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姓 名: 王译员  [编号]:467 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 旅游 出生年月: 1985/3/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 北京 北京
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 39639 毕业学校: 四川外国语学院
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 北京 北京
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 60个小时
证书名称: 英语专业八级证书
获证时间: 2008/4/1
获得分数: 60
案例标题: 全球化背景下中国传统节日的困境与出路
原文: This paper explores the influence that the globalization has exerted on Chinese traditional festivals. In modern society, Chinese follow the foreign culture crazily, while neglect traditional festivals. Many festivals have been changed their real and original significance. The paper makes a brief introduction to the foreign culture spreading China and Chinese attitude towards traditional festivals nowadays, gives the comparison of Chinese different views on foreign culture between ancient and modern times. Meanwhile, it analyzes the traditional festivals’ predicament. Foreign culture and festivals become more popular than Chinese natives and people themselves change the original nature of traditional festivals and those festivals are not adaptable to the social development. Moreover, the paper suggests people should protect traditional festivals which include:1)Chinese should learn to how to bring foreign culture into Chinese society harmoniously. 2)Chinese should pay more attention to traditional culture and virtues. 3) Chinese have to learn useful experience from other countries which have successful steps on saving their traditional festivals. 4)Chinese Government has the obligation to guide people preserve tradition and make laws to protect it.
译文: 本文研究的是全球化对中国传统节日的影响。当今,国人疯狂追随外国文化,而忽视了中国的传统节日,并将许多节日原有的真正含义改变。 首先,介绍外国文化在中国的风靡和中国人对待自己本土节日的态度,将古代和当代中国人在对待外国文化的观念上做出对比。紧接着阐述了造成传统节日处于困境的几个因素:外国文化和节日胜于本土的文化,人们改变传统节日的原有的性质以及传统节日无法适应现代社会的发展。 最后,提出四点保护传统节日的建议:1)中国人应该学会将外国文化融入中国。2)中国应注重对年轻一代进行传统文化道德的培养。3)中国应学习其他国家的成功经验。4)中国政府有义务引导群众保护传统和制定相应的法律来保护传统节日。
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