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姓 名: a译员  [编号]:3400 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 英美文学 出生年月: 1988/1/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语(英美文学)
毕业时间: 2008 毕业学校: 广东外语外贸大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 周一至周五:17:00——23:00 周六日:9:00——23:00
证书名称: 专业八级
获证时间: 2009/4/1
获得分数: 70
工作时期: 2010/6/1--2011/6/1
公司名称: 广之旅精英留学
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 咨询/顾问
所在部门: 文案部
职位: 文案翻译
自我评价: 成功完成翻译任务
案例标题: 标书
原文: The existing System Control Centre (SCC) uses an ABB Micro SCADA system which is at present able to communicate with the existing RTUs and Substation Automation System Gateways. The Contractor shall plan the implementation work such that all monitoring facilities currently available in the existing SCC continue to function until the new facilities are put into service. To achieve this may include the provision of dual porting at outstations or via a data connection between the existing master station and the new one.
译文: 现有的系统控制中心采用ABB微SCADA 系统,能与现存的RTU和变电站自动化系统网关通讯。承包方须计划使系统控制中心所有现有监控设施继续工作直到新设施投入使用。为此,分部可能需要用到双端口或通过数据连接实现现有主站与新站的通讯。
案例标题: 现代商贸业
原文: 天河CBD拥有代表广州高端商贸形象的天河路商圈及其延伸区,商贸面积达170多万平方米,日客流量超过150万人次,1/3的高端消费人群来自外地。长2.8公里的天河路黄金商业带盛享“中国第一商圈”美誉,集聚了太古汇、正佳广场、天河城、万菱汇、广百中怡、摩登百货等8家总面积超86万平方米的大型商业综合体、9家IT时尚消费类电子产品集贸综合体、时尚天河等3家地下商业综合体、天河体育中心等3家文化体育活动载体、吉之岛、沃尔玛等一批国际知名高端商贸龙头企业和200多个国际一线和著名品牌,其中国际一线品牌超过50个,爱马仕、路易.威登、普拉达等品牌都在这里设有旗舰店,是国际、国内著名品牌的中国发布地。除此之外,有近万家商户,商业零售面积近120万平方米,集购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐、旅游、文化及都市时尚体验于一体,逐步融合形成了独具特色的时尚文化及商贸旅游文化,是广州建设国家购物天堂的核心区。
译文: Covering an area of over 1.7 million square meters, Tianhe CBD spreads from the high-end Tianhe business district to its extension. With a daily passenger flow volume of over 1.5 million, one-third of the high-end consumers come from other regions. The 2.8-mile golden commercial district is famous as “the First Business District in China”, for it attracts eight famous large-scale business complexes covering over 860,000 square meters, including Taikoo Hui, Grandview Plaza, Teemall, Wanling Hui, Grandbuy (Zhongyi), and Mopark; nine IT digital product market complexes; three underground commercial complexes like Fashion Tianhe; three cultural and sports centers like Tianhe Sports Center; a series of internationally high-end enterprises like Jusco and Walmart; more than two hundred internationally famous brands, among which the national brands of China totals fifty. In addition, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Prada and other famous brands have their own stores here, making it the releasing place of national and international brands in China. Moreover, thousands of other shops take up an retail area of 1.2 million square meters or so. With the above advantages, Tianhe CBD is a good choice for shopping, relaxation, catering, entertainment, travelling, cultural experiences and urban experiences. Providing a variety of services, Tianhe CBD is gradually becoming a characteristic fashion center and a commercial travel center, finally known as the core area of national shopping mall in Guangzhou.
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