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姓 名: 杨译员  [编号]:4489 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 通用 出生年月: 1992/1/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语翻译
毕业时间: 2014 毕业学校: 华南农业大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业四级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 时间灵活,具体时间可商议。
证书名称: 英语专业四级证书
获证时间: 2012/11/1
获得分数: 良好
工作时期: 2010/9/1--2013/7/1
公司名称: 私人家教
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 教育/培训
所在部门: 其他
职位: 家教
自我评价: 教授各个年龄层的学生,拥有多年家教经验,针对学生个人特点制定相应的教学方案,打牢学生英语基础,提高学生英语成绩。
工作时期: 2010/9/1--2013/6/1
公司名称: 私人家教
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 教育/培训
所在部门: 其他
职位: 家教
自我评价: 教授各个年龄层的学生,拥有多年家教经验,针对学生个人特点制定相应的加血方案,打牢学生英语基础,提高学生英语成绩。
工作时期: 2013/3/1--2013/4/1
公司名称: 澳际教育留学中心
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 教育/培训
所在部门: 市场部
职位: 教育展展位助展
自我评价: 热情大方,积极主动,协助校方代表解答来访学生家长的问题并为其提供留学方面的帮助
案例标题: iphone备份资料的方法
原文: 题目2:[写给新手] 换iPhone, 升级iOS, 如何备份电话簿、SMS、相片、WhatsApp、所有资料? 相信不少新手朋友在换新iPhone或升级iOS时都会担心资料的问题。是的,升级iOS或换新机都必须先备份好所有资料,那么要怎样做呢?针对新手,笔者就说一说几种备份和回复资料的方法。 iPhone的iOS系统已算是一个颇完善的系统,备份上的步骤也很简单,主要以iTunes进行或者直接备份至iCloud里,如果要针对性地备份某些档案也可,方法如下: 1. iTunes 备份 最传统的做法,当然就是使用iTunes作完整的备份了。因为这做法是最澈底的,可以完整备份相片、影片、音乐、电话簿、SMS、Apps、Apps的设定/资料等,所有装置里的资料都会被完整地备份。可选择备份到iCloud或电脑里。 连接装置后,只要在测边栏右按你的装置,再选备份即可。(如果是iTunes 11的话,预设是不显示测边栏的,你要先按一下键盘上的ALT,这时会出现Menu,再按一下检视和选「显示测边栏」即可。) 2. iCloud 备份 如果你嫌iTunes备份麻烦的话,也可直接使用iPhone设定以iCloud备份。依序进入设定、iCloud、储存与备份、将iCloud备份的选项打开。再进入管理储存空间,可以设定那些Apps附带的资料一起备份。例如你有一个管理档案的App,那些储存于该App里的档案就是这些附带档,一起备份的话日后回复资料就会将所有档案也回后,但这样会增加储存量。iCloud免费的储存空间只有5GB,大家看着用就可以了。 3. 只备份相片/影片 如果你重要的资料只有相片和影片的话,其他东西没所谓的话。你也可以选择只备份相片和影片。将iPhone 连接USB时,就可以直接像使用移动硬盘一样,打开资料夹后将所有的相片和影片复制一份到电脑里即可。 4. 只备份电话簿(联络人资料) 笔者觉得,现在云端储存是最好的方法。因为备份后日后电话簿可以随时更新和同步,所以建议大家使用iCloud电话簿,或者是Google电话簿。 5. 备份WhatsApp对话内容及档案 WhatsApp已自带了备份对话记录的功能,首先进入设定,拉到最下方就会看到「以邸件传送对话记录」。你可以选择备份附带多媒体档(即是在对话中发送给你的相片/影片等档案),或者是不包含。最后以电邮方式传送,注意如果要附带多媒体档的话,就要顾及邮件会否太大而不能传送了。 6. 备份Jailbreak的内容 升级了新的iOS系统后,旧有已Jailbreak的档案就会消失掉,所以有需要的话可以选择先行备份,待日后新系统有Jailbreak后再回复资料。
译文: A Beginner’s Guide on How to Backup Data I believe that quite a few beginners will face the problem of backuping data when they get a new iPhone or upgrade the iOS system. It’s no doubt that we must back up all data before having a new mobile phone or upgrading the iOS system, but how to do that? Here, I would like to introduce several methods about backuping and restore data to those newbies. To some extent, the iOS system of iPhone is rather perfect, and the steps to back up data are also quite simple. Basically, it works with iTunes or we can backup data into iCloud directly. If you specifically focus on the backup of some files, the methods are as follows. 1. Backup with iTunes Traditionally, we can use the most thorough way——the ITunes to back up the whole data including photos, videos, music, contact list, SMS messages, App and the setting and information of App, etc. All the data in the devices will be completely backuped, and you can choose to back up them into iCloud or computer. After connecting the device, all you need to do is right click your device on the sidebar and then select the option—— Backup.(If you backup with iTunes 11, the preset can not be visualized in the sidebar. Firstly, you should press the key ALT on the keyboard, next there will be a Menu, then you just have to select the option——View and select the option——Sideboard Visualized. 2. Backup with iCloud If you find it troublesome to use iTunes, you can use iCloud which can be set in iPhone. Firstly, enter into Setting, iCloud and Backup and Storage in order, and then open the option iCloud Backup. Next enter into the Management of Storage Space where you can back up the data belonging to Apps. Supposing that you have an App which is used to manage files and those files stored in the App named affiliated files. If we backup them all, we can restore all the files when we are in need of them, but this will increase the storage capacity. There is only 5GB free storage space in iCloud, and you have to use them reasonably. 3. Backup Photos or Videos Only If what matters you most is nothing but photos and videos, you can backup them only. Like using mobile HDD, you can open the folder and copy all the photos and videos into your computer after connecting iPhone with USB. 4. Backup Contact List (Contact Information) Only As far as I am concerned, the most effective way is to use Cloud Storage, because it enables you to update and synchronize your contact information at any time. Consequently, I suggest you using iCloud contact list or Google contact list. 5. Backup WhatsApp Conversation History and Files WhatsApp possesses the function of backuping conversation history itself. At first, enter the setup and you will see the option——Transfer Conversation History by Mail at the bottom of your cellphone. Then you can choose to backup files included in multimedia, namely deliver your files such as photos and videos by conversation, or not. Finally, transfer them by mail. Be careful if you want to backup files included in multimedia, because the large capacity of them may fail to be transferred. 6. Backup the Content of Jailbreak After upgrading your iOS system, the previous files of Jailbreak will disappear. As a result, you can backup them in advance so that they can be restored when your new iOS system owns a Jailbreak.
案例标题: 外贸信件
原文: 您为了我们项目的是辛苦了,同时,我也非常感谢领事的辛苦努力,他及他夫人为我柬埔寨的事付出了很多,我很感激! 记得我在项目开展之前已经跟你讲过很多我朋友在柬埔寨失败的案例,除了餐饮业,几乎没人在柬埔寨成功过, 除了黄秘书长,我的所有朋友没有一个支持我到柬埔寨投资的,没有一个人相信柬埔寨,这个国家简直就是陷入了国家的诚信危机一样。 我也不止一次和您长时间通话,记得那时我们每次通话都有一两个小时,几乎每天如此,我几乎每次都向你表达,亏损资金没问题, 但我未来投入最大的将是多年累积的信誉,如果把信誉亏掉,我将无法承受,但我还是愿意一试,后来我向你表达了愿意到柬埔寨投资的信念。 支撑这个信念的理由只有一个,那就是因为我完完全全相信领事和你,我完全相信可以凭我们三人的组合和智慧可以在柬埔寨做出成功的事业, 这个信念到现在还未变。将近一年以来,我几乎是柬埔寨的形象代言人,不停的在各种场合宣传柬埔寨的好,宣传柬埔寨的亲中国行为,宣传柬埔寨愿意发展经济 的大政策,宣传柬埔寨不会像以前一样不讲信用,宣传柬埔寨有很多资源的优势,等等。我及我的团队也找了很多潜在的买家,并根据 你每一次给我的时间预测可以砍伐的时间及供货时间,并且在团队内部也安排了相应的人员准备进入柬埔寨,但是时间一点点的消失, 我的潜在买家有点不耐烦了,员工也有点着焦急了,当初提醒我的朋友也有点耻笑我的味道了,当然我还是依然相信笑到最后的是我们。 为了争取我们的时间和挽回即将失去的面子,我们需要好好的做一个阶段性的总结了,或者我们可以找到应对的办法。 让我们把项目分析整理一下吧。 1、5700公顷林地项目,此项目进行到现在,大家付出很多精力,但进展如何,问题出在哪里, 我们应该把他找出来,然后找到解决的方法,看看是否可以快一点进行下去。如,是否可以找一个绝对可以和权力周旋的人,我们 给他红利或股份,他不需出钱,只需协调,因为我们之前已经做了这么多工作,也许有人会愿意加入。 2、如果林地项目进展缓慢,我们干脆把精力放在已经砍好的红木酸枝(Dalbergia Cochinchinensis,Siam rosewood)上,像这一次, 我们的价格希望对方能够尽快回复,无论如何说服他卖,因为我们现在资金、市场、运输、海关清关、客户都已经全部不成问题了, 如果仅仅在价格上无法达成协议,将很可惜。如果对方觉得价格达不到心里预期,可以第一次不要买给我太多,路走通了,我中国的买家买了后, 看品质有信心了,我们再从新商议一个双方都能接受的合理价格也是可以的嘛,而且也挽回我们的面子,甚至很光彩的面子。 毕竟红木是需要有一批料做出家具才知道品质的,如果品质真的好,是不愁销售价格的啊。如果交易成功, 最好他们能开越南的原产地证明,实在不行,老挝也可以,柬埔寨原产地的价格较低。 3、关于花梨木(Thnong ,Ternong, Pterocarpus pedatus, Padauk),我们感觉他们的价格太高,已经是市场价了,很难还价,还得太低有不好意思, 最重要的是中国市场上有一种南美的红木和Pterocarpus pedatus 很像,价格非常低,不到Thnong ,Ternong, Pterocarpus pedatus, Padauk)价格的一半, 现在大部分家具厂都用南美的红木充当Pterocarpus pedatus, 所以最好让卖家给一个他能接受的最低价,否则没有那么快市场有购买的反应的。我们买回来 会压住资金,受不了的。 4、农地,我很希望投资,但担心的也是当地政策和民风会不会影响到我的预期回报,会不会给当地的官员骗了、水利如何、请柬埔寨人耕种他们是否愿意、 做大了会否有人干预、会不会像林地一样有很多人和很多部门管、到时证件不齐也进行不下去等等,所以还请领事多多把关。 5、上次在电话里跟你提的想法,我上次在柬埔寨就和领事和他的夫人探讨过这样的想法了, 我们可否组织团队在柬埔寨的民间, 最好在边远的地方用较低的价格收购酸枝家具,或者像他们家里的那张桌子这样的家具,统一存放,满一货柜就运回中国。不知此思路是否可行,谢谢。 根据以上所分析,我觉得最快的,应该是在越南的这一批Siam rosewood,我们用尽所有的力量去进行吧! 谢谢你,谢谢领事及他夫人May,谢谢帮过我们的中国或柬埔寨的所有人,希望我们都不辜负他们的期望。 祝您事事如意!
译文: Dear Sir, Thanks for your hard-work for our project! At the same time, I also want to extend my thankfulness to the Consul and his wife because they have helped me a lot for my business in Cambodia. I appreciate it very much! Before carrying out my project, I remember that I have told you many of my friends’ unsuccessful business in Cambodia. Nearly none of succeed except those engage in catering industry, and none of them support me to invest in Cambodia except Secretary General Huang, because no one has confidence in Cambodia, a country looks like get stuck in credit crisis. I also have called and talked with you more than once at that time. Each time I would also tell you that it has no problem to lose money, but what I input most in the future is my years of accumulation of reputation. I am unable to afford the loss of our reputation. However, I am still willing to have a try and I also have expressed my faith in the investment of Cambodia to you. The only reason to support such kind of faith is that I completely trust you and the Consul. I am fully convinced that we can succeed in Cambodia with the combination and wisdom of the three f us. This kind of faith has not changed yet. For nearly a year, I have become the image spokesperson of Cambodia, being busy in spreading the advantages of Cambodia, the deed that it tries to be close to China, the grand policy that it is willing to develop the economy, the fact that it is no longer as dishonest as it used to be, the superiority that it is rich in many resources, and so on. my team and I have discovered many potential buyers. Furthermore, I also have predicted the time to fell trees and to supply an order according to the time you give me. In addition, I also have arranged corresponding staff to get ready to go to Cambodia within the team. However, as the time is passing, my potential buyers have become a little impatient, my staffs also have become anxious, and my friends used to warn me have seemed to laugh at me. Certainly, I am still convinced that we will succeed at last. Now, let’s analyze our project. First, it is a project concerning about 5700 hectares woodland. So far, all of us have paid a lot of attention to it, but we should figure out how it progresses, and what the problems are. Then we should find a solution to make it proceed faster. For example, maybe we can find a person who is capable and power enough to engage in such kind of thing. We can give him bonus or shares. He doesn’t have to provide money. All he needs to do is coordination. Maybe there will be such kind of man who is willing to join us, because we have done a lot of work beforehand. Second, if the woodland project proceeds slowly, we can simply concentrate on Siam rosewoods which have been cut down. This time, we hope that the sellers can reply us as soon as possible about our price, and try to persuade them to sell the wood on all account, because we have no problem in capital, market, transportation, customs clearance, and clients. It’s a pity that we can not come to an agreement only on the price. If they feel the price does not reach their expectation, they can sell not too much to us for the first time. After my Chinese buyers purchase these woods and they have confidence in the quality of these woods, we can discuss our price again, which can be accepted by both of us. This can also help us avoid losing face. After all, only when a batch of Siam rosewoods are made into furniture can we know their quality. We don’t need to worry about the price if their quality is really good. If we can reach a successful deal, it is better for them to provide us with the certificate of origin of Vietnam or of Laos, because the price of Cambodian origin is much lower. Third, we think their price of Pterocarpus pedatus is too high. It has been a market price which is too hard for us to dicker over it or even make a lower offer. The most important thing is that there is a kind of South American Siam rosewood that is similar to Pterocarpus pedatus in China’s market, and its price is half less than that of Pterocarpus pedatus. Nowadays, most of the furniture factories use this kind of Siam rosewood to serve as Pterocarpus pedatus, so it is better to ask the sellers to offer a lowest price they can accept, otherwise the market would not have a quick intention to purchase them. We will hold down our capital after we purchase from the sellers, which is a unbearable thing to us. Fourth, I am also keen on investing farmland, but I am worried about the following situations. Whether the local policies and folk customs will influence my expected yield; whether the local officials will cheat me; how the water conservancy is; whether the Cambodians are willing to cultivate the land for me; whether there will have someone to intervene if my business gets bigger; whether there are many people and departments that are in control of the land just like that in the woodland; whether it can proceed if the documents are incomplete, and so on. As a result, I hope that the Consul can do me a favor to check on such kinds of things. Finally, the idea I proposed to you last time through the phone was also discussed by the Consul, his wife and me when I was in Cambodia last time. Here, I would like to put forward a suggestion. Maybe we can organize a team among the people of Cambodia to purchase Siam rosewood furniture or furniture that are similar to that are placed in their houses with a lower price in remote place. Then we can store them together and deliver them to China if they fill up a container. Whether this kind of idea is practicable or not, please tell me your answer. Thank you! According to the above analysis, I think this time the Siam rosewood of Vietnam will be the fastest one. Let’s spare no effort on it! Here, I would like to express my thankfulness to you, to the Consul and his wife May, to those who have helped us! I hope both of us would not let them down. Best wishes to you! Yours sincerely, Zhang Yuantian
口译项目简介: 广州家具展摊位翻译,主要工作是帮助展商接待外国客户,将外国客户的需求传达给展商,同时解答外国客户的疑问。
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