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姓 名: 温译员  [编号]:2850 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 医药、合同等 出生年月: 1987/12/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语(医药)
毕业时间: 2010 毕业学校: 广州中医药大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语、日语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 20小时
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2009/12/1
获得分数: 76
工作时期: 2008/3/1--2009/5/1
公司名称: 英语翻译兼职
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 翻译
职位: 笔译
自我评价: ●公司简介、广告宣传、合同规章翻译为主 ●部分为旅游英语翻译,论文翻译,涉及文学方面 ●高质量完成分配译稿
案例标题: 名将三国剧情梗概
原文: 东汉末年,汉室倾颓,天灾人祸,民不聊生。西凉刺史董卓包藏野心,诱使巨鹿张角造反,使其领五十万黄巾贼直逼洛阳,造成更加混乱动荡的局面。贼兵入侵之际,朝内以“十常侍”为首的宦官集团竟趁机乱政。危急时刻大将军何进却又受到袁绍等人的蛊惑,召董卓进京平乱,没想到这又是董卓的计策。何进一旦失去了利用价值,马上便被袁绍等人出卖,惨死在宦官手中。眼看董卓的阴谋就要得逞,上古四大神兽纷纷从沉睡中甦醒,下世寻找其在人间的宿主,以阻止这场人世的浩劫。
译文: In the last years of East Han Dynasty, decadence reigned over the whole royal court, and the masses, being plagued by natural and man-made calamities, lived in dire poverty. Dong Zhuo, the prefectural governor in Western Liang, who harbored an audacious ambition, enticed Zhang Jiao, the official of Julu into revolt. Zhang led 500 thousand army ruffians, who were named as Yellow Turban Thieves, pressing upon Luoyang, the capital at that time, which thrust the empire into the more chaotic turbulence. The eunuch group in the court, with “Ten Attendants” (ten eunuchs) as the leaders, leaped at the chance of rebellion to overthrow the government. At this critical juncture, He Jin, the Great General, was cajoled into the proposal, raised by Yuan Shao and his gang, that Dong Zhuo should be summoned to the capital to suppress the insurgency. Unfortunately, it was Dong’s another stratagems. As soon as He Jin lost his value, he was betrayed by Yuan and his gang immediately and eventually died distressingly in eunuchs’ hands. Dong’s plot was about to succeed. The Four Celestial Beasts woke up from slumber and descended to the mortal world to seek for their predestined masters, hoping to avert the terrible catastrophe that was about to happen on the earth.
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