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姓 名: 王译员  [编号]:2700 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 文学 出生年月: 1986/10/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 北京 北京
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英美文学
毕业时间: 2011 毕业学校: 北京外国语大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语、法语
目前所在地: 北京 北京
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 周二-周四、周末
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2008/4/1
获得分数: 77
工作时期: 2009/5/1--2009/9/1
公司名称: 中国杂技家协会
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 在校学生
所在部门: 外联部
职位: FISM世界魔术大会志愿者
自我评价: 出色完成大量口、笔译任务
工作时期: 2008/7/1--2008/8/1
公司名称: 北京市保安服务总公司外事分公司
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 在校学生
所在部门: Jetset工作组
职位: 志愿者
自我评价: 协助该公司干部与外商沟通。
案例标题: FISM世界魔术大会比赛规则和程序
原文: Comment: The inclusion of a ‘non-stooge paragraph’ was suggested by the Jury of FISM WCM2006 in Stockholm who noticed that in the absence of a ‘non-stooge’ paragraph in the CR&P means that we continue to accept that we are not able to disqualify a performer who obviously makes use of a stooge. The Presidium agrees with the FISM WCM2006 jury that it is better to accept the fact that we cannot detect ALL cases of using a stooge, than to have to accept not being able to disqualify a contestant who obviously does make of a stooge in a way that is not acceptable for a magical performance. A contest rule should not be considered a means to detect and cover all the ways of making use of a stooge, but more and primarily as a clear signal that the obvious use of a stooge is not allowed and that if a violation is detected it can lead to disqualification.. It should be emphasized that it is a magic contest in the first place that is being judged and that performers who obviously violate the widely accepted rule within the magic fraternity that the use of stooges is not a contribution to the Art of Magic, can be disqualified. As there can be circumstances however that will not justify a disqualification, we leave the decision to disqualify a performer to the judges.
译文: 注释:此包含“不允许用托儿的段落”,是由FISM2006年斯德哥尔摩世界魔术大会评委会建议的。他们发现,在比赛规则和程序中没有规定“不允许用托儿”这一条,这就意味着我们得持续接受表演者在节目中明显用托儿而无法取消演员比赛资格的事实。主席团同意FISM2006年斯德哥尔摩世界魔术大会评委会,即与取消所有用托儿的参赛者比赛资格相比,更合适的做法是取消那种明显用托儿,而使节目不再是魔术节目的参赛者比赛资格。 比赛规则不能预测或者涵盖用托儿的所有情况,但是不允许主要依靠或明确使用托儿的明确记号的节目。如有违反,将可能导致比赛资格被取消。 首先应该强调此类魔术节目应该受到评判,参赛者明显打破被普遍接受的魔术规则,使用托儿这种对魔术艺术没有贡献意义的手法将被取消比赛资格。 但是这些情况不会必然导致取消比赛资格,我们把取消比赛的决定权留给评委们。
案例标题: FISM世界魔术大会比赛规则和程序
原文: Comment: The inclusion of a ‘non-stooge paragraph’ was suggested by the Jury of FISM WCM2006 in Stockholm who noticed that in the absence of a ‘non-stooge’ paragraph in the CR&P means that we continue to accept that we are not able to disqualify a performer who obviously makes use of a stooge. The Presidium agrees with the FISM WCM2006 jury that it is better to accept the fact that we cannot detect ALL cases of using a stooge, than to have to accept not being able to disqualify a contestant who obviously does make of a stooge in a way that is not acceptable for a magical performance. A contest rule should not be considered a means to detect and cover all the ways of making use of a stooge, but more and primarily as a clear signal that the obvious use of a stooge is not allowed and that if a violation is detected it can lead to disqualification.. It should be emphasized that it is a magic contest in the first place that is being judged and that performers who obviously violate the widely accepted rule within the magic fraternity that the use of stooges is not a contribution to the Art of Magic, can be disqualified. As there can be circumstances however that will not justify a disqualification, we leave the decision to disqualify a performer to the judges.
译文: 注释:此包含“不允许用托儿的段落”,是由FISM2006年斯德哥尔摩世界魔术大会评委会建议的。他们发现,在比赛规则和程序中没有规定“不允许用托儿”这一条,这就意味着我们得持续接受表演者在节目中明显用托儿而无法取消演员比赛资格的事实。主席团同意FISM2006年斯德哥尔摩世界魔术大会评委会,即与取消所有用托儿的参赛者比赛资格相比,更合适的做法是取消那种明显用托儿,而使节目不再是魔术节目的参赛者比赛资格。 比赛规则不能预测或者涵盖用托儿的所有情况,但是不允许主要依靠或明确使用托儿的明确记号的节目。如有违反,将可能导致比赛资格被取消。 首先应该强调此类魔术节目应该受到评判,参赛者明显打破被普遍接受的魔术规则,使用托儿这种对魔术艺术没有贡献意义的手法将被取消比赛资格。 但是这些情况不会必然导致取消比赛资格,我们把取消比赛的决定权留给评委们。
口译项目简介: 2009FISM北京世界魔术大会期间,为来自各国的评委及评委会工作人员提供全程翻译。 2008年北京奥运会期间为赞助商提供翻译。
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