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姓 名: 熊译员  [编号]:166 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 工程机械电气电力企业管理网站等 出生年月: 1967/5/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 湖北 武汉
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 工商管理
毕业时间: 38143 毕业学校: 湖北经济学院
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 优秀
口译等级: 工作经历: 5 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 湖北 武汉
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 现为自由译者,根据翻译稿件的要求,可随时进行
证书名称: 大学英语四级证书
获证时间: 1989/6/1
获得分数: 优良
证书名称: 大学英语六级证书
获证时间: 2001/6/1
获得分数: 优良
工作时期: 1986/10/1--2006/6/1
公司名称: 武汉锅炉股份有限公司
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 生产/加工/制造
所在部门: 总工程师办公室
职位: 质量管理员兼翻译
自我评价: 自我评价:务实勤奋,诚信敬业,乐观积极,善于沟通,具备良好的团队精神和不断学习的欲望和动力。
案例标题: 7-AP1000设备闸门焊接工艺方案
原文: 2 焊接工艺准备 2.1 焊接材料 焊接工程师根据标准和AP1000相关的规格书(或技术条件),编制相应的“焊接材料采购技术规范”,采购员按该技术规范的要求,在合格的供货商名单范围内进行采购。焊接材料应满足AP1000相关的规格书(或技术条件)、ASME第II卷C分篇和ASME第III卷的有关内容,派遣专业技术人员对焊接材料进行源地见证和验收。按SPEC8802《核设备焊接材料入厂验收制度》的规定,对验收(或复验)合格的焊接材料才能用于产品的焊接。验收合格的焊接材料应存放在焊材库房内,并按SPEC8803《核设备焊接材料管理制度》的规定储存、发放。产品主要焊接材料见附表1。 2.2 焊接工艺评定 焊接工程师根据设计图样及AP1000相关的规格书(或技术条件)、ASME第IX卷和,结合焊接车间的设备和焊工或焊接操作工等情况,编制一份焊接工艺评定目录,焊接工艺评定按SPEC8803《核设备制造焊接工艺评定管理制度》进行。对目录中的每一项评定编制一份“焊接工艺评定指导书”,并开展焊接工艺评定试验。焊接工艺评定试验应选用合格的母材和焊接材料,并采用合格的焊接设备,有熟练的焊工或焊接操作工完成。评定试件经无损检测、焊后热处理(需要时)和理化试验,评定试验合格后编写“焊接工艺评定报告”,经焊接责任工程师批准。合格的焊接工艺评定是编制产品“焊接工艺规程”的依据,也是编制“焊工/焊接操作工考试规程”的依据。产品主要焊接工艺评定项目见附表2。
译文: 2 Welding procedure preparation 2.1 Welding materials The welding engineer prepares the corresponding "Welding Materials Procurement Technical Specification" in accordance with the standard and AP1000 relevant specification (or technical condition). The purchaser purchases within the scope of the qualified supplier list according to the technical specification requirements. The welding materials should meet the AP1000 relevant specification (or technical conditions), relevant contents of ASME Section II C Division and ASME Section III, the professional and technical personnel are dispatched to conduct the site witness and acceptance check of the welding materials. According to the provisions of SPEC8802 " Welding Materials Receiving Inspection System for the Nuclear Equipment ", the checked and accepted (or retest) welding materials can only be used for the product welding. The checked and accepted welding materials should be stored in the welding materials storehouse, and stored, issued in accordance with the provisions of SPEC8803 " Welding Materials Management System for the Nuclear Equipment". The major welding materials of the product refer to the attached table 1. 2.2 Welding procedure qualification The welding engineer prepares a list of welding procedure qualification in accordance with the design drawings and AP1000 related specification (or technical condition), ASME Section IX, combined with the equipment, welder or welding operator of the welding shop etc. The welding procedure qualification should be implemented in accordance with SPEC8803 " Welding Procedure Qualification Management System for the Nuclear Equipment Manufacturing ". Each of qualification in the list should be prepared a "Instruction for Welding Procedure Qualification ", and welding procedure qualification test should be conducted. The welding procedure qualification test should select the qualified base metal and welding materials, and with qualified welding equipment, completed by the skilled welder or welding operator. The test sample is qualified by non-destructive testing, postweld heat treatment (when necessary) and physical and chemical test. The "Welding Procedure Qualification Report" is prepared after passing the qualification test, approved by the welding principal engineer. The qualified welding procedure qualification is the basis to prepare the "Welding Procedure Qualification Report" of the product, is also the basis to prepare "Welder/Welding Operator Examination Regulation". Major welding procedure qualification items of the product refer to the attached table 2.
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