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姓 名: 唐译员  [编号]:5434 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 行政,电气,电器,服装 出生年月: 1986/10/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区:  
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 2009 毕业学校: 杭州电子科技大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 8级
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 5 年
案例标题: 宁波市城乡规划行政执法问题研究
原文: 城乡规划职权法定是城乡规划依法行政的首要原则,含义包括:一切行政职权来源于法律的授予;行政活动必须依据法定职权进行,越权无效;法定的行政职权必须得到积极、充分地行使。城乡规划行政执法是城乡规划实施的保障,也是做好城乡规划建设管理的根本途径。就浙江省城乡规划行政执法体制现状而言,主要存在的三种情况:一是已经成立市级或区(县、市)级城市管理行政执法局的区域,规划行政执法权已经全部划转给城市管理行政执法局;二是没有成立城市管理行政执法局的区域,仍旧由规划部门执法;三是没有成立城市管理行政执法局的区域,以规划部门名义,委托城建监察大队、乡镇、街道等实际行驶规划行政执法权。宁波市城乡规划执法体制依据国务院、浙江省的相关规定,并结合地方实际也经历了一个历史沿革。根据市政府专题会议纪要﹝2006﹞62号《关于我市城市规划管理行政处罚权划转协调会议纪要》的规定,从2006年10月1日开始,在宁波市市区范围内,规划管理方面法律、法规、规章规定的行政处罚权全部由城市管理行政执法局集中行使。 自1989年12月26日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过《城市规划法》以来,经过几十年的法制建设,已经形成了包括法律、行政法规、地方性法规、地方性规章、部门规范性文件为主体的系统的执法依据,使城乡规划行政执法进一步走向法制化。2000年12月5日,宁波市人民政府以政府令85号发布了《宁波市违反城市规划建设处理办法》,对在宁波市城市规划区内违反城市规划法律、法规的违法建设行为的处理作了规范。目前宁波市正在起草《宁波市城乡规划实施管理规定》。 宁波市在推进城乡规划行政执法进程中即取得了一定的成效,但同时也面临了一系列问题。就目前的浙江省的城乡规划行政执法现状而言,这些问题带有一定的普遍性和规律性。如,城市管理行政执法部门履行城乡规划执法权步履艰难;调查取证难; 违法建设主体认定难;违法建设种类认定和专业认定技术难;违法建设强制执行难;违法建设查处存在其他一些不确定因素影响等。造成宁波市城乡规划行政执法中存在的问题的原因是系统性的,既有体制、制度上的原因,也有执法主体的原因,既掺杂着法律因素,也掺着错综复杂的社会、利益因素。 解决宁波城乡规划行政执法中存在的问题是一个系统性工程,需要多种路径切入,进行综合的考量和对策设计。第一,要正确认识城乡规划的公共政策性,完善城乡监督检查制度。第二,针对城乡规划行政处罚权的相对集中,给城乡规划管理带来了许多负面影响,改革完善现有的城乡规划执法体制。现有城乡规划行政处罚权相对集中的做法,违反了职权法定、法制统一等若干法律原则及城乡规划集中统一管理制度,需要进一步进行有针对性的改革和完善。第三, 进一步完善法律、法规、规章的配套制度建设。通过制度建设,使得城乡规划执法行为有统一的法律依据,从而使执法行为规范化。第四,加强新闻媒体和社会监督,扩大公众参与。加强城乡规划宣传力度,扩大公众参与规划意识。第五,各职能部门应密切配合,通力协作。违法建设的处理涉及公安、交通、工商、卫生、国土、消防等,需要形成合力,共同打击违法建设。
译文: Urban and rural planning legitimate authority is the first principle in urban and rural planning administration by law, meaning includes: All administrative functions and powers authorized by law; Administrative activities must be based on legitimate authority, unauthorized invalid; Legal administrative functions and powers must be positive and fully exercised. Urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement is the safeguard of urban and rural planning implementation, it is also the essential way to urban and rural planning construction management. In terms of present situation of Zhejiang Province urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement system, there are mainly three kinds of cases: First, area which has established district (county or city) level City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, planning administrative law enforcement power has all transferred to City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau; Second, area which has not established City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, planning administrative law enforcement power still all belonged to planning department; Third, area which has not established City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau, in the name of planning department, planning administrative law enforcement power is delegated to Urban Construction Supervision Unit, township and street. According to the regulations of the State Council and Zhejiang Province, in the light of local realities, Ningbo urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement system also experienced a historical origin. On the basis of Municipal Government Special Session Protocol (2006) No.62 “On Urban City Planning Administration Authority of Administrative Penalty Transferred Coordination Meeting Minutes”, from October 1st, 2006, within Ningbo urban area, the authority of administrative penalty provided by laws, regulations and rules of planning administration all concentrated to City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau. Since “Act of Urban Planning” passed on eleventh session of the Standing Committee of the seventh National People’s Congress, December 26th, 1989, after decades of legal system construction, foundation of executing the law has formed through the mainstay system, including laws, administrative laws and regulations, local regulations, departmental regulatory documents, which leads urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement further towards legalization. On December 5th, 2000, Ningbo Municipal People's Government issued “Ningbo Violation of Urban Planning and Construction Processing Method” under government notice No.85, which provided standard rules on Ningbo urban planning in violation of laws and regulations of the illegal construction behavior. At present, Ningbo is drafting “Ningbo Urban and Rural Planning Implementation Administrative Provisions”. Ningbo has obtained certain results in the process of urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement, but also faced a series of problems. As the current situation of Zhejiang Province’s urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement is concerned, these problems are with certain universality and regularity. For instance, the process of city urban administrative and law enforcement department which fulfill urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement power is fraught with difficulty; it is difficult to investigate and collect evidence; it is difficult to identify the main body of illegal construction; it is difficult to identify the types of illegal construction and professional identification skills; it is difficult to enforce laws and regulations in illegal construction; some other uncertain factors exist in the investigation of illegal construction, etc. The cause of Ningbo urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement existing problem is systemic, not only institutional reason and law enforcement main body reason, but also legal factors and complex social, interest factors. Solving existing problem of Ningbo urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement is a systemic project, it requires a variety of paths cut into comprehensive consideration and strategy design. First, to properly acquaint with public policy of urban and rural planning, and improve supervision and inspection system for urban and rural areas. Second, for the relatively centralized administrative penalty right of urban and rural planning which brought many negative impacts to the urban and rural planning management, the existing urban and rural planning administrative law enforcement system needs to be reformed and improved. The existing urban and rural planning administrative penalty right is relatively centralized, it is a violation of several principles of law like legitimate authority, uniformity of law and urban and rural planning centralized management system, further targeted reforming and perfecting are required as well. Third, to further improve construction of the supporting system of essential law and regulation. Unified legal basis for urban and rural planning law enforcement and standardization of the law enforcement should be provided. Fourth, to strength the supervision of news media and social reaction, and to expand public participation. To strength urban and rural planning publicity, and to expand public participation and sense of planning. Fifth, Various functional departments shall work hand in glove. Illegal construction process involves public security, transportation, industry and commerce, sanitation, land resource, fire protection, etc. Each department should be united and work jointly to crack down illegal construction.
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