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个人信息 |
姓 名: |
李译员 [编号]:341 |
性 别: |
女 |
擅长专业: |
商务、旅游、教育、网络 |
出生年月: |
1984/12/1 |
民 族: |
汉族 |
所在地区: |
河北 石家庄 |
文化程度: |
本科 |
所学专业: |
英语 |
毕业时间: |
39263 |
毕业学校: |
石家庄经济学院 |
第一外语: |
英语 |
等级水平: |
专业八级 |
口译等级: |
四级 |
工作经历: |
2 年 |
翻译库信息 |
可翻译语种: |
英语 |
目前所在地: |
河北 石家庄 |
可提供服务类型: |
笔译、家教 |
每周可提供服务时间: |
24小时 |
证书信息 |
证书名称: |
专业八级 |
获证时间: |
2007/5/1 |
获得分数: |
78 |
工作经历 |
工作时期: |
2007/7/1--2008/1/1 |
公司名称: |
石家庄高校 |
公司性质: |
其它 |
所属行业: |
教育/培训 |
所在部门: |
信息咨询 |
职位: |
高校 |
自我评价: |
本人就职于石家庄一所职业类高校图书馆,主要负责学校个专业教师论文、论著、教材等材料的翻译工作。 |
笔译案例信息 |
案例标题: |
西柏坡精神 |
原文: |
以“两个务必”为核心的西柏坡精神是井冈山精神、延安精神的继承和发展。党的十七大上提出的“四个一定要” 是对全党在风云变幻的世情国情中,化解各种风险,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面具体要求,是新的历史时期西柏坡精神的发展。 |
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At its core is “the two musts”which Xibaipo Spirit is the inheritance and development of the spirit of Jinggangshan and Yan-an.”The four should ” put forward in the 17th national congress of the communist party of China is the specific requirement of defusing all kinds of risks and creating a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and it also is the development of Xibaipo Spirit in the new era. |
案例标题: |
International Tourist Safety Regulations |
原文: |
International Tourist Safety Regulations
Around the world, tourism has become one of the pillars of the industry. According to the 2002 report issued by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) , the number of tourists totaled 750 million in that year. The growth rate stood at 3. 1 % , one of the leading figures among all industries. Tourist safety, however, did not arouse any concern until the seventies and eighties of the 20th century. On September 17th, 1985, WTO held a general conference in Sophia, capital of Bulgaria. During this meeting, The Tourist Rights Act and Tourist Regulations was formulated, making it clear that tourists are entitled to their personal safety, financial safety, proper accommodation, food, transportation, public sanitation, and free use of health facilities. In the meantime, governments must " take precautionary and protective measures for the sake of the personal and financial safety of tourists" , and provide the best sanitary and health conditions to tourists and prevent contagious diseases and accidents". In April 1989, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and WTO (World Tourism Organization) co-issued The Hague Declaration on Tourism in which tourist safety is recognized as an important principle. It declares that " the safety and personality of tourists must be respected. Terrorists must be regarded as criminals who must be traced and punished without any lawful restrictions. No country can provide custody for them. " The declaration further concludes that tourist safety is the prerequisite and the guarantee for the development and prog
ress of the tourism industry. On this basis, some specific safety and protection measures were presented, such as the formulation of tourist safety regulations and the setting up of organizations to tackle tourist safety.
In 1994, WTO conducted an investigation into tourist safety. The results are as follows.
1.Coordination between tourism and other departments. Only 33% of the countries have good effective cooperation between their tourism administrations and other departments;
2.Tourist police. 70% of the countries have regular police force in scenic spots. In 40% of the countries, tourist police go into foreign language training. 24% countries train their police in respect of tourist safety.
3.63% of countries are equipped with urgent aid telephone systems, among which 50% are accessible to tourists. One third of these countries provide a multi-language telephone system. Should any problems arise, safety information is offered immediately at airport, train and bus stations.
4.Safety training. 46% of the countries make efforts to develop their hotel employees' sense of safety. 10% of the countries give tour guides safety-training courses.
Also in 1994, WTO organized the first summit conference in respect of tourist safety. Over 60 specialists from 22 countries were present. This conference symbolized the official recognition that tourist safety won for the first time. In 1995, WTO held another tourist safety conference in Sweden and set up the “Center of Tourist Safety and Risks"(CTSR)
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在世界各地,旅游业已经成为了一项支柱型产业, 根据2002年世界旅游组织( WTO)发部的报告, 在这一年,游客人数达7.5亿,增长率为3.1 %.是所有产业的领军产业.然而,旅游安全这个问题直到20世纪七八十年代才引起人们的注意. 1985年9月17日,世贸组织在保加利亚的首都索非亚举行了大会。在此次会议上,制定了旅游权利法案和旅游法规,使之明确表示,游客拥有人身安全权,金融安全权,拥有适当的居所,食物,交通,公共卫生,和免费使用的卫生设施。同时,政府必须采取预防和保护措施,保障游客的个人和金融安全 “同时向游客提供最佳的卫生和健康条件,防止传染性疾病和意外“ 。1989年4月,各国议会联盟和世界贸易组织(世界旅游组织)联合发表了针对旅游业的海牙宣言,其中旅游安全是公认的一个重要原则。它宣称“游客的安全和人格必须得到尊重。恐怖分子必须被视为罪犯,必须对其进行追查和惩罚,没有任何合法的限制。没有哪个国家能为他们提供保护” 。宣言进一步得出结论认为,旅游安全是发展和进步旅游业的前提和保证。在此基础上,一些具体的安全和保护措施已提交,如制订旅游安全规例和成立组织处理旅游安全问题。
1.旅游业和其他有关部门之间的协调。只有33 %的国家,旅游行政管理部门和其他有关部门之间有良好有效地合作.
2. 旅游警察。 70 %的国家,有正规警务人员在风景名胜区。40 %的国家,旅游警察接受外语培训。 24 % ,国家培养他们的警察尊重游客的安全。
3. 63 %的国家均设有紧急援助电话系统,其中的50 % ,是为方便游客。三分之一的这些国家提供多语种的电话系统。一旦出现任何问题,机场,火车和巴士站都会立即提供安全信息。
案例标题: |
Crisis Treatment-The Prairie Fire in YellowstoneNational Park and GlacierNational Park |
原文: |
In 1998, YellowstoneNational Park was attacked by the most disastrous prairie fire in its history. There were 50 prairie fires in the park and another 198 fires happened in the vast area of Yellowstone. 25,000 fire fighters were powerless in the face of this fire. Over 1,200,000 acres of land was totally destroyed, accounting to 36% of the total park area. Hundreds of animals died. The infrastructure such as roads, camping grounds and wood huts were totally destroyed.
As prairie fire usually takes place in the peak tourism season of June, July and August, tourists are therefore seriously restricted by it. Some roads and camps are closed to avoid the disaster of fire. These restrictions and the wide reportage of fire always lead to the shortening of the tourism season.
Now, those national parks influenced by prairie fire, such as YellowstoneNational Park and GlacierNational Park have made great effort to change people's attitudes towards prairie fire. Many people take it for granted that fire is a destructive power and an enemy to plants, animals, and people. In most cases, prairie fire reminds people of charred land, death and destruction. But actually prairie fire can bring about many splendid natural wonders and the diversity of plants and wild animals. Prairie fire is significant in a functional and balanced ecological system, exerting important influences on forest evolution and natural stimulation. Many animals and plants have grown accustomed to prairie fire, without which they would find it hard to survive. Fire can turn organic materials into soil nutrients and restore soil through the nitrogen in the ashes. Fertile soil can be produced again for the benefit of plants. With sufficient nutrients and sunshine, seedlings can grow rapidly into new plants.
It has become the central aim for national parks to explain to tourists the importance of prairie fire in the parks' ecological system.
For example, GlacierNational Park has set up an exemplary education project, including detailed demonstration of the role of prairie fire in the ecological system, putting up signs along roads of charred land, and displaying slides around camping areas. Forest protectors talk about the influences of prairie fire when they are on duty. Small paths are cut in the charred areas for tourists to watch and feel the effects of prairie fires. During prairie fire, special programs are broadcast and published materials can be bought showing positive or negative opinions of prairie fire. This extensive information helps tourists to form their own viewpoints on the issue of prairie fire.
These diverse educational methods help people form new perspectives and consent to the restrictions caused by prairie fire. Actually in 2000 when the big fire really broke out, the number of tourists did not decline as expected.
Scenic parks not only help tourists develop their own attitudes, but also are interested in building long-term relations with tourists. The slogan of the GlacierNational Park is a case in point. " Come here quickly right after prairie fire! Numerous wonders are awaiting you. Next year, five or ten years later, come here during different seasons. You will see with your own eyes incredible changes and a new world of diversity. "
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现在,这些国家公园都受到草原野火的影响,像黄石国家公园和冰河国家公园为改变人们对草原野火的态度做出了巨大努力.很多人理所当然的认为野火是破坏性的力量,是植物,动物和人类的敌人. 在大多数情况下,野火留给人们的是烧焦的土地,死亡和破坏.但是事实上草原野火能够带来很多美丽的自然奇观,多样性的植物和野生动物.野火具有重要的功能,能够平衡生态系统.另外一个重要的影响就是刺激自然和森林进化.很多动物和植物的生长
已经已经习惯了野火,没有野火它们会发现自己很难生存..野火能够将有机物质变成土壤的养分且通过灰土保持土壤的养份. 肥沃的土壤能够再次创造出有利于植物生长的物质.在足够的养料和光照的条件下,幼苗能够迅速成长为新的植物.
比如,冰河国家公园已经建立了一个示范性的教育工程,包括草原野火在生态系统中详细的示范性的角色,沿马路在烧焦的土地旁摆放标志,在露营地的周围展示幻灯片.森林保护者在值班的时候向人们讲解草原野火的影响. 小路把烧焦的土地分成若干小区域供游客观赏以及感受草原野火带来的影响. 广播和出版材料展示关于草原野火的积极和消极的一些观点.这些广泛的信息帮助旅游者形成他们自己的有关草原野火的观点.
案例标题: |
Risk Recognition-Sharks and Coconuts |
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Usually, risks can be described as the possible negative results consumers may confront in their consumption behaviors. According to this view, tourism determination risk is the possible deviation between tourists' expectation and the reality. If the risk recognition goes beyond what they can endure, consumers will naturally rack their brains trying to reduce risks. In the case of negative accidents, consumers' basic knowledge of risks exerts extensive and profound influence upon their purchasing policies.
In Australia, at the mention of sharks, most people will think of the attacks sharks may launch against swimmers and surfers. Even during the Sydney Olympics Games, organizers were called to take special measures to protect swimmers, surfers and sailors from shark attacks. Moreover, these measures were also made known to the sensitive audiences throughout the world.
Coconuts and coconut trees are symbols of the beach and sunshine. Every child is familiar with the taste of coconuts. Every supermarket sells coconuts. In other words, people are not at all afraid of coconuts, whether at home or on holiday.
But their risk recognition runs counter to reality. Every year about one hundred and fifty people are knocked dead by falling coconuts. In 2002, however, only 79 persons were attacked by sharks, a number slightly higher than the previous average. In fact, much fewer people were killed by sharks. Usually the number of people killed by sharks is between 10 to 20 and in 2002 this number was only 10.
Because of this, Direct Club, a tourism insurance company headquartered in Britain, launched a special media campaign in 2002, appealing to tourists not to linger or camp under coconut trees. The club also pointed out that it insured not only against the dangers caused by falling coconuts, but also against the possible damage caused by sharks. |
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案例标题: |
Tourist |
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China has always paid attention to tourist safety and has taken various measures to safeguard it. On February 20th, 1999, China National Tourism Administration mapped out the Temporary Regulations Concerning Tourist Safety, clarifying the policy of "safety first and prevention focus". Besides, the regulations made specific stipulations on safety management, accidents treatment, prizes and punishments. On January 22nd, 1994, to implement Temporary Regulations on Tourist Safety, China National Tourism Administration made public the Implementation Details of Temporary Regulations on Tourist Safety and elaborated on travel accidents. According to it, travel accidents can be defined as those concerning tourists themselves and their belongings. Accidents are categorized into such four grades as minor, common, serious and extremely serious. Other regulations that are relevant to tourist safety are Temporary Methods on Setting up Reporting System in Case of Serious Travel Accidents and Temporary Methods on Treatment Procedure in Case of Serious Travel Accidents, both issued by China National Tourism Administration on April 15th, 1993.
With the development of tourism, some stimulating entertainment programs have become more and more popular. In sharp contrast, the entertainment facilities are far from satisfaction, lacking standard management system, quality-control criteria, and unified service levels. These potential dangers seriously threaten travelers' safety.
In the first three months of 1996, China National Technology Supervision Administration conducted a survey concerning 28 machines in 28 entertainment sites in northern China. The result was that 24 machines had problems of quality and were potentially dangerous. 13 entertainment sites have improper installation of recreational facilities. 10 entertainment sites have welding and screwing problems. Further investigation into entertainment sites shows that 40% of the accidents are due to improper design, ignorance of current game machine criteria, and rough and slipshod work and that the other accidents are due to operators' lack of safety sense, failure to follow the procedure of standard installation, test and inspection, untimely maintenance and change of spare parts and malpractice.
To guarantee the safe operation of recreational facilities in entertainment sites and to get rid of all these potential dangers, the first Entertainment Safety and Service Quality Management Standard was issued in 1997 and went into operation on October 1st, 1997. It deals with such problems as recreational facilities in entertainment sites, safety regulations and measures, safe operation requirements, hygiene requirements, service quality guarantee and supervision. The enforcement of these criteria raises entertainment sites' safety sense and standardizes service level. Tourism administrations can also refer to them in their routine inspection of entertainment facilities. This is beneficial to the enhancement of overall quality in China's entertainment sites, which will provide safe and comfortable environment for travelers. China's tourism industry will also enjoy rapid, healthy and stable development.
The issue of Classification and Appraisal of Scenic Spots' Quality Level (GB/ T17775 - 1995) considers, for the first time, tourist safety as an important part in evaluating the quality level of scenic spots. Tourist safety not only has its own system of standards, but also enters the national quality control system. This marks a new epoch when tourist safety calls attention from both ordinary people and authorities.
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中国历来重视游客安全问题,采取了各种措施,以保证游客安全。1999年2月20日,国家旅游局颁布了《旅游安全管理暂行条例》,明确了“安全第一,预防为主”的政策。除此之外,条例对安全管理、事故处理,奖惩办法,都作出了明确的规定。1994年1月22日,《旅游安全管理暂行条例》正式实施,国家旅游局将《旅游安全管理暂行条例》的实施细节公布于众,并详细解释了旅游事故。根据此解释,旅游事故可以划分为与游客自身相关,和与游客财产相关两种类型。事故等级可以分为轻微、一般、 严重及特别严重四个等级。 其他与游客安全相关的条例还包括《特大旅游事故上报系统暂行办法》及《特大旅游事故处理程序暂行办法》,两项条例都由国家旅游局于1993年4月15日颁布。
《旅游景区质量等级的划分与评定》(GB/ T17775 - 1995)认为,游客安全第一次被列入评价景区质量等级的一个重要方面。游客安全不仅仅有自己的标准体系,同样进入了国家安全控制体系。这标志着游客安全已进入了引起普通人和官方当局注意的新时代。 |
案例标题: |
网络 |
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参考咨询是高校图书馆的一项重要服务工作,网络环境下参考咨询服务发生了巨大的变化,本文就网络对参考咨询服务的影响、发展趋势等进行分析, 提出了网络时代高校图书馆参考咨询服务新的对策。 |
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Reference service is one of important work in librarian. Reference Service has changed dramatically under the network environment.This paper stated that the network influences upon reference servic,the major form and development trend of reference servic under the network environment.And put forward some new countermeasures for reference services of library in the network era. |