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姓 名: 陈译员  [编号]:1428 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 文学 出生年月: 1983/2/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 广州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语外事翻译
毕业时间: 39629 毕业学校: 华南师范大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: TEM8
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 2 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 广州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 可全职
证书名称: TEM 8 证书
获证时间: 2008/7/1
获得分数: 68
工作时期: 2008/5/1--2009/9/1
公司名称: 东莞佳能达翻译有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 翻译部
职位: 英语译员
自我评价: 文字功底深厚,中英文互译能力强
案例标题: Nicolas Le Bec
原文: Today, in the restaurant that bears his name in the ‘Rue Grolée’, Nicolas Le Bec is happy to see his employees sing the praises of the restaurant as if it were their own. For the opening, he wanted to control everything. The kitchens and the cuisine, well that was obvious. But he also needed to hold the reins of every other detail, the decoration, staff recruitment, the purchasing orders, the bookings … “ I look after everything, I get involved. I can’t just step back, even if I can now relax a little, delegate, let the members of the team take responsibility for things …” So, in spite of his obsessive need for control, Nicolas Le Bec does try to take a back seat. He would like to become invisible. Which explains why, instead of the traditional Chef’s whites, he prefers a rather more austere black jacket. “I want to be able to walk through my restaurant, among the tables and my clients, without being instantly identified as the Head Chef.” Anonymity, as a means of checking that everything is as it should be, that the machine is running smoothly, is for Le Bec another way of being ‘at his post’ or rather ‘at all his posts’ as he puts it. “It’s maybe a question of generation, but the image of the self-satisfied Chef, acting out a role as he goes from table to table is not for me.” Tease him a little and Nicolas Le Bec will agree that his choice of black is his way of underlining his singularity. Moreover, now that other young chefs have taken to wearing black, he is considering returning to the traditional white.
译文: 今天,在“Grolée街道”那以他的名字命名的餐馆里,看到职员们赞美着这家餐馆,就像餐馆是他们自己的一样,尼古拉斯贝克非常高兴。刚开始,什么事他都想亲力亲为,包括厨房,包括菜肴,那是很明显的。但是,他也需要控制其他的每一个细节,装饰啊,招聘啊,订单啊,预约啊----“我参与其中,料理所有事情。我无法就这么退回去,尽管我现在可以放松一下了,可以委派别人,让队员来负责这些事情---”所以,尽管有强烈的控制欲,尼古拉斯贝克确实还是在努力退居幕后。他倒想做个隐形人。他不选择传统的厨师长白大褂,而喜欢更朴素的黑色夹克,原因就在这里。“我想要行走在我的餐厅里,走在餐桌和顾客间,而别人不能马上认出我就是厨师长。”在餐厅里隐姓埋名,作为检查一切是否正常(如机器是否运转顺利)的另一种方法,对贝克来说,是他依然“身在其位”,或如他所说“总揽各职”的另一种方式。“或许这是一个时代的问题,但是,一个志得意满的厨师长,从一张餐桌走到另一张,这种形象不适合我。将他取笑一番,尼古拉斯贝克会同意自己选择黑色,是为了强调他的独特个性。而且,既然其他年轻的厨师长都习惯穿黑色了,他正考虑反过来穿传统的白色。
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