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姓 名: 王译员  [编号]:5404 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 机械、法律、旅游、农林生物 出生年月: 1983/1/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 湖北 襄樊
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 2006 毕业学校: 中国地质大学(武汉)
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专八
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 8 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 湖北 襄樊
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 英语专业八级;听说读写译熟练精通;美式纯正发音。随时可提供兼职英语翻译服务。
证书名称: 英语专业八级证书
获证时间: 2006/5/1
获得分数: 68
工作时期: 2009/5/1--2014/7/1
公司名称: 湖北文理学院理工学院
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 教育/培训
所在部门: 外语系
职位: 英语专业教师兼外教合作教师
自我评价: 专业基本功扎实、工作责任感强
工作时期: 2006/6/1--2009/3/1
公司名称: 上海美特幕墙有限公司
公司性质: 外商独资
所属行业: 工程机械
所在部门: 海外部
职位: 翻译专员
自我评价: 专业基本功扎实、工作责任感强
案例标题: 市场供应链
原文: 随着市场环境的变化、需求的日益多样化,企业对供应链服务也有了更多更高的要求。同时效率型供应链、资金型供应链服务市场空间日益拥挤,竞争不断加剧,价格战频繁发生,企业利润日益微薄。在这种情形下,增值服务供应链应运而生。作为一种更高级的服务模式,增值服务供应链以客户需求为中心,通过资源整合,为客户提供物超所值的供应链服务,帮助客户实现价值增值,提高市场竞争力,以此来增强客户粘度,达成长期稳定的战略合作,已显示出强大的市场竞争力。
译文: With the change in the market and the increasing diversity of demand, enterprises have more requirements for the service of supply chains. In the meantime, competition in the market of efficiency supply chain and capital supply chain is more and more fierce, battles of reducing prices occur frequently and the profits of enterprises become less and less. Under these circumstances, value-added service supply chain emerged. As a more advanced kind of service pattern, value-added service supply chain focus on the demand of clients, provide excellent supply chain service for clients through the integration of resources, help clients to realize the increase of value and improve their competitive in the market in order to keep a good relationship with clients and long-run and stable strategy cooperation, as well as show powerful competition in the market.
案例标题: 法律纠纷
原文: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规规定,贵公司的行为已侵害健威公司(Kinwai Company)的合法权益,构成严重违约。因此,本律师诚望贵公司收到本律师信后三日内,立即与健威公司协商解决,若在此期限内贵公司怠于与健威公司协商解决,本律师将接受健威公司的委托,通过诉讼途径解决。为避免因诉讼给贵公司带来更大的损失以及对商誉造成不良影响,请贵公司慎重考虑本法律意见并及时解决纠纷。
译文: According to Contract Law of People Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, your company has violated the legal rights of interests of Kinwai Company and seriously broken the contract. Thus, the lawyer sincerely hopes that your company can immediately consult with Kinwai Company to solve this problem no longer than three days after receiving this letter. If your company is not willing to solve this problem with Kinwai Company, the lawyer will accept the commission of Kinwai Company and solve the problem through litigation. Please consider this legal opinion seriously and solve the dispute in time to avoid greater loss and undesirable influence on the reputation of your company brought by litigation.
案例标题: 污染监测
原文: 假定研究区域为长3000m,宽150m的宽浅矩形河段,如上图所示,流速ux=0.65m/s,uy=0.03m/s,分散系数Dx=4.0,Dy=0.5,污染事故发生在xm=500m,ym=50m处,在t=0时刻瞬时投入的污染物质量M=2000kg,污染物的降解系数K=0.0001。为反演污染源的源强和位置,在下游设置A1(2000,40)、A2 (2000,80)、A3(2000,120)三个监测点来监测污染物的浓度变化,监测时间为t=1200s~3700s,监测频率为每隔500s监测一次,每个测点监测6次。
译文: Presumed the researching area`s length is 3000m, weigh 150m, as the map present. The current velocity is ux=0.65m/s uy=0.03m/s. The dispersion coefficients are Dx=4.0,Dy=0.5. The contamination incident occurred at the point of coordinate system xm=500m,ym=50m. When t=0 the input of the contaminats` mass is 2000kg. The dissolution coefficients are K=0.0001. For deducting the source of the contaminats`location and intensity, we set three check points on the down stream, located in A1(2000,40)、A2(2000,80)、A3(2000,120). The monitor frequency is 500s. Every check point will do 6 times.
案例标题: Alpha Commodities
原文: Salt is a necessity for human life and has been an important article of trade since ancient times. Not only is it a chief commodity in the food and food preservation industries, but is also crucial to road maintenance and safety during the winter, to chemical plants in the chlor-alkali process and to water softening systems, to name but a few. Alpha Commodities offers a wide range of salt products to serve these applications, leading to a wide variety of end products indispensible in our day to day life.
译文: 盐是人类生活的必需品,从古代开始就成为了重要的贸易商品。盐不仅仅是食品防腐业中的重要商品,而且对于道路保养和在冬天里保持安全至关重要,对化工厂里的氯碱加工和水软化系统也非常重要,盐的重要性不一而足。阿尔法集团提供种类各异的盐产品去服务这些行业,令这些行业可以生产我们日常生活需要的各种终端产品。
案例标题: Skin Care
原文: Skin care requires careful attention and persistence, but due to today’s hectic lifestyle, the typical skin care for most people is but a rough wiping of cream on their faces. Bearing this in mind, the weekend is really the perfect time for some thorough conditioning. After a tiring week, the skin can face a lot of problems, and we need to learn how to quickly put a rescue plan into action. In this issue, ELITE invites 4 expert beauticians to share their secrets and showcase their techniques for restoring beautiful skin within a single weekend.
译文: 皮肤护理需要悉心呵护和持之以恒。但由于当今忙碌的生活方式,对大多数人来说,典型的皮肤护理只不过是简单粗暴地在脸上擦点面霜而已。考虑到这一点,周末当之无愧是进行彻底调理的最佳时机。经过一周的疲惫不堪,皮肤会面临很多问题。我们应该学会如何迅速采取补救措施。在这个问题上,精英超模护肤集团特邀4位专业美容师来分享他们的护肤秘籍,并向大家展示如何在短短的一个周末修复美颜的护肤技巧。
案例标题: Letter to the Court
原文: Letter to the Court Thank you for taking time to decide on our daughter Serenity Lockwood’s Custody and future. It is my belief that the court does wish to do what is in the best interest of our daughter. I also believe that in the first hearing, our situation was not fully understood and some serious issues such as; Nationality, China visa, future growth, schooling, medical, culture and financial planning were not adequately explained and understood. Also I do not believe the court understood how involved her father has been in her upbringing. Thank you for hearing a further explanation of these issues. I trust the court will make a realistic and good decision for our child.
译文: 致法院的一封信: 感谢您花时间对我们女儿宁静伍德的未来监护权及抚养权做出决策。我相信,法院定会以我女儿的最佳利益为考量。我也相信,在第一次听证会,我们的情况未被充分理解。一些较为严肃的问题如:国籍、中国签证、未来的成长、教育、医疗、文化和财务规划等等未能充分的解释并被理解。同时,我也相信法院定无法理解和认同孩子的父亲在孩子的成长过程中的参与度。总之,再次感谢您耐心聆听对上述问题的进一步解释。我相信法院将为我们的孩子做出一个具有现实意义的优良决策。
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