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个人信息 |
姓 名: |
栗译员 [编号]:3368 |
性 别: |
女 |
擅长专业: |
医学,工程,文学等 |
出生年月: |
1989/10/1 |
民 族: |
汉族 |
所在地区: |
北京 北京 |
文化程度: |
硕士 |
所学专业: |
MTI英语翻译 |
毕业时间: |
2014 |
毕业学校: |
北京外国语大学 |
第一外语: |
英语 |
等级水平: |
专业八级 |
口译等级: |
中级 |
工作经历: |
2 年 |
翻译库信息 |
可翻译语种: |
英语 |
目前所在地: |
北京 北京 |
可提供服务类型: |
笔译、家教 |
每周可提供服务时间: |
周末 |
证书信息 |
证书名称: |
专业八级2012年3月 |
获证时间: |
2009/3/1 |
获得分数: |
良好 |
工作经历 |
工作时期: |
2010/4/1--2012/7/1 |
公司名称: |
长春全思翻译公司 |
公司性质: |
民营企业 |
所属行业: |
翻译 |
所在部门: |
翻译部 |
职位: |
笔译 |
自我评价: |
十分喜欢翻译工作,并得到领导好评 |
笔译案例信息 |
案例标题: |
中国职业教育 |
原文: |
China is a vast country with a very unevenly balanced economy. From the viewpoint of regional development, every county along the eastern coast in the five provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, and the city of Shanghai, has an average of 200 enterprises with an output value of over 100 million yuan (3.75 yuan ~ 1 US $). But in the north-western provinces of Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, and Qinghai, a county averages only 80 enterprises with an output value of merely four million yuan.
Levels of technical equipment also vary greatly ranging from the very advanced to the rather backward. According to an investigation made on the equipment used for produc-tion in 8,285 enterprises of large or medium size, equip-ment produced in the 1980s accounts for 33 %, that produced in the 1970s makes up 44 %, that produced in the 1960s 13 %, that made in the 1950s 9 %, and that made before 1949, the year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, comprises 1 %. A 1986 survey of China's major industrial enterprises shows that equipment on par with international levels constitutes 13 %, that measuring up to advanced domestic levels makes for 22 %, that reaching average domestic levels accounts for 47 %, and that reaching only poor domestic levels makes up 18 %. It is thus evident that the extent of training needed to be attained by trainees and the amount of training they could possibly receive varies considerably in different circumstances in technical and vocational education. |
译文: |
案例标题: |
吴咸中 |
原文: |
古圣今贤,莫不以立德立功立言为本,于医尤然。非盛德不可操此仁术,非明哲不能通其至理,非精诚难成苍生大医,务有精敏之思、果敢之勇、圆融之智、坚持之守,始可承国粹、创新知、起沉疴、济斯民。余致力于中西医结合凡五十余载,谨遵此旨,深有所感,特书之与同道后学共勉。 |
译文: |
The sages in history or of today always take setting up their own system of virtue, merit and words as their foremost principle and it is especially true in medical cause. Without virtues, one can not exercise the art of humaneness; without wisdom, one can not understand its logic; without earnest and sincerity, one can not be the doctor for mankind. Only with agile thought, harmonious wisdom, bravery and perseverance can a doctor inherit the quintessence of Chinese culture and innovate new knowledge, treat heavy sever diseases and benefit the people. Following this tenet, I have committed myself to Integration of Chinese and western medicine for more than fifty years and I have many things that I felt strongly to say.a lot to say Therefore I wrote it down as mutual encouragement for men of the same line carrer and subsequent scholars. |