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姓 名: 梁译员  [编号]:1458 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 语言学 出生年月: 1986/4/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
毕业时间: 40344 毕业学校: 广东外语外贸大学(在读)
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 高级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语、日语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 周一至周五
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2008/4/1
获得分数: 合格
案例标题: 英译汉
原文: ON the evening of September 11, 2008, on the eve of the traditional Mid-autumn Festival in China, the Shijiazhuang-based Sanlu Group publicly admitted that its dairy products had been contaminated by melamine, a chemical substance commonly used in plastics production. This is another serious food safety scandal to have occurred in China's dairy products industry since the "big-headed babies" incident in Fuyang, Anhui Province in 2004. However, unlike the Fuyang milk powder incident, which involved shoddy products made by unlicensed enterprises, the culprit this time was a leading dairy products producer – the Sanlu Group – which is one of China's top 500 enterprises. With 18 percent of the milk powder market in 2007, the Sanlu Group ranked first nationwide in terms of milk powder sales for over a decade. The incident shocked the Chinese dairy products industry and the public at large, causing a near panic. In early 2008, the media revealed a spate of infant kidney stone cases in several provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Most of the patients were five to 11 months old, and a number of them developed renal insufficiency. Kidney stones are rare in children, and further analysis revealed that all had consumed infant milk powder made by the Sanlu Group.
译文: 2008年9月11日晚,即中国传统佳节中秋节前夕,石家庄三鹿集团公开承认其牛奶产品含有三聚氰胺,一种通常用于塑料产品的化学物质。这是自安徽阜阳在2004年发生的“大头娃娃”事件后在中国牛奶界出现的又一食品安全丑闻。 然而这两起事件不同在于阜阳奶粉事件中涉及的劣质产品是由未经当局许可的企业生产的,而此次事件的当事者却是中国500强之一地领头牛奶产品生产商—三鹿集团。三鹿集团过去10年在奶粉销售界位于国内第一位,2007占领奶粉市场18%。这起事件震惊了中国奶制品界及公众,引起恐慌。 2008年初,媒体在若干个省,自治区,自治市发现大量婴儿肾结石案例。大多数患者5到11个月,而且大部分肾脏发育不完全。肾结石在婴儿中是少见的,进一步分析得出所有患者都喝三鹿集团的婴儿奶粉。
案例标题: 东莞巨群光学公司简介
原文: 东莞巨群光学以敏锐的市场触觉,采用先进的管理模式,在产品设计,开发方面把传统工艺设计元素与现代简约流行元素融会贯通。 巨群的经营目标是:打造艺术玻璃第一品牌(Glass、PMMA、PC)。全体员工坚持把高质量作为企业发展的基点,力求产品的“质量”,用真正的高质量赢得顾客的信赖。 东莞巨群光学集(台湾巨伟光学)、(深圳巨伟光学)、(佛山巨伟光学)等公司20余年的加工技术及人才合为一体,目前厂址位于地势优越,交通便利的东莞市寮步镇凫山村长富工业区,占地面积12000平方米,建筑面积7750平方米,内设生产楼一栋(三层),宿舍楼一栋(五层共65间,设有员工餐厅及厨房),写字楼一栋(独栋三层楼),员工人数650人. 公司产品线(Production) 数码相机—荧幕保护板、镜头保护板 数码相框—荧幕保护板 各类手机—荧幕保护板、镜头保护板 各类电子产品之光学镜片、荧幕保护板(MP3、MP4、车载DVD…)等 目前主要工艺流程(Process) 切割(Cutting) 仿型(Edge Grinding) CNC精密加工(CNC Drilling) 粗磨(Surface Grinding) 抛光(Surface Polish) 强化(Chemical/ Strengthen) 清洗(Washing) 真空镀膜(Vacuum Plating) 丝印(Printing)
译文: Company Introduction DongGuan JuQun Optical lenses Co.Ltd uses the pattern of advanced management and combines traditional process design elements and modern simple of popular elements in the area of products design with the smart market touching . Our Company’s business target is to create the first brand of boards that can protect electronics. All the staff who work hard to improve the products’ quality that can win the customers’ trust hold on that the high-quality is the basis of a enterprise’s development. Our Company is built on the basis of Tai Wan Ju Wei Optical lenses Co. Ltd, Shen Zhen JuWei Optical lenses Co. Ltd and Fo Shan Ju Wei Optical lenses Co. Ltd. It has more than 20 years of processing technology and talent. Our Company which has excellent terrain and convenient traffic is at Chang Fu Industrial Area, Fu Shan Village, Liao Bu Town, Dong Guan City. The Company covers an area of 12000 square meters. All the Plant covers 7750 square meters. There is one production building that contain 3 floors .There are one Dormitory that contains six floor which own sixty-five rooms, one kitchen and two staff’s restaurants . There is one office building that contain 3 floors.There are about 650 staff in our company. Production: Digital cameras------Protection of the screen panels; Digital Photo Frame------ Protection of the screen panels; Various types of mobile phones------Lens protection board and Protection of the screen panels; Optical lenses of various type of electronics, Protection of the screen panels such as Mp3,mp4 and Car DVD which set in the cars and so on. The main process including: Cutting Edge Grinding CNC Drilling Surface Grinding Surface Polish Chemical/ Strengthen Washing Vacuum Plating Printing
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