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姓 名: 周译员  [编号]:1409 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 法律电气医药贸易互联网 出生年月: 1986/3/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 湖北 武汉
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 法律英语
毕业时间: 39986 毕业学校: 上海外国语大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 2 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 湖北 武汉
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 基本每天都可以
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2009/6/1
获得分数: 通过
工作时期: 2008/1/1--2009/9/1
公司名称: 上海优益绩国际贸易有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 采购/贸易
所在部门: 法务部
职位: 翻译
自我评价: 热情友善,乐于合作,学习能力强,在校表現优秀,多次受到学校表彰,为人谦和,具有良好的交际能力和沟通能力,团队意识强烈,善于合作,对待任何工作都充满激情。
案例标题: blues 小说选集
原文: She would never forget it, not for all of her life, standing with her family while Sirico’s burned. The roar of the fire as it stabbed through broken windows, shot up in quick gold towers, was a constant thrum in her ears. There were sirens screaming, whooshing gusts of water pumping out of the big hoses, weeping and shouting. But the sound of the fire, the voice of it, overpowered everything else. She could feel it inside her belly, the fire, like the cramping. The wonder and horror, the awful beauty of it, pulsed there. What was it like inside the fire, inside where the firemen went? Hot and dark? Thick and bright? Some of the flames looked like big tongues, lapping out, curling back like they could taste what they burned. Smoke rolled, pluming out, rising. It stung her eyes, her nose, even as the whirling dance of flame dazzled her eyes. Her feet were still bare, and the asphalt felt like heated coals. But she couldn't step away, couldn't take her eyes off the spectacle, like some mad and ferocious circus. Something exploded, and there were more screams in response. Firemen in helmets, faces blackened by the smoke and ash, moved like ghosts in the haze of smoke. Like soldiers, she thought. It sounded like a war movie. It looked worse, at least to Reena’s eye. In the daylight, the black brick, the broken glass, the sodden debris looked horrible, smelled worse. It seemed impossible that the fire could have done so much, so fast. She saw the destruction inside through the gaping hole where the big window with its painted pizza had been. The burned mess of what had been the bright orange benches, the old tables, the twisted mess that was once chairs. The sunny yellow paint was gone, as was the big menu sign that had hung in the open kitchen area where her father—and sometimes her mother—tossed dough to entertain customers.
译文: 和家人眼睁睁的看着Sirico被烧毁了,这成为了她心中永远永远无法逝去的伤痛,大火从破碎的窗户中涌出,在天空中迅速形成金塔尖般的火焰,那不断嘶吼声始终萦绕在她的耳边。四周喧嚣,凄惨的尖叫声,水枪的嘶嘶声,悲痛的哭喊声混成一片。然而只有那熊熊大火的咆哮声让他永远无法忘怀。 她感觉那场大火在她心中燃烧,无法扑灭。大火的奇特惊悚和那慑人美也似乎随着脉搏永生不息。 消防官兵冲向大火,而那当中究竟是什么样的感觉呢?又热又黑,还是又厚又亮?火焰如同可怕的大舌头,轻轻一添,所到之处无一幸免。 大火如同浪潮般涌出随后渐渐腾起。跳动的大火不但刺眼,也刺痛了她的双眼和鼻子。她仍然光着脚丫,脚底的沥青像滚热煤块一样烫。但她只能站在那里,像那些马戏团戏迷那样一动不动的盯着这可怕的场面。 突然砰砰几声爆炸,接着便是一阵惨叫。消防员头戴钢盔,脸已经被烟尘熏得漆黑,他们宛若迷雾中的幽灵在大火中奔走。她觉得他们像战场上的士兵,整个场面如同一场战争电影。 在Reena看来,情况更加严重了。眼前漆黑的砖墙,破碎的玻璃,湿答答的残片着实可怕难闻。大火瞬间造成这么大的损失,实在不可思议。那画满萨图案的窗户已经成了一大洞,从那里她看到了这惨副惨象:亮橘色的长椅和桌子已成了灰烬,那些椅子也在大火的烧灼下被扭曲的不成形了;鲜黄色的漆也不见了,那曾是被当作巨大的菜单悬挂户外厨房的,而那厨房是她父亲揉面团做披萨招待客人的地方,她母亲偶尔也会去那帮忙。
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