertisements on CCTV and immediately enjoyed well-deserved market recognition. Within one year, Chow Tai Seng’s franchisers increased from 400 to over 700. Chow Tai Seng has over 70 retail outlets in Henan Province, 18 of which are in Zhengzhou city. As of today, Chow Tai Seng has its retail outlets in all China’s provinces, including Tibet. In Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi, Chow Tai Seng has opened retail outlets in midrange and upscale shopping malls such as Tongluowan, Lianyang Department store, Guidu Department store which are located in the old business district, and Parkson, Yansha Friendship Shop malls in the new business centre. Chow Tai Seng’s rapid expansion in China is based on the concentrated and concerted analysis of the market. The company believes that under the current market conditions, jewelry can not only beautify one’s life, it is also a solid form of investment. Jewelry appreciation will escalate as the Chinese get richer. With the current sluggish stock and real estate market conditions, the rich will instead divert their investments into jewelries.
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