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姓 名: 章译员  [编号]:466 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 电子通信 出生年月: 1986/1/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 江苏 南京
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 电子信息工程
毕业时间: 39623 毕业学校: 河海大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: CET6
口译等级: 国际日本语3级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 江苏 南京
可提供服务类型: 笔译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 三天
证书名称: CET4
获证时间: 2005/6/1
获得分数: 540
证书名称: CET6
获证时间: 2006/12/1
获得分数: 530
工作时期: 2004/9/1--2008/6/1
公司名称: 河海大学
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 通信技术
所在部门: 计算机及信息工程学院
职位: 学生
自我评价: 翻译过老师的论文且成功发表,被SCI检索
工作时期: 2008/11/1--2009/3/1
公司名称: wikiproducts
公司性质: 外商独资
所属行业: 自由职业者
所在部门: 兼职
职位: 编辑
自我评价: 把在各英文网站上找到的产品发布上去
案例标题: KSD限温器
原文: KSD限温器是一种将定温后的双金属片元件作为热敏感元件,当电器因故发热,温度上升到该产品额定温度时,双金属片迅速动作,使触点断开,这时限温器PTC开始工作,使触点保持在断开状态,当切断主电源,PTC停止发热,温度下降到额定复位温度时,双金属片恢复到初始状态,触点闭合。当故障排除后,接通主电源,电器恢复正常工作。
译文: KSD temperature limiter takes the bimetallic strip which has been given a constant action temperature as the sense organ.If the protector gives out heat for some reason,the temperature will rise up and as if it gets to the rating action temperature,the bimetallic element will react rapidly because of the inner stress for the heat,which can promote the traveling contact so as to trigger the KSD temperature limiter which will disconnect the contact and cut off the power supply to stop the PTC giving out heat, When the temperature drops to the rating reset temperature,the bimetallic element returns to the initial state, the traveling contacts close.After the trouble shooting.the main power supply is connected and the limiter will recover to work
案例标题: BW排气温控器
原文: BW排气温控器是一种将定温的双金属片作为敏感元件,当温度升高时所产生的热量传递到双金属片上,温度达到该产品额定动作温度时,双金属片迅速动作,使触点断开,切断电源,从而起到保护作用。温度下降到该产品额定复位温度时,双金属片迅速恢复,使触点闭合,接通电路,以此循环。
译文: BW exhaust temperature controller takes the bimetallic strip which has been given a constant action temperature as the sense organ.When the temperature rises up ,the created heat will be transmitted to the bimetallic strip,in this condition the temperature will rise up to the rating action temperature and the bimetallic strip will react quickly so as to break the contact,cut off the power supply to have a protective effect. When the temperature drop to the rating reset temperature, the bimetallic strip can return to the original status,so as to close the contact, connect the power and keep looping in this way.
案例标题: BR热保护器
原文: Br热保护器是一种将定温后的双金属片作为敏感反应元件。当温度或电流升高时所产生的热量传递到双金属片上,温度达到该产品的额定的动作温度时双金属片迅速动作,使触点断开,切断电源,从而起到保护作用。温度下降到该产品额定复位温度时,双金属片迅速恢复,使触点闭合,接通电路,以此循环。该热保护器具有体积小,动作灵敏,寿命长等特点。
译文: Br thermal protector takes the bimetallic strip which has been given a constant action temperature as the sense organ.When the temperature rises up or the current increases ,the created heat will be transmitted to the bimetallic strip,in this condition the temperature will rise up to the rating action temperature and the bimetallic strip will react quickly so as to break the contact,cut off the power supply to have a protective effect. When the temperature drop to the rating reset temperature, the bimetallic strip can return to the original status,so as to close the contact, connect the power and keep looping in this way.The thermal protector has the advantages :small, light,action is sensitive,long service life etc.
案例标题: KSD301温控器
原文: KSD301温控器是一种将定温后的双金属片作为第三反应元件,当温度升高时所产生的热量传递到双金属碟片上,温度达到该产品的额定动作温度时双金属片迅速动作,使触点断开,切开电路。温度下降到该产品额定复位温度时,双金属片便迅速恢复,使触点闭合,接通源,以此循环。
译文: KSD301 temperature controller takes the bimetallic strip which has been given a constant action temperature as the sense organ.When the temperature rises up or the current increases ,the created heat will be transmitted to the bimetallic strip,in this condition the temperature will rise up to the rating action temperature and the bimetallic strip will react quickly so as to break the contact,cut off the power supply to have a protective effect. When the temperature drop to the rating reset temperature, the bimetallic strip can return to the original status,so as to close the contact, connect the power and keep looping in this way.
案例标题: 17AM thermal protector
原文: 17AM热保护器是一种将定温后的双金属片作为敏感元件,当温度或电流升高时,产生的热量传递到双金属片上,温度达到额定动作温度双金属片迅速动作,使触点断开,切开电源,从而起到保护作用。温度下降到该产品的额定复位温度时,双金属片迅速恢复到初始状态,使触点闭合,接通电源,以此循环。该热保护器具有触点容量大,动作灵敏,寿命长等特点。
译文: 17AM thermal protector takes the bimetallic strip which has been given a constant action temperature as the sense organ.When the temperature rises up or the current increases ,the created heat will be transmitted to the bimetallic strip,in this condition the temperature will rise up to the rating action temperature and the bimetallic strip will react quickly so as to break the contact,cut off the power supply to have a protective effect. When the temperature drop to the rating reset temperature, the bimetallic strip can return to the original status,so as to close the contact, connect the power and keep looping in this way.The thermal protector has the advantages: large capacity contact,action is sensitive,long service life etc.
案例标题: BW热保护器
原文: BW型热保护器是由碟形高灵敏双金属元件,动触点,静触片,固定板,外壳和耐温导线等组成。工作时双金属元件处于自由状态,动触点与静触片闭合,电路导通,当使用电器因故发热,温度上升到该产品额定动作温度时,双金属元件受热产生内应力而迅速动作。推动动触点使触点断开,切断电源,从而直到保护作用。当温度下降到该产品的额定复位温度时,双金属元件恢复到初始状态动触点闭合,电器恢复工作,以此循环。该产品具有电阻小、感温快、动作迅速、安全可靠、体积小等优点。
译文: The BW-type thermal protector is made up of a disk-shaped and high sensitive bimetallic element,a traveling contact, a statics contact,a ledger plate,a shell,heat-resistant wires etc.when the protector works,the bimetallic element is free and unlocked , the traveling contact and the statics contact closes,the main circuit is in conducting state.If the protector gives out heat for some reason,the temperature will rise up and as if it gets to the rating action temperature,the bimetallic element will react rapidly because of the inner stress for the heat,which can promote the traveling contact so as to disconnect the contact and cut off the power supply to have a protective effect.When the temperature drops to the rating reset temperature,the bimetallic element returns to the initial state, the traveling contacts close,the protector recovers to work and loops in this way. The product has the advantages:very little resistance,temperature-sensing,acted quickly,Safe and reliable,small, light etc.
案例标题: 杭州富阳华裕控制电器厂
原文: 杭州富阳华裕控制电器厂是生产温控器、热保护器等控制电器的专业厂家。企业位于省级开发区杭州富阳金桥工业园区。工厂占地30余亩,建筑面积20000m,固定资产5000余万元,现有职工300余人,其中工程技术人员50多人。2005年企业被浙江省列入省级新产品研制单位,是热保护器国家标准的主要制订单位。企业由原轻工部温控器定点企业富阳恒温控制器厂转制而创立,具有较强的技术力量及产品开发能力。企业先后通过ISO9000:2000体系及CQC、UL、CUL、VDE、SGS、Cb等产品认证。企业自生产热保护器、温控器以来,认真贯彻“科技为先导,质量为企业生命”的办厂宗旨,坚持“人才是企业发展的根本”的办厂思想。经过多年努力,积累了大量生产热保护器、温控器的经验,并于96年引进意大利ATEA公司温控器的生产技术,2007年又引进了日本刀根公司的17AM全自动生产线。现年产热保护器、温控器5000余万只。并为国内知名品牌美的、科龙、长虹、奥克斯等配套,产品质量受到广泛认可。企业的质量方针:以人为本,科技创新,持续进步,争创品牌
译文: Hangzhou Fuyang Huayu controls electrical factory is a specialist manufacturers specialized in producing the control circuit apparatus such as the digital temperature controllers,the thermal protector .etc.Our enterprise is located at Hangzhou Fuyang Jinqiao industrial zone that is a provincial level development zone.Our factory takes up an area of about 30000 square metres .its area of structure is over 20000 m2 and It holds the fixed assets of 50 million yuan.There are more than 300 employees in our factory, among which more than 50 employees are technicians.In 2005 our enterprise is put on the list of new product development organization in Zhejiang province ,and also is a key member of policy-decision units for national standard in the field of the thermal protector.our enterprise is transformed from the Fuyang thermostatic controller factory which is a designated enterprise of original Light Industry,and it has a high technology as well as a great product development potential.It has received and approved the authentication such as the ISO900:2000 international quality managements system certification,CQC,UL,CUL,VDE,SGS,Cb .etc..Since the beginning,we have always strictly enforced the tenet "Take the science and technology as the forerunner,take the quality as the center" and insisted on the basic idea that " talents are the base of enterprise's development ".After years of efforts,we have accumulated the massive experiences on the production of the thermal protector and temperature controller. In 1996,we introduced the manufacturing technique on the temperature controller from the ATEA company in Italy.In 2007,we again introduced the auto product lines of 17AM from the Japan corp knife company. Nowadays,our annual production of the thermal protectors and temperature controllers is about 50,000 thousand .Moreover, we brings out the supported equipments for the domestic well-known brands such as the Midea Electronics Appliance, kelon, Changhong etc and our customers all admit the quality of our products.Quality Assurance:Human-based,scientific-innovated,process improvement and creating brand
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