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姓 名: 陈译员  [编号]:2742 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 翻译学 出生年月: 1988/3/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 翻译学
毕业时间: 20012 毕业学校: 广东外语外贸大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 周一至周五 下午5点至9点 周末全天
证书名称: 专业八级
获证时间: 2009/3/1
获得分数: 良好
工作时期: 2009/9/1--2009/12/1
公司名称: 广州太傻留学咨询公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 英文服务部
自我评价: 在该部门工作期间,翻译质量赢得了广泛好评。
案例标题: 自我介绍
原文: 台下掌声欢呼声混成一片。当听到主持人宣布我当选为团委宣传部部长的刹那,我的脑袋有一瞬间的空白。紧接着,准备参选的情景像电影般一幕幕重现在眼前,眼睛就湿润了。 这次是一个异常艰辛的过程。因为曾经在高中的一次演讲比赛中忘词出丑,我一直对上台演讲有阴影,甚至产生了恐惧的心理。所以当我听说团委宣传部长的竞选相当激烈,而且有演讲、现场问答环节、即场表演等on stage的项目时,心里就开始打退堂鼓。但是我对广告设计和活动宣传有相当浓厚的兴趣。一想到当上宣传部长后,我就可以带领一群有相同兴趣与创意的人做我们喜欢做的事情,将我对宣传的特别想法充分表现出来,让更多的人知道,我就特别想得到这个职位。此时,一个朋友对我说,你总要去勇敢面对问题才能找到解决的方法。我想也是,我不能因为一次失败,就放弃所有展示自己的机会。 于是我开始积极准备竞选。我首先看了一下上一届的宣传部长竞选视频,他们都是妙语连珠很有急才。我就自己先写好稿子,然后给我的朋友修改,并征询现任部长的意见。多次修改后,把它很熟练地背了下来。但是,当我面对我的室友试讲的时候,我就是不能很流畅地表到我的内容,停顿很多,语速也很不稳定,听起来很生硬。试过多次仍是如此。我开始气馁,我想我还是没能克服我的上台恐惧症,导致背诵得滚瓜烂熟的内容临场发挥时还是很紧张,虽然听众只有2个。但是我告诫自己不能放弃,办法总比困难多,我会成功的。后来,我去请教了一个做speech很好的老师,Celia。她让我给他演示了一次,然后指出我的主要问题是you are not to present yourself and show your strengths and potentials but to memorize and recite. Eye contact and natural gestures are also essential for successful communication. 我终于看到了问题所在:我之前怕忘词是因为我一直在背诵,若是我旨在communicate with my audience,就没有是否忘词的问题了。在celia的指导下,我又将我的speech讲了一次,效果果然好多了。 结果如愿,我成功地当上了团委宣传部长。这次竞选不但让我懂得了communication的重要性,而且让我明白:困难之所以存在是因为我们的想法受到了限制,只要从另一个角度去看待obstacle,可能它就不是一个obstacle,反而是一个opportunity。明白了这点,我的上台恐惧症也随之消除。后来,我参加过英语演讲比赛、晚会的文艺汇演,也做过晚会主持,每一次都圆满完成任务。
译文: The audience cheered and applauded. My mind went blank the moment the host announced that I was elected as head of Department of Publicity of the CYL committee. Those days when I prepared for the election reappeared in front of my eyes like a movie and that made my eyes filled with tears again. This election was a tough journey for me. In high school, I once forgot what to say in a speech contest and made a show of myself. Since then speaking in public has been an obstacle for me. I even had a fear of that. So when I heard that the competition would be fierce and there would be on stage programs such as giving speech, Q&A and improvisational performance, I started to think about dropping out. But as I have been keen on advertisement project and publicity campaign, once I became the head of Department of Publicity, I would be able to lead a group of people who had the same interest with me to do what we’d like to do and demonstrate our thoughts on publicity so that more people will know them. This idea made me eager for this position. I hesitated again. At this moment, a friend came to me and told me that I could only find solutions of problems when I bravely faced them. That was also what I was thinking then. I couldn’t give up all the opportunities to show my abilities just because of one failure. Therefore, I set down to prepare for my election. First I watched the campaign videos of last year’s candidates. I had to say that they were all eloquent and quick-minded. Then I wrote my own speech draft and let my friend modify it for me. I also tried to seek advice from current minister. After many modifications, I was able to recite it smoothly. However, when I tried to speak in front of my roommates, although there were just two of them, my voice and speed started to get strange and it became difficult for me to fully express my ideas. I failed again and again, which made me lose heart once more. I thought perhaps I just couldn’t defeat my fear. But my mind kept telling me not to give up and I could make it. After all, there were more solutions than problems. So I went to consult Celia, a teacher good at giving speeches. She asked me to do it in front of her and then pointed out my problem. “You are not to present yourself and show your strengths and potentials but to memorize and recite. Eye contact and natural gestures are also essential for successful communication,” she said. Her remarks reminded me of my problem. What I had been doing before was to recite my speech because I feared that I would forget the words again. If I focused on communicating with my audience, this problem wouldn't exist any more. Under Celia’s construction, I made my speech again and this time it was much better. In the end, my dream came true and I was elected. This campaign makes me realize not only the importance of communication but also the only reason why difficulties exist. It’s because our thinking has been restricted Obstacles, when looked at from another perspective, will be opportunities. My fear of speaking in public disappeared when I understood this. After that, I participated in many activities, such English speaking contests and evening parties. I even hosted evening parties myself. These tasks are all completed perfectly.
案例标题: 出国留学介绍信
原文: 我叫刘乃琦,曾担任电子科技大学计算机科学与工程系主任,现为IEEE/ACM会员和中国电子学会会员。我是在《操作系统》这门课上认识XXX同学的,并且在XX所参加的全国信息安全大赛校内赛中,我是评委之一。通过这一年多来和他的交流,我对XX有比较深入的了解。很高兴能在此向你推荐这位优秀的学生。 XX是一位学习优异的学生。这句话并不是只有我一个人这么说,我的同事们——只要是曾经教过XX的——也都这么认为,因为他的成绩在系里总是名列前茅,经常获得一等奖奖学金。任何成功的背后都肯定有着很多的努力和汗水。XX优异的成绩,来源于他上课时的认真听课和课后的积极学习以及阅读大量的书籍资料。在我的课堂上,他是最活跃的一个学生,不仅积极参与课堂讨论,在课后也经常和我探讨遇到的不懂的问题。从他所问的问题中,我可以看出这个学生对于课本知识进行了总结和思考,也涉猎了比较多的课外书籍。对于他的这种学习态度,我很是欣赏。在这门课的期末考试中,XX成绩很不错,获得了91的高分。 在这门课程结束后,我与XX有很长的一段时间没有见面。直到今年的6月份,我担任全国信息安全大赛的评委,才再一次见到了这名学生。在这次比赛中,俊文所在的小组是最优秀的一支队伍,拿下了这个比赛的校内冠军。他们所做的分布式全息主机审计系统比较完善和全面,也很有创新力,得到了包括我在内的众多评委的好评。我们一致都给了很高的分数。从XX他们对这个系统的演示中,我可以看到他们为这个项目所花费的心血和努力,也可以看出他们对于本专业知识已经掌握得很不错了。另外,我本身的研究方向就是系统结构方面。对于他们的这个分布式全息主机审计系统,我最欣赏的是系统底层的构架方面,技术做得很到位。而据后来的了解,XX就是主要负责系统底层技术方面的工作的。这让我在感到惊讶的同时,对于这个学生更为欣赏和喜爱。 现在,XX打算去美国留学,进一步地学习系统底层技术方面的知识。我非常支持他的这个决定。我曾在加拿大渥太华卡尔顿大学学习,因此我很清楚一个良好的学习环境和条件对于XX未来的成长是非常重要的。在我看来,他是一位非常优秀的学生,希望贵校能给他一个机会。我相信他不会让贵校失望。
译文: My name is Liu Naiqi. I once worked as the dean of Department of Computer Science and Engineering in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Now I am a member of IEEE/ACM and Chinese Institute of Electronics. Besides, I am also one of the judges of National Information Security Competition, UESTC area, in which xx takes part in. It's on the course of Operating System that I knew him and after a year’s contact with him, I believe I know him pretty well. So it’s a pleasure to recommend such an outstanding student to you. Xx is an excellent student. Not only me but also all the teachers who had taught him would say so. Because his score is always on the top of the class and often gets first-class scholarship. Effort and sweat is what lies behind any success. Xx gets his perfect score because he listens to every class carefully and reads a large amount of books after class. In my class, he is the most active one. He always shares his ideas with his classmates during the discussion and consults me when he meets any problem. I can realize from the questions he asks that he has made a summary of the knowledge learnt from textbooks and has read many relevant books. I really appreciate his learning attitude. As expected, xx got a good score of 91 in the final test. After we finished this course, I didn’t see xx for a very long time. And it’s not until this June, when I started to be the judge of National Information Security Competition that I met him again. During this competition, the team that xx was in did the best job and won the first prize in our university. Their work, distributed holographic host audit system, was fairly perfect and comprehensive. It was very creative and was highly appreciated by most judges. We all gave his team a high score. From their presentation of the system, I could see that they exerted much effort and energy into it and they had a perfect command of knowledge in this field. Since my research orientation is system structure, I paid more attention to the underlying framework of their system. They just surprised me with the perfection of their processing ability. I found out later that xx was responsible for the work concerning the underlying framework. That made me appreciate him more. I gave him my full support when he told me that he intended to study overseas in America, to learn more knowledge of the underlying technical aspects of the system. I once studied in Carleton University of Ottawa, Canada and I know that a good environment is very important to his development. As far as I know, xx is an excellent student, so I hope that you can give him the opportunity to study in your university. I am sure he won’t let you down.
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