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姓 名: 张译员  [编号]:1314 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 文学 出生年月: 1986/11/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 广东 深圳
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语
毕业时间: 39609 毕业学校: 深圳大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专业八级、口译三级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 1 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 广东 深圳
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 周六、日
证书名称: 高等学校英语专业八级
获证时间: 2009/3/1
获得分数: 合格
工作时期: 2008/7/1--2009/8/1
公司名称: 亚太华商领袖联合会
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 公关/商务
所在部门: 秘书处
职位: 会长助理
自我评价: 专业基础扎实,交际大方得体
案例标题: 中国英语教学史(末三章)
原文: 遵照原书
译文: Chapter 8 Professional English Teaching of Higher Education in New China Ⅰ. Overview Since the founding of New China on 1 October 1949, Higher Education of English Teaching in New China has generally undergone four periods: 1949-1956; 1957- 1966; 1966-1976; 1976 till now. ⅰ. 1949-1956 Before the founding of New China, there were 205 universities all over China (except Taiwan), about 50 of which opened up English or foreign language literature departments and courses. In the initial phase of New China, talents with Russian expertise were badly needed to “learn from Soviet Union Russian” in economy, culture and education construction. During 1949 to 1956, the Russian teaching in China developed rapidly. Through out the country, there were 7 colleges, 17 universities and 19 teachers colleges and universities opening up English or foreign language literature departments and courses. On the contrary, Higher Education of English Teaching was undergoing a flagging period. After twice major adjustments of colleges and departments in national universities from 1952 to 1953, there were only 9 English “teaching places” located in Beijing University, Nankai University, Fudan University and etc. Not until 1956 did the English Teaching welcome a new development. In 1956, Premier Zhou gave the instruction that “foreign language teaching should be expended, and it goes the same with the translating job of important foreign books.” There after, English and other eastern and western language teaching begin a new development. By the end of 1956, there were 23 universities opening up English departments and courses. ⅱ. 1957-1966 In 1957, the teaching scale of higher education of Russian was reduced, while the teaching scale of English, German, French and etc. was enlarged. In the early years of the 1960s, the international position of our country enhanced. To adapt the situation, in October 1964, the Ministry of Education formulated the Seven Years Regulations for Foreign Language Teaching which put forward four policies as to develop foreign language teaching. First, professional and public foreign language teaching should be paid equal attention. Second, foreign language teaching in and out of school should be carried out at the same time. Third, English should be the first foreign language in school, and the number of English learners should be greatly increased. Forth, the teaching quality should be guaranteed while enlarging the number of learners and adjusting the proportion different language teaching. Following the Seven Years Regulations for Foreign Language Teaching , during 1964 to 1965, more than ten foreign language colleges and universities were built and extended. According to statistics in 1966, there were 77 colleges and universities offer English courses. From 1957 to 1965, the number of English teachers in colleges and universities were doubled. ⅲ. 1966-1976 Since June 1966 when China's Cultural Revolution broke out, the education work which had just been developed suffered serious interference and damage. Schools stopped to “make revolution”, foreign language teachers suffered persecution, so that an age gap appeared in foreign language ranks after the Cultural Revolution. During 1970 to 1972, when China had established extensive and friendly relations with more than 30 countries, especially since China was restored to its rightful seat in the United Nations in 1971, China’s international status achieved an unprecedented improvement. Therefore, external contacts are being gradually expanded, and talents with foreign language expertise were badly needed. With regard of the international development trends, CCCPC instructed that we should lose no time to train talents with foreign language expertise. From 1971 to 1972, the enrollment and teaching of foreign language were gradually resumed in the foreign language colleges in Bejing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. However, owing to interference and sabotage by the Gang of Four, the quality of teaching was affected. Fortunately, because of encourage and support from Premier Zhou, lots of people learned foreign language by themselves, so that the foreign language teaching was fortunately preserved from breaking down. ⅳ. 1976-now When The Gang of Four fell in October 1976, China entered a new historical period, and the history of China’s foreign language teaching began a new chapter. From August to June 1978, the Ministry of Education held the National Forum for the Foreign Language Education. The forum submitted “Several Opinions for Improving Foreign Language Teaching” which highlighted that “For some time to come, we should try every way to improve the quality of foreign language teaching. A solid foundation should be laid in the foreign language teaching in primary school and middle school. Professional and public foreign language teaching run successfully, and all kinds of amateur foreign language trainings should be energetically carried out. We should try to make scientific and technical workers and other professional personnel handle foreign language as a tool.” Since the 3rd Plenary Session of 11th Party Central Committee, foreign language teaching in China had opened up new prospects as never before. In the following ten years, the number of colleges and universities which offered English courses increased to 300, reaching an all-time high record; the number of English teachers doubled. With the development of the teaching plan and the teaching syllabus, textbooks and teaching reference books were published in large quantities. Library, educational technology equipments and scientific research were continuously improved, achieving great success. Ⅱ. Specialty provision and teaching program In 1949, colleges of foreign language laid particular stress on literature and only improved students’ ability of appreciating the European and American literature, so the graduates found what they learned could not fulfill their practical use. After the University Course Reform in 1950 and the major adjustments of colleges and departments in 1952, universities were demanded to formulate teaching plans by themselves, and the proportion of practical English courses increased. From 1956 on, English teaching had been taken seriously. However, because of the Anti-Rightist Struggle, it could not develop smoothly. The formulation of teaching plans was delayed, and from 1958 to 1960 only practical English courses survived. In 1961, a teaching plan for English literature with training target and specialty provision of five years was formulated, and it was carried out in the following years as the teaching work returned to normal. Again in 1964 when the Leftist interfered teaching, the courses were decreased. In 1965, the Ministry of Higher Education held the Conference for University Foreign Language Teaching and discussed about the training target, study regulations, course provision and teaching content, etc. Unfortunately, the Cultural Revolution which broke out in 1966 destroyed the education work, and no integrated teaching plans had been taken out. Moreover, five years since then, foreign language colleges stopped enrolling new students. Since 1971, some of the colleges of foreign language resumed enrolling new students, but the studying time was most shortened to three years. Due to all kinds of political movements, the teaching quality was hard to be maintained. In 1976 when the Gang of Four fell, the English teaching returned to normal progressively. After the National Forum for the Foreign Language Education, the Ministry of Education issued three teaching plans in 1979 --- “Four-year English Teaching Plan for Colleges of Foreign Language (provisional draft)”, “Four-year English Teaching Plan for University English Literature (provisional draft)” and “Four-year English Teaching Plan for Normal Colleges”. These teaching plans were formulated on the basis of 30 years’ experience of university English teaching. These plans which countered on different types of colleges and gave detailed instruction on the training targets, training specifications, course provision, work and produce, scientific research, internship, examination and time arrangement, were the most complete, practical and integrated English teaching plans since 1949. After the 3rd Plenary Session of 11th Party Central Committee, as the steps of modernization speeded up and the opening policy was carried out, thousands of English teachers, staffs of trading, diplomacy and tourism, and a great sum of culture masters who knew both foreign language and Chinese were badly needed. The demand of amount and quality for talents with foreign language expertise surpassed any periods in Chinese history. The single system of language teaching could no longer adapt the developing situation, so reform of foreign language teaching brooked no delay. Since 1980, teaching reform of national university foreign language took place. Effective measures were carried out: First, train English talents by different levels in accordance with different careers, and offer part-time training class for the working staffs to study by themselves; Second, increase selective courses and try credit system; Third, courses with specialty should be added to senior study; Forth, increase specialties or subjects. In 1985, subject contents of foreign language were formulated by the National Teaching Committee. Foreign language was subjected to four types: foreign language, foreign literature, foreign language for special use and linguistics. There were some specialties under each type of subject, and all together there were about 45 specialties. The subject contents became the base documents to instruct teaching in view of training talents, specialty provision and adjustment, organizing teaching work, examination and talent forecast. Ⅲ. Teaching syllabus Teaching syllabus is the basis for organizing course teaching, textbook compiling and quality examination on courses. In 1951, the Ministry of Education demanded all colleges and universities to formulate teaching syllabus for every course. However, until 1959 when the Anti-Rightist Struggle began, the syllabus had not been able to come out. In 1978, while formulating the Teaching Plan for College English (provisional draft), the Ministry of Education also formulated Teaching Syllabus for Practice Course of College English in the Elementary Stage (provisional draft). This syllabus put forward the major tasks which should be completed in the elementary stage of the English practice course, making clear demands of the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing, the teaching content, teaching principles and methods, and examination mode. In 1980, the College Foreign Language Textbook Editorial Committee Conference was held in Yantai City and Qingdao Province, and the “Qingdao Syllabus”, a revised syllabus based on the former one was formulated. This syllabus was the first comparatively complete and practical teaching syllabus in the past years from 1949 to 1980. To improve the syllabus, in 1986, the special workgroup organized by the Foreign Language Textbook Editorial Committee finally revised the syllabus which later became the basis for organizing teaching, textbook compiling and teaching quality weighing. The revised syllabus contained the description of object of teaching, teaching plan, tasks and objectives of teaching, teaching content, requirements for teaching, teaching principles, examinations, text book and teacher’s book, with appendix of English Course Design for Elementary Stage, phonetics outline, grammar outline, table of functional usage, table of communication ability and vocabulary. This syllabus which shows a detailed description for each items, proposes clear teaching objectives and teaching principles, is more advanced than the former one. In the past 30 years from 1949 to 1982, neither the university senior English teaching were discussed or researched thoroughly, nor an integrated and practical teaching syllabus for seniors were formulated. To change this situation, in 1983, the College Foreign Language Textbook Editorial Committee and Foreign Language Research Committee of China held the first forum for university senior English teaching. Representatives from 25 colleges of foreign language made deep discussion and research on the problems of guiding ideology, text book and teachers’ training of senior English teaching. On the second forum held in 1986, the provision draft of syllabus for senior English teaching was formulated. It contains several aspects of content: First, the level students should achieve on graduate (ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, cultural knowledge and dependent working ability); Second, teaching principles; Third, course design (course variety and class hour); Forth, demands for teaching and teaching plan. In the end of 1987, this syllabus was finalized. Besides elementary stage and senior stage, teaching syllabus for other courses were formulated in succession, e.g., British and American Culture, English Lexicology, rhetoric and etc. The formulation of university English teaching syllabus marked that English teaching and research had been greatly improved as a whole. Ⅳ. Textbooks In the initial phase of New China, textbooks of various courses are mostly edited by teachers themselves. After the major adjustments of colleges and departments, to “learn from Soviet Union Russian” , a sum of liberal textbooks and reference books from Russian universities were translated and added to our textbook source. From 1953 to 1954, the Ministry of Higher Education and Academy of Sciences formulated the “Textbook Editorial Plan for Literal and History Courses”. Soon, the “University Textbooks” were published, but other textbooks were not able to be edited because of the Anti-Rightist Struggle. In 1958, the education revolution broke out, and teachers and students made a mass movement of textbook edition. The movement was not stopped until 1959. From 1962, a new stage of literal textbook came, so as the editorial work of foreign language courses. After the National Literal Textbooks Editorial Committee Conference, new textbooks were published in succession, the most effective one among which belonged to “English (Volume 1-4)” edited by Xu Guozhang, and the ones with wide-ringing influence were “English (Volume 5-6)” by Yu Dayin, “English (Volume 7-8)” by Xu Yanmou, “English Grammar Handbook” by Bo Bing and Zhao Dexin, and “Practical English Grammar” by Zhang Daozhen. In 1964, the education work was influenced by Leftist class struggle and the western literal works were criticized, political thesis and translations which suited to the political situation increased. In 1980, the Ministry of Education set up College Foreign Language Textbook Editorial Committee and formulated working plans for textbook compiling of five foreign languages. Then, more than 400 textbooks and reference books of teaching were placed on the agenda from the years 1981 to 1985, and over 100 textbooks were decided to be imported. During 1981 to 1985, the English Textbook Editorial Committee held 33 meeting and revised 38 types of textbooks (25 volumes). The publishing of these textbooks had fulfilled the urgent need of university English. Ⅴ. Education for postgraduate and construction of teachers Postgraduate had not been enrolled until the founding of New China, when university teachers and talents of scientific research were badly needed. There were not more than 1000 postgraduates of foreign language during 1949 to 1965. As the “Cultural Revolution” took place, the post graduated system broke off for 12 years, which was not able to revive until the “Gang of Four” fell down in 1977. Since the implementation of degree system in 1981, 29 doctoral degrees and 18144 master degrees had been granted until 1983. This achievement was unprecedented in the history of China. The general way of training postgraduates was theoretical study combining scientific research, and instructors cooperating with Teaching and Research Section. The courses which postgraduates studied were divided into required courses and selective courses. Marxist theory, the first foreign language, the second foreign language (for doctoral candidates), and the fundamental theories, professional knowledge, and fundamental skills which were determined according to specialty training goals belonged to required courses. Ⅵ. Scientific research From 1949 to 1965, university English professional scientific research had been making achievements, which was broke off in the “Cultural Revolution” period during 1966 to 1976. Since 1979 when the Ministry of Education proposed in the “Several Opinions for Improving Foreign Language Teaching” that “we should enhance the scientific research of foreign language teaching methods and language science”, in the following nine years, scientific research of foreign language was springing up vigorously. All kinds of academic societies were set up both in national wide and at local areas, e.g. Foreign Language Research Association of China, Translators Association of China, and Education Cooperation Group for Collage of Foreign Language, etc. Research institutes were resumed and extended to undertake national and territorial scientific research projects, to publish various foreign language academic magazines, to compile a large sum of foreign textbooks and organize academic activities in and abroad. Chapter 9 College English Teaching in New China Ⅰ. Overview According to the teaching plan, college students of every specialty should select at least one foreign language course. College English is the English course offered to non-English majors. Before 1956, Russian courses were offered at universities in China mainland, but college English were almost sighted except for English major. Since 1956, universities started to offer English course--- college English. Till 1965, about 30% to 40% of students selected college English, a little less than who selected Russian. In 1966, universities in China mainland stopped enrolling students. When the universities resumed enrollments in 1972, college English was widely spread. The situation was just opposite with that in 1950s. During 1972 to 1977, college English was seriously affected by the “Cultural Revolution”, and the teaching quality declined, even worse than in 1960s. In the beginning of 1980s, college English revised to the level of the early 1960s. Though the foreign languages courses verified after 1980s, the leading position of college English was not changed. Until 1980s when English was chosen the first foreign language, fairly stable and qualified English faculties had been formed. In the mean time, instead of copying the Soviet model, our teaching methods were largely improved. Because of the need of the society, there appeared an upsurge of learning English. The foreign language tests for promotion and the chances for studying abroad had stimulated the motivation to study English. College English generally lasted for two years, but some colleges might open high-skilled English selected courses. Accounted for postgraduate and students of staff universities, there were nearly a million teaching objects for college English. Ⅱ. Teaching syllabus After the founding of New China, the Ministry of Education issued teaching syllabus for college English in the year 1962, 1980, 1985 and 1986 respectively. “English Teaching Syllabus for Five-year Industrial Undergraduates of All Specialties (provisional draft)” was issued in June 1962. This syllabus regulates that the teaching objectives should be “students who have learned English for three years at middle school”, and the teaching aim is to enable students to lay a solid foundation for reading English professional books in future. The teaching content in each stage of the syllabus is formed text, vocabulary and grammar. This syllabus has several features. First, the teaching aims and approaches mainly focuses on reading. However, the demand for reading is so low that graduates should only acquire the reading speed of16 words per minute. Second, the syllabus stresses on practice. It’s believed that 40% of time in class should be used for teaching the text, new words and grammar, and the other 60% should be used for exercise and practice. Third, it focuses on grammar. Grammar is the most detail content in this syllabus. Fourth, translating (English to Chinese) is the teaching target. Last, pay much attention to scientific English. “English Teaching Syllabus for Four-year Undergraduates of Science and Engineering (provisional draft)” was issued in August 1980. This syllabus is very familiar with the one in 1962, but what makes difference is that the new one proposes different demands for students on different levels, listing “reading for academic studies” as a single stage on the syllabus and pays attention to reading comprehension and reading speed. “English Teaching Syllabus for Four-year Undergraduates of Science and Engineering” and “English Teaching Syllabus for Undergraduates of Science and Liberal Arts” were published respectively in 1985 and 1986. The two syllabuses were the most comprehensive of all the syllabuses formulated. Compared with the past syllabuses, the new syllabuses have their features. First, higher demands for teaching are proposed. Though the main teaching aim is still reading, the demand is raised to the practical level, reading to gain “information which meets the specialty needs”. Besides, according to the needs of the society and the country’s requirement for the English expertise of university students, different demands are proposed for three different levels of reading, listening, writing and speaking. Second, training students’ ability of using language to communicate is stressed. Third, common-core teaching of language basis is valued. Forth, teach in different levels. According to the syllabuses, the basic stage is divided into 6 bands. The basic demand is to complete Band 4, and the higher demand is to complete Band 6. Each band is regulated by qualitative and quantitative regarding vocabulary, reading, listening, writing and speaking. For example, students who starts Band 1 should have handled vocabulary of 1600 words, and when they finish Band 4, about 3800 to 4000 words should be handled. When Band 4 and Band 6 are completed, national English tests are taken, and the ones who pass the tests can have certificates. These tests not only stimulate the students’ motivation for learning English, but also make it easy for employers to evaluate graduates’ English levels. Ⅲ. Textbooks In 1950s, there were no English textbooks for colleges of national wide. What the students used were unpublished lecture-files compiled by their English teachers. “Industrial College English” published from 1962 to 1963 was the first series of college English textbooks since the founding of New China. Each lesson consists of the text, supplementary reading and grammar. The materials are mainly about science, selecting a certain sum of politics and literature. This series of textbooks were compiled according to the 1962 “English Teaching Syllabus for Five-year Industrial Undergraduates of All Specialties (provisional draft)”. During 1973 to 1974, a new series of college English textbooks “English (for non-English majors)” were published by Shanghai People’s Press. These textbooks played a positive role for the reviving of English teaching in the 70s. When the Cultural Revolution ended, especially after the 3rd Plenary Session of 11th Party Central Committee, college English developed rapidly. In the mean time, textbooks for college English increased abundantly. In the ten years from 1977 to 1987, college English textbooks generally experienced three stages. In the reviving stage from 1977 to 1979, a lot of textbooks were published by different presses. The ideological base of these textbooks are almost the same, grammar oriented. The differences are that the new series pay attention to practical use of sentence patterns, training of reading comprehension and the authenticity of language materials. Within three or four years, the teaching quality of college English not only revived by even exceeded the level of the 60s. The developing stage was from 1980 to 1985. The features of textbooks in this stage are: first, textbooks are compiled according to the beginning level of freshman; second, the teaching aim is mainly reading, but the training demands for listening, speaking and writing are also proposed; third, pay attention to practical ability. In the beginning of the 80s, an “English learning craze” set off in national wide. The 1980 teaching syllabus could not fulfill the needs of the raising level of English learning. Therefore, since 1983, many colleges adopted some English textbooks imported from abroad. The mature stage of college textbooks came since 1986. A new generation of college English textbooks compiled on the basis of “English Teaching Syllabus for Four-year Undergraduates of Science and Engineering” and “English Teaching Syllabus for Undergraduates of Science and Liberal Arts” published respectively in 1985 and 1986 came out. Those textbooks have some common features. First, they were compiled on the basis of teaching syllabus. The main textbooks were divided into six volumes, adapting to six bands regulated in the syllabus. Second, each series of textbooks consists of more than two kinds of parallel courses--- reading and writing course, listening and speaking course. Third, those textbooks were compiled according to explicit ideology. Validated by practice, college English textbooks continued to mature. Ⅳ. Faculties, administrative organizations and facilities It was estimated that there were about 20 thousand foreign language teachers teaching in full-time universities, who mostly were graduates from foreign language colleges, universities or English majors from normal colleges, and English majors or graduates from English faculty’s class in science and engineering universities. Since the late 70s, college English teachers who had finished postgraduate study or advanced study from abroad increased to 5% to 10% of all. The quantity and quality of college English faculties still could not meet the need of teaching. The scarcity of college faculties would appear in the next ten years. To improve the quality of teaching, the State Educational Committee held all kinds of short-term and long-term advanced training classes for the college teachers. In the 80s, the quality of college English faculties had been greatly improved. At the beginning, college English existed as a teaching-research section belonging to a part of English department. Later, to improve college English teaching, many universities established college English department, supervised by the university directly. Nevertheless, college English still belonged to the teaching-research section at most of the small and medium-sized colleges. The facilities of college English teaching mainly consisted of tape recorders, listening rooms, language labs and videocorders. As the technology developed, computers also entered the field of English teaching. Ⅴ. National organizations and scientific research There were two national organizations concerning to college English: College Foreign Language Textbooks Edition and Examination Committee and College Foreign Language Research Association. The first one was established in 1959. Its responsibility was to do research about college English, to propose suggestions to the State Educational Committee, to examine and revise the teaching syllabus and approve the textbooks. The second one, established in 1982, was a folk academic association, belonging to the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Association of China. It held some academic forums every year and published symposiums. Since the late 70s, the college English community started to develop research and discussion on applied linguistics. Theses written by college English teachers were published on the major magazines in China. The first National Science English Research Forum was held in 1979 when English for Specific Purposes was discussed. Computer-assisted language learning also made progress for college English teaching. In 1984, Computer-Assisted Language Learning Society (CALLNET) was established. However, because of the limitation of hard wares, computers were not widely used in actual teaching.
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