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姓 名: 秦译员  [编号]:3196 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 英美文学 出生年月: 1987/8/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 天津 天津
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英语笔译
毕业时间: 2013 毕业学校: 天津外国语大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: TEM-8
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 天津 天津
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 三个小时以上
证书名称: 全国外语翻译证书二级
获证时间: 2009/1/1
获得分数: 71
案例标题: 天津市政府应对资源约束的政策措施
原文: 如何在坚持发展市场经济的前提下,使有限的水资源和土地资源发挥最大的效益,提高城市的承载能力和可持续发展能力,是天津市政府长在土地资源利用方面,天津一方面 严格执行国家的耕地保护政策,在城市化、工业化快速发展的背景下最大限度地减少对耕地的占用。我们的一个成功创举是在华明镇推行了以宅基地换房 建设小城镇的做法,其主要手段是在小镇规划出专门的区域,分别建设农民居住社区、土地出让区与示范工业区,让原来的宅基地全部复耕,用于建设现代农业园区,从而实现在不减少耕地、不增加农民负担的前提下,使农民生活实现城镇化的目的。在今年的上海世博会上,天津华明镇脱颖而出 ,成为中国农村题材唯一参展项目。期思考的重要问题,天津市政府和相关机构也推行了一系列措施。 在城市建设和工业项目建设方面,天津制定了严格的城市用地规划,建立天津城市规划展览馆,及时将政府的城市发展规划公诸于众,为保证规划的透明度与执行提供保障。另一方面,天津始终致力于提高土地利用的集约程度,大力推进产业结构调整,加快土地利用集中度高的第三产业的发展;通过培育合理的土地价格形成机制,约束工业建设用地的粗放型用地模式。同时利用优良的港口条件,通过填海造陆的方式建设滨海新区的临港工业区和南港工业区,将一大批重化工业引导至这些园区,减轻工业发展对市区和内陆土地资源的争夺。 面对水资源的约束,天津的思路集中在解决供应短缺和水污染治理两个方面。在解决水资源供应短缺的问题上,我们一方面致力于开发海水淡化技术,另一方面加快推进南水北调中线工程建设。海水淡化项目在天津的示范工程已取得成功,虽然目前海水淡化的成本还未降低到投入市场的水平,但政府将在推进海水淡化技术的市场化方面提供大力度支持,规划到2015年,实现海水淡化量50吨/日的目标(数字不准确),这一数字相当于目前全市城区日供水量的25%以上。南水北调中线工程预计到2014年9月以后实现通水。 天津市在促进水资源节约、提高水资源利用效率方面作了大量工作。比如,在产业升级过程中,综合运用经济、法律和行政手段,使高耗水和水污染严重的产业与企业有序退出市场,并通过财政补助、减免有关事业性收费等政策,鼓励和支持节水技术改造和废水回用。与此同时,天津通过实施用水价格机制改革,在居民生活、工业生产等各个环节形成节约用水的经济调节机制。此外,近年来天津在农村大力推广喷灌、微灌、大口径低压管道等先进使用的节水灌溉新技术和农业节水措施,使占至天津全市总用水量的将近50%的农业用水利用系数逐年提高。 天津治理水污染的途径主要通过水资源循环利用技术加以实现。在节约利用常规水资源的同时,将污水、海水和雨洪水等非常规水资源纳入水资源的统一配置体系;通过拟定专门的发展规划,明确各类水源的用途,形成全市多水源优化配置的格局;同时还抓住建设生态城市的契机,加快污水处理和再生水回用工程建设,实施污水、海水和雨洪水的资源化。在水循环利用方面典型的例子有2004年开始建设的北疆电厂。该电厂在国内首次采用代表当今最先进技术的百万千瓦等级的超超临界机组,配备漫滩取水、海水冷却塔等高新技术设施,形成"发电-海水淡化-浓海水制盐-土地节约整理-废物资源化再利用"模式;又如临港工业区规划了石油化工与盐化工、精细化工相结合、以“水电汽气污”多项目联产的循环经济产业链。 天津在节水立法和公众节水意识的宣传方面也做了大量工作。2002年,天津市颁布施行全国第一部地方性节水法规,并陆续出台节水型企业标准、节水型居民生活小区标准和用水定额标准,辅之以节水技术服务和对老居民区免费更换安装节水器具,受到企业和居民的普遍欢迎。此外,天津率先推动节水教育文章进入中小学课本,并开展“节约用水社区行”等宣传活动,营造了全社会节水的良好氛围。 天津以建设生态城市为契机,在生态工程项目建设方面也积累了一定经验。联合国贸易与发展会议《2010年世界投资报告》指出,天津滨海新区低碳经济发展成为全球典范,中新生态城是其中的一个典型。中新生态城是中国与新加坡政府为应对全球气候变化进行合作的重大项目。在基础设施、产业园区和住宅建设各方面均追求突出的生态特性。该项目的建设指标体系要求所有建筑100%达到绿色建筑标准,在确保建筑质量、安全等基本要求的前提下,最大限度地实现节能、节地、节水、节材和保护环境、减少污染。如该项目的公寓全部采用太阳能供应热水的路灯照明,利用中水系统 进行冲厕及浇花,建设雨水收集系统,使用地热采暖等。 从多年的工作中 我们体会到,推进水资源和土地可持续利用的问题上,政府所起的作用非常关键。但政府要注意密切结合本地实际,选择适当的方式介入。重点应依靠经济杠杆和必要的法律框架对企业和公众进行引导和约束,让资源节约的理念深入人心,并鼓励新技术的开发和应用,同时积极向其他国家和地区学习成功的经验。
译文: Tianjin government has been long considering how to make full use of the limited water and land resources, as well as promote the carrying capacity and sustainable development of Tianjin under the market-oriented economy. The following paragraphs will concentrate on the measures being taken. On land use, Tianjin has strictly followed the national policy of cultivated land protection, keeping its occupation to the lowest level as much as possible during the rapid urbanization and industrialization. Exchanging rural residence land for houses, a creative and successful project has been implemented in Huaming Town, in Dongli District. The prime procedure includes firstly, setting some special regions in the town respectively used as farmers’ residence community, land transferring areas, and model industrial parks. Secondly, turn the original rural homesteads all back to arable lands where modern agricultural bases will be established. Through these, farmers’ life can be urbanized without reducing the farm land or increasing their financial burden. In the Shanghai Expo, the Huaming Town stood out as a rural-urban integrated model in Tianjin. On the city and industrial projects construction, Tianjin has made a strict plan on land use, including establishing the Tianjin Planning Exhibition Hall, through which every detail of the process can get public to the citizens so as to ensure the fulfillment as well as the transparency of the scheme. Tianjin always attaches importance to promoting the intensiveness in land use, restructuring the industry, and accelerating the tertiary industry which is characterized by high density land use. The extensiveness in land use dominating in the industrial construction can be effectively curbed through the implementation of the reasonable land formation price mechanism. At the same time, given the great geographical position, we can build near-port industrial district in the Binhai new area and South Port area through sea reclamation, into which a large amount of heavy and chemical industry will be moved, so that a part of the land in the city and inland area will be saved. On water resources, Tianjin government emphasizes on two aspects, shortage and pollution. In order to cope with the former one, we, on one side, concentrate upon the desalination of sea water, on the other side; quicken the construction of the middle route of the South-North Water Transferring Project, expected to be put into use after Sept.2014. The initial workout of the desalination was a big success. The government will increase its support for further marketization of the seawater desalination technology whose cost, though, is yet to decline to such a degree as to be put into market. It is planned that by 2015, 500,000 tons of sea water can be desalinated daily, almost more than 25% of the water supplying of the whole city every day. Tianjin government has contributed a lot to the enhancement of water saving and using efficiency. For example, during the industrial upgrade, we have implemented economic, legal, and administrative measures, making companies subject to heavy pollution and high water consuming withdraw from the market orderly, and encouraged renovation of the water- saving techniques, as well as the waste recycle through allocating subsidy and decreasing or canceling the administrative fee. Meanwhile, the economy moderation mechanism of water saving has been established in people’s life and industrial production via the water price mechanism reform. What’s more, recently, in the field of agricultural irrigation, Tianjin exerts its strength to promote sprinkling and micro irrigation, large diameter pipe with low pressure, and other advanced techniques in rural areas. The efficiency of water using in agriculture, mounting nearly 50% of the whole city, has been greatly improved year after year. Water recycle is taken as the prime measure to deal with the water pollution in Tianjin. In addition to the effective use of the conventional water resource, sewage, sea water, rain and flood, will be included into the water supply system. Government will set special plans in order to specify the usage of various waters, finally forming a multi- water resource system. At the same time, seizing the chance of establishing an ecological city, Tianjin will accelerate the construction of the sewage disposal and water recycle projects, achieving the resource utility of the sewage, sea water, rain and flood. A typical example in water recycle is the Beijiang power plant in Tianjin built in 2004 where the one million KW ultra supercritical unit, the most advanced technique then in the modern world, was used domestically for the first time. With the help of the floodplain water, the sea water cooling tower, and other hi-tech instruments, the mode of “generating electricity, desalinating sea water, making salt out of strong sea water, land saving and the waste recycle” was formed. Another example is the planned combination of the petrochemical, salt chemical and fine chemical industry, and the economic and industrial chain based on “steam, electricity and gas”, multi-item production in the pro-port industrial park. Tianjin government has enacted related laws, and aroused citizens’ awareness on water saving. In 2002, Tianjin government made the first regional statute on water saving, followed by the regulated quantity in water using, and the water-saving standard respectively applied to companies, as well as residence communities. In addition to this, we provide water-saving service and change the water-saving device in the old residential areas for free. These activities gained popularity among people and companies. More than that, Tianjin is the first city to advocate water saving through text books and related promotional activities in communities, creating a “water saving” atmosphere in the society. Tianjin, taking the opportunity of establishing an ecological city, has accumulated lots of experience in the related projects construction. According to the “International Investment Report in 2010” put forward in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the low-carbon economy mode in Tianjin Binhai New Area has become a global model, within which the Sino-Singapore ecocity is a wonderful example, a significant cooperation between China and Singapore on dealing with the global climate change. Ecological characters can be obviously observed in the infrastructure, industrial park, and the residence community. The construction standards ensure all the buildings are 100% environment friendly, and economize on energy, land occupation, water, and material, on the precondition of high building quality and safety. For instance, in the Sino-Singapore Ecocity, rain water collecting system has been built, and all the apartments use the solar energy driven lamp, the reclaimed water for restroom cleaning and flower watering, and the geothermal heating. It can be concluded that government plays an indispensable role in promoting the sustainability in water and land use. However, government must take the local condition into consideration and choose a suitable way during its involvement. Economic lever and necessary legal framework should take the prime role in leading and regulating companies, as well as people, so as to promote a fully awareness of saving resource in the society, and encouraging new techniques invention and application, at the same time, learning from other counties actively.
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