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姓 名: 郑译员  [编号]:3332 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 文化与传播,管理,文学,营销等 出生年月: 1988/10/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 2012 毕业学校: 广东外语外贸大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业英语八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、家教
案例标题: 工程项目管理中的时间、成本和人力资源管理
原文:关于项目人力资源管理的理论 项目人力资源管理的主要内容包括:组织结构的设立、人员的组成及人员激励。 建设单位的组织类型一般为一个临时性组织:工程指挥部或工程办公室。组织的架构一般分为:职能式组织、项目部式组织或矩阵式组织三种。 职能式组织结构最早是由美国学者泰罗提出的,而组织理论之父德国人韦伯首先对企业组织结构进行了研究,并明确了职能部门的参谋作用。职能式组织机构的特点是每个职员有明确的上级,强调管理职能的专业化分工,同时将注意力集中在本部门,即将管理职能授权给不同的专业部门,有利于发挥专业人才的作用,也有利于发挥专业人才的作用,有利于专业人才的培养和技术水平的提高,这也是管理专业化分工的结果,当然也是人类在组织管理方面的一次进步。 优点如下:专业人员的分工明确,专业性强,使用上具有较大的灵活性;技术专家专业化程度高,可以同时被不同的项目所使用。同一部门的专业人员在一起易于交流知识和经验,能使项目获得部门内所有的知识和技术支持,对创造性地解决项目的技术问题非常有帮助。职能部门拥有职权,可作为保持项目技术连续性的基础。 (节选)
译文: The major contents of the project human resource management include the establishment of the organization structure, constitution of the members and human stimulation. The organization style of the construction unit is usually a temporary organization like project headquarter or project office. The framework of the organization is usually divided into three types of organizations including functional organization, project department style organization and matrix organization. The structure of the functional organization was first put forward by an American scholar Taylor. While the father of organization theory, a German scholar Weber, first studied the organization structure of company and defined the consultative function of the functional department. The characteristics of the functional organization structure are every employee having explicit supervisors, emphasizing division of labor based on the specialization of the management function, and at the same time focusing on this department, namely empowering management function to different specified department. By doing so, it helps take good use of the professional labors and also improve their training, especially their technical skills. This is the result of the division of labor on the basis of specialization of the management, as well as an improvement of human’s organization management. The advantages are as followed. The division of work of the professional employees is clear and professional and flexible in usage. The technical experts are highly professional and can be took good use of in different projects at the same time. The professionals of the same department are convenient to communicate with knowledge and experience with each other, which makes the project gain all knowledge and technical support of the department, and thus is useful for creatively solving the technical problems of the project. The functional department owns function of power, which can be the basic of keeping the project technology continuous.
案例标题: 中小企业人力资源管理面临的问题
原文: Chapter 5 Measures and advice for human resource management in small and medium enterprises China economy as well as its enterprises are now gradually jointing track with international market, meanwhile foreign capitals are widely seeping into China market. In this situation, the main body market especially human resource will be more competitive. If enterprises are lack of scientific measures to meet knowledge employees’ need and retain labor resources, it will definitely lead to a large number of employee turnovers and thus weaken enterprises’ competitiveness. At the same time, just like the management layers of L Company realize that enterprises should lay more stress on employees’ development, so as to keep pace with the rapid development of knowledge economy. They should better combine company’s development target with employees’ need, make good strategic planning of human resource, so as to make enterprises into high-level modern enterprises. After the diagnosis and clearing up of the current situation of human resource management, I think, in the perspective of strategic human resource management, the company can have a regulation and programming from the following aspects.
译文: Chapter 5 Measures and advice for human resource management in small and medium enterprises China economy as well as its enterprises are now gradually jointing track with international market, meanwhile foreign capitals are widely seeping into China market. In this situation, the main body market especially human resource will be more competitive. If enterprises are lack of scientific measures to meet knowledge employees’ need and retain labor resources, it will definitely lead to a large number of employee turnovers and thus weaken enterprises’ competitiveness. At the same time, just like the management layers of L Company realize that enterprises should lay more stress on employees’ development, so as to keep pace with the rapid development of knowledge economy. They should better combine company’s development target with employees’ need, make good strategic planning of human resource, so as to make enterprises into high-level modern enterprises. After the diagnosis and clearing up of the current situation of human resource management, I think, in the perspective of strategic human resource management, the company can have a regulation and programming from the following aspects.
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