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个人信息 |
姓 名: |
赵译员 [编号]:1469 |
性 别: |
女 |
擅长专业: |
商务 |
出生年月: |
1984/11/1 |
民 族: |
汉族 |
所在地区: |
广东 深圳 |
文化程度: |
硕士 |
所学专业: |
翻译理论与实践 |
毕业时间: |
39987 |
毕业学校: |
暨南大学 |
第一外语: |
英语 |
等级水平: |
专业八级 |
口译等级: |
中级 |
工作经历: |
2 年 |
翻译库信息 |
可翻译语种: |
英语、法语 |
目前所在地: |
广东 深圳 |
可提供服务类型: |
笔译、家教 |
每周可提供服务时间: |
周一至周五 |
证书信息 |
证书名称: |
英语专业八级证书 |
获证时间: |
2007/3/1 |
获得分数: |
良好 |
工作经历 |
工作时期: |
2009/4/1--2009/9/1 |
公司名称: |
深圳君威利电子有限公司 |
公司性质: |
民营企业 |
所属行业: |
翻译 |
所在部门: |
翻译 |
职位: |
兼职翻译 |
自我评价: |
责任心强,翻译准确 |
工作时期: |
2009/4/1--2009/9/1 |
公司名称: |
深圳君威利电子有限公司 |
公司性质: |
民营企业 |
所属行业: |
翻译 |
所在部门: |
翻译 |
职位: |
兼职翻译 |
自我评价: |
责任心强,翻译准确 |
笔译案例信息 |
案例标题: |
南溪县招商手册内容规划 |
原文: |
齐享南溪福 共同大发展
第一县”。 全县地跨长江两岸,辖15个乡镇,幅员面积704平方公里,总人口42万,是四川省扩权强县试点县。
公路 现有省道两条,S307线泸(州)盐(源)路和S206线自(贡)筠(筠)在南溪交汇。宜宾到南溪的快速通道(一级公路)正在建设中,预计2009年底可完工,南溪县城到宜宾市的距离将缩短至33公里;重庆至宜宾的沿江高速公路将穿过南溪,预计2012年可建成。
铁路 渝(重庆)昆(明)铁路已经完成选址,将穿越南溪;宜宾港专用货运铁路将通至罗龙。
水路 宜宾港在南溪设置罗龙和九龙两个作业区,罗龙作业区一期投资已经启动,预计第一个泊位2010年可投入使用,经过整治的长江航道丰水期通航能力可达3000吨级以上,枯水期可达1000吨级以上。
航空 南溪所在川南地区机场密度大,县城距离宜宾菜坝机场50公里,距离宜宾宗场机场(在建,2012年完工)63公里,距离泸州机场50公里.
南溪有长江穿越县境,黄沙河与龙滩河、护城河、龙滩河、黄龙溪等形成北部水系。全县河流总长174.2 公里,河网密度0.26 公里/平方公里,多年平均年径流量为29889 万立方米。河流水质情况较好,大多数河段均属I、II 类水质。
休闲食品 以南溪豆腐干为主体的休闲食品产业全年实现工业总产值 元,工业增加值 元,比上年增 %,涉及豆制品、榨菜、碎米芽菜、鹅禽肉加工等主要产业内容。
白酒 南溪素有酿酒传统,五粮液鼻祖邓子均就是南溪人。目前南溪形成了以金南福、天成、长兴为龙头的白酒酿造产业集群,全年全县实现白酒产量 吨,实现产值 元。
工 化工是南溪的传统优势产业之一,目前已形成了磷化工和精细化工两个主要发展方向,其中年产磷化工产品30万吨以上,年产硝基甲苯及其副产品10万吨以上,全年实现化工产业产值30亿元以上。
生物制药 南溪有规模以上医药生产企业3家,分别是五粮液药业、北方红光和文龙药业,以制造针剂、医药原料和中成药为主,全县生物制药业年值已超过5亿元。
轻工 南溪已经形成了以南山机械、蓝天纸业、浩宇皮革、恒旭铝塑为龙头的轻工产业门类和射钉器材、涂布白板纸、皮革制品、新型材料等产品集群,全年实现工业产值达到xxx亿元
集中区起步区“四横五纵” 道路骨架第一、二期已建成投入使用,第三期已开工建设,预计年底全部完成。园区内部已可实现内循环。
鼓励企业引进三总师(总经济师、总会计师、总工程师)、高级技术职称人员,企业每引进一位,且在企业任职满3 年的,政府奖励企业1 万元。对该类企业法人代表及其引进的上述人才的子女可在本县内任意优先选择就读学校。
企业实施技改或与优势企业(产业)整合、企业技术创新和新产品开发,年新增产值超过500 万元、新增税超过40 万元,县政府前3 年将按企业新增增值税、所得税县级留存部份(分别为所缴总额的16.25%,40%)金额的100%进行奖励,4-6 年按50%进行奖励。
对重点酒类企业,一次性新建窖池200 口以上,投入正常生产后,县政府一次性补助500 元/口。
译文: |
Nanxi, the place where people share joys and seek collaborative development
-- Investment recruit guide of Nanxi County
The People’s Government of Nanxi
Chapter One: Investment Environment in Nanxi
A. Auspicious Nanxi, the first county of Yangtze River
The Jinsha Jing River and the Ming River join at Yibin, forming the Yangtze River. The river runs to the east, which flows through Nanxi first, and that’s the reason why Nanxi is called ““the first county of Yangtze River”. Nanxi spans over the two sides of the river, governing 15 villages and towns, with an area of 704 square kilometers and a population of 420 thousand. It is the pilot county in Sichuan Province aiming at developing county by power expansion.
Nanxi is attached to Yibin Municipality, located in the center of Yibin, Zigong and Luzhou. It is the joint of the “Beijing- Kunming” railway and the Yangtze River golden waterway that are in the “five vertical and seven horizontal” national traffic programme. It is also the golden waterway of “Panxi – Liu Panshui” area, the important portal which connects the “Chengdu - Chongqing” economic area with southern “Kunming - Guizhou” area and leads them to Southeast Asia, and the strategic area in the joint of Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan which connects east and west and run north and south.
Nanxi has a long history over 1,400 years. It is the hometown of the revolutionist – Sun Bingwen and the originator of the Wuliangye—Deng Zijun. There are Yun Taishan forest park, Yingzhou pacvilion, the best workmanship and preserved city gate tower in Ming dynasty (Civilization Gate) along the banks of the Yangtze River, and so on.
Nanxi has a long history standing, convenient transport facilities, agreeable climate and beautiful scenery. It is an excellent place to invest in and develop industry.
B. Communication network leading everywhere with perfect means of transportation.
Public road: at present there are two roads of provincial level, that is, the Luzhou – Yanyuan line and Zigong – Junjun line. The fast track between Yibin and Nanxi (arterial road) is in progress and it is anticipated to complete by the end of 2009. Consequently, the distance between Nanxi and Yibin will be reduced to 33 kilometers. The Chongqing – Yibin line will pass through Nanxi, which is expected to complete by 2012.
Railway: the Chongqing – Kunming line has finished the site selection, and will pass through Nanxi. The exclusive freight railway for Yibin Harbor will be extended to Luolong.
Waterway: Yibin Harbor has two operating area in Nanxi, Luolong and Jiulong. The first stage of investment in Luolong operating area has been launched, and it is anticipated that the first berth will be put into service by 2010. After the river improvement, the navigation capacity of the Yangtze River’s passage could reach over 3000 tonners in high flow period and over 1000 tonners in low water period.
Aviation: the Chuannan district airport which is located in Nanxi has high density. It is 50km away from the Yibin Caiba airport, 63km away form the Yibin Zongchang airport (which is in progress and will be completed in 2012), and 50km away from the Luzhou airport.
c. Nature endowed place with superior resources
Advantaged environment and climate endue Nanxi with abundant superior resources
ample water system and dense river network
The Yangtze River runs through Nanxi. The Huangsha River, the Longtan River, the Hucheng River, and the Huanglong Stream form the northern water system. The total length of the rivers in Nanxi is 174.2 km. The density of the river network is 0.26 km/sq.km. The average annual runoff is 29889 ten thousand cubic meters. The water quality is preferable, most of the river stretches belonging to I、II type water quality.
rich soil and copious vegetables
The vegetable planting area in Nanxi amount to over 200,000 mu. Nanxi is the second demonstration county (national level) of “green” vegetable production, the fourth demonstration district (national level) of vegetable standardization, vegetable technology demonstration field (Ministry of Agriculture) and the first base county of excellent quality vegetable. The annual output of clean vegetable is over 250,000 tons.
excellent quality of fowl and livestock and large amount of livestock on hand
The Sichuan white goose in Nanxi is at the first place among the six types of goose which are nationally protected. It has the advantages of fast growth, high quality meat, large amount of fuzz and high laying rate. There are 4.5 million of commercial geese on hand, 0.5 million of pigs and 0.15 million of sheep which are market available.
running the Yangtze River and unique strand line
In Nanxi, the bank line stretches as long as 39 km from Luolong to Peishi. It is the only place which is suitable for establishing harbor line in Yibin with the advantages of deep water, wide surface, few rip current and dangerous beach, lots of valley terraces on both banks and flat relief.
D. Stable development: the current situation of the important industries in Nanxin
In Nanxi, there are 273 industrial enterprises, of which are 46 large-scale ones. The annual total industrial output value reaches 45.1 billion yuan. The 46 faire-sized enterprises cover the sections of leisure food, samshu, chemical industry, light industry and bio-pharmaceuticals, taking up 90% of the total industrial output value of the county.
Leisure food. Take the Nanxi torfu as principal body, the annual total industrial output value of leisure food industry is yuan and the industrial added value is yuan, increasing % compared with last year. This kind of industry involves bean product, preserved szechuan pickles, lace fern, poultry processing, and so on.
Samshu. There is a tradition of making samshu in Nanxi and the originator of Wuliangye was born here. At present, taking the Jinnanfu, Tiancheng, Changxing as the leaders, Nanxi has formed an industrial cluster of samshu-making, with annual output of tons and output value of yuan.
Chemical industry. Chemical industry is one of Nanxi’s traditional competitive industries. At present, there are two main developing directions—phosphorus chemical industry and fine chemical industry. The former industry produces over 0.3 million tons of parkerising products and 0.1 million tons of nitrotoluene products and its by-products, realizing 3 billion yuan of chemical industrial output value.
Bio-pharmaceuticals. There are three medicine manufacturers which are fair-sized in Nanxi, which are Wuliangye Medicine Company, Dongfanghongguang Medicine Company and Wenlong Medicine Company, respectively; they put focus on injection manufacture, acridine and Chinese patent drug. The annual value of production of the county’s bio-pharmaceutical industry has been over 500 million yuan.
Light industry. Taking the Nanshan Machinery, Lantian Papermaking, Hangyu Leather and Hengxu Plastic-aluminum as leaders, Nanxi has already formed an industrial cluster of shoot nail equipment, coated laundry board, leatherware and new materials. The annual industrial output value reaches yuan.
E. Service-oriented and efficient soft environment of investment
government administration
Investment department of Nanxi implements whole course track of the investment promotion, that is, one agree and three guarantees. This can be explained as: in agreed time, the department will guarantee working procedure, guarantee contradiction coordination and guarantee right protection. The department also designates specific people or group for service.
financial environment
Nanxi has a robust financial system. At present, there are Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agriculture Development Bank, Commercial Bank, Countryside Credit Cooperative, and so on. The bonding companies which provide small-amount credit for enterprises are under construction.
educational environment
The integral educational level of Nanxi is in the leading role in Yibin. Nanxi No. 1 Middle School is one of the three national grade high schools in Yibin. Nanxi Vocational Middle School is the first national grade vocational middle school, providing the county with 5,000 skilled workers every year.
public security environment
Nanxi has favorable social legal system environment. It is the “civilization county”, “safe Nanxi” and “demonstration county in improving all facets of public security” named by the provincial committee and the provincial government.
Chapter Two, Opportunities in Luolong, Development in Luolong
-----Luolong Industrial Concentration Area
A. survey of the Luolong Industrial Concentration Area in Yibin
Yibin Luolong Industrial Concentration Area is the only provincial important industrial development zone which is governed by both county and municipality in Yibin. It is composed of Luolong Industrial Park, Food Industrial Park in the northern county and Jiulong Industrial Park in the southern county, forming a “one district and three parks” development pattern. The Luolong Industrial Park located 20km east of Yibin is the largest one, with the most convenient transportation and most outstanding industrial advantages.
Luolong Industrial Park has convenient transportation. The Yibin – Nanxi fast track and Chongqing – Luzhou – Yibin highway pass over this industrial park. The Luolong operating area of Yibin Harbor which is designed to have a throughput of 1 million standard packing boxes has been under construction. In addition, Chongqing – Kunming railway line will also run through the park, and the exclusive quay for Yibin Harbor will be extended to Luolong.
It is anticipated that Luolong Industrial Park to take an area of 15.4 Sq. Km. and that to be expanded to 35 Sq. Km. in the future. It is one of the largest industrial concentration areas in the southern Sichuang with land in long supply.
Luolong Industrial Park has its outstanding industrial advantage. In the concentration area, there are 19 faire-sized enterprises, within which 10 enterprises have put into production and the other 9 enterprises are under construction. They fundamentally form four kinds of industries: chemical industry, pharmacy, logistics and light industry.
B. Luolong Concentration Area program
strategic positioning
The Development Program in Southern Sichuan Economic Zone determined the strategic positioning of Luolong industrial concentration area. It is the highland of industrial production and service in the southern Sichuan economic zone and the center of industrial service in upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
goal of development
The Development Program of Yibin Luolong Industrial Concentration Area determined the goal of development: reaching the industrial output value of 10 billion by 2010 and 22 billion by 2015. It is also anticipated to reach the industrial output value of 50 billion, which takes up 15% of the gross industrial output value of Yibin.
key sectors
The Development Program in Southern Sichuan Economic Zone determined three key sectors in Luolong industrial concentration area: bio-pharmaceuticals, fine chemistry industry and modern logistics.
spatial patterm
The Development Program of Yibin Luolong Industrial Concentration Area determined the “one center and three areas” kind of spatial pattern, that is, the center of living supporting service facilities in town, the second kinds of industrial concentration area of Dongfeng – Liangtingpian, the third kind of industrial concentration area in Hongguang and the first and second kind of industrial concentration area in Mamutan.
C. supporting facilities in Luolong concentration area
Luolong industrial concentration area has fairly advanced infrastructure. The area has completed the supply of electricity, water, telecommunication, gas, drainage, traffic and leveled road in the starting area of 5.6 sq.kms.
The starting area in the concentration area has completed the first and second section of “four horizontal and five vertical” roads and opened to traffic. The third section is under construction and is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Consequently, the industrial area will realize the internal circulation.
There are two 35k substations. In addition, a 110kv substation is under construction. The provincial power group corporation has decided to build a 500kv substation in Shigu town of Nanxi, which aims at providing the 220kv substation with main sources
At present, there is a water works with the daily supply capacity of 50 thousand tons. The first section of sewage treatment plant with the RAM of 50 thousand tons/day is under construction. It is anticipated to be complete and put into use by the end of the year.
At present, there is a gas distribution station with the daily supply capacity of 55 thousand cubic meters. Another gas distribution station with the daily sully capacity of 1.2 million cubic meters is under construction and will be completed soon.
The telecommunication network has covered the entire area. There will be a new program machine room built in Luolong in this year. The number of telephone lines will reach 10 thousand in the short term and 25 thousand in the long run.
Chapter Three: New Xicheng, New Future
--Introduction of Xicheng of Nanxi
A. Survey of Xicheng of Nanxi
Xicheng is situated in the west of the old town of Nanxi. It faces the Yangtze Rive, reach the Longtan River to the west and cover 4.76 sq.kms. It is a multifunctional “park like” new city integrating living, business, travelling, leisure and entertainment which aims at adjusting the entire distribution, and enhancing the life quality in city.
There is no obvious vertical change in this area and the relief is flat. It is south near the Yangtze River, west near the Longtan River and east near the Guixi River, adding some sceneries and nimbus to this city.
B. development program of Xicheng
strategic positioning
Nature of the city: the water city in southern Sichuan and the living room on the river. It is the bridgehead, the parlor and terrace of industry transfer in the southern Sichuan economic zone. Attracting a large amount of talents, Xicheng has become the intelligent highland in building the important innovative cities in southern Sichuan economic zone and the essential engine of implementing economic strategies of Yibin and Nanxi.
Function of the city: “three suitable” city. It is a city which is suitable for business, living and travelling.
City morphology: “park like” city. It is anticipated to become the demo city which presents the condition of life in small and middle cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the concentration platform of southern culture’s gardernization, parkization and industrialization.
spatial pattern
One center: the core is the business center which includes commercial Pedestrian Street, city complex, department store, financial street, and so on.
One corridor: the leisure corridor of the Bing River is the archaized pedestrian district along the Guixi River. It is a special district which takes leisure, entertainment and repast as theme. It is the major carrier of Nanxi’s city livingroom.
A park: the Yangtze River wetland park, which consists of the territorial waters and mudflats, is the green lung and air cleaner of the city and guarantees the quality of city life.
Four clusters: international bilingual school cluster, Yangtze pearl hotel cluster, Nanxi ancient cluter and Yangtze pearl gymnasium cluster.
Chapter Four: New Polices, New Space
--Polices of Investment Attraction
A. Encouraging newly founded enterprises
Enterprises in industry, agriculture industrialization, modern and specialized market which pay turnover tax and business income tax in Nanxi and which invest 5 million yuan could be supported since they are constructed and put into operation. To be precise, other than the tax policies in the Development of the West Regions, they can also enjoy the policy of “two rewards and three half-reductions” which can be explained as “the full rewards in the first two years and half rewards in the following three years”. This policy applies to the item of local obtained value added tax and income tax (16.25% and 40% of the sum total respectively). Three years’ urban development and maintenance tax, stamp tax and the retained portion on the county level from turnover tax (100%, 65% and 65% of the sum total) will be arranged to enterprises since they put into operation.
The industrial land used for industrial project in Nanxi will be priced pursuant to the national lowest stipulation in way of listening in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.
For the fair-sized enterprises which are newly-founded, the national and provincial administrative charges will be carried out pursuant to the lowest stipulation. The same is for all kinds of charges of profit-making services. These enterprises are exempted from municipal administrative charges except for some special provisions. The industrial projects which invest fixed assets over 5 million are only be charged with the cost expenditures of power and water supply facilities.
B. Encouraging annexation and reorganization of enterprises
The existing industrial enterprises and enterprises of agriculture industrialization will be annexed, reorganized, invested and reformed. After the reduction of tax radices of last year, they can enjoy the policy of “two rewards and three half-reductions” which applies to the item of local obtained value added tax and income tax (16.25% and 40% of the sum total respectively). Three years’ urban development and maintenance tax, stamp tax and the retained portion on the county level from turnover tax (100%, 65% and 65% of the sum total) will be arranged to enterprises.
The stocking land involved in the process of purchasing, combing and reorganizing the existing enterprises will be altered the right according to law by relevant authorities. The relating fees are free.
The merchants who purchase the industrial enterprises that are out of production or bankrupt as a whole will enjoy the supporting policies in land, tax and charge according to the national-specified standard after the identification of the county government.
C. Encouraging the development of major projects
The industrial projects which invest fixed assets over 10 million yuan one time can enjoy the policies which apply to newly-founded enterprises. In addition, the county government will help the enterprises to get national, provincial and municipal special preferential policies and reduce all the visible administrative charges.
The projects which invest over 10 million yuan one time will enjoy the whole-course tracing services from the designating specific people. The policy of “one certain and three guarantees” which can be explained as that in an agreed time the formalities going-through, contradiction coordination and right protection are guaranteed will be implemented.
The projects of especially huge investment could break the common regulations and implement the policy of “one thing one discussion, one enterprise one policy and special thing special management”.
D. Encouraging the talents to settle in Nanxi
The obtained portion of individual income tax of the senior management stuff in enterprises (26% of the total tax) will enjoy the policy of “two awards and three half-reductions”. In other words, the funds will be arranged according to the financial obtained portion on the same level; the full rewards will be realized in the first two years and half-reduced awards will be realized in the following three years.
Encourage enterprises to introduce three chiefs (chief economist, chief accountant and chief engineer) and senior technical stuffs. Every time the enterprise introduces one of such kind of talents and the talent serves here for three years, it will be awarded 10 thousand yuan by the government. The children of the corporate representatives and the talents mentioned above have the priority of selecting any schools in the county at will.
According to the investors’ will, the human resources market could provide the enterprises with the complete services of recruitment, training, tracing service, signing contracts on behalf of owners, payroll agency service, paying social insurance and keeping personnel files for them.
E. Encouraging innovation of intellectual property
The maximum proportion of conversion into shares after pricing in the forms of intellectual property and non-patent technology can be 70% of the registered capital.
Enterprises which carry out technological renovation, integrate with strong enterprises or industries, technological innovation and new product development, with annual new output value over 5 million yuan and new added value tax over 0.4 million yuan can be rewarded. In the first three years, such enterprises will be awarded by 100% of the new added value tax and obtained portion of income tax (16.25% and 40% of the sum total respectively) they pay by the county government, and 50% in the following three years.
In terms of the technological development expense, 50% of it will be deducted from the income tax if it has not form the intangible assets. For those which have form intangible assets, it will be amortized in 150% of the cost of the intangible assets.
The innovation of intellectual property will be awarded. 10 thousand yuan, 3 thousand yuan and 1 thousand yuan will be given to products which earn national patent of intention, patent of utility model and design patent, respectively. 10 thousand yuan, 20 thousand yuan and 10 thousand yuan will be awarded to those which are put on the list of national, provincial and municipal patent demonstration.
For those who successfully apply for collective trademark and certification mark registration, 10 thousand yuan will be aided one time. For the enterprises which win Top China Band, China Brand Name Products and China Quality Management Award, 50 thousand yuan will be awarded one time. For those which win the Famous Trademark of Sichuan, Quality Management Award of Sichuang and National Inspection-free Product for the first time, 10 thousand yuan will be awarded one time. For those products whose origins are protected by China will be given an award of 20 million yuan.
F. Encouraging the development of liquor enterprises
For the main liquor enterprises who build over 200 new cellars once will be aided 500 yuan for every cellar after being put into operation.
Chapter Five: Introduction of the Enterprises in the Area
A. Sichuan North Hongguang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Sichuan North Hongguang Chemical Co., Ltd. Is a comprehensive chemical enterprise involving production of civilian blasting material, fine chemicals industry and acridine. It belongs to China North Industries Group Corporation. Sichuan North Hongguang Chemical Co., Ltd. Is situated in the Luolong concentration area, covering and area of 1.05 million sq.km. It has over 2 thousand employees, with 15 secondary production operation units and 9 enterprises in which it has controlling interest and equity participation. The annual sales income is over 1 billion yuan. In the coming five years, the company will try to make breakthrough in the area of fine chemicals industry by focusing on the TDI project (the annual output is 100 thousand tons), and in this way becoming the first enterprise with the output value of 5 billion yuan.
B. Yibin Tianlan Chemical Co., Ltd.
Tianlan Chemical Co., Ltd belongs to Yibin Tianyuan Group Corporation. It is the only enterprise which produces phosphorus chemicals in southern Sichuan. It is situated in to Jiulong industrial park in Nanxi, covering an area of 1 thousand mus. It has more than 1 thousand employees, with the output value over 50 million yuan. It has the capacity of producing 80 thousand tons of trimeric sodium phosphate and 20 thousand tons of formic acid annually.
C. Yibin Lantian Paper Products Co., Ltd.
The company is situated in the Luolong industrial park in Nanxi. It is the only enterprise which is capable of producing coated manila southwest region of China. The registered capital is 150 million yuan. It covers an area of 447 mus and has over 700 employees. The project of producing 200 thousand tons of coated manila annually has been put into operation. In the coming five years, the company plans to invest 500 million yuan to build the production line which can produce 800 thousand tons of A class white cardboard and 200 thousand tons of paper pulp. It also plans to construct and reconstruct the 500 thousand mus of base of planting bamboo groves and brings along the construction of base of bamboo groves of 400 thousand mus, realizing integrated production of Indian paper. It is anticipated that the annual output value will exceed 1 billion yuan after the project is completed.
D. Nanxi Fumin Goose Raising Development Co., Ltd.
The registered capital of the company is 5 million yuan. It is the leading role in the agriculture industrialization which focuses on slaughtering and processing white geese. It has 300 employees. It has the capacity of producing over 10million poultry chicks annually and processing more than 6 million white geese (ducks) annually. In 2004, the company has set up several production bases of nuisanceless geese in 13 villages and towns, and it has got “nuisanceless geese” product certification. The demand for “Shuyuan” brand of gosling exceeds the supply. The company plan to invest 50 million yuan to build two new production lines used for further processing of white geese, one production line of low-temperature meat product and one production line of automatic packaging, newly increasing production capacity of 2 thousand tons.
E. Nanshan Power Actuated Fastening System Co., Ltd.
The company is situated in the county of Nanxi. The registered capital is 200 million yuan and the company has 1,100 employees. It focuses on the research, development, production operation of power actuated fastening equipments such as ail shooter, shoot langrage and shoot nails. It is the largest corporation producing power actuated fastening products in China. The company plans to invest 13.2 million yuan to build two production lines capable of producing 2,400 tons of high quality phthalo blue annually and to invest 33.5 million yuan to build a production line capable of producing 5000 eddy current heater annually by means of technological renovation.