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姓 名: 刘译员  [编号]:2323 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 文学作品书信文章 出生年月: 1986/10/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区:  
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英语翻译
毕业时间: 39994 毕业学校: 四川外语学院
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
证书名称: 高等学校英语专业八级
获证时间: 2009/3/1
获得分数: 合格
案例标题: 点石园讲解
原文: 首先,欢迎您到点石园参观。“点石园”三字是清朝康熙皇帝的御笔,有点石成金之意,也隐喻我们园内珍藏的石雕有很高的艺术价值。希望您在园内完成金色之旅。园内珍藏的大小石雕、木雕、砖雕共达1000多件,上至西汉,下至明清,跨越了2000多年。咱们看到最北面是2只石羊,前面的是汉代石羊,后面的是唐代石羊,放在一起有“洋洋如意”的意思。这是一件碑帽,它的上面出现了裂痕,我们用玻璃罩起来,可以保护它。您看中间高大威猛的武将,是从山西收集而来的,黄河泛滥的时候被淹埋在河底,后来打捞上来,所以保存的就很完整,主要把它放置在皇家神道的两侧,起到护卫者的作用。门枕石是清代的,上面刻了5只精美的狮子,叫做五狮环寿,事事如意。这也是碑帽,您看它刻了9条龙,可以体现皇帝是九五至尊,它的侧面还辅以祥云的图案(北京奥运祥云火炬),整件雕刻都很完美。接下来的是望柱(北京天安门的华表),上面的动物叫朝天吼,可以避邪,还刻有“万粮助军功,祖德播扬海内”,和奖状一样。最后的石狮雕刻从北京收集而来,脚下抚一只幼狮被称为太师少狮,寓意是子孙昌盛。 这里是百狮苑,里面摆放的大小石狮200多件,都是从全国各地收集而来,大多数来自山西、四川、安徽。这是2件工艺品,请工匠做的。主要是表现古人饮水灌溉的原始生活景象。当时是借助风力和水动力,今天是靠电力。 点石园是今年8月29日对外开放的,整座园林都是我们园主人邀请了江南著名的设计师量身定做的。占地10亩,总投资也达到了3500多万元。 这个景点比较漂亮,是我们人工制造的瀑布。中国书法协会主席沈鹏先生为此景留下“西楚潭影”四字(草书),“奇观”(篆书)二字是著名书法家、篆刻家、浙江西冷印社副社长、中国美院教授刘江所题。 接下来的石碑林。园内珍藏了50多件石碑刻,“茂时育物”是清朝顺治帝的御笔,大概的意思是说“天育物有时,地生财有限,而我们的欲望是无止境的”用来告诫世人要克制自己的欲望,不能滥用自然界的资源。“垂三不朽”是一块功德碑,三不朽是指“立德,立功,立言”,也就是说首先要树立高尚的品德,为国为民做出功绩,敢说出自己的真知灼见,这“三不朽”虽久不废,留传百世。您看到这驼碑的动物叫赑屃(bixi),龙的儿子,喜欢负重,它和乌龟十分相似,也是长寿与吉祥的象征。 我们中国的三雕包括石雕,木雕还有砖雕。主展厅就向您展出了很多。这边请。您先看到的是高大的武将,是元代的。这还有一件碑帽,清代的,1.7米,6吨重,您数数它上面刻了10条龙,在古代皇帝被称为九五至尊应该是九条龙,为什么会出现10条龙呢?原来这是皇帝用来祭天祭地的,您想啊,天地为最大,所以用了10条龙。这是我们的镇园之宝,汉白玉的石羊,从西安收集而来。线条很简洁,7吨左右重。你会发现我们园内的石羊大多数都是双膝下跪的,这是为什么呢?因为羊从一出生就是跪哺,说明它是一种感恩的动物,它放置在皇家神道上所用,也是为了感激皇恩。您了解中国的历史么?这几件都是在文化大革命的时候被破坏的,非常可惜,还有待进一步的发现。咱们请到西厅参观。 您看到的也是镇园之宝,汉白玉的石虎,很高大,雕刻的简洁大方。同样的还有这一对石虎,从山东收集的,您看它非常憨厚可爱,被视为中国最早的卡通,民间比较流行的虎头鞋就是由它演变来的。接下的是一对石狮子,质地是红砂岩的,典型的南方狮,比较温顺可爱。您再看看这些精致的石狮子,在陕北一带比较常见,叫做栓娃石。大人出去干农活没人看管小孩子,她们就用这些狮子栓在小孩子的腰上或腿上,防止小孩从床上掉下来,不用的时候可以放在桌子上用来装饰。大人是希望自己的孩子能像狮子一样勇敢顽强。对于石狮子的摆放也比较讲究,一般来说,门东边的狮子脚下踩绣球,象征着威力,是雄狮;门西边的狮子脚下抚一只小狮子,是母狮子。在民间有个吉祥的说法:摸摸石狮头,一生不用愁;摸摸石狮背,好活一辈辈;摸摸石狮嘴,夫妻不吵嘴;摸摸石狮腚,永远不生病;从头摸到尾,财源广进如流水,如果大家感兴趣的话,可以尝试下。 点石园隶属于徐州圣旨博物馆,包括那边的展品全是我们园长用了40多年的时间从全国各地收集而来,花了很大的物力和财力。您看这有只蝙蝠是倒着的,叫做福到了,很吉祥的。您走的这座小桥叫安然桥,有平安吉祥之意,就是希望您过了安然桥可以一生平安,为您带来好运。到了这里我们园内的讲解就到此结束了,希望这次短暂的旅行能为您带来好运,在以后能事事如意,点石成金,欢迎您下次光临。谢谢。
译文: First of all, I would like to express our warmest welcome for your coming to the Stone Carvings Garden. The name of “the Stone Carvings Garden” on the tablet was the handwriting of the Qing Emperor Kanghsi, which means to perform miracle like touching a stone and then turning into gold. It also suggests that the stone carvings collected in our Garden are of high artistic value. I hope you can enjoy your gold trip in the garden. Our garden have a collection of more than 1000 pieces of stone carvings, wood carvings, brick carvings of different sizes , which can be dated back from the Western Han Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasty, crossing over more than 2000 years. Now we can see in the north there are two stone sheep, the one in front is the stone sheep of Han Dynasty, the one behind, Tang Dynasty. When they are disposed together, it means everything goes well with us. This is a tablet hat. We have covered it with glass to preserve it for there are fissures on its surface. See the strong and mighty general in the middle, it was collected from Shanxi province. It was buried in the bed when the Huanghe River inundated, and later dredged up from the water, therefore, it was well preserved. Usually it is disposed by the two sides of the path leading to the Emperor’s grave as the guards. This bearing stone is of Qing Dynasty. There are five exquisite lions called “Five Lions Paying for Longevity and the Smooth Sail of Everything”. This is also a tablet hat. You can see there are nine dragons carved on it, suggesting the supreme authority of the emperor. There are also clouds (the Lucky Clouds on the Beijing Olympic Torch) carved on its side, making it a perfect piece of carving. Next is the baluster column (the Huabiao in front of the Tian’an men Square), with animals on the top roaring into the sky as a sign of the protection against evil spirit. Besides, as a diploma, there are words carved on it: “A great number of provisions make the military exploit, the virtues of our ancestors diffuse nation-wide”. At last, these stone lions were collected from Beijing. The one gently touching a lionet under his foot is called Taishi Shaoshi, which symlizes the abundance and prosperity of the descendance. Here is the Lions Garden. There are more than 200 pieces of lion stone of different sizes collected from all parts of the country, and most of them are from Shanxi, Sichuan and Anhui province. These two handicrafts made by craftsman represent us the primitive way our ancestors drank and irrigated. At that time, they irrigate by the power of wind and water, while today we irrigate by electric power. The Stone Carvings Garden has been opened to the public on 29th, August this year. The owner of the garden employed the prestigious engineer to design the whole garden, and it was perfectly customized. It covers 10 mu, and costs more than 35 million yuan. This beautiful sight is the man-made waterfall. The chairman of Chinese Calligraphy Association Mr. Shenpeng inscribed four words “Xi Chu Tan Ying” (in cursive character) for it. The two words “Qi Guan” (in seal character) was inscribed by Pro. Liujiang of China Academy of Art, who is also the famous calligrapher, seal cutter, the vice president of Zhejiang Xileng Press. The following is the Stone Tablet Garden. More than 50 stone tablets are collected in it. The words “Mao Shi Yu Wu” are the handwriting of the Qing Emperor Shunzhi. It generally means that the nature nurtures all things at the right time, and the earth grows resources in a certain amount. However, our desire is endless, so it is used as an admonition to warn people that we must restrain our desire and not abuse the resources of the nature. “Chui San Bu Xiu” is a stone tablet of merits and virtues. The three immortalities refer to “to set up high moral virtues, to render meritorious services, and to create great writings”. It means that we must set up noble virtues, then make contributions to the people, and finally speak out your penetrating idea boldly. These tree immortalities are so endurable to the trial of time that they have been passed down through hundreds of generations. The animal of Tuobei you see is called “Bixi”. It’s the dragon’s son who is in fond of carrying a heavy load. It is very similar to tortoise, and is also the symbol of longevity and lucky. Chinese has three types of carving; they are respectively stone carving, wood carving and brick carving. Most of them are displayed in the Main Exhibition Hall. This way, please. The first strapping general you see is of Yuan Dynasty. Here is another tablet hat of Qing Dynasty. It is of 1.7 meters’ height, and 6 tons’ weight. You will find that there are 10 dragons on it. However, the emperor was supposed to be the supreme authority in ancient times. In this sense, there should have been 9 dragons on it. Why there are 10 on it? Actually, it is the offering with which the emperor worshiped the heaven and the ground. You see, the heaven is most powerful of all, so there are ten dragons. This is the most precious collection in our garden – the stone sheep made of white marble collected from Xi’an. Its lines are very clean, and it weighs about 7 tons. You may find that most of the stone sheep in our garden are all on their knees. Why? It is because sheep are fed on their knees when they are born, which suggests that it’s a grateful animal. In this sense, it is disposed on the path leading to the Emperor’s grave to express the gratitude for the patronage of the emperor. Do you know Chinese history? It is a pity that these pieces were destroyed during the Great Cultural Revolution, and they require further discovery. Let’s head for the West Hall. This is another most precious collection of our garden, the stone tiger made of white marble. It is so magnificent and the lines are clean and seemly. We have a pair of tigers similar to this one from Shandong province. You will find it very naive and cute. It is considered to be the earliest cartoon in China, and the Tiger Shoes that is popular in folk evolved from it. The following is a pair of stone lions of red sandstone texture. They are the representative South lions, docile and cute. Just look at these exquisite stone lions. Usually they can be seen in the district of Northern Shanxi Province, and are called “Shuanwa Shi”. The parents go out to do the farm work, leaving the children with no one to look after them. They then tie these lions to the waists or legs of the children for fear that they would fall from the bed. When it is not needed it can be placed on the table as decoration. Parents all hope their children can be as bold and tough as lions, so they pay great attention to the position of the stone lions. Generally speaking, the lion to the east of the gate steps on a ball made of strips of silk symbolizes power. To the west of the gate, there is the lioness gently touching a lionet under its foot. As a folk lucky saying goes: touch the lion head, then for a lifelong time you would be never sad; touch the lion back, then you would go smoothly for your whole life; touch the lion mouth, then couples never bustup; touch the lion hip, then you would be far away from disease; touch it from the top to bottom, then wealth flows in like water. If you are interested in it, you can have a try. The Stone Carvings Garden is subordinated to the Imperial Edict Museum of Xuzhou. Even the exhibits there were collected from all part of the country by our president. It takes him 40 years to collect them, costing a great amount of material resources and manpower. You can find that this bat is inversed. It is called the “good fortune has come”, which is very lucky. The little bridge you are crossing is named the “Anran Bridge”, which means safe and lucky. Then you are blessed to be safe and fortunate for your whole life after you crossed the bridge. The explanation comes to the end when we reach here. I sincerely hope this short trip would bring you good luck. Wish everything goes well with you in your future life, and you can perform miracle as touching a stone and turning it into gold. Welcome to our garden again. Thank you.
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