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姓 名: 龚译员  [编号]:123 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 综合 出生年月: 1980/7/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 国外 非洲
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 英语 土建
毕业时间: 38139 毕业学校: 武汉科技大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: TEM-8
口译等级: 熟练 工作经历: 3 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 国外 非洲
可提供服务类型: 笔译
每周可提供服务时间: 每天
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2004/3/1
获得分数: 70
工作时期: 2004/6/1--2009/12/1
公司名称: 中冶集团
公司性质: 国营企业
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 海外事业部
职位: interpretortranslator
自我评价: 擅长冶金建筑水利水电土木工程等各方面的翻译工作以及相关合同文件及法律的翻译。有多年的海外现场翻译经验。熟悉FIDIC合同以及商务谈判
案例标题: 环境保护手册
原文: 环境保护手册 第一节 前言及承诺 环境保护是人类共同的使命,我们有责任在工程建设中,狠抓文明施工管理,提倡节能降耗,保护环境,为施工人员提供良好的工作环境,保障健康,这既是施工企业综合管理水平的一项重要标志,也是施工企业文化的一部分。在环境保护管理过程中,我公司将真正做到“管理制度化、责任法定化、行为规范化、设施标准化”,根据《电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》和《电力建设安全健康环境评价标准》(试行)的要求,为巴基斯坦SAIF电站安装建设创造一个安全文明有序的环境,创建“一流文明施工现场”的文明施工示范窗口工程。 在本工程项目建设中,我公司将用可靠和有效的文明施工管理措施,确保实现以下目标: 1. 施工现场做到“工未完,料未尽,场地要清”,随时保持文明整洁,规范有序,创建 “一流文明施工现场”的文明示范窗口工程。 2. 所有施工产生的废弃物必须分类回收,不造成二次污染。 3. 施工废液(含废水和废油)必须经过综合处理达标后按要求排放。 4. 施工现场噪声不得超过标准,无投诉与抱怨。 5. 施工区域责任化,区域管理标准化,全场管理定置化。 6. 协调好施工现场周边和相关方的关系,加强保卫工作,杜绝出现任何治安问题。 第二节 环境管理 1. 环境管理机构 项目部环委会全面负责施工现场的安全与环境保护领导工作,项目安环部为常务管理部门,在环委会下设立文明施工与环境领导小组,负责施工生产中的环境保护与文明施工的规划、组织实施、监督检查和日常管理和考核评比等工作。 环境保护监督网络图 2. 环境管理重点 2.1施工废料及垃圾管理 项目部将按业主的要求,将施工中所产生的废弃物先由项目部集中回收分类存放,然后交由相关部门全权处置。 2.1.1项目部有责任在施工作业中采取节能降耗和综合利用措施,尽量减少有毒有害固体废弃物的产生。施工现场设分类垃圾箱垃圾,并由专人及时清理,废物和垃圾按要求排放到业主指定的场所。 2.1.2严格按作业指导书程序,及时清理作业现场,杜绝出现“五头”, 即废料头、电缆头、棉纱头、烟头、砖头。坚持“每日一清”制度,确保做到每天工作结束时“料尽场地清”。 2.1.3设备包装箱及时收集处理,实行“谁拆箱,谁处理”的原则,责任单位应及时将处理好的包装物送物资部门,集中合理地进行二次利用。 2.2 废液排放管理 2.2.1 供排水系统畅通、合理成环,凡是有水源的地方就有排水系统。 2.2.2 现场管道酸洗产生的废液应集中排放到废污水处理场,经化学中和处理PH值达标后方可排放,避免造成环境污染。 2.2.3 因机器/具的使用和维修,造成的跑、冒、滴、漏的少量油污,应及时用棉纱擦拭干净,避免造成土壤或其他污染,并应加强机械工机具的日常保养。 2.2.4其他危险性化学废液装入固体容器内,作为危险废弃物交由环保部门统一处理。 2.3 噪声的管理 2.3.1 做好各类大小型机械和工机具的常规性保养,以使其噪声降低到最低水平。 2.3.2 优化施工工艺,合理安排工作人员轮流操作,采取佩戴防护耳塞或头盔、缩短其劳动时间等有效措施,以减少对作业人员的噪声刺激。 2.4尘毒或有害物质的控制 2.4.1 严格控制进入现场的保温材料数量,拆除的包装及时回收;保温作业施工必须铺设隔离罩,使碎屑落入罩内,并及时清理。 2.4.2对于其他粉尘应采取如洒水、及时清扫、防止遗洒等有效措施及时进行控制,避免造成施工现场的环境污染。 2.4.3 凡与工程建设无关的有毒有害物品不得进入施工现场。 2.4.4 作业人员必须正确使用劳保防护用品,避免粉尘吸入。 3. 环境管理要求 3.1 项目部在组织安全教育培训时,应针对工程实际,将环境保护的措施和要求,以及环境保护的法律、法规知识作为环境教育的重要内容,对全员进行培训。 3.2 工程现场的办公区、生活区绿化面积应不小于25%,作业现场应设足够的废料箱、垃圾筒和水冲式厕所,并设专人清扫。 3.3 项目部应制定环境方面的应急预案,一旦发生环境事故就及时启动应急预案,最大限度地控制环境污染。事故发生之后应严格按事故处理制度追究相关人员的责任,并举一反三制定事故预防措施。 第三节 环境保护措施 1.环境保护管理的思路 本着“坚持人文精神,营造绿色建筑,追求社区、人居和施工环境的不断改善”这一环境理念,我单位将根据ISO14000环境管理体系标准,本企业《环境及职业安全卫生管理手册》,把“预防、控制、监督和监测”这一环境管理基本思想贯穿于整个施工生产过程中,以“预防”为核心,以“控制”为手段,通过“监督”和“监测”不断发现问题,约束自身行为,调节自身活动,为实施环境持续改善取得依据。 识别环境因素 → 确定环境目标、指标 → 编制环境管理方案→建立环保组织机构→ 培训、提高意识和能力→ 环保运行控制→ 应急准备和响应→监督与监测→持续改进 2.环境因素及管理方案 开工伊始,首先识别施工生产中将要出现的各种环境因素(主要是水、气、声、渣)及其会造成的影响,针对其对环境的影响程度,确定环境保护目标、指标,编制环境管理方案,详见《项目重大环境因素及管理方案一览表》。项目经理部成立环境保护领导小组,项目经理为第一责任人,在运行控制中加强培训教育,增强全体施工人员的环保意识,提高能力,公司相关职能部门定期检查、监督和指导,保证环境管理方案的贯彻落实并持续改进。 项目重大环境因素及管理方案一览表 环境因素 环境影响 环境保护目标、指标 环境保护管理方案 噪声 影响人身健康 施工现场场界噪声: 结构施工,昼间<70dB,夜间<55dB; 装修施工,昼间<65dB,夜间<55dB。 1、工程外立面采用密目安全网实行全封闭; 2、现场木工房使用之前完成封闭,封闭率达到100%; 3、结构施工阶段,尽量选用低噪音环保混凝土振动棒和有消声降噪的施工机械; 4、现场搬运材料、模板、脚手架的拆除等,针对材质采取措施,轻拿轻放; 5、购置噪音监测仪,专人定期监测,发现超标立即整改。 粉尘 污染大气 现场目视无扬尘; 1、成立文明施工保洁队,配备洒水设备,做好压尘、降尘工作; 2、建筑垃圾分类存放,及时清运,清运时适量洒水,降低扬尘; 污水 污染水体 污水排放符合所在地的环保规定 1、现场厕所设置化粪池; 2、设雨水排放管沟,实现雨水和污水分别排放。 废弃物和建筑垃圾 污染土体、水体、大气 分类管理,合理处置各类废弃物,有毒有害物回收率100% 1、施工前,向城市环卫部门申报建筑垃圾处理计划,填报建筑垃圾种类、数量、运输路线及处置场地; 2、建筑垃圾和生活垃圾分类存放,及时清理;有毒有害废弃物及时回收,回收率达100%;3、工程竣工5日内,将工地剩余垃圾处理干净。 运输遗洒 污染路面 运输无遗洒现象 车辆不超载,并覆盖严密,严防遗洒,一旦发现遗洒,及时组织人力清扫; 化学危险品、油品的泄露及挥发 污染土体、水体 施工现场的化学品(如油漆、涂料等)和含有化学成分的特殊材料一律实行封闭式、容器式管理和使用,杜绝泄露、遗洒 1、编制化学品及有毒有害物品的使用及管理作业环保指导书,并对操作者进行培训; 2、易燃、易爆物品和化学品存放设专用仓库,存放地面先硬化或铺垫; 3、施工机械设备设置接油盘; 4、利用沙土、铲等以备泄露时使用。 减少环境污染,营造绿色建筑。 3. 环境保护管理办法 (1)施工废料及垃圾管理:项目部将按业主的要求,将施工中所产生的废弃物先由项目部集中回收分类存放,然后交由相关部门全权处置。 a.项目部有责任在施工作业中采取节能降耗和综合利用措施,尽量减少有毒有害固体废弃物的产生。施工现场设分类垃圾箱垃圾,并由专人及时清理,废物和垃圾按要求排放到业主指定的场所。 b.严格按作业指导书程序,及时清理作业现场,杜绝出现“五头”, 即废料头、电缆头、棉纱头、烟头、砖头。坚持“每日一清”制度,确保做到“工完(未完)料尽场地清”。 c.设备包装箱及时收集处理,实行“谁拆箱,谁处理”的原则,责任单位应及时将处理好的包装物送物资部门,集中合理地进行二次利用。 (2)废液排放管理 a.供排水系统畅通、合理成环,凡是有水源的地方就有排水系统。 b.现场管道酸洗产生的废液应集中排放到机组排水槽,经化学中和处理PH值达标后方可排放,避免造成环境污染。 c.因机器/具的使用和维修,造成的跑、冒、滴、漏的少量油污,应及时用棉纱擦拭干净,避免造成土壤或其它污染,并应加强机械工机具的日常保养。 d.其它危险性化学废液装入固体容器内,作为危险废弃物交由环保部门统一处理。 (3)噪声的管理 a.做好各类大小型机械和工机具的常规性保养,以使其噪声降低到最低水平。 b.优化施工工艺,合理安排工作人员轮流操作,采取佩戴防护耳塞或头盔、缩短其劳动时间等有效措施,以减少对作业人员的噪声刺激。 (4)尘毒或有害物质的控制 a.严格控制进入现场的保温材料数量,拆除的包装及时回收;保温作业施工必须铺设隔离罩,使碎屑落入罩内,并及时清理。 b.对于其它粉尘应采取如洒水、及时清扫、防止遗洒等有效措施及时进行控制,避免造成施工现场的环境污染。 c.凡与工程建设无关的有毒有害物品不得进入施工现场。 d.作业人员必须正确使用劳保防护用品,避免粉尘吸入。
译文: Environmental Protection Manual Section 1 Preface and Promise Environmental protection is our common mission, we have the responsibility to firmly grasp civilized construction management, advocate energy conservation, consumables reduction and environmental protection during the construction, so as to provide the good working environment for the constructors and ensure the health, which is not only an important symbol for comprehensive management level of the construction enterprise, but also a part of its safety culture. During the environmental protection and civilized construction management, the company will truly realize “management institutionalization, responsibility legality, conduct normalization and equipment standardization”, and create a safe, civilized and ordered environment for engineering installation and construction of SAIF Power Plant, Pakistan on the basis of Working Regulations of Safety Health And Environmental Management for Power Construction and Evaluation Standard of Safe And Healthy Environment for Power Construction, as well as set up a civilized construction demonstration project of “first rate civilized construction site”. During the construction of this project, our company will adopt the reliable safe technological means and effective civilized construction management measures to ensure the fulfillment of following objectives: 1. The construction site shall realize “if the work isn’t finish, and materials aren’t used up, the site shall be cleared off” to keep civilization, tidiness and order, so as to set up a civilized construction demonstration project of “first rate civilized construction site.” 2. All wastes produced by construction must be recovered in classification, without secondary pollution. 3. Construction waste liquid (including waste water and oil) shall be drained as per requirement after comprehensive treatment and reaching the standard. 4. The noise on construction site shall not exceed the national standard, without complaints. 5. It shall be realized that have somebody responsible for construction area, with standardization of regional management, and fixation of management in whole site. 6. Coordinate the relation between site periphery and related party, enhance the defense and stop any public security problems. Section 2 Environmental Management 1. Environmental management organ The environment committee of Project Dept. shall be fully responsible for the leading works of safety and environmental protection of the construction site. The Safety and Environmental Dept. of project is the standing management dept, the civilized construction and environment leading group is set under it to be in charge of planning, organizing for execution, supervising, examination, daily management, check and evaluation of environmental protection and civilized construction during construction and production. Environmental protection supervising network block diagram 2. Focus of environmental management 2.1 Management of construction wastes and garbage The wastes produced during the construction shall be recovered and stored in classification by the Project Dept. as per owner’s requirement, then hand them over to related dept. for disposal. 2.1.1 The Project Dept. shall have the responsibility to adopt the measures saving energy, reducing consumption and with comprehensive utilization, decrease the production of poisonous and harmful solid wastes as far as possible. Classified dustbins shall be set at the site, with special person to clear them timely. The wastes and garbage shall be put at the place appointed by the owner. 2.1.2 The operation site shall be cleared in time strictly according to the procedures in operating instruction, “five ends” shall be stopped, namely waste lumber or bar end, cable end, cotton yarn end, cigarette end and brick end. The system “clearance everyday” shall be insisted to ensure “the materials are used up and the site is cleared off” when the works everyday are finished. 2.1.3 The equipment package box shall be collected and treated in time, to execute the principle of “the person unpacking shall treat it”. The responsible unit shall timely send the packing material to Material Dept. to have the secondary utilization rationally and centrally. 2.2 Waste liquid drainage management 2.2.1 The water supply and drainage system shall be smooth and formed into reasonable loops, the drainage system shall be provided at the place with water source. 2.2.2 The waste liquid produced by pipe acid wash on site shall be drained to the sewage treatment plant, then the drainage shall be executed after PH reaches the standard by chemical neutralizing treatment to avoid the environmental pollution. 2.2.3 The little oily dirt that run away, ooze out, drop down or leaked due to the use and maintenance of machinery, tools and apparatus shall be wiped with cotton yarn immediately to avoid the soil pollution or other pollution, and daily maintenance for machinery, apparatus and tools shall be strengthened. 2.2.4 Other dangerous waste chemical liquid shall be put into solid vessel and sent to the environmental dept. for uniform treatment as dangerous waste. 2.3 Noise management 2.3.1 Regular maintenance for various large and small machinery, tools and apparatus shall be done well for minimizing the noise. 2.3.2 Optimize the construction process and arrange the alternative operation of working personnel rationally, adopt the effective measures such as protective earplugs or helmets, shortening the working hours so as to reduce the noise stimulation to operators. 2.4 Control of poisonous dust or harmful materials 2.4.1 The quantity of heat insulation materials entering the site shall be controlled strictly, the packing materials dismantled shall be recovered; heat insulation operation must be laid with the shielding cover, making the scraps fall into it, and with immediate clearing. 2.4.2 The effective measures such as watering, immediate cleaning and dropped watering will be taken for other dusts for immediate control and avoid the environmental pollution to the construction site. 2.4.3 The poisonous and harmful materials irrelevant with the project construction shall not enter the construction site. 2.4.4 The operators must use the labor protective articles correctly to avoid the inhalation of dust. 3. Requirements of environmental management 3.1 When the Project Dept. organizes the safety education training, it shall carry out the training for all the staff aiming at the project practice and taking the measures and requirements of environmental protection as well as its laws and legislation knowledge as the important contents of environmental education. 3.2 The greening area of office area and living area on the site shall not be less than 25%, the operation site shall be provided with enough dump box, garbage bins and water flush toilet, also with special person for cleaning. 3.3 The Project Dept. shall work out the emergency plan for environment protection, which can be started once environmental accident occurs, so as to control environmental pollution as far as possible. After the accident, the responsibility of related personnel shall be found out as per accident treatment system and accident preventive measures shall be worked out by drawing inferences from it. Section 3 Environmental protection measures 1. Clew of environmental protection management Based on the environmental concept “sticking to the cultural spirit, creating the green building and seeking for continuous improvement of community, residence and construction environment”, our unit shall carry out the basic thinking of environmental management “prevention, control, supervising and monitoring” in the whole construction and production process on the basis of ISO14000 environmental management system standard and Environmental And Occupational Safety And Health Management Manual of our company. Taking “prevention” as the core, “control” as the means to find the problems through “supervising” and “monitoring”, then restrict our own conducts and regulate our own activities for obtaining the basis for fulfilling continuous environmental improvement. identify environmental factor → decide the environmental objective and target → work out environmental management plan→ set up environmental protection organization and organ→ training, improve the consciousness and abilities→ operation and control of environmental protection→ emergency preparation and response→ supervising and monitoring→ continuous improvement 2. Environmental factor and management plan At the beginning of commencement, different environmental factors (mainly including water, air, noise and residue) possibly appeared during construction and production as well as their influence caused shall be identified. Based on the degree of influence to environment, the objective and target of environmental protection shall be set up, then work out environmental management plan, with the details referring to Schedule of Important Environmental Factors And Management Plan of the Project. The environmental protection leading group shall be established by Project Manager Dept. and project manager shall be the first responsible person. During the operation and control, training and guiding shall be enhanced to strengthen all constructors’ sense of environmental protection, and improve the abilities. The relative functional departments of the company shall examine, supervise and guide at fixed time to guarantee the execution and continuous improvement of environmental management plan. Schedule of Important Environmental Factors and Management Plan of the Project environmental factor environmental influence objective and index of environmental protection environmental protection management plan noise affect the human health Noise limits for construction site: Structural construction, daytime <70Db, night time<55dB; Decorative construction, daytime <65dB, night time<55dB 1. The outside vertical plane of the project adopts closely knitted safe net for full sealing; 2. Sealing for carpenter working room on site with sealing rate 100%; 3. During the structural construction, concrete vibrating rod with low noise and environmental protection as well as the construction machinery with noise elimination and reduction shall be chosen as far as possible; 4. When transporting the materials, formwork and removing the scaffolds, the measures shall be adopted as per materials, gently take up and drop down them; 5. Purchase the noise monitoring instrument with the special person to monitor, for the noise exceeding standard, it shall be rectified immediately. dust pollute the atmosphere no flying dust visible on the site 1. The civilized construction cleaning group shall be set up, equipped with watering equipment and dust alleviation and reduction shall be done well; 2. The building garbage shall be stored in classification, timely cleared and transported. Proper water shall be sprayed during clearing and transporting to reduce the flying dust. sewage pollute the water body sewage drainage meets the local environmental protection regulations 1. Septic tank shall be set at the site’s toilet; 2. Rain water discharge pipe and ditch shall be provided to realize separate discharge of rain water and sewage. wastes and building garbage pollute the soil body, water body and atmosphere Manage them in classification, rationally dispose different wastes, with 100% recovery rate of poisonous and harmful materials 1. Plan on builders rubbish disposal shall be reported to urban environment and sanitation dept. prior to the construction, and fill in the kind, quantity, transportation route and disposal place; 2. The builders rubbish and living garbage shall be stored in classification, with immediate clearing; the poisonous and harmful wastes must be recovered in time with 100% recovery rate; 3. The rest rubbish on site must be cleared away within 5 days after completion; dropping & spilling during transportation pollution of road surface without dropping & spilling during transportation The vehicle shall not be overloaded, also be covered tightly to avoid dropping & spilling. Once dropping & spilling is found, manpower shall be organized to clear it; leakage and volatilization of dangerous chemicals and oil products pollute soil body and water body The chemicals on construction site (such as painting and coating) and the special materials containing chemical compositions shall be managed and used by means of sealing and vessel to stop leakage, dropping or spilling. 1. Work out the environmental directions for the use and management operation of poisonous and harmful materials, also carryout the training for the operators; 2. The inflammable and explosive materials as well as chemicals shall be stored at the special warehouse, the storage ground shall be hardened or matted firstly; 3. The construction machinery and equipment shall be provided with oil pan; 4. The sand soil and shovel shall be adopted for leakage. Reduce environmental pollution and create the green building 3. Management method of environmental protection (1) Management of construction wastes and garbage management: the wastes produced during the construction shall be recovered and stored in classification by the Project Dept. as per owner’s requirement, then hand them over to related dept. for disposal. a. The Project Dept. shall have the responsibility to adopt the measures saving energy, reducing consumption and with comprehensive utilization, decrease the production of poisonous and harmful solid wastes as far as possible. Classified dustbins shall be set at the site, with special person to clear them timely. The wastes and garbage shall be put at the place appointed by the owner. b. The operation site shall be cleared in time strictly according to the procedures in operating instruction, “five ends” shall be stopped, namely waste lumber or bar end, cable end, cotton yarn end, cigarette end and brick end. The system “clearance everyday” shall be insisted to ensure “the materials are used up and the site is cleared off” when the works everyday are finished. c. The equipment package box shall be collected and treated in time, to execute the principle of “the person unpacking shall treat it”. The responsible unit shall timely send the packing material to Material Dept. to have the secondary utilization rationally and centrally. (2) Waste liquid drainage management a. The water supply and drainage system shall be smooth and formed into reasonable loops, the drainage system shall be provided at the place with water source. b. The waste liquid produced by pipe acid wash on site shall be drained to the sewage treatment plant, then the drainage shall be executed after PH reaches the standard by chemical neutralizing treatment to avoid the environmental pollution. c. The little oily dirt that run away, ooze out, drop down or leaked due to the use and maintenance of machinery, tools and apparatus shall be wiped with cotton yarn immediately to avoid the soil pollution or other pollution, and daily maintenance for machinery, apparatus and tools shall be strengthened. d. Other dangerous waste chemical liquid shall be put into solid vessel and sent to the environmental dept. for uniform treatment as dangerous waste. (3) Noise management a. Regular maintenance for various large and small machinery, tools and apparatus shall be done well for minimizing the noise. b. Optimize the construction process and arrange the alternative operation of working personnel rationally, adopt the effective measures such as protective earplugs or helmets, shortening the working hours so as to reduce the noise stimulation to operators. (4) Control of poisonous dust or harmful materials a. The quantity of heat insulation materials entering the site shall be controlled strictly, the packing materials dismantled shall be recovered in time; heat insulation operation must be laid with the shielding cover, making the scraps fall into it, and with immediate clearing. b. The effective measures such as watering, immediate cleaning and dropped watering shall be taken for other dusts for immediate control and avoid the environmental pollution to the construction site. c. The poisonous and harmful materials irrelevant with the project construction shall not enter the construction site. d. The operators must use the labor protective articles correctly to avoid the inhalation of dust.
案例标题: 安全手册
原文: 安全手册 1.安全和文明施工管理 在巴基斯坦SAIF电站200+MW双燃料——蒸汽联合循环机组工程施工中,我公司坚决贯彻执行《安全生产法》,以《建筑工程安全生产管理条例》为工作指南,以公司安全健康、环境管理方针:“保障健康,预防事故,节能降耗,减少污染,文明施工,持续发展”为工作宗旨;以风险控制为管理核心,努力创造一流的安全文明施工现场,争创“基建移交生产达标,创建一个工期短、质量优、造价低、效益好的一流电厂”。 1.1 安全文明管理目标 1.1.1 安全文明施工管理目标: 杜绝重伤及以上事故; 杜绝重大机械设备事故; 杜绝重大火灾事故; 杜绝负主要责任的重大交通事故; 不发生环境污染事故和重大垮(坍)塌事故; 杜绝压力容器爆炸事故; 不发生大面积传染病和集体事故中毒。 11.1.2 杜绝重复发生相同性质的事故。 1.2安全管理体系 1.2.1 概述 我公司于2003年1月23日通过了GB/T28001:2001 职业安全健康管理体系和ISO14001:1996环境管理体系(以下简称“安环”体系)的双认证。在体系运行的两年里,我公司始终认真贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的安全生产方针和公司的职业安全健康与环境管理二十四字方针,严格执行国家、地方、行业等各类关于职业安全健康与环境管理的一切法律、法规、制度,健全三级安全管理网络,以人为本,加强领导,落实责任,加大安全资金投入,促进了安全与环境管理法制化、规范化、标准化和程序化的发展,在安全与环境管理方面取得了良好的绩效,所有在建工程项目无任何安全责任事故和环境污染事故的发生以及相关方的投诉。 1.2.2本工程安全文明管理组织机构安全健康管理组织机构的设置 公司将成立电厂项目部安全生产委员会,由项目经理任主任、生产副经理及项目总工为副主任、项目安保部及各二级单位负责人为安委会成员,全面负责本项目安全与环境管理的各项工作。 项目部设安全保卫部,各二级单位根据工作需要设体系管理专责和现场安全管理专责,各施工班组设兼职安全员。 安全生产委员会下设大型机械安全管理小组、消防安全管理小组、应急与响应小组和环境保护与文明施工领导小组。安全监督网络的设置 项目部按《电力建设建设健康与环境管理工作规定》的规定,执行三级安全监督机制,设置独立的安全保卫监督机构即项目安保部,主要负责项目部安全生产、环境管理和文明施工的全面监督和管理工作,项目安保部设专职安监管理人员 5人,各专业公司设专职安全员,班组设兼职安全员。 安全监督网络图 安全工作 责任人 岗 位 职 责 岗 位 职 责 项目经理 安全环境管理工作第一责任人 专业公司主任 专业施工组织指挥安全与环保责任人 生产副经理 施工指挥安全责任人 专业公司专责 专业技术方案制定和实施安全与环境管理责任人 总工程师 组织审定重大技术方案安全责任人 专职安全员 检查监督施工中的安全环保和文明施工 项目安保部 主 任 全面负责项目部安全健康与环境管理、文明施工、消防保卫工作的组织、指导、协调监督工作 各作业班组兼职安全员 协助班组长开展各类安全文明施工活动 1.2.3管理职责安委会职责: (1)项目经理主持安全生产委员会的工作,直接主管项目安保部,对项目部的安全与环境管理工作全面负责。 (2)生产副经理负责领导和协调各职能部门对安全和环境工作的管理,在生产调度会上布置安排安全和环境管理工作。 (3)项目总工对本项目的安全技术和环保技术负领导责任。 (4)项目安保部负责组织制定安全与环境管理制度并组织实施;监督检查项目部安全健康与环境管理工作状况和现场安全文明施工状况,发现问题及时督促整改;全面负责项目部的消防安全管理。 (5)各二级单位负责贯彻执行上级有关安全与环境管理的措施与规定,组织编制本单位安全与环境管理制度,经批准后组织实施。各工作小组职责: (1)大型机械安全管理小组:全面负责贯彻执行《电力建设安全工作规程》的有关规定,做好各类大型施工机械装、用、管、修、租、拆、运等过程中的安全管理工作。 (2)消防安全管理小组:负责落实“预防为主,防消结合”的方针,全面负责项目部施工现场和生活区域的防火防爆的监督管理工作。 (3)环境保护与文明施工领导小组:负责施工生产中的环境保护与文明施工的规划、组织实施、监督检查和日常管理工作。 (4)应急与响应小组:根据有关规定和体系管理的要求,编制各项应急准备与控制计划,并负责组织培训与演练工作,在发生事故或意外情况时,及时启动应急预案。 1.2.4 危害辨识和风险评价体系 危险源辨识 项目部对本工程所有作业活动中存在或潜在的危害和危险因素进行识别,然后根据定性和定量的方法进行风险等级评价,并结合工程实际,针对不可承受的风险制定相应的控制措施。 控制措施与计划 根据职业健康安全管理体系的要求,必须对重大风险进行控制,控制措施主要有: 制定目标、指标和管理方案;加强教育培训,提高安全与环保意识;落实运行控制,加强过程管理;加强现场监督管理,狠抓习惯性违章;制定应急与响应预案。 重大风险及其控制计划清单 序号 作业活动 危害因素 可能导致的事故 控制措施 1 大件吊装 吊具选择不当、吊挂绳损伤、超负荷工作 人员伤亡、设备受损 严格执行标准 与规程 组件未按规定捆绑牢固 抬吊指挥不协调 吊具焊缝加固不牢 2 水压试验 试压过程中违章烧焊 人员伤亡、中毒、 设备损坏 压力表坏损 加药时不戴安全防护用具 升压过程中进行违章操作 3 点火冲管 噪声产生 伤害作业人员听力,影响社区居民 4 锅炉试运 沟道、孔洞不设围栏隔离 人员伤亡、设备受损 安全阀失效 5 汽轮机试运 氢、油泄漏 火灾、人员伤亡、 设备受损 6 电气调试 高压试验设备直接放电 触电伤亡、设备受损 带电设备短漏 雷雨中试验 未挂警示牌 7 焊接作业 电源、气管破裂 人员触电、烧伤、爆炸、设备受损 未按规定穿戴防护用品 乙炔、氧气瓶不按规定放置 防回火装置不全 8 施工临时 用电 电气设备附近未按要求配备消防设施 触电伤亡 停送电不按规定办理工作票 电压不符合设备使用安全要求 用电设备电源引线超长 用电设备接地不合格 9 起重机械操作 安全保护失效 人员伤亡、设备受损 违章操作 钢丝绳断裂 机械带病作业 无防风措施 10 大型机械安装\拆除与运输 未制定施工方案或交底不明确 人员伤亡、设备受损 随意改变拆除缆风绳 违章指挥与操作 11 高空及交叉作业 不按规定使用安全带、网、绳 人员高空坠落、打击伤害 随身工具未用工具袋 孔洞不置盖板与围栏 夜间照明不足 12 电动工具使用 工具漏电 人员伤亡 未戴防护用品 13 手动起重葫芦 使用 未使用千斤头挂吊 设备损坏 绑扎不牢 超时使用而未做防范措施 14 脚手架搭设 脚手板间隙过大 人员伤亡、设备损坏 超负荷使用 随意拆除连接件 搭设人员无证操作 氢室不用铜质扳平紧固螺丝 15 运输作业 车辆设备检查保养不到位 人员伤亡、车辆受损 疲劳驾驶 违反其他交通规则 16 进入容器施工 无通风设施或设施不完善 人员伤亡 未使用安全电压照明 特殊作业无人监视 17 化学作业 不按规定进行酸、碱的操作 人员伤亡、设备受损 操作人员无防护用品 18 土建施工 沥青、油膏烫伤 人员受伤 沟、坑施工土方及砖石伤害 模板拆除时落物伤人 水泥浇灌不合理 建筑物受损 19 χ射线探伤 无警示、无报警灯 人员窒息、触电 未按规定配备和使用防护用品 20 人的行为 安全教育不合格 潜在事故 施工人员违章作业 作业指导书有缺陷 人员调配不当 1.2.5 本工程安全文明施工费用的使用与管理 为保障本工程安全文明目标的顺利实现,将设立安全文明施工专项费用,一部分用于安全设施和文明施工的基础费用,另一部分用于安全文明施工奖励基金,并做到专款专用。 1.3安全控制措施 人是生产力的第一要素,保障职工的人身安全施工设备安全是管理者的首要任务。因此人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,是安全管理工作防范的重点。我公司将以人为本,全面落实各级人员安全责任制,以教育和法制手段规范施工人员的行为,以严谨科学的安全技术措施和完善可靠的作业环境是保障工程建设的安全。为了保证电厂工程安全施工,项目部从组织、管理、技术等方面采取措施,对以下安全管理重点进行控制: 1.3.1现场安全设施与劳动保(防)护用品的管理措施安全设施的购置要求 (1)现场安全设施实行规范化管理,各责任单位根据工程需要提出使用计划,安保部组织统一制作或购买,确保施工现场的安全设施与标志整齐划一,醒目美观。 (2)安全设施、标志或用品的供货厂家必须具有齐全有效的三证:生产许可证、产品合格证、出厂试验报告。安全设施布置与使用 (1)安全设施的布置 a.施工过程中的安全通道、设备保护、危险场所、试运区、孔洞等处设置安全围栏、孔洞盖板、警戒绳、警示牌、彩条布等。 b.高处作业时设置手扶水平安全绳、安全网。其中沟深大于2M和高空超过2M的加装牢固的栏杆扶手;高处临边作业根据需要设置临时栏杆或密目安全网;高空交叉作业区及电梯口等人员集中区设置安全通道,防止人员被坠落物体砸伤。 c.在合适的地方布置定置管理图,施工现场平面图,安全标语宣传牌等;设备堆放场设置设备标识牌,标名设备名称、型号、和使用单位;搭设完毕的脚手架,设置脚手架验收牌;所有大型施工机械应挂机械安全标识牌。 (2)安全网的使用 a.使用前应先检查安全网是否腐烂与损坏,并在使用过程中经常检查与维护; b.安全网间架撑杆间距不大于4米;墙面或构筑物外安全网,支出宽度不小于3米,撑杆内低外高; c.安全网加高要正确牢固,网面应里低外高500MM,安全网距操作垂直距离不大于3米; d.掉入安全网内对象及时清理,高处焊接切割作业应防止火花落入网内。 (3)防护栏杆及围栏 a.平台、栏杆应随设备的吊装而逐层进行完善,施工人员在作业中应有临时保护措施; b.防护栏杆高度为1200mm,构件无破损、变形,光滑无毛刺,红白相间色标醒目; c.防护栏杆严禁任意拆除和破坏,禁止将栏杆作为受力点牵挂缆绳、钢丝绳、葫芦等。 (4)孔洞盖板 a.所有的孔洞、临边必须及时封闭或设临时栏杆,并有明显地警示标志; b.因设备安装而无法铺设的平台、网板,必须及时进行临时封闭; c.盖板应根据孔洞尺寸用足够厚度的钢板制作,检验是否符合强度要求,板面应涂有红、白色间隔,并应有限制盖板移动装置; d.因工作需要打开孔洞盖板须书面申请,经同意后方可施工;施工时,孔洞周围必须设置围栏和警告牌,必要时设专人监护,夜间作业应设红灯警示;工作结束立即恢复盖板。 (5)脚手架 a.标准组合式脚手架的制作按照规定要求统一制作,必须满足图纸给定的数值要求,对发现管件、接头、斜拉严重弯曲或有裂纹现象的不得使用; b.标准组合式脚手架上部作业平台必须使用统一制作的跳板铺满,并设置安全护栏;一般用途的标准组合式脚手架荷载最大不超过270kg/㎡,未经许可不得超载使用; c.钢管立柱应设置金属底座,对地质松软基础应垫木板或金属板,脚手架不得钢、木混搭; d.标准组合式脚手架的正常使用不得超过三层,如特殊情况需要增高使用,必须采取必要的防倾倒措施,同时经施工单位计算,工程管理部门审核和项目安保部检查合格后方可实施; e.标准组合式脚手架搭设组合完成后应挂安全使用标志牌,标明使用单位、使用负责人、安全负责人、验收单位,检验合格后方可使用; f.脚手架应经常检查、特别是在台风、暴雨后应加强检查维护;非专业人员不得搭、拆脚手架。安全标识和宣传牌的管理要求 (1)禁止标志牌:标志牌为红色,提示作业人员施工现场应禁止的行为,如严禁烟火、禁止通行、禁止抛物、禁止入内等。 (2)警告标志牌:标志牌为黄色,提醒人们对周围环境引起注意,以避免可能发生的危险,如当心火灾、当心爆炸、当心中毒等。 (3)指令标志牌:标志牌为蓝色,强制人们必须做出的行为或采用的防范措施,如必须戴安全帽、必须戴防尘口罩等。 (4)提示标志牌:标志牌为绿色,向人们提供某种信息,具有指导性,如可动火区、紧急出口。 (5)所有安全标志采用标准化设施,其使用必须符合《安全标志使用导则》的要求,结合现场实际情况,合理布局,醒目美观。 (6)其它安全宣传牌和标语牌的制作与布置应与安全标志牌同等要求,合理布 置,和谐统一,整齐美观,创造良好的安全文化氛围;劳动保(防)护用品的使用管理 (1)物资部必须购置合格的劳保用品,项目综合办公室按有关标准按时发放,保障职工在施工生产中的生命安全和身体健康。 (2)进入施工现场的所有员工必须穿戴统一的工作服和安全帽; (3)进入施工现场必须穿符合本专业要求的工作鞋,雨天可使用长筒雨鞋,但不能进行高处作业; (4)从事焊接、有毒气体、打磨作业、粉尘环境下作业和有害于健康等场所内进行工作时,要使用规程规定的防毒、防尘口罩或面具以及防护眼镜; (5)在转动机械上作业或从事敲打作业时,严禁使用手套; (6)凡接触高温、明火、火花或飞溅的熔融物质的工作人员,如电、火焊工及辅助人员等应使用防高温辐射用品,包括隔热、防火服装、防热面罩、防护眼镜等; (7)在噪声超标且噪声源不能根本消除的情况下,应使用防噪声用品,如耳塞、耳罩和防噪声帽等; (8)从事电气作业人员,要根据实际情况选用防触电用品。如绝缘手套、绝缘鞋,绝缘地毯等。 1.3.2大型机械、小型工机具的安全管理措施大型机械的安全管理 (1)进入本现场的所有大型机械执行机械准入制度。对进入施工现场的大型机械进行全面的验证认可,填写能力认可表,符合标准要求的机械准入,不符合要求的机械,必须按要求更换、限期整改或退出现场。 (2)安装和拆除拆起重机械(含施工电梯)的施工单位必须具有相应的施工资质。施工前编制施工方案,经项目部审核、批准后实施,投入使用前进行验收并进行负荷试验,项目部在施工中对其监督。 (3)所有大型机械须配置安全操作规程牌,发现安全装置问题或受到不良环境因素影响时,应立即停机检查,及时检修并制定保护措施。 (4)项目部所有大型机械操作人员,应经专业技术培训、实际操作及安全操作规程考试合格并取证后方可上岗。操作人员必须持证上岗,项目安保部应进行经常性检查,并对无证上岗者给予处罚。 (5)所有大型机械应按规定进行检查、保养和维护,必须健康运行,起重作业坚决执行“十不吊”原则。 (6)项目部与地区气象部门签订气象预报协议,根据天气变化及时做好大型施工机械的防风措施和大型机械事故的应急预案。小型机械、工器具安全管理 (1)小型机械、工器具使用必须贯彻“管用结合”、“人机固定”的原则,实行专机负责制,由专人进行维护,并随机挂安全操作牌。 (2)严格执行机械安全的操作规程,操作人员应熟知机械性能,正确使用机械,认真做好机械设备的各级保养,保证机械及其附属装置完好、齐全。 (3)手持电动工具在使用前应认真检查,电动工具必须安装漏电保安器;外壳、手柄无裂缝、无破损;保护地线或保护零线连接正确、牢固;电缆、软线和手插头完好;开关动作正常、灵活、无缺损;电气保护和机械防护装置完好;转动部分灵活。 (4)机械、工器具操作人员必须遵守安全操作规程和保养规程,熟练操作技术,做到“四懂三会”。即懂原理、懂构造、懂性能、懂用途,会操作、会维修、会排除故障。新工人进厂必须经过技术培训、跟机学习、经考试合格后,方可上岗操作。 (5)使用绝缘电动工具时,必须采取可靠的绝缘措施并设专人监护,电动工具的开关应设在监护人伸手可及地方。 (6)小型机械不得带病运转或超负荷运转,如确需超负荷运转时,必须有可靠的运行资料,采取安全有效措施,经工程技术部和项目安保+部同意后方可作业。 (7)两班或三班作业的小型机械要有交接班制度,同时填好交接班记录。交接班任务完成情况、运转情况、故障处理情况、维护保养情况等,做到有交有接,交接清楚。 (8)机械发生故障时,应按有关规定,及时报告有关领导及部门,及时排除故障,故障排除后,应按性能说明书或标准做测量和检查,合格后方可使用。 (9)当发生机械事故时,应马上报告领导及有关部门,按“四不放过”原则,召开事故分析会,并提供真实、详尽的事故情况,并按有关规定进行处理、上报。 1.3.3高处及交叉作业的安全管理措施高处作业安全管理 (1)在制定施工方案时,应尽量减少交叉作业,高处作业时须采取可靠措施保障施工人员的安全。 (2)高处作业的平台、走道、斜道等装设由上下两道栏杆和栏杆柱组成的防护栏杆(上高1.05-1.2M,下高0.5-0.6M)的防护栏杆和18CM高的挡脚板。 (3)高处作业区周围的孔洞、沟道等处设盖板、安全网或围栏。 (4)特殊高处作业应随时与地面工作人员保持设联系,并由专人负责。 (5)在夜间或光线不足的地方进行高处作业,布置足够的照明,必要时应设专人监护。 (6)在气温高于35°c进行露天高处作业时,施工集中区域应设凉棚并配备适当饮料药品以及其它防暑降温设施。 (7)遇有六级及六级以上大风或恶劣气候时,停止露天高处作业。雨天进行露天高处作业时,采取防滑措施。 (8)凡参加高处作业的人员全部进行体检。经医生诊断患有不宜从事高处作业病症的人员不得参加高处作业。 (9)工作人员登高作业时使用合格的速差自控器,上脚手架走斜道或梯子,不得沿绳、脚手架立杆或栏杆等攀爬,也不得任意攀登高层构筑物。 (10)高处作业区附近有带电体时,传递绳使用干燥的麻绳或尼龙绳,严禁使用金属线。 (11)特殊高处作业的危险区设围栏及“严禁靠近”的警告牌,危险区内严禁人员逗留或通行;非有关施工人员不得攀登高处,登高参观的人员由专人陪同,并严格遵守有关安全规定。 (12)垂直攀登时,使用安全自锁器;在单梁上行走及作业时,须架设手扶水平安全绳,并且要根据实际情况铺设安全网。 交叉作业管理措施 (1)交叉作业管理原则 为了减少建筑施工与安装施工、安装不同专业之间的相互干扰,尽可能保证交叉作业安全,以保证工程总工期目标的实现,工序交叉作业安排已遵循了以下原则: a.避免建筑施工与安装施工在同一空间内同时作业; b.对建筑、安装之间一些必须的工序交叉要在时间上或空间上错开; c.对为降低施工难度,促进施工进度的交叉作业(如除氧器吊装与BC框架施工等)采取(或要求采取)了分段施工措施; d.对不同专业之间的交叉作业已按先主导工种施工后其它工种的原则进行了安排,以做到均衡生产。 (2)交叉作业管理对策 a.由工程管理部负责人负责对内对外协调调度工作。 b.对外协调:协调好与业主、安装单位、监理单位、设计单位的关系,定期参与业主组织的生产调度会,协调好与安装单位交妆工作及交叉施工安全工作。 c.对内协调:根据工程实际情况,编制项目生产调度方案,重点推形目标管理,跟踪管理、平衡协调管理,协调施工现场各类资源的合理配备和调度,搞好工程质量、进度、安全及文明施工,确保工程各项目目标的实现。交叉作业防物品坠落事故措施 (1)高处作业地点、各层平台、走道及脚手架上堆放的物件不超过允许荷载,施工用料随用随吊。 (2)高处作业人员配带工具袋,较大的工具系保险绳;传递物品时,严禁抛掷。 (3)高处作业时,点焊的对象不得移动;切割的工件、边角余料等旋转在牢靠的地方或用铁丝扣牢并有防止坠落措施。 (4)交叉作业场所的通道保持畅通;有危险的出入口处设围栏或悬挂警告牌。 (5)隔离层、孔洞盖板、栏杆、安全网等安全防护设施严禁任意拆除;必须拆除时办理移动防护设施申请,在工作完毕后立即恢复原状并经验收;严禁乱动非工作范围内的设备、机具及安全设施。 (6)交叉施工时,工具、材料、边角余料等严禁上下投掷,使用工具袋、箩筐或吊笼等吊运;严禁在吊物下方接料或逗留。 1.3.4施工用电安全管理措施施工用电安全管理措施 (1)电源布置安全、合理。采用集装箱式变压器并使用电缆直埋,从变压器到用电场地采用统一的配电盘,并标识该盘的功率及已用多少还剩多少,以保证用电的合理和安全。从配电盘到用户间加强统一的配电箱,以便使主缆、次主缆、次缆在主厂房、锅炉间及施工密集的区域统一排列,并不在地面出现。 (2)施工用电设备和线路的布置符合文明施工标准。安装好的用电设备要求横平竖直;配电盘、电焊机集装箱要求:盘箱内外整洁,外壳接地良好,门轴转动灵活;电源开关柜或配电箱、插座箱采用封闭式,门上锁。用电线路布置整齐美观、横平竖直。触电事故的预防措施 (1)施工现场临时用电采用TN-S系统,设置专用保护零线,使用五芯电缆,配电系统采用“三级配电两级保护”。 (2)对配电盘、漏电保护器定期检验并标识其状态,使用前进行确认。 (3)电焊机二次线使用快速接头连接,使用前检查。 (4)施工用电线路布线尽可能架空布线或线管布线。雷雨季节用电安全及防雷电措施 (1)在雷雨季到来之前对施工电源、生活用电源设施进行全面的检查测试,电气设备的接地及大型吊车的轨道、施工现场的避雷装置及灯塔、钢结构活动房屋等的接地进行调整测试,测试结果满足《电力建设安全工作规程(火力发电厂)中》的有关规定。对所有电气设备应定期检查其电源和电气设备的安全性,发现设备受损现象,及时采取调换、检修的措施,禁止使用有隐患的设备。现场的施工电源集中放置于集装箱内,集装箱架高放置,防止其受潮和被水浸泡。 (2)施工现场的电焊机,按区域统一布置,电焊机安装在架高的电焊机集装箱内,并做好电焊机集装箱的接地和防潮保护工作。 (3)雨中和雨后及时排除设备周围的积水,使用机械前检查电气设备的绝缘是否良好。 (4)电工、电焊工须持证上岗,熟悉并掌握触电紧急救护知识。 (5)电焊工在潮湿的部位作业前,采取干燥、通风和加垫绝缘板并设监护人的措施。 1.3.5危险化学品的安全管理措施本项目部所需购买危险化学品及放射性物品,须按相关规定要求,由物资部统一购买,按标准规定验收和储存;凡与生产建设与关的有毒有害物品一律禁止进入施工现场。危险化学品和放射性物品实行专人专库管理,物资部须制定《危险化学品和放射性物品管理制度》。仓库应做好相应的消防、和防泄露和其它防范措施。仓库管理人员必须经过专项安全培训考试并合格,放射品管理人员经体检合格,并持有市级卫生部门颁发的《放射工作人员证》,危险化学品和放射性物品的储存要求必须符合相关规定。需要使用危险化学品和放射品的单位,必须严格执行申领制度。在使用过程中,与其接触人员应按规定配备满足健康需求的个人安全防护用品,并经过应急培训,应熟知物品性质。现场涉及到放射性工作时,事先通知各单位注意放射工作区域和安全区域,在放射工作区域布置安全警戒线和明显的危险标志及报警装置,并派专人警戒。使用剩余的危险废弃物应按程序要求,集中回收存放,由项目部统一交由有资质的相关单位处理,减少环境污染和对人员的伤害。物资部应制定危险化学品和放射物品事故的应急预案,并组织有关人员进行培训和演练。发生危险化学品事故和放射性事故时,应在第一时间启动应急预案,降低风险。 1.3.6现场运输管理措施所有运输车辆应由专人驾驶及保养, 驾驶员必须经考试合格并取得与所驾车辆相应的驾驶证件。现场运输服从指挥,装运对象应垫稳、捆牢,不得超载,运输途中应有专人领车、监护,并设必要的标志,不得损坏场内交通道路和其它设备。运输易燃、易爆危险化学品时,押运人员必须坐在驾驶室内。翻斗车的制翻装置应可靠,卸车时车斗不得朝有人的方向倾倒。翻斗车禁止载人。运输车辆应经常检查和保养,保证车况良好。行驶中驾驶室外及车厢外不得载人,驾驶员应遵守交通规则,启动前先鸣号,载货时车速不得超过5KM/h,空车车速不得超过10 Km/h。停车后应切断动力源,扳下制动闸后,驾驶员方可离去。 1.3.7危险区域的安全管理措施高处作业平台的边缘、大型设备孔洞四周、高处作业禁止通行区域、暂时封闭的高处作业通道等,全部设置防护栏杆,工程设计有正式防护栏杆的随施工完毕, 正式栏杆不能安装就位的,应及时搭设临时防护栏杆。对临边高处作业,根据作业需要设置临时栏杆或密目立网。基坑周边,尚未安装栏杆或栏板的阳台、料台与挑平台周边,雨蓬与挑檐边,无外脚手架的屋面与楼层周边及水箱与水塔周边等处,设置防护栏杆。分层施工的楼梯口边,安装临时护栏,顶层楼梯口随工程结构进度安装正式防护栏杆。各种垂直运输接料平台,除两侧设防护栏杆外,平台口设置安全门或活动防护栏杆。防护栏杆自上而下用安全网封闭,或在栏杆下边设置严密、固定的高度不低于18CM的挡脚板。进行洞口作业以及在因工程和工序需要而产生的使人与物有坠落危险或危及人身安全的其它洞口进行高处作业时,全部设置防护设施;板与墙的洞口,设置牢固的盖板、防护栏杆、栏杆安全网或其它防坠落设施;电梯井口设防护栏杆或固定栅门;杯形、条形基础上口,未填土的坑槽,以及人孔、天窗、地板门等处,均按洞口防护设置稳固的盖件;施工现场通道附近的各类洞口与坑槽等处,除设置防护设施与安全标志外,夜间还应设红灯警示,必要时设专人值守;洞口防护杆的杆件及其搭设符合临边防护设施的规定。 1.3.8特殊气候、环境条件的安全管理措施春夏雨季前要做好防雷雨和防风的准备工作,雷雨期间保障施工现场排水系统保持畅通,及时清理地面和工和区域积水,做好防滑措施。高空作业及高架工机具的防雷、避雨和防风措施,均应在雷雨季节前进行全面检查,并进行接地电阻测定。项目部与气象部门签订预报协议,在大雷雨和大风暴到来之前,将大型机具置于防风防雷状态。制定大型机械事故应急预案,并组织相关人员进行培训演练,保证大型机械在特殊气候中的安全,同时发生机械事故时能及时启动应急预案。雷雨、风暴等恶劣天气过后,应对临建设施、脚手架、机电设备、电源线路和大型机械等进行检查并及时修理加固,有严重危险的应立即排除险情。六级以上大和雷雨天气禁止露天高空作业。现场的道路及脚手架、跳板和通道,应及时清除积水、并采取防滑措施,防止人身伤害事故。夏季根据施工特点和气温情况适当调整作息时间,露天作业集中的地方,搭设休息凉棚,特殊高温作业地点,应采取防暑降温措施,保障施工人员的身体健康。 1.3.9 消防管理 建立消防管理责任制 项目部成立消防管理领导小组,按照“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,建立健全各级人员防火责任制,建立消防安全网络,层层落实到人。项目经理是本项目的第一防火责任人,全面负责本项目的消防工作。 消防安全管理重点 (1)各级消防安全员负责日常消防管理,不间断对施工现场进行巡查,对发现的火灾隐患,及时下发火灾隐患整改通知书,责任单位必须按要求进行整改,项目部按“消防检查流程图”进行考核和奖罚; (2)施工现场消防通道和安全出口不得上锁、遮挡、或者占用、堆放物品;对施工现场所有的消防设施、器材定期检查、维护更换,完好率达100%,满足工程的需要; (3)项目部负责编制消防安全应急预案,并定期组织义务消防队进行学习,每年进行一次应急疏散预案演练; (4)根据《机关、团体、企业、事业单位消防管理规定》,项目部将对消防管理进行严格的检查、考核、评比,并按规定进行奖惩。 (5)做好火灾事故的预防工作,在禁区必须明火作业的,事先编制安全技术措施,并履行安全施工作业票制度和三级动火票制。其措施由总工程师批准,项目安保部会签后方可施工,作业中设专人监护,作业完毕必须认真检查,确认无引起火灾和爆炸事故的隐患方可撤离施工现场。 1.4 文明施工管理目标 环境保护是人类共同的使命,我们有责任在工程建设中,狠抓文明施工管理,提倡节能降耗,保护环境,为施工人员提供良好的工作环境,保障健康,这既是施工企业综合管理水平的一项重要标志,也是施工企业安全文化的一部分。在环境保护和文明施工管理过程中,我公司将真正做到“管理制度化、责任法定化、行为规范化、设施标准化”,根据《电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》和《电力建设安全健康环境评价标准》(试行)的要求,为巴基斯坦SAIF电站工程安装建设创造一个安全文明有序的环境,创建“一流文明施工现场”的文明施工示范窗口工程。 在本工程项目建设中,我公司将用可靠的安全技术手段和有效的文明施工管理措施,确保实现以下目标: 1.4.1施工现场做到“工未完,料未尽,场地要清”,随时保持文明整洁,规范有序,创建 “一流文明施工现场”的文明示范窗口工程。 1.4.2所有施工产生的废弃物必须分类回收,不造成二次污染。 1.4.3施工废液(含废水和废油)必须经过综合处理达标后按要求排放。 1.4.4 施工现场噪声不得超过国家标准,无投诉与抱怨。 1.4.5施工区域责任化,区域管理标准化,全场管理定置化。 1.4.6协调好施工现场周边和相关方的关系,加强保卫工作,杜绝出现任何治安问题。 1.5文明施工管理制度和措施 在本工程施工中,项目部将采取下列有效措施,加强文明施工管理,创造良好工作环境,努力创造一流的文明施工现场。 1.5.1安全设施标准化管理安全设施和劳动保(防)护用品供货方必须具有有效的三证:即生产许可证、产品合格证、出厂试验报告。施工现场所有安全设施必须符合标准化要求,全场实行定置管理,合理布置定置管理图、施工现场总平面图和安全标语宣传牌。搭设完毕的脚手架,悬挂脚手架验收牌;设备堆放场设置设备标识牌。使用装有漏电保护装置的标准化配电盘。所有施工场所合理配置质量合格、满足需要的消防设施,并设置标准警示标志。 1.5.2现场设施、设备材料管理施工现场的设备材料及周转工具,实行进场物料审批制度。设备堆放、材料码放,统一标准,指定区域,划出界限,作好标识。施工现场用氧气、乙炔应合理计划用量,减少气瓶在现场的周转,各类气瓶一律使用规范统一的气瓶托架,不用的气瓶及时回收退库,禁止空瓶在现场存放。施工区域内的设备材料存放时间,不超过三天,保持道路畅通。脚手管及卡扣等各类周转工器具,在现场存放期间按规格、型号分类,有序摆放,剩余或拆除不用的及时回收。 1.5.3成品保护管理所有已安装好的仪器、仪表、阀门、风机等设施必须挂“重要设备,请勿碰撞”的警告牌;严禁登踏已施工完的电缆桥架和已施工完的保温管道。成套厂供设备安装就位后应加强保卫巡逻,防止失窃。所有已完工设备设施的表面应有防护措施,防止碰撞和二次污染。 1.5.4办公区和生活区封闭化管理现场办公区和生活区一律实行硬地化、封闭化和绿化管理,其绿化面积不少于25%。现场办公区集中设置“六牌二图”和安全宣传橱窗等浴室、食堂、宿舍安装的电气设施符合JGJ-46-88《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》要求,专人管理,制度上墙。食堂炊事员、管理员持当地卫生防疫站发的“健康证”上岗。食堂、仓库达到无蝇、无鼠虫,通风、防尘,无腐烂变质食物。炊具、冷冻器具保持卫生,每天消毒,确保食品无污染。生活区和办公区配备足够的灭火器材,加强用电用火安全教育,确保无消防安全隐患。办公区和生活区的生活垃圾按规定处置,食堂油烟须滤油网处理后排放,避免造成土壤和大气环境的污染。 1.5.5节能降耗管理 在施工生产的全过程中,自觉做好环境保护工作,最大限度地节约能源消耗,提高能使用效率,降低成本,提高企业的综合经济效益。做好环境保护和节能降耗的宣传与培训,主要包括相关法律、法规、制度、标准;上级有关要求;有效促进环境保护和节能降耗的先进技术、工艺;环保和成本意识。科学合理编制施工作业技术措施,运用先进的工艺和方法,做好材料计划管理,有效节省施工用原材料。加强办公耗材的管理,努力实现无纸化办公,项目办公室统一管理办公文印纸张、油墨和废旧印刷品回收的归口管理。加强办公和生活区域的用水用电管理,合理使用节能材料,教育员工随手关水关电,降低水电能耗。 1.5.6人员行为规范化管理施工人员进场必须遵章守纪,确实做到安全生产、文明施工。施工人员必须着装整齐,佩戴胸卡,正确使用劳动保护用品,不得赤膊,禁止穿短裤、裙子、拖鞋、凉鞋、高跟鞋等。讲文明、懂礼貌,施工现场禁止戏耍、打闹、睡觉,现场和生活区严禁乱涂乱画、随地便溺、乱倒垃圾和乱泼脏水。严格执行作业指导书和技术措施计划,禁止野蛮施工,防止二次污染现象的发生。施工现场合理设置吸烟点,作业区域严禁流动吸烟。在施工现场必须走安全通道,严禁在危险区域通过或逗留。尊重他人的劳动成果,不得乱涂乱画,不得故意损坏任何装备和设施。加强办公区域和施工现场的保卫管理,保障工程建设和公众的安全及方便。 1.5.7现场保卫管理制定现场保卫管理制度,实行物品出门检验制度。合理设置保安门卫,实行门禁制度,一切进入施工现场人员必须遵章守纪,不得在施工现场发生违法乱纪行为,酒后一律禁止进行施工现场。加强施工现场保卫巡逻工作,加强防火防盗管理,特别是整套设备和半成品的防火防盗管理。严格执行巴基斯坦国家相关的法律法规,协调处理好周边关系,杜绝出现任何治安问题。 1.5.8竣工清退场管理 工程竣工后30日内,项目部将组织人力清退工地上所有设备、材料、垃圾及将各种临时工程拆除、移走。
译文: Safety Manual 1. Safe and civilized construction management During the construction for 200+MW dual fuel-steam combined cycle unit project of SAIF power station, Pakistan, our company shall seriously carry out and implement the Safe Production Law, take the Safe Production Management Rules of Building Project as the guideline, take the safety & health and environmental management policy of the company “ensuring health, preventing accident, saving energy and decreasing consumption, reducing pollution, civilized construction and sustainable development” as working tenet; take risk control as management core to try to build the first rate safe and civilized construction site and strive to reach the standard on “handing over of infrastructure construction and production to build a first rate power plant with short construction limit, high quality, low cost and good efficiency”. 1.1 Objective of safety and civilized management 1.1.1 Objective of safe and civilized construction management: Stop the accidents such as serious injury and above; Stop the grave mechanical equipment accidents; Stop the serious fire accidents; Stop the serious traffic accidents with principal responsibility; Without environmental pollution accidents or grave collapse accidents happening; Stop explosion accidents of pressure vessels; Without the occurrence of large area infectious disease and group intoxication accident. 11.1.2 Stop the repeated occurrence of the accident with same nature. 1.2 Safety management system 1.2.1 Overview Our company had passed the double certifications such as GB/T28001: 2001 occupational safety and health management system and ISO14001:1996 environmental management system on Jan. 23, 2003 (called as safety environment system in the following for short). During the two years of operation of the system, our company always seriously executes the safe production guideline “safety first and prevention first” and occupational safety health and environmental management guideline of the company characterized by 24 characters, strictly carries out all laws, regulations and systems related to occupational safety health and environmental management of the state, local and industry to perfect the three-level safety management network. Based on people oriented, the company strengthened on the leading, fulfilled the responsibilities and enlarged the investment of capital on safety, which have promoted the development of safety and environmental management in legalization, standardization and procedure with good performance obtained in the field of safety and environmental management. For all the projects under construction, there were no occurrences of safety responsibility accidents, environmental pollution accidents or the complaints from related parties. 1.2.2 Safety and civilized management organizational organ of the project Establishment of safety and health management organizational organ The company shall set up safe production committee for the Project Dept. of the power plant, the project manager will take its director, vice production manager and project chief engineer will take its vice director, and the Safety & Protection Dept. and the principals from different secondary units of the project shall take its members. The committee will be completely responsible for the different works related to safety and environmental management of the project. Safety & Protection Dept. shall be established under the Project Dept., different secondary units shall set up the specific responsibilities in system management and site safety management according to working requirements, and the concurrent post safety officers shall be appointed in different construction groups. Large machinery safety management group, fire safety management group, emergency and response group, environmental protection and civilized construction leading group shall be set under the safety production committee. Setting of safety supervising network According to the regulations in Health And Environmental Management Working Regulations for Power Construction, the project shall execute three-level safety supervising mechanism, set up the independent safety & protection supervising organ, namely project Safety & Protection Dept., which is mainly in charge of the complete supervising and management works of safe production, environmental management and civilized construction of the Project Dept. There will be five full time safety supervising persons in project Safety & Protection Dept., the full time safety officers shall be set in different professional companies with the concurrent post safety men set in the teams. Safety supervising network block diagram Person liable for safety work Post Duties Post Duties Project manager The first person liable for safety environment management Director of special company The person liable for safety and environmental protection in commanding and organizing the special construction Vice production manager person liable for safety in construction commanding Specific duties of professional company Person liable for formulation of professional technical scheme and execution of safety and environmental management Chief engineer person liable for the safety in organizing and approving the major technical schemes Full time safety officer check and supervise the safety environmental protection and civilized construction during construction Director of Safety & Protection Dept. of the project be fully responsible for the organizing, guiding, coordinating and supervising of safety health and environmental management, civilized construction and fire protection work Part time safety men of different operation teams assist the team leaders to carry out various safe and civilized construction activities 1.2.3 Management duties Duties of safe production committee (1) Project manager shall preside over the works of safe production committee and be directly in charge of Safety & Protection Dept. of the project, with full responsibilities to safety and environmental management work of the Project Dept. (2) The vice production manager is responsible for leading and coordinating the management of different functional organs on safety and environment protection work, and arrange safety and environmental management works at production dispatching meeting. (3) The project chief engineer shall take the leading responsibility for safety technology and environmental protection technology of the project. (4) Safety & Protection Dept. of the project is responsible for working out safety and environmental management system as well as organizing to execute them; supervising and examining the working status of safety health and environmental management as well as safe and civilized construction on site. For the problems found, it shall timely urge to rectify; it shall also take full responsibilities for fire safety management of the project. (5) Different secondary units are in charge of carrying out the measures and regulations of the higher level related to safety and environmental management, organizing and compiling the safety and environmental management system of the unit, then organizing to fulfill them after approval. Duties of different working groups (1) Large machinery safety management group: it shall be completely responsible for carrying out the related regulations in Safety Working Rules in Power Construction, doing well the safety management works in installation, utilization, management, repair, leasing, dismantling and transportation of different large construction machinery. (2) Fire safety management group: it is responsible for executing the guideline “prevention first and combine prevention with firefighting” to be completely in charge of the supervising management of fire control and explosion proof at construction site and living area of the Project Dept. (3) Leading group of environmental protection and civilized construction: it is responsible for planning, organizing, executing, supervising, examination and daily management of environmental protection and civilized construction during construction and production. (4) Emergency and response group: according to the requirements in related regulations and system management, various emergency preparations and control plans shall be worked out, and organize the training and drilling works, as well as start the emergency plan when the accident or fortuitous event occurs. 1.2.4 Hazard identification and risk evaluation system Identification of danger source The Project Dept. shall identify the existing or potential hazard and danger factors in all operations of the project, then evaluate the risk grade in accordance with the quantitative and qualitative method, and work out the relative control measures aiming at unendurable risk in combination with the engineering practice. Control measures and plan Based on the requirements in occupational health and safety management system, the great risk must be controlled with control measures mainly including: establish the objective, target and management plan; strengthen on education and training, enhance the consciousness of safety and environmental protection, fulfill the operation and control, strengthen on process management; reinforce the supervising and management on site, energetically rectify the habitual breach of regulation, work out emergency and response plan. Serious risk and its control plan list No. Operation activity hazardous factors accident possibly caused Control measures 1 hoisting of large piece improper selection of hoisting tools, damage of hanging rope, operation with overload personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment Strictly follow the code and standard the assemblies aren’t bound firmly as specified uncoordinated commanding for lifting welding seams of lifting tools aren’t reinforced firmly 2 hydrostatic test welding violating regulations during pressure test personnel’s casualty, poisoning and damaged equipment damage of pressure gauge without safety & protection articles when dosing operation against rules during boosting 3 Pipe purging upon ignition generation of noise hurt the operator’s hearing ability and influence the community inhabitants 4 test run of boiler without fence isolation for channel or hole personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment failure of safety valve 5 test run of steam turbine leakage of hydrogen and oil fire, personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment 6 electric debugging direct discharging of high voltage test equipment casualty from electric shock and damaged equipment short and leakage of electrical equipment test in lightning storm without warning plate 7 welding operation breakage of power cable and gas pipe electric shock, burn of personnel, explosion and damaged equipment protective articles aren’t worn as specified acetylene and oxygen bottles are placed at the unspecified place incomplete backfire resistance arrangement 8 temporary construction power fire facilities aren’t provided near the electric equipment as specified casualty from electric shock working ticket aren’t transacted for power cut and transmission voltage doesn’t meet the safe use requirements of equipment power lead of electric equipment is too long unqualified grounding of electric equipment 9 mechanical operation of crane failure of safety protection personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment operation against rules fracture of wire rope operation of machinery with trouble without wind proofing measures 10 mounting, dismantling and transporting of large machinery construction scheme isn’t worked out or indefinite technical instruction personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment change and remove the able arbitrarily commanding and operation against rules 11 high level and crossing operation safety belt, net or rope are used inconsistent with the specifications the staff falls from upper air, or injured by impact without tool bag for the tools taken no cover plate or fence set for the hole insufficient night lighting 12 use of electric tools creepage of tools personnel’s casualty protective articles aren’t worn 13 use of manual hoist tackle jack isn’t adopted for hoisting damaged equipment unfirm seizing no preventive measures adopted for over-time use 14 erection of scaffolds clearance among stage boards is too large personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment overload use dismantle the connecting parts at will erecting personnel carry out the operation without certificate hydrogen chamber is not tightened by bronze flatten screws 15 transportation operation inspection and maintenance of vehicle and equipment don’t reach the standard personnel’s casualty and damaged vehicle fatigue driving break the other traffic rules 16 construction inside vessel without ventilation facilities or facilities are incomplete personnel’s casualty equipment safety voltage isn’t adopted for lighting special operation without monitoring 17 chemical operation acid and alkaline operation not based on the regulations personnel’s casualty and damaged equipment operators haven’ the protective articles 18 civil construction scalding by asphalt or ointment injured personnel Injury by construction earthwork of the ditch, pit, bricks and stones the person is injured by formwork when dismantling it cement pouring is improper damaged building 19 X ray detection without caution or alarm lights personnel’s stuffiness and electric shock protective articles aren’t provided or used as specified 20 human behavior unqualified safety education potential accident operation against rules of the constructors defects with operation guide improper dispatching of staff 1.2.5 Use and management of expenses of safe and civilized construction of the project For ensuring the smooth realization of safety and civilization objective of the project, special expenses for safe and civilized construction shall be set, a part of it will be used for the basic expenses of safety facilities and civilized construction, the other part will be used for premium fund of safe and civilized construction, and special expenses shall be for special purpose. 1.3 Safety control measures Human is the primary element of productivity, the first task for the managerial personnel is to ensure the personal safety of the staff and safety of construction equipment. Therefore unsafe acts of human and unsafe status of objects are the focus of safety management work. Based on the human being the foundation, our company will fulfill the safety responsibility system for different-level personnel to standardize the constructor’s conducts by means of education and legal system and ensure the safety of project construction with strict and scientific safety technical measures and perfect and reliable operation environment. In order to guarantee the safe construction of the project of power plant, the Project Dept. shall adopt the measures from organization, management and technology for focally controlling the following safety management; 1.3.1 Management measures for safety facilities and labor protective (preventive) articles on site Purchase requirements of safety facilities (1) The standardized management shall be executed for the site safety facilities, different responsible units shall raise the use plan as required by project, Safety & Protection Dept. shall organize the uniform fabrication or purchase to ensure the safety facilities on construction site to be consistent with marks, striking and nice looking. (2) The suppliers for safety facilities, marks or articles must have complete and valid three certificates: production permit, production qualification certificate and routine test report. Layout and use of safety facilities (1) Layout of safety facilities a. Safe passage, equipment protection, dangerous place, trial running area and cavity during construction shall be provided with safe fence, cavity cover plate, guard rope, warning plate and color ribbon, etc. b. Horizontal safety rope as handrail and safe net shall be provided for high altitude operation. For those with ditch depth exceeding 2m and height exceeding 2m, the firm handrail shall be added; temporary handrail or dense safe net shall be provided as required for high altitude operation; safe passage shall be set at high altitude crossing operation area and elevator entrance to prevent the personnel being bruised by falling objects. c. Chart of fixed-position approach to management, construction plan and safety logo and propagandizing boards shall be arranged at the proper place; equipment identification boards shall be placed at equipment piling place with equipment description, type and use unit; the finished scaffolds shall be set with scaffold acceptance label; all large construction machinery shall be hung with machinery safety identification boards. (2) Use of safe net a. Safe net shall be examined to be rusty or damaged before use, and be examined and maintained regularly during use. b. The distance between supporting poles of safe nets shall not exceed 4m; for those on wall surface or outside the building, the protruding width shall not be less than 3m, the supporting poles are low interiorly and high exteriorly; c. Heightening of safe net shall be correct and firm, exterior of net surface shall be 500mm higher than its interior, the operating vertical distance of safe net shall not exceed 3m; d. The objects dropped into the safe net will be cleared timely; sparkles shall be avoided falling into the net when doing welding cutting operation at high altitude. (3) Guard rail and fence a. Platform and rail shall be perfected gradually floor by floor along with the hoisting of equipment, temporary protective measures shall be provided for the constructors during operation; b. The height of guard rail is 1200mm, the structures shall be free from damage or deformation, smooth without any burr, with obvious alternative red-white color mark; c. The guard rail is forbidden to be removed or damaged at will, and is forbidden to be used as the stress point to pull cable, steel cable and hoist. (4) Cover plate of cavity a. All cavities and working places on the side must be closed or provided with temporary rail timely, and also with the prominent warning mark; b. The platform and net board unable to be laid due to equipment installation must be sealed temporarily in time; c. The cover plate shall be made of the steel plate with enough thickness according to cavity size, then examine whether it meets the strength requirement. The plate surface shall be painted with alternative red and white, also be provided with the device limiting the movement of cover plate; d. If the cover plate shall be opened as required by the work, it must have written application, and the construction can be started after approval; during construction, fence and warning plate shall be provided around the cavity, if necessary, special person must be set for supervising, and red lamp warning shall be set for night operation; the cover plate shall be recovered immediately after the construction ends. (5) Scaffolds a. The standard combined scaffolds must be made uniformly as required, which must satisfy the data requirements given in drawing. For those with serious bending or crackle in pipe fittings, joints and canting pulls, they shall not be used. b. The upper operation platform of standard combined scaffolds must be covered with access board uniformly made, also with safe guard rail set; the maximum load of standard combined scaffolds with general purpose shall not exceed 270kg/㎡, and overload use is forbidden without consent; c. The post of steel tube shall be set with metal base, for the foundation with loose geology, wooden plates or metal boards will be underlain. The scaffolds can’t be erected with steel and wood mixed; d. The normal use of standard combined scaffolds shall not exceed three layers, if it needs to be heightened under special conditions, the necessary dump proof measures must be taken. At the same time, it shall be carried out after the calculation by construction unit, check by Project Management Dept . and examination by project Safety & Protection Dept. e. After the erection of standard combined scaffolds is finished, safe use sign board will be hung to indicate the use unit, use principal, safety principal and acceptance unit, it can only be used after qualification. f. The scaffolds shall be examined regularly, especially after the typhoon and storm, it shall be strengthened to examine; the non-professionals shall not erect or remove them. Management requirements for safety mark and publicity board (1) Inhibition mark board: it is red, to prompt the conducts of operators prohibited on construction site, such as no firework, no entry, no dropping and off limits. (2) Warning mark board: it is yellow to prompt people to pay attention to the ambient around for avoiding the possible dangers, such as take care of fire, take care of explosion and take care of poisoning. (3) Command mark board: it is blue, to force the people to make conducts or adopt the preventive measures, such as must wear safety helmet and dust mask. (4) Clew mark board: it is green to provide some information, with instructiveness, such as ignitable area and emergency exit. (5) All safety marks shall adopt standardized facilities, with their use meeting the requirements in Guiding Rules for Safety Marks Use, and reasonably arrange the marks in combination with the practical site conditions, being prominent and beautiful. (6) The making and layout of other safety publicity boards and logos shall be the same with those of safety marks board, with reasonable arrangement, being harmonic and uniform, tidy and nice looking, to create the good safety cultural atmosphere. Use and management of labor protective (preventive) articles (1) The material dept. must purchase the qualified labor protective articles, which will be issued on time by comprehensive office as per related standard to ensure the employees’ life safety and health during construction and production. (2) All employees entering the construction site must wear the uniform working suit and safety helmet; (3) When entering the construction site, the constructors must wear the working shoes meeting the specific requirement, rubber rain shoes can be used in rainy days, but not for high altitude operation. (4) When the constructors are engaged in welding, poisonous gas, grinding operation and operation under dust environment as well as work inside the place harmful to the health, the antitoxic and dust respirator or mask and protective spectacles specified by the rules must be used; (5) Gloves shall be forbidden when operating on rotary machinery or engaging in knocking operation; (6) The workers touching high temperature, open fire, sparkle or splashing fused mass, such as electric welder, fire welder and assisting personnel shall use the article resisting high temperature and radiation, including thermal insulation, fire clothes, heat protection mask and protective spectacles, etc. (7) When the noise exceeds the standard or noise source can’t be eliminated basically, articles resisting noise such as ear plug, ear protector and antinoise cap must be used; (8) The staff engaging in electric operation shall choose the anti-electric shock articles as per practical conditions, such as insulating gloves, insulating shoes and insulating carpet. 1.3.2 Safety management measures for large machinery and small tools, machinery and apparatus Safety management of large machinery (1) All large machinery entering the site shall be executed with machinery permit system. The complete verification and approval shall be carried out for all large machinery entering the construction site, then fills in the capacity approval form. The machinery meeting the standard shall be permitted and those not meeting the requirement must be replaced, rectified within limited time or exit from the site as required. (2) The construction unit installing and dismantling the lifting machinery (including construction elevator) must have the relative construction qualification. Construction plan shall be worked out prior to construction, then be put into execution after check and approval by the Project Dept. Before being put into use, it shall be accepted and done with load test; the Project Dept. shall supervise it during construction. (3) All large machinery must be provided with safety operation rules board, if problem with safety device is found or be influenced by bad environmental factors, the machinery shall be shut down immediately for inspection, then overhaul it and protection measures shall be established. (4) All operators for large machinery of Project Dept. shall have qualified examinations in professional skill training, practical operation and safety operation rules, and attend to the posts after having obtained the certificate. The operators must attend to the post with certificate, Safety & Protection Dept. of project shall carry out regular examination, and punish those without certificate. (5) All large machinery shall be inspected, repaired and maintained regularly as specified, and must be operated in good condition, the “10 not hoisting” principle shall be seriously insisted on for lifting operation. (6) The Project Dept. shall conclude the weather forecasting agreement with local weather dept, and make windproof measures well for large construction machinery and emergency plan for grave mechanical accidents according to weather change. Safety management of small machinery, tools and apparatus (1) Use of small machinery, tools and apparatus must be carried out the principle “combination of management and use”, “fixed person and machine”. The special machine responsibility system must be executed for maintenance by special person, also safety operation board must be provided with the machine. (2) Operating rules of machinery safety shall be executed strictly, the operators shall know mechanical performance well, correctly use the machinery and earnestly do well the maintenance at various level for mechanical equipment to guarantee the machinery and its auxiliary device to be complete and good. (3) Manual electric tools shall be earnestly examined before use, which must be mounted with creepage protector; no crackle or breakage for its casing or handle is allowed; protective earth or protective zero line shall be connected correctly and firmly; cable, flexible cord and manual plug shall be in good status; the switch action is normal and flexible, without defect; the electric protection and mechanical protective device shall be in good condition; the rotating parts shall be flexible. (4) The operators of machinery, tools and apparatus must observe the safety operating rules and maintenance rules, be skilled in operation technology and live up to: understand the principle, understand the structure, understand the performance and understand the usage; as well as be able to operate, repair and remove the trouble. The new workers shall attend to the post only after qualified examinations in technical training and study with the machine. (5) When applying the insulating electric tools, the reliable insulating measures must be taken and special person shall be set for supervising. Switches of electric tools shall be mounted at the place at the arm length of supervising person. (6) Small machinery shall not be run with trouble or overload. If it really needs to run with overload, the reliable operating data, safe and effective measures shall be provided. The operation can be started only with approval from Engineering Technical Dept. and project Safety & Protection Dept. (7) Small machinery with two or three teams shall have shift system, meanwhile shift record shall be filled in. The task completion, working conditions, fault handling conditions, maintenance and repair conditions of shift shall be provided, realizing taking over with handing over and clear handover. (8) When the machine has trouble, it shall be reported to the related leader and department timely as per the corresponding regulations for eliminating it in time. After troubleshooting, measurement and inspection shall be done as performance directions or standard. The machine shall only be used after qualification. (9) When the mechanical accident occurs, it shall be reported to the leader and relative department timely, and hold the accident analysis meeting according to the principle of “four not let pass”, and provide the true and detailed accident conditions as well as treat and report it as per related regulations. 1.3.3 Safety management measures for high altitude operation and crossing operation Safety management of high altitude operation (1) When working out the construction plan, crossing operation shall be reduced as far as possible; the reliable measures shall be adopted for high altitude operation for guaranteeing the safety of constructors. (2) The platform, walkway and incline of high altitude operation shall be equipped with guard rail composed by two rails and rail post at upper and bottom (upper height 1.05-1.2m, lower height 0.5-0.6m) as well as washboard with height 18cm. (3) Cover plate, safe net or fence shall be set for the cavity and channel around the high altitude operation zone. (4) For the special high altitude operation, the ground working staff shall be contact with at any time, and be charged by special person. (5) If the high altitude operation is done at night or at the place with insufficient light, enough lighting shall be provided. If necessary, special person shall be set for supervising. (6) If the high altitude operation is done at open air with temperature exceeding 35°c, shade shed shall be set up at the concentrated construction area, also the proper beverage, medicine and other heatstroke prevention facilities shall be provided. (7) The exposed high altitude operation shall be stopped if gale of force six or above or bad weather is encountered. If it is done on rainy days, antiskid measures shall be taken. (8) All staff involved in high altitude operation shall have medical examination. Those unsuitable for high altitude operation after diagnosis by the doctor shall not take part in it. (9) The working personnel shall use the qualified automatic speed difference controller when climbing for high altitude operation. When they climb up to the scaffolds, they shall pass through the rampway or ladder. Climbing along the rope, vertical post of scaffolds or rail shall be forbidden, also any higher building can’t be climbed at will. (10) If the electrified body exists around the high altitude operation area, the transfer rope shall adopt dry twine or nylon rope. Metal wire shall be forbidden. (11) Fence and warning board “no approach” shall be set at the dangerous area of special high altitude operation, personnel are forbidden to leave or pass within the dangerous area; the constructors not related to construction shall not climb the high place, the persons climbing high place for visiting shall be accompanied by special person, also the related safety regulations shall be strictly observed. (12) When climbing vertically, automatic safety controller shall be adopted; when traveling and operating on single beam, hand held horizontal safety rope shall be erected, and safe net shall be laid as per practical conditions. Management measures for crossing operation (1) Management principles of crossing operation In order to reduce the mutual interference among building construction and installation construction and different specialty of installation, guarantee the safety of crossing operation for ensuring the realization of objective of total project duration, the arrangement of working procedure crossing operation has observed the following principles: a. Avoid the building construction and installation construction to be done within the same space; b. Necessary working procedure crossing between building and installation shall be staggered in time or space; c. Section construction measures shall be adopted (or required to adopt) for the crossing operation for reducing construction difficulty and promoting construction schedule (such as hoisting of deaerator and BC frame construction); d. Crossing operation among different specialties has been arranged as the principle that the construction of dominant work type shall be first, then other ones are followed for the purpose of balanced production. (2) Management countermeasures for crossing operation a. The principal of Project Management Dept. shall be responsible for the coordination and dispatching inside and outside. b. Outside coordination: coordinate the relation among the owner, installation unit, supervising unit and design unit, regularly take part in the production dispatching meeting, coordinate the handover work and crossed construction safety with the installation unit. c. Internal coordination: based on the practical engineering conditions, production dispatching plan shall be worked out for the project, with focus on target management, tracing management, balanced and coordinated management, coordinate the reasonable preparation and dispatching of various resources on construction site, do well in project quality, schedule, safety and civilized construction to ensure the implementation of different objectives. Measures avoiding object falling accident for crossing operation (1) The objects stacked at high altitude operation place, platform at different storey, walkway and scaffolds shall not exceed permissible load. The construction materials shall be hoisted only when in need. (2) Tools bag shall be equipped for the operators at high place, the large tools must be tied with safety rope; when transferring the articles, throwing is forbidden. (3) The dot welding object shall not be moved when doing high altitude operation; the cut working pieces and leftover bits and pieces of industrial materials shall be turned to the firm place or fastened with steel wire, also measures avoiding falling shall be provided. (4) The cannel at crossing operation place shall be smooth; fence shall be set or warning board shall be hung at the entrance and exit of dangerous place; (5) The safety protection facilities such as isolation layer, cover plate of cavity, railing and safe net shall not be dismantled at will; if they must be removed, the application for removing protective facilities shall be handled, and restore them at once after completion, also with acceptance; the equipment, tools, apparatus and safety facilities not within the working scope shall not be used; (6) When carrying out crossed construction , tools, materials, leftover bits and pieces of industrial materials are forbidden to be thrown up and down, which shall be hoisted and transported by tools bag, bamboo crate or suspension cage; material receiving or stay below the hoisted object shall be forbidden. 1.3.4 Management measures for safety of construction power Management measures for safety of construction power (1) The arrangement of power should be safe and reasonable. Container transformer shall be adopted, also with direct buried cable. The uniform distribution board shall be adopted from transformer to power consumption place, also marked with the used power and rest power of this distribution board for guaranteeing the reasonable and safe power utilization. The uniform distribution box shall be enhanced between the distributing board and user for the convenience of the uniform arrangement of main cable, secondary main cable and secondary cable at the main workshop, boiler house and dense construction area, and without appearance on the ground. (2) Layout of construction power equipment and circuit shall meet the standard of civilized construction. The electric equipment mounted shall be horizontal and vertical; container requirements for distribution board and electric welding machine: internal and external of board and container shall be tidy, with good earthing of casing and flexible rotation of door pivot; power switch cabinet or distribution box and plug box shall adopt the closed type with locks. The power circuit shall be arranged orderly and beautifully, also horizontally and vertically. Preventive measures of electric shock accident (1) The temporary power of construction site shall adopt TN-S system, and special protection zero line shall be set, with five-core cable; the distribution system shall adopt three-stage distribution and two-stage protection. (2) The distribution board and creepage protector shall be examined regularly and its status shall be marked, they must be confirmed prior to use. (3) Secondary line of electric welding machine shall adopt quick disconnect coupling for connection, and examine it before use. (4) Wiring of construction power circuit shall be overhead one or pipe line one. Power utilization safety and lightning protection measures at lightning storm season (1) Construction power, living power supply facilities shall be completely examined and tested before the arrival of thunder storm season. Grounding of electric equipment and lightning proof device of rail of large crane and construction site as well as that of lighthouse and movable houses with steel structure shall be provided with adjustment testing, and testing result shall satisfy the related regulations in Safety Working Rules for Power Construction (Thermal Power Plant). The safety of power supply and all electric equipment shall be examined routinely. The equipment damage shall be adjusted and overhauled immediately. The equipment with hidden trouble shall be forbidden to use. Construction power at construction site shall be placed inside the container, and the container shall be put at high place to avoid wetting or being immersed in water. (2) The electric welding machine on construction site shall be arranged uniformly as per zone. The electric welding machine shall be mounted inside its container elevated, and grounding and dampproof protection work shall be done well. (3) The seeper around the equipment shall be drained immediately during and after raining, insulation of electric equipment shall be examined before use of the machinery. (4) The electrician and welder must attend to the post with certificate, be familiar with and grasp the first aid knowledge on electric shock. (5) Before operation on damp parts by the welder, the drying and ventilation measures shall be adopted, with insulating board added. The supervising person shall also be provided. 1.3.5 Safety management measures for dangerous chemicals The dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials needed to buy for the project dept. shall be bought by the materials dept. uniformly, then accept and store them as per standard; the poisonous and harmful materials related to production and construction shall be forbidden to enter into the construction site. Dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials shall be executed the management of special person and special warehouse, the material dept. must work out Management System of Dangerous Chemicals and Radioactive Materials. The warehouse shall do well in the corresponding fire control, leakage proof and other preventive measures. The warehouseman must pass the special safety training examination and be qualified, the managerial personnel of radioactive materials must be qualified in medical examination and hold the certificate of radiation working staff issued by the city-level health organ. Storage of dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials must meet the related regulations. The units requiring using dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials must strictly execute the application and requisition system. During the use, the staff touching them must be provided with the required personal safety and protective articles as specified; also the staff shall have emergency training and know the material properties well. When the site is involved in radioactivity work, different units shall be notified to pay attention to radiation working area and safety area, and safety warning line and obvious danger mark as well as alarming device shall be set at radiation working area, also with special person for guard. The dangerous waste remained after use shall be centrally recovered and stored as required by the procedure, then the project dept. shall handover it to the related qualified unit for treatment to reduce environmental pollution and harm to the personnel. The material dept. shall work out the emergency plan for accidents of dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials, and organize the related personnel to have training and drilling. When accidents of dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials occur, the emergency plan shall be started at the first time to reduce the risk. 1.3.6 Management measures for site transportation All transportation vehicles shall be driven and maintained by special persons. The driver must pass the examination and obtain the driving license corresponding to the vehicle he (she) driven. The site transportation must obey the commanding and the object transported shall be stably padded and bound firmly, without overload. During the transportation, the special person shall be provided for leading the vehicle and supervising, also the necessary signs shall be set. The traffic road or other equipment inside the site shall not be damaged. When transporting the inflammable and explosive dangerous chemicals, the transport escorts shall seat within the cab. The dumping device of dumper shall be reliable, when unloading, the car hopper shall not be dumping towards people. The dumper is prohibited to carry people. The transporting vehicle shall be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure its good status. During the driving, passengers shall not be carried outside the cab or carriage, the driver shall observe traffic rules. The horn shall be rung before starting, the speed shall not exceed 5km/h when carrying the cargoes and speed shall not exceed 10km/h with no load. The power source shall be cut off after parking and pushing down the brake, then the driver can leave. 1.3.7 Safety management measures for dangerous area The edge of high altitude operation platform, around the cavity of large equipment, prohibited area of high altitude operation and temporary closed passage of high altitude operation shall all be equipped with guard rail. The formal guard rail in project design shall be finished with construction, that can’t be mounted properly shall be erected with temporary one. For the high altitude operation approaching the edge, the temporary railing or dense net shall be established as required by the operation. The place around the foundation pit, balcony, material platform, around the extruded platform, canopy and corbel table without railing or side plate, the roofing surface without external scaffolds, the places around the floor, water tank and water tower, the guard rail shall be provided. The temporary guard rail shall be mounted at the stairs entrance with construction by storey, and formal guard rail shall be mounted at the stairs entrance of top floor with the progress of project. Besides the guard rail at both sides, for various vertical transportation and material receiving platform, safety door or movable guard rail shall be set at platform entrance. Guard rail shall be sealed with safe net from up to down, or the tight and fixed skirting with height not lower than 18cm shall be set under the railing. When doing tunnel opening operation and high altitude operation at other openings with falling danger of people or objects or danger of personal safety caused by working sequence requirement, the preventive facilities shall all be provided. The openings of plate and wall shall be equipped with fixed cover plate, guard rail, baluster safe net or other anti-falling facilities; The elevator shaft entrance shall be equipped with guard rail or fixed fence gate; The upper port of cup type and bar type foundation, unfilled pot holes as well as manhole, louver and trap door shall all be provided with the stable and firm covering pieces as opening protection; Besides the preventive facilities and safety marks, red alarm lamp shall be set for different openings nearby the construction site passage and pot holes at night, if necessary, special person shall be set for guard. Pole members of opening guard arm and its erection must satisfy the regulations of edge protection facilities. 1.3.8 Safety management measures for special climate and environmental conditions Preparations for thunder storm resistance and windproof shall be done well before the arrival of rainy season in spring and summer. The drainage system on construction site during thunder storm shall be smooth, the seeper on ground and within working area shall be cleared in time, and antiskid measures shall be done well. Lightning protection, rainproof and windproof measures for high altitude operation and highly erected implements and apparatus shall be completely examined before thunderstorm season, also with ground resistance testing. The project dept. shall sign the weather forecasting agreement with weather dept, and large machinery and apparatus shall be set in windproof and lightning protection status. Emergency plan for large mechanical accidents shall be formulated, the related personnel shall be organized to have training and drilling to ensure the safety of large machinery in special climate, at the same time when the mechanical accident occurs, the emergency plan can be started. After the thunder storm and gale, the temporary facilities, scaffolds, electrical & mechanical equipment, power line and large machinery shall be examined, repaired and strengthened timely, for those with serious danger, the dangerous case shall be removed immediately. High altitude operation in open air shall be forbidden in the weather with gale above six grade and thunderstorm. The seeper on road, scaffolds, gang board and passage on site shall be removed timely, also the antiskid measures shall be taken to avoid personal injury accident. The work and rest time in summer shall be adjusted as construction characteristics and temperature. At the place with centralized open air operation, rest shade shed will be set up. The special high temperature operation place shall be provided with measures of heat control to ensure the health of constructors. 1.3.9 Fire management Establishment of fire management responsibility system Fire management leading group shall be set up by the project dept., to establish and perfect fire responsibility system for different-level personnel as well as establish fire safety network based on the principle “who is in charge, who shall execute them. The project manager is the first fire responsibility person of this project to be fully in charge of fire service. Focus of fire safety management (1) The fire safety officers at different levels shall be responsible for daily fire management and patrol the construction site uninterruptedly. For the hidden fire trouble found, rectification notice shall be issued immediately. The responsible unit must improve it as required, and the project dept. shall carry out the examination, reward and punishment as per “Fire Examination Flow Chart”; (2) The fire passage or safety exit of construction site shall not be locked, covered, occupied or piled with materials; all fire facilities and apparatus shall be examined, repaired and replaced regularly, with 100% rate in good condition to meet the project’s requirements; (3) The project dept. shall be responsible for working out fire safety emergency plan, and organize the dedicated crew to study and execute an emergency escape plan drilling; (4) According to Fire Management Regulations for Organ, Groups, Enterprise and Public Institutions, the project dept. shall carry out the strict examination, check, appraisal, as well as reward and punishment as specified. (5) Prevention of fire accident shall be done well. Open fire operation shall be forbidden in forbidden zone, safety technical measures shall be formulated in advance, and fulfill safe construction operation ticket system and three level ignition ticket system. The measures shall be approved by the chief engineer, construction can only be started after joint signature by safety & protection dept. of project. During the operation, special person shall be set for supervising, after completion of operation, it shall be examined seriously to ensure that there isn’t any hidden trouble causing fire and explosive accident prior to departure from the construction site. 1.4 Objective of civilized construction management Environmental protection is our common mission, we have the responsibility to firmly grasp civilized construction management, advocate energy conservation, consumables reduction and environmental protection during the construction, so as to provide the good working environment and ensure the health, which is also an important symbol for comprehensive management level of construction enterprise, also a part of its safety culture. During environmental protection and civilized construction management, the company will truly realize “management institutionalization, responsibility legality, conduct normalization and equipment standardization”, and create a safe, civilized and ordered environment for engineering installation and construction of SAIF Power Plant, Pakistan on the basis of Working Regulations of Safety Health And Environmental Management for Power Construction and Evaluation Standard of Safe And Healthy Environment for Power Construction, as well as set up a civilized construction demonstration project of “first rate civilized construction site”. During the construction of this project, our company will adopt the reliable safe technological means and effective civilized construction management measures to ensure the fulfillment of following objectives: 1.4.1 The construction site shall realize “if the work isn’t finish, and materials aren’t used up, the site shall be cleared off” to keep civilization, tidiness and order, so as to set up a civilized construction demonstration project of “first rate civilized construction site.” 1.4.2 All wastes produced by construction must be recovered in classification, without secondary pollution. 1.4.3 Construction waste liquid (including waste water and oil) shall be drained as per requirement after comprehensive treatment and reaching the standard. 1.4.4 The noise on construction site shall not exceed the national standard, without complaints. 1.4.5 It shall be realized that have somebody responsible for construction area, with standardization of regional management, and fixation of management in whole site. 1.4.6 Coordinate the relation between site periphery and related party, enhance the defense and stop any safety problems. 1.5 Management system and measures for civilized construction During the construction of this project, the project dept. shall take the following effective measures to strengthen the management of civilized construction, create the good working environment and try to establish the first rate civilized construction site. 1.5.1 Standardized management of safety facilities Suppliers for safety facilities and labor protective (preventive) articles must provide the effective three certificates: production permit, product qualification certificate and routine test report. All safety facilities on construction site must meet the standardization requirements, fixation management at whole site shall be executed to reasonably arrange the fixation management drawing, general construction site layout and safety logo publicity board. The erected scaffolds finished shall be hung with acceptance label; equipment identification mark shall be set at equipment yard. The standardized distribution board with creepage protection device shall be used. All construction sites shall be rationally provided with the qualified fire facilities meeting requirements, also the standard warning signs shall be set. 1.5.2 Management of site facilities and equipment materials Equipment, materials and turnover tools on construction site shall be executed with approval system for the materials entering the site. The equipment and materials shall be piled at the appointed place according to uniform standard, with boundary wiped out and the marks made. The oxygen and acetylene used at construction site shall be planned rationally, to reduce the turnover of gas bottles on site. Various gas bottles shall adopt the uniform bottle bracket, for those not being used, they must be returned to warehouse in time. Empty bottles are forbidden to place on site. Equipment and material shall not be stored within construction area for more than three days for keeping the smooth road. Different turnover apparatus and tools such as scaffold pipes and pipe clips shall be orderly placed at the site as the specification and type, the rest or those unused after dismantling shall be timely recovered. 1.5.3 Protection and management of finished products All mounted apparatus, instruments, valves and fans must be hung with the warning board “import equipment, no collision”; cable bridge and insulated pipeline finished with construction are forbidden to climb. The complete set equipment provided shall be strengthened on guard and patrol to avoid being stolen after installation. The surface of all equipment and facilities finished shall be provided with protective measures to prevent collision and secondary pollution. 1.5.4 Sealed management for office area and living area The office area and living area on site shall be fulfilled with hard ground, enclosed and greening management, with the greening area not less than 25%. Six boards and two drawings” and safety publicity window shall be centrally set at office area of the site. The electric facilities in bathroom, dining room and dormitory shall meet the requirements in JGJ-46-88 Safety Technical Specifications for Temporary Power on Construction Site, with special person for management and the system shall be hung on the wall. The cooks and managerial staff at the dining room shall attend to their posts with “Health Certificate” issued by the local sanitary and anti-epidemic station. There shall have no fly, mouse or worm in the dining room and warehouse, with good ventilation and dust proof, without rotten or deteriorated food. The kitchen utensils and freezer shall keep clean, sterilize them everyday to ensure no food pollution. The enough distinguishing apparatus shall be provided at living area and office area, safety education on power and fire utilization shall be enhanced to ensure no hidden fire trouble. The living garbage at office area and living area shall be treated as regulated, oil fume from the dining room must be emitted after treatment by oil filter screen to avoid the pollution to soil and atmosphere. 1.5.5 Management of energy conservation and consumables reduction During the whole process of construction and production, environmental protection work shall be done well consciously, so as to save the energy and consumables to the best, improve the utilization efficiency, reduce the cost and increase the comprehensive economic benefits of the enterprise. The publicity and training about environmental protection, energy conservation and consumables reduction, mainly including related laws, legal regulations, systems and standards; relative requirements from higher level; the advanced technology and process effectively promoting environmental protection, energy conservation and consumables reduction; sense of environmental protection and cost; The technical measures of construction operation shall be compiled scientifically and rationally, adopting the advanced process and method to do well materials plan and management, so that the raw construction materials can be saved. The management of office consumables shall be enhanced, try to realize no paper office work. Centralized management of the documents and printing paper, printing ink and recovery of waste printing articles shall be uniformly managed by the project office. Management of water and electricity at office area and living area shall be strengthened, energy saving materials shall be used rationally and the staff shall be educated to turn off the water taps and electric switches conveniently to reduce the consumption of water and electricity. 1.5.6 Standardization management of staff’s conducts The constructors entering the site must observe the regulations and disciplines, realize the safe production and civilized construction. The constructors must wear orderly, adorn with the corporate card. The labor protective articles shall be used correctly, barebacked shall be forbidden, and pants, skirts, slippers, sandals and high heel shoes are forbidden. Civilization and courtesy shall be focused. Dallying, playing and sleeping are forbidden on construction site. The site and living area shall not be doodled, painted arbitrarily, piss and relieving bowels is forbidden on ground, garbage and sewage are forbidden to dump and spill randomly. The operating instruction, technical measures and plan shall be executed strictly, wild construction shall be forbidden to prevent the secondary pollution. The smoking point shall be set rationally on construction site, moving smoking shall be forbidden at operation area. Safe passage shall be used on construction site. Passing through or stay at dangerous area shall be forbidden. The labor outcomes of others shall be respected, without random doodling or painting. The equipment and facilities shall not be damaged intentionally. Security management at office area and construction site shall be enhanced to ensure the safety and convenience of project construction and the public. 1.5.7 Security management of the site The site security management system shall be formulated to execute check system for materials left. The public security personnel and door keepers shall be set rationally to execute door control system. All the constructors entering the construction site must abide by the regulations and disciplines, the acts breaching the law and violating discipline shall be forbidden on construction site. The constructors shouldn’t enter into the construction site after drinking. Guard and patrol on the site shall be enhanced. Fire proof and theft protection management shall be strengthened, especially those of complete set equipment and semi-finished products. The related laws and regulations of Pakistan must be executed strictly, the relations around shall be coordinated well and the occurrence of any public security problems must be stopped. 1.5.8 Management of completion withdrawal and site clearing Within 30 days after the completion, the project dept. shall organize the labor to clear off all equipment, materials and garbage on the site, dismantle and remove different temporary works.
案例标题: 第二卷 技术文件
原文: 第二卷 技术文件 (第8包 报汛通信系统) 1 系统设计方案 1.1 系统总体结构 黑龙江省水文局报汛通信系统由哈尔滨、牡丹江、佳木斯、绥化、伊春等7个分中心,铁力、伊新、晨明、景星、青冈、四方台、秦家、兰西、肇源、哈尔滨、木兰、通河、依兰、谢家屯、阿城、莲花、呼兰、五常、长江屯、佳木斯、富锦、同江、倭肯、宝泉岭等24个水文水位站组成。水情站至分中心站间的水情数据传输主要采用PSTN/GSM主备式通信信道组网,各水情报汛站采集的水情信息,在现场存储;并按定时/事件自报方式自动分别报送至所辖的水情分中心。各水情分中心根据需要,可对所辖的水情报汛站进行远地编程,具有主动查询、召测水情信息等功能,同时可对系统内所辖水情报汛站的运行状态进行远程控制。系统总体结构及信息流程如图1.1-1。 1.2 系统总体功能及主要技术指标 1.2.1 系统总体功能 本系统将采用测报控一体化集成技术,实现报汛站水情信息的自动采集、存储、传输等功能,并保证系统能在有人维护、无人值守的情况下长期稳定可靠地工作,其系统功能完全符合《水文自动测报系统技术规范》的有关规定,系统的总体功能如下: (1) 报汛站具有自动采集及现场固态存储水位、雨量等水情信息功能。雨量采集精度为0.2mm,水位采集精度为1cm,允许误差小于《水文自动测报系统技术规范》要求; (2) 报汛站可将采集到的水位、雨量等信息按定时或加报方式自动向水情分中心报送,误码率小于1×10-4,数据传输速率大于300bps; (3) 报汛站可通过人工置数方式,将其它测量的参数传送至水情分中心; (4) 报汛站具有自动向分中心报告设备工况的功能,并响应分中心的各项指令; (5) 可现地或远程对报汛站设备进行设置、修改、查看等编程控制操作; (6) 分中心可实时接收各报汛站的水情信息,并处理后存入数据库; (7) 分中心可向报汛站下发指令、查询信息、召测数据,并实时监控报汛站设备运行; (8) 分中心可定时发送时钟同步信号,对报汛站进行时钟校核,确保全系统时钟同步。 (9) 分中心可将接收到的水情信息按统一标准向省水情中心、省防办、州防办转发; (10) 分中心具有数据接收、处理、存储、转发等功能;应用软件简洁实用、界面友好,并具有良好的人机交互功能。 (11) 报汛站具有掉电和节电工作模式,具有防雷抗干扰功能。系统测站电源采用单晶硅太阳能电池板,采用免维护蓄电池进行浮充充电。电池容量能够满足阴雨天情况下连续工作15天,保证设备的正常运行。 1.2.2主要技术指标 系统规模:1:7:24(可扩充) 工作体制:定时自报、时段自报、自动加报、召测应答的混合方式 测验项目:自动采集水位、雨量,人工置入其它测量参数 数据传输:GSM通信、PSTN通信、北斗卫星通信、VHF通信 系统数据收集月平均畅通率:>95% 数据传输信道误码率:≤1×10-5 网络传输数据畅通率:≥99% 设备平均无故障工作时间:RTU:MTBF≥25000h 数据处理时间:在20min以内分中心收集齐辖区内的实时水情信息 工作环境:分中心:温度:5~40℃、湿度:<90%(40℃) 报汛站:温度:-30~60℃、湿度:<95%(40℃) 1.3报汛通信组网结构及组网设计方案 1.3.1报汛通信组网通信方案 按照招标文件的技术要求,系统报汛站至分中心之间采用GSM/PSTN或GSM/北斗卫星通信信道组成主备式通信信道组网方案,主备信道具有互为备份和自动切换的功能。报汛站水位观测点至报汛站办公室之间则采用超短波无线近距离传输通信信道组网。牡丹江、佳木斯、绥化、伊春、大兴安岭、黑河分中心水情信息自动采集传输系统报汛通信网为GSM、PSTN、超短波3种信道构成的“混合网”;哈尔滨分中心水情信息自动采集传输系统报汛通信网为GSM、PSTN、卫星、超短波4种信道构成的“混合网”。 1.3.2报汛通信组网结构 系统报汛通信网采用点对点星形通信组网结构,即报汛站信息直接传输至所辖的水情分中心站。根据系统中所采用的PSTN、GSM、北斗卫星通信方式的不同各报汛通信组网结构如下: (1) PSTN通信信道通信组网结构 报汛站采用PSTN与分中心站进行通信时,报汛站使用的PSTN信道需要处于值守状态。因此,为消除线路雷电对设备的危害,采取了“遇振铃连通”技术和串入雷电防护器(电话避雷器) 技术。采用PSTN通信信道的通信组网结构如图1.3-1所示。 (2) GSM短信通信信道通信组网结构 采用GSM短信信道的报汛站与分中心站采用点对点通信方式,在报汛站和分中心站分别配置GSM无线MODEM,建立报汛站与分中心站间的GSM短信连接。GSM短信通信组网结构如图1.3-2所示。 (3) 采用北斗卫星通信信道通信组网结构如图1.3-3所示。 1.3.3 工作体制和通信方式 水情分中心报汛通信网采用定时自报、时段自报、增量自动加报、查询应答兼容的混合工作体制。具有现场调取报汛站存储的历史数据和远程修改遥测终端运行参数,对人工置数信息具有反馈确认的功能。通信方式采用半双工方式,即在任何给定的时间,数据可沿任一方向传输。 1.3.4 信息传输协议 报汛站与分中心之间自动采集传输的雨量、水位水情信息数据格式采用《水情信息编码标准》的格式传输。 报汛站与分中心之间信息的传输包括以下内容: ① 发送的数据包包括采集时间、发报时间、发报端站号、中心端站号(包括SIM卡号、固定IP地址和电话号码) 、电源状态等工况信息和水文信息。 ② 根据不同的报文,发送的数据包设有正常报文、人工置数、调试置数、告警信 息等标志。 ③ 发送的雨量数据中包含雨、阴、情信息。当前5分钟有雨则表示雨;当前5分钟无雨,但当前30分钟有雨则表示阴;当前30分钟无雨则表示晴。 ④ 发送的水位数据中包含落、涨、平信息,这些信息根据当前时刻水位与前一时刻水位变化来判断,时段可编程设置。 ⑤人工数置数的数据格式满足《水情信息编码标准》水情拍报格式要求。 ⑥ 收到信息后,反馈确认信息。 分中心向省中心或其它分中心传输的水情信息,按照《水情信息编码标准》规定,通过实时水情信息广域网传输。其数据格式满足《国家防汛抗旱指挥系统设计建设》的有关规定。 1.3.5 数据传输方式 报汛通信网内报汛站与分中心之间的数据传输采用串行方式进行,用比特形式表示的信息流是以串行方式,每次一比特依次在一条信道上传输。 1.4报汛站集成方案 1.4.1报汛站主要功能 (1) 水位、雨量自动采集 每降雨0.2 mm能自动采集并记录1次雨量累计值;能自动采集到1cm的水位变化值和最低、最高水位及水位特征值,水位采集频度可设置:1. 2. 5. 10、15Min等,并有数字滤波功能。 (2) 水情自动报汛及报文管理 ① 定时自动报汛 每日8时,当水雨情参数未达到报汛标准时,自动采集并报送一次水位、雨量数据。 ② 雨量自动报汛 时段降雨量自动报汛:设定报汛时段参数为:一段制(每日8时) 、二段制(每日8时、20时) 、四段制(每日8时、14时、20时、2时) 、八段制(每日8时、11时、14时、17时、20时、23时、2时、5时) 、二十四段制(每日整点) ,根据需要任意选定。对应每个时段参数设定雨量增量参数(如0.5mm、1mm、…… 30mm等) ,当降雨量达到或超过设定的两个雨量参数中的任意一个时,则在对应的报汛时段结束时刻自动报汛,并将当天前面所有降雨时段的数据一起发往分中心。且时段和雨量增量参数可以通过编程方式设置或修改。 暴雨加报自动报汛:设定暴雨加报起报标准的雨量参数及时段,当一个时段内累计降雨量达到起报标准时,则在该设定的时段结束时刻自动报汛,否则按时段降雨量自动报汛。 ③ 水位自动报汛 设定不同水位级(包括警戒水位和设防水位等) ,每个特定的水位级设定一种独立的报汛方案,可设定的报汛时段参数为时间间隔5min、10 min 、30 min、1h、2h、3h、6h、12h、24h等时段中任选一种,当水位达到某一水位级时,则按该水位级的报汛方案自动报汛,而且,当水位跨越警戒水位或设防水位时,立即自动报汛一次。 ④ 响应召测 当报汛站接收到分中心的召测指令时,自动将要求时段内的雨量和水位信息向分中心报送。 ⑤ 报文管理 为了便于数据管理,可根据不同通信信道发送的报文设立报文标志,每种信道还按正常报文、人工置数报文、或调试置数报文(系统安装调试或维护维修时随机输入的数据) 、告警信息等分别加注第二标志位,以方便分中心对数据的分类、入库和处理。 发报报文包含采集时间、发报时间、发报端站号、中心端站号、电源状态等工况信息和水文信息。 (4) 双通信信道互为备份、自动切换 每个报汛站均采用GSM与PSTN或北斗卫星两种通信信道,互为备份,可自动切换。当主信道信道GSM出现故障时,系统能够自动切换到PSTN或北斗卫星信道进行数据传输。系统中PSTN具有震铃唤醒MODEM和传输完毕后自动关闭MODEM的功能。 (5) 水位、雨量固态存储及下载 每5min有降雨时,自动存储1次雨量累计值;每5min能自动存储水位绝对值;可存储人工置入的水位、雨量观测值;存储容量为32M;可在现场或远程下载固态存储数据,并自动按月、年形式转换成水文资料整编所需的数据格式,可直接进行水文资料整编。 (6) 人工置数 各报汛站配置人工置数键盘,实现以下功能: ① 可按水情拍报格式,人工置入流量信息,向分中心发送; ② 当传感器出现故障时,置入人工观测的水位、雨量数据,固态存储; ③ 设置、修改、查看报汛站设备的工作参数,显示本站的水位、雨量数据。 (7) 控制管理 ① 各报汛站可定时自动与分中心校对时钟或分中心远程向报汛站设置时钟,以保证系统时钟同步; ② 可现场或远程编程,设置、修改、查看报汛站设备的工作参数; ③ 可随时接受和响应分中心的各种控制指令,并予以确认,保持正常的运行状态,而且,在报汛站发报后等待回执的过程中,仍可接受分中心的指令,并执行相应的操作; ④ 具有休眠、唤醒功能。报汛站的设备平时处于休眠状态,低功耗运行,当收到外部唤醒指令,设备即上电进入工作状态,完成发报任务,工作完毕后,自动关闭电源,进入休眠状态; ⑤ 发送的水情信息中包含天气的雨、阴、情信息和水位的涨、落、平、峰信息。 (8) 自维护功能 具有设备定时工况报告、低电压报警、掉电保护以及自动复位等自维护功能。 (9) 能在恶劣环境下正常工作 报汛站设备采取了埋设避雷接地网、信号电缆保护接地并埋设、安装信号避雷器、RTU端口采用光电隔离、设备采用太阳能浮充电源供电等措施,可保证报汛站设备能在雷电、暴雨、停电、连续阴雨天气等恶劣环境下正常运行。 1.4.2报汛站基本结构 按照招标文件要求,报汛站具有自动采集、存储、传输雨量、水位等信息及近距离传输等功能流量和人工观测参数水位值则以人工置数的方式自动发送至分中心站。由于报汛站雨量信息采集采用有线传输方式至测站办公室的终端机,水位信息采集采用超短波无线近距离方式传输至办公室的终端机,因此,在报汛站站房和水位采集端均配置超短波无线近传设备。 报汛站均采用测控报一体化结构,报汛站站房端即以遥测终端(含固态存储模块的RTU) 为核心,通过不同的输入接口与相应雨量传感器及数据传输通信终端相连接。为防止交流电引起设备遭雷击的现象,报汛站采集、传输设备将采用太阳能浮充蓄电池的供电方式。报汛站由遥测终端、雨量传感器、通信设备、人工置数器及电源等5部分组成;水位短传站(水位采集端) 配置遥测终端、水位传感器、超短波通信终端、人工置数器及电源等5部分组成。报汛站及水位短传站电气结构如图1.4-1, 1.4-2所示。 图1.4-1 GSM/PSTN报汛站及水位短传站电气结构图 图1.4-2 GSM /北斗卫星报汛站及水位短传站电气结构图 1.5分中心站集成方案 1.5.1分中心站结构及主要功能 系统中水情分中心站由数据接收处理系统、水情信息接收转发系统、水情服务系统等软硬件设备组成,分中心主要功能如下: (1) 全天候值守、能同时通过各种信道接收报汛站主动发送的水情信息,定时接收各站点通信设备工作状态信息,并采取相应的检错、纠错技术,对所接收的信息进行解码、合理性检查、纠错,保证数据的正确性,并按要素分类进行存储;不论是自报还是召测,须在20分钟内收齐辖区内所有遥测站的实时水情信息; (2) 对报汛站进行远程工作设定和工作参数设置等,包括报汛时段的变更、雨量阀值、水位阀值以及上电状态等; (3) 具有远程下载报汛站固态存储的数据功能,并提供用于资料整编的数据文件; (4) 分中心站接收到的遥测站测试数据不进入数据库; (5) 可接收符合《水情信息编码标准》要求的标准水情报文; (6) 辨别和剔除非正常数据的功能,非正常数据不能进入数据库。 (7) 向省(区、市) 或流域、其它水情分中心及测站转发水情信息; (8) 向省(区、市) 或流域、其它水情分中心及测站转发水情信息;有与邻近流域(河段) 水文自动测报系统中心站联网的功能,实现信息共享; (9) 具有良好的电源管理和通信管理功能。 1.5.2水情接收处理系统 分中心水情接收处理系统由前置机、GSM、 PSTN、北斗卫星等通信设备,以及数据接收软件组成。通过建立的信息传输通讯网络,完成对区域的遥测水文数据的实时接收,包括报汛站的水位、雨量、人工置数等数据信息和设备工况等信息。分中心硬件设备结构如图1.5.2-1所示。 图1.5.2-1分中心水情接收处理系统硬件设备结构图 1.5.3水情接收处理软件 数据接收系统软件主要用于接收和处理来自遥测站的水情数据及工况报告,即以定时、随机和批量工作方式接收报汛站通过GSM/PSTN/北斗卫星通讯方式传递过来的雨量、水位、测量设备电压以及测站相关设置参数,远程完成对遥测站各项运行参数的设置及读取,数据接收处理软件将由本公司自行开发完成。 系统特点(同1811) (1) 系统采用Windows平台上的主流开发工具,其可视化的开发环境和面向对象编程的强大功能使系统具有良好的运行效率。 (2) 系统采用Microsoft SQL Server数据库应用程序体系结构,实现了所建数据库表在国家防汛指挥系统采用的统一数据库表格式的基础上,针对系统的实际需要又增加相应测站状态、遥测相关参数、原始数据库等库表结构;确保数据的的完整性、共享性和安全性。 (3) 系统采用模块化设计理念,保持模块在功能及结构等方面具有相对的独立性和完整性,为今后功能的扩展具有良好的一致性。 (4) 系统具有实时监测遥测站的工作状况,查询实时数据和历史测量数据,数据可以列表方式达到直观显示。 (5) 具有向遥测站发指令,主动查询、召测数据的能力。通过远程能对报汛站进行工作参数的设定和修改。 (6) 具有数据接收、数据处理、数据统计和数据图表化功能。 (7) 具有系统遥测站工作参数越限报警功能。 (8) 分中心的管理人员能修改站号、站名及添加新站。 (9) 能自动处理人工置数用。 (10) 具有远程下载报汛站固态存储数据的功能。 (11) 具有良好的电源管理和通信管理功能。系统功能 基于水情信息接收系统信息源及总体需求,水情信息接收系统分为系统管理、测站管理、远程通讯、数据查询、数据维护、报表统计等6个功能模块。每一功能模块分别包含不同的子功能模块。整体功能架构如图1.5.3-1。 图1.5.3-1 水情信息接收系统功能架构图 (1) 系统管理 系统管理主要对系统的管理员身份、系统的基本信息、以及接收数据的维护和管理。其主要的功能子模块包括: 注册:通过登录框以系统管理员身份登录,则可对系统基本信息维护和系统初始化进行操作。 系统初始化:将接收和统计数据信息清空,恢复到系统初始的状态。本功能只有以系统管理员身份登陆的条件下方能进行操作。示意图参见图1.5.3-2。 图1.5.3-2系统功能示意图 系统使用日志:系统使用日志是记录系统使用者注册和退出时间,以及查询和清除日志的信息。 基本信息维护:可对操作员管理、本机通讯口设置、测站管理、数据字典、错误代码管理、雨量初值设定、水位流量关系管理进行操作。 通讯口管理:对本机上的COM端口上所接的设备进行配置,主要包括通讯口、数据传输方式、波特率、响应、连接设置以及流控制,示意图参见图1.5.3-3。 图1.5.3-3通讯口管理示意图 (2) 测站管理 测站管理主要对各分中心所辖各遥测站点的测站站号、名称、类型、地址、经纬度等进行配置管理,示意图参见图1.5.3-4。 图1.5.3-4 测站管理功能示意图 (3) 远程通讯 远程通讯模块功能主要完成分中心站对遥测站参数的设置和读取,以及遥测站历史数据的批量传输。 读取与设置参数:分中心站通过GPRS对遥测站进行运行参数及状态信息的设置和读取。示意图参见图1.5.3-5。 图1.5.3-5读取与设置参数功能示意图 批量数据传输:分中心站通过GPRS通信信道,按照所选的测量时间范围对遥测站进行历史数据进行批量传输,示意图参见图1.5.3-6。 图1.5.3-6批量数据传输功能示意图 (4) 数据查询:通过图表化的显示方式完成遥测站雨量、水位的实时、单站、多站数据的查询功能。 最新实时数据:将收到的水位、雨量值的实时数据进行统计、计算后,显示分中心站收到遥测站最新的实时数据,示意图参见图1.5.3-7。 图1.5.3-7 数据查询功能示意图 单站数据查询:对于数据库中的数据按数据类型和站号进行筛选,按照用户指定的查询项目、测站站号、起迄时间进行单站水位、雨量、电压的查询,示意图参见图1.5.3-8。 图1.5.3-8单站电压数据查询示意图 多站整点定时数据查询:提供多站整点定时数据查询,按照用户指定的测量时间查询分中心站所辖站点的水位、雨量、电压等数据。数据将以列表方式显示,显示内容包括站号、站名、测量时间、水位、雨量、电压、接收时间、传输信道等,示意图参见图1.5.3-9。 图1.5.3-9多站整点定时数据查询示意图 (5) 数据维护:数据维护程序主要对子系统的底层进行维护和管理,主要功能子模块包括: 数据备份与恢复:按照用户指定的起迄时间条件完成遥测站本地数据的备份和恢复功能。 数据检查校正:按照用户指定的起迄时间条件对遥测站原始数据库的水位、雨量进行检查校正。 数据导出成文本:对于系统提供的非结构化信息,提供维护接口。对数据库中的数据按用户指定的站号进行数据导出,形成相应的文本文件。 运行档案日志: 错误日志:由于系统数据接收或操作过程中,可能发生错误,系统中将所有错误都记录下来,以便对错误原因进行分析。错误日志将完成错误的查询、错误日志的清理等功能。 告警信息: (6) 报表统计:将数据库中的有关数据以日、月、年进行统计,并生成相应的多站水位、雨量的日、月年报表。通过对遥测站调试状态的判别,生成考机调试定时报告表,同时在对遥测站实时数据接收到报率的分析与统计基础上,为用户提供实时数据接收畅通率统计报表。 多站日报表:将数据库中的有关数据以日进行统计,生成多站式日报表。 多站月年报表:将数据库中的有关数据以月年进行统计,生成多站式月年报表。 实时数据接收畅通率统计报表:根据定时自报数据和加报次数,计算每天的畅通情况,并将应收报、实收报、加报、错报、漏报等数据存储到运行分析结果数据库,打印统计计算结果,示意图参见图1.5.3-10。 图1.5.3-10实时数据接收畅通率统计报表示意图 1.5.4水情信息接收转发软件系统特点 本系统可实现实时水情信息的顺利传输,完成其在各目标节点以及系统之间的交换,以及传输交换的管理,提高信息交换的能力和水平,使实时信息能及时向相关单位转发,达到防汛水情信息的高度共享。 为此,本系统提供在Windows环境下开发的基于TCP/IP协议的水情信息传输管理系统,该系统主要实现两大功能:一是本中心水情报文转发,二是接收其它水情分中心发送过来的报文,实现了省中心与分中心之间以及分中心之间的报文传输;另外,系统与水利部水文局开发的基于Unixware下的水情传输软件完全兼容,实现了无缝衔接,能够相互间进行通信,达到了及时、有效地向国家防总传输水情信息的目的。系统功能 省中心或分中心的报文可以向多个目标地址转发,同时提供转发控制机制。对具体某一个节点,可以转发全部报文,也可以按站号转发(只有指定站号的报文才向该地址转发) 。(分) 中心也可以接收多个目标地址转发的报文,同时提供再转发控制机制。可以设定从某一个节点接收的报文是否向其它节点转发。 本系统传输路径基于省防汛信息计算机网络和全国实时水情信息计算机广域网运用,同时可增加PSTN(也可以是其它联网信道) 作为备用信道,系统可根据网络情况自动在主、备信道之间进行切换,并完成信息的传输。具体功能如下: (1) 报文接收和转发配置 设置报文转发和接收运行的基本参数。包括:基本参数配置、目标参数设置、站号转发控制。 基本参数配置:基本参数是报文接收和转发程序运行的基础,如果参数没有正确设置,接收或转发软件就不能正常运行。 基本参数配置界面 目标参数配置:进行数据包大小,网络端口,节点信息等的配置。 目标参数配置界面 站号转发控制:站号转发控制是用来设置那些测站的报文可以或不可以向某一节点转发。对于不向该目标地址转发报文的节点,站号控制无效;对于设定了全发控制的节点,无论是否设定站号控制,所有报文均将向该节点传输。 站号转发控制界面 (2) 报文转发 报文转发一般是全自动运行的,用户可将本程序加入启动程序组,随系统自动运行。 自动发送:此项选择时,系统自动按照设定的转发间隔向各目标地址转发数据。 立即发送:人工发送报文数据。 输入数据:人工输入报文或从文件中导入报文。 报文转发界面示意图 (3) 报文接收 报文接收是按照设定的参数全自动运行的,只要该系统启动,它会随时监听网络和Modem,相应对方的请求,并接收报文信息。对于需要接收其它分中心转发报文的水情分中心,可以将本程序加入系统启动程序组。 报文接收界面示意图 1.5.5水情服务软件系统特点(同1831) 水情服务系统软件是基于B/S体系结构,并具有跨平台使用能力的信息服务应用系统。该系统软件具有水情信息的实时检索查询,指定时段历史水情信息的检索查询,指定时段水情特征值(月、旬、日或指定时段的平均值、最大值、最小值) 的统计计算,实时水情报表的生成等功能。可为用户提供查询方便、快捷,界面清晰的图表、图形化的信息服务。系统功能 (1) 实时水雨情信息监测 可以GIS地图方式实时显示用户选择的从8点到当前时间段各站的总降雨量及水位值,并且每两分钟刷新实时数据。可在GIS地图上进行雨量等值线、等值面的查询,并以表格形式显示今日水情信息(如日雨量、8时水位及流量或蓄水量、) ,显示的图层可包括水系、站点、县市、乡镇、村屯等。 图1.5.5 1主要站实时水情界面 (2) 数据查询 查询原始数据:即直接从终端接收的雨量、水位和电压数据。 日降雨量查询:各站一天的总降雨量、全流域总降雨量及最大日降雨量的站。 月降雨量查询:单站某月的降雨情况、该月总降雨量及最大降雨量。 异常状况查询:各站是否正常(两天内没收到数据则为不正常) 。 图1.5.5-2 系统雨量表界面 (3) 统计报表:对遥测雨水情数据进行统计分析,自动生成常用的数据报表,并可以打印或存入文件中。查询用户指定的任意测站的旬月特征值,统计各旬、各月的均值、极值,并提供报表的文件和打印机输出功能。参见图1.5.5-3。 图1.5.5-3各站月雨量统计表外观 日雨量表:各站一天的总降雨量及降雨类型。 时段雨量表:分时段显示等间隔内各站降雨量。 过程雨量表:显示各站规定时间段内的总降雨量。 旬雨量表:按旬显示各站的降雨明细(包括总降雨量、最大降雨量、各类降雨次数) 。 月雨量表:按月显示各站的降雨明细(包括总降雨量、最大降雨量、各类降雨次数及全流域总降雨量、最大月雨量、最日大雨量) 。 年雨量表:统计各站及全流域的每月总雨量、全年总雨量、最大月雨量、最日大雨量。 年逐日雨量表:单站全年的日降雨量、月降雨量、每月降雨天数及最大日雨量;统计年总降雨量、降雨天数、最大月雨量;一、三、七、十五、三十日内最大雨量。 日水位表:各站某天8时水位及平均水位。 时段水位表:分时段显示等间隔内各站水位。 年逐日平均水位表:单站全年每日平均水位、月平均水位、各月最高最低水位;全流域全年最高最低水位。 年逐日平均流量表:单站全年日平均流量水位、月平均流量、各月最高最低流量;全流域全年最高最低流量。 (4) 统计报图:用流域平均雨量柱状图反映流域降雨的时段分配状况,可以由用户指定时段长和起止时间,同时提供雨量柱状图的文件输出和打印功能。其界面外观设计参见图1.5.5-4。 图1.5.5-4系统雨量柱状图界面 1.6设备选型及技术指标 为保证本系统工程建设能达到建设目标,本公司在对本系统设备选型上将坚持可靠、先进、实用的原则。在保证所选设备完全满足系统基本功能及技术指标要求的前提下,选用国际、国内知名品牌厂家的产品,以确保设备能在恶劣的野外环境下长期正常工作,以及备品备件的供货能力。对于系统中的关键设备(如传感器、数据终端、通信设备、电源设备、计算机网络设备) 一定是我们在已承建的其它类似的自动测报系统中得以检验且均优于招标文件要求的优质产品。 1.6.1 信息接收控制机 根据本方的设计方案中,分中心站无需配置信息接收控制机,完全能满足水情分中心水情接收处理的技术要求及功能。 1.6.2 前置机 前置机选用联想开天M4700商用电脑,其主要技术指标如下: 项目 技术规格 处理器 英特尔® 酷睿™2 双核处理器E4400(CORE 2 DUO 2.0G 2M缓存) 操作系统 正版WINDOWS VISTA BUSINESS中文版 内存 1G DDRII667 硬盘 160G SATA 主板 945GC 显示器 19英寸宽屏LCD 显示卡 7600GS 256M 128BIT (PCI-E显卡) 软驱 无 光驱 SATA DVD 网卡/声卡 主板集成10M-100M /声卡 键盘 防水功能键盘 鼠标 USB光电鼠标 电源 250W电源 服务政策 三年有限保修一年上门 1.6.3 加固机箱 加固机箱主要用于遥测终端机设备的整体安装,安装设备主要包括遥测终端机、GSM/PSTN或GSM/北斗卫星通信设备、避雷器等设备,加固机箱采用钢板、上下旋钮锁单门拉推式机箱开闭结构,其机箱的防水、防潮、防尘能力完全符合国际IP65标准防护等级。 1.6.4 GSM通信机 选用法国Wavecom公司生产的M1306B模块, 该产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: 制造厂商: Wavecom 型号: M1306B 技术标准:开发符合ETSI、GSM、Phase2+标准 频 段:支持GSM900和GSM1800双频 输出功率:2W-Class4,for EGSM 900 1W-Class1,for GSM 1800 工作电压:3.6VDC 输入电压:5-32V 输入电流:5mA待机状态,140mA在GSM900MHz@12V 通话状态 5mA待机状态,100mA在GSM1800/1900MHz@12V 通话状态 频率稳定性:优于0.1ppm 接口标准:RS232 工作环境:-20℃~+55℃ 可靠性:MTBF>25000小时 1.6.5 有线MODEM 设备组成:电话modem、信号避雷器 (1) 电话modem 选用北京致福讯信科技有限公司生产的e.net800型(Rockwell外置式) 高速调制解调器。本产品使用美国INTEL、ESS、CONEXANT、DAVICOM公司提供的专用调制解调器集成芯片。在设计制造过程,不仅采用了国际先进水平的最新技术成果,而且充分考虑了在中国程控电话线路的特点,使得本产品完全符合ITU的国际标准和中华人民共和国信息产业部入网要求,完全能满足招标文件且优于本系统所需的性能及技术指标要求。本产品在我方承建的国家防汛指挥系统宜宾、丹江口、汉口水情分中心工程建设中成功应用。 制造厂:北京致福讯信科技有限公司生产 型号:e.net800型 调制方式:ITU-TV.90/V.3.4/V.32BIS/V.32/V.22等协议 数据纠错和数据压缩:TU V.42 bis、MNP5自动识别 工作方式:异步 线路方式:拨号线、专线 最高传输速率:上传极速可达33600BPS 下载极速可达56000BPS 接口模式:RS232C 串口 防雷措施:最新半导体双重防雷 工作环境:温度10℃~80℃ 湿度≤85%(不凝结) (2) 信号避雷器 选用德国OBO公司生产的RJ45-TELE/4-F型号避雷器,是目前用于电话线信号避雷保护的优选品牌产品,能完全满足本工程所需的技术要求。 制造厂: OBO 型号: RJ45-TELE/4-F 额定工作电压:110 V 动作电压:180V 测试范围LPZ:1→3 通流容量In(8/20μs) :7.5KA 最大传输率HE:100k 插入损耗db(a):0.5 bri 36khz 接口/保护脚:RJ45/UTP4线 1.6.6 供电系统 用于分中心站数据接收系统中通信终端设备的供电电源。 设备组成:AC/DC充电电源,电源避雷器 (1) AC/DC充电电源 选用广东顺德顺和通信设备厂有限公司生产的SD1731线性专用电源,能完全满足本工程所需的技术要求。 制造厂:顺德顺和通信设备厂 型号: SD1731 交流输入电压:AC187-242V,47-63 Hz 直流输出电压:13.8V±0.2 V DC 直流输出电流:10 A 文波电压:≤10mv(p-p) (2) 电源避雷器 选用OBO V20-C/2单相两模块C级电源防雷器。根据DIN VDE 0675,Part 6(Draft 11.89)A1,A2的要求,浪涌保护器V20-C是属于C级的电涌保护器。它保护电气设备免受各种电压浪涌的危害。 制造厂: OBO 型号: V20-C/2 设备类型: 电源防雷器 最大工作电压(V) : 385 最大放电电流(kA) : 20 残压(V) : <1900 1.6.7 北斗卫星小站 选用成都国星通信有限公司生产的YDD-3-01型北斗一号用户机, 该产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求。 制造厂: 成都国星通信有限公司 型号:YDD-3-01 ⑴卫星信号 频率:2491.75±4.08MHZ(扩频频谱零点带宽); 载波频偏:≤±500HZ; 伪码频偏:≤±0.2HZ; OQPSK载波相位睚交偏差:≤±3°; 卫星信号:遵守中心系统出入站信号格式和神州天鸿上下行数据格式。 ⑵接收天线: 波束宽度:俯仰方向:25°~90°; 水平方向:0°~360°; 极化方式:右旋圆极化; 圆极化轴比:≤2; 电压驻波比:≤1.5:1; 接收通道数:≥2; 接收灵敏度C≤-157.6dBW(天线口面Ⅰ支路信号功率); 首次捕获时间:≤4秒(从开机至2通道接收并解调出信息所需时间,不包括IC卡认证时间); 失锁再捕获时间:≤1秒; 接收信号误码率:≤1×10-5; 定位信息处理时延: ≤30毫秒(从接收到最后一位定位信息起到定位信息全部从串口输出为止); 接收伪码跟踪随机误差:≤12.5纳秒; 两颗卫星同帧出站信号的时差测量误差:≤10纳秒(1σ); ⑶发射部分 波束宽度:俯仰方向:25°~90°; 水平方向:0°~360°; 极化方式:右旋圆极化; 圆极化轴比:≤2; 电压驻波比:≤1.5:1; 频率:1615.68 MHZ±4.08 MHZ(扩频频谱零点带宽); 发射EIRP值:≥13 dBW; 发射频率偏移;≤2×10-7; BPSK载疲相位调制偏差:≤±3°; 发射信号功率稳定度: ±0.5dB(一次最长发射信号周期); ±1dB(24小时,工作环境条件); 载波相位噪声: 100HZ:-60dBc/HZ; 1KHZ: -70dBc/ HZ; 10KHZ:-80dBc/HZ; 100KHZ:-90dBc/HZ; 电磁兼容:符合GJB15A-98,天线单元接收部分应能够抗邻近频率的较强干扰; 发射信号载波抑制:≥30dB(发射信号包络峰值与发射信号载波分量值的差); 带外抑制:≤2-110 dBW/4KHZ(1580-1650 MHZ以外) ; 两次入站的时间间隔:对应服务频度,同IC卡设定,一般为5秒~10分,最高可能达到1秒;终端可以在IC允许的服务频度范围设置实际工作时的服务频度(服务频度以用户类别为准); 设备时延(零值)不稳定性及各通道间时延差:≤3纳秒(1σ); 工作环境(包括天线单元和主机单元): 环境温度 湿度(+45℃) 冲击 振动 风速 室内单元:-20~+55℃ 5%~98% 6g/s 0.1g(20~100) HZ 200km/hr 室外单元:-40℃~70℃ 环境温度:-40℃~70℃ 湿度:98%元凝结 MTBF:≥5000小时 平均功耗:≤6W 1.6.8 接收处理软件 系统通过GSM、PSTN或卫星及其它通讯方式实时接收测站传输到分中心站的水位雨量等信息,并将数据信息经过校验处理后存储到数据库中,数据库格式符合SL323-2005《实时雨水情数据库表结构与标识符标准》,作为水情信息分析、查询及处理的数据基础。 系统环境 系统开发环境:DLPHI/VC 软件结构:C/S结构 系统运行平台:WINDOWS2000/ WINDOWS XP 数据库平台: SQLSERVER 2000功能 接收处理软件功能描述详见投标文件1.5.3节。 1.6.9水情信息接收转发软件系统环境 系统开发环境:DLPHI/VC 软件结构:C/S结构 系统运行平台:WINDOWS2000/ WINDOWS XP 系统功能 水情信息接收转发软件功能描述详见投标文件1.5.4节。 1.6.10水情服务软件系统环境 系统开发环境:.net 2005,TopMap World 6.1; 软件结构:B/S结构; 系统运行平台:WINDOWS2000 SERVER+SP4或者更高版本;IIS5或者更高版本;JAVA虚拟机; 数据库平台:MS SQLSERVER 2000(标准数据库结构) 。 系统功能 水情服务软件功能描述详见投标文件1.5.5节。 1.6.11翻斗式雨量计(同174) 选用水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所生产的JDZ02-1型翻斗式雨量计。 JDZ02-1型雨量传感器是一种水文、气象仪器,用以测量自然界降雨量,同时将降雨量转换为以开关量形式表示的数字信息量输出,能满足信息传输、处理、记录和显示等的需要。本产品具有水文行业指定检测机构检测合格证书,为全不锈钢机芯,该产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求。 制造厂: 南京水利水文自动化研究所 型号:JDZ02-1 承雨口内径:Φ200mm 仪器分辨力:0.2mm 降雨强度测量范围:0.01~4mm/min 翻斗计量误差:≤±4% 输出信号方式:磁钢—干簧管式接点开关通断信号,双信号输出方式 开关接点容量:DC V≤12V,I≤120mA 接点工作次数:1×107次 工作环境温度:-10℃~+50℃ 平均无故障工作时间:MTBF≥25000h 1.6.12 有线传输 在系统中雨量传感器数据电缆采用有线传输方式与遥测终端设备连接。为防止雷电的干扰,雨量数据电缆将采用PV管道埋设方式进行。 1.6.13 压力式水位计 选用美国基康的GK4500ALVS通气型渗压计传感器,并配置BGK408读数仪。通气型(ALV) 渗压计传感器可提供大气压力的自动补偿。 (1) 传感器 制造厂: 美国基康 型号:GK4500ALVS通气型渗压计 标准量程:70Kpa 超量程: 2×额定压力 分辨率: 0.025%F.S. 精度: ±0.1%F.S. 线性度: <0.5%F.S. (±0.1%F.S.备选) 温度范围: -20℃~80℃ 长度×直径: 133×25mm (2) BGK408读数仪 BGK408可在各种气候条件下测读基康振弦传感器,带有电池充电器接口、RS-232接口、通讯软件和说明书,数据的储存是简单的单按钮操作,每储存一个数据带有一个识别序号,序号由1到256并带有时间、日期和温度记录,所有读数可传输到计算机上,并输进电子表格或数据库,例如Lotous1.2.3, Microsoft Excel等等。使用终端箱可使仪器电缆成组,并在方便的位置读数。 激励范围: 400Hz~6000Hz, 5v矩形波 分辨率: 0.25μs/255 测量精度: 0.01% 测量范围: -10℃~50℃ 长×宽×高:191×133×235mm (3) 成套设备组成和配置 GK4500ALVS传感器1只、导气电缆100米、BGK408读数仪1个、1.5吋镀锌铁管3米、干燥剂若干、干燥管1个、气球1个。 1.6.14 气泡式水位计 选用澳大利亚水文服务公司生产的WL3100恒流供气气泡压力式水位计及其相应配件, 该产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: (1) 气泡式水位计 制造厂商:澳大利亚水文服务公司 型号:WL3100 量程:0~15M 分辨率:1mm 精度:≤±0.02 % F.S 长期稳定性:±0.05%F.S 耗气量:5ml/min 信号输出标准 :SDI-12, RS232 工作电压 :DC 9.6~16 V 工作温度 :-40℃~+80℃ 相对湿度:0-95% (40℃) 工作方式:无人值守,可自动连续工作 安装方法:W3100气泡压力式水位计拟同水位短距离传输站的遥测终端安装在同一地点。 (2) 成套设备配置和组成 WL3I00主机(包含置数及显示功能) 1台 机箱 1个 铜杯 (含固定装置) 1套 减压阀 1个 专用感压管 100米 1.5吋镀锌管 80米 纯度99.9%氮气瓶(12MPa) 1个 安装配件(卡套接头、测量杯固定装置等) 若干 1.6.15 无线传输设备 无线传输设备主要用于水位观测点与站房间的水位无线近距离传输。设备配置及组成 遥测终端机(含机箱) 1台 超短波电台 1台 鞭状天线 1付 太阳能电池板及支架(20W) 1套 太阳能充电控制器 1台 蓄电池(38AH) 1组 人工置数器 1个 连接线 若干设备功能和技术指标 1. 遥测终端机 选用武汉长江测报自动化技术公司生产的YAC9900多路径遥测终端,具有“全国工业产品生产许可证”证书。本产品完全满足且优于招标文件所提出的技术指标。 产品性能及特点: YAC9900型多路径遥测终端集水文数据采集、传输和监控于一体,是一种接口标准化、功耗低、可靠性高的智能式自动测报设备。YAC9900多路径遥测终端是在国家“八五”科技攻关项目的成果上优化设计形成的产品。具有高可配置性和兼容性,它能同时接入多种类型的传感器和通信终端,可接雨量计、浮子水位计、气泡压力水位计等,可支持VHF、北斗卫星、GSM、GPRS、PSTN等多种通信网协议,能完成水情信息自动采集、存贮、发送等功能,即满足各种测控流程需求,也使构成本系统短距离传输站和测站的终端设备统一。由于应用Flash RAM存储技术,使得水情数据的存储容量至少拥有2MB。能在遥测站或中心站实现现场或远地的编程控制功能,增强了系统的管理和维护能力,它是实现水情自动测报系统遥测站测报控一体化功能的核心设备。本产品具有“全国工业产品生产许可证”证书。 主要功能: 自动采集:具有自动采集雨量、水位实时数据功能,水位具有消浪滤波处理功能。 固态存储:具有固态存储(FLASH RAM) 水情数据功能,其容量可达到2MB 通信方式:支持VHF、北斗卫星、GSM/GPRS、PSTN等多种通信网协议,能根据用户的要求能同时接入其中的任意两种通信方式组成主备式双信道,具有通信链路自动判断选择功能,当主信道失效时,自动转入备用信道传输数据。 设置和读取:具有现场或远地(在分中心站) 设置或读取测站工作状态、运行参数等如本站站名、站号、雨量水位基值、事件自报阈值、定时发送时间间隔、时间、电池电压等。 现场显示:当数据发送完毕或发送超时,均具有掉电功能。 自动掉电:当数据发送完毕后,具有掉电功能。 远程召测:当分中心站巡测或召测本站时,按照指令要求,向中心站发送实时数据。 工况报告:具备工况自检功能,电池电压过低时,主动向分中心站报告。具有14 bits数字电压转换精度,每次定时报都向分中心站报告并存入相应的数据库中,即在分中心站可查询测站的电压运行轨迹,可由分中心站软件设置不同电压报警等级,方便运行维护人员提前作好维护决策。 自动校时:具有系统对时功能。在每天指定的时间,接收中心站发送的校时指令,使测站时钟与系统时钟同步。 数据保护:具有掉电数据保护功能和硬件“看门狗”功能(Watch—dog) 。 主要技术指标: 接口: 1个翻斗雨量计增量口 1个水位并行口 1个4~20mA口 可接SDI-12口 1个RS485串行端口 具有3个外接RS232C串行端口 工作参数设置:可现场或远程设置以下工作参数 √采集间隔 √增量自报、限时自报、定时自报、召测等多种工作方式及报送间隔 √通信信道 √VHF发送前导时间 √站号、水位基值、雨量初值 √时钟、传感器和通信设备配置 √传输路径 √站类(测站、中继站、中心站) 固态存储容量: 2MB 现场置数显示:配置触摸显示屏,可现场做如下操作: √按水情拍报格式,人工置入流量、蒸发(含水温、气温) 等其它人工信息,向分中心发送 √当传感器出现故障时,置入人工观测的水位、雨量数据,固态存储 √设置、修改、查看报汛站设备的工作参数,显示本站的水位、雨量数据 √在现场下载固态存储的数据 近距离传输:配置无线电台,可实现近距离无线传输水位、雨量的功能 时钟校对:通过设置自动校对时钟,可定时接收中心站时钟校对广播,并自动进行时钟校准。 自维护控制管理:√具备休眠唤醒功能,当接到外部指令时,终端机启动工作,完成采集、存储、发送等操作后,自动断电进入休眠状态 √具有软、硬件“看门狗”功能 √具有掉电数据保护功能 √可响应分中心的召测指令,实现分中心远程监控管理 报文管理:设置有硬件或软件“调试开关”。当把“调试开关”置在“调试”位置时,发送的报文带有调试的标志,分中心按不同的报文分类处理、存储。 端口保护:全部端口均采取了光电隔离处理 供电方式:采用太阳能电池板浮充蓄电池供电 MTBF:>100,000小时 工作温度:-10℃~+60℃ 端口保护:外部接口光电隔离 产品应用情况: YAC9900型多路径遥测终端设备已在国家防汛指挥系统工程汉口水情分中心、长江口徐六泾水文信息采集系统、湖南江垭水利枢纽、河南鸭河口水库、甘肃敦煌党河灌区、甘肃金塔鸳鸯灌区、清江流域高坝州、水布垭水电站、深圳市区等水文自动测报系统、长江委118个中央自动报汛等数十个系统中得以成功应用。 2. 超短波电台 选用日本日精电子公司的ND886A型数传电台,该产品完全满足且优于招标文件所需的技术要求。其主要性能指标为: 频率范围:223.00~235.00MHz 存储信道:16信道,半双工 信道间隔:25KHz/12.5KHz 工作频带宽度:12MHz 调制形式:16K0F3D(E) 额定工作电压:+13.8V(在+10V~+15V之间能正常工作) 天线阻抗:50Ω 扬声器阻抗:8Ω 发射机起动时间:≤20ms 工作温度范围:-40~+70℃ 尺寸: 44.0(H)×135(W)×137(D)mm 灵敏度:≤0.25μV(12dB SINAD) 杂散及镜象抗扰:≥75dB 邻道选择性:≥70Db 互调抗拒:≥70dB 信噪比:≥50dB 音频输出功率:1.3W(8Ω10%失真) 失真率(音频输出功率为1W时):≤4% 守侯电流:正常模式≤50mA 省电模式≤10mA 睡眠模式≤1mA 数据输出电平 (RFSK): 180±20mV(230MHz时) 射频输出功率:2-15W(2W/5W/10W三级功率可编程设置) 杂波发射:≥70dB 最大调制频偏:≤±5KHz 音频谐波失真:≤2% 调制灵敏度(MIC): 3.5~14mV 数据输入调制频偏(输入信号:1KHz、250mV) :±4KHz(230MHz时) 频率稳定度:±1.5ppm 发射限时:30-1200s可设置(步长30s) 发射电流10W时:≤2.0A 通讯接口:RS232. RS485或TTL可设置 通讯接口定义:CD、RXD、TXD、RTS、DTR、CTS、GND 传输速率:300-1200bps自适应或1200/2400/4800/9600/19200bps可编程设置 调制方式:FSK/FFSK/MSK/GMSK 地址码:自身地址码及公共地址码可编程设置 误码率:≤10-7 @-105dBm 2400bps 3. 鞭状天线 天线增益≥3.0dB 天线的中心频率:230.00MHz 天线驻波比:<1.5 天线输入阻抗:50Ω 4. 太阳能电池板及支架(20W) 选用武汉长明电源有限责任公司生产的S-20W太阳能电池板,该公司产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: 太阳板型号: SC-20W 太阳板硅片: 单晶硅片 最大工作电压:17V 最佳工作电流:2.34A 短路电流:2.60A 开路电压:21V 工作及保存温度:-40℃~+60℃. 5. 太阳能充电控制器 选用德国Steca公司生产的 Solsum6.6C充电控制器。Solsum系列充电器采用脉冲调制技术,它不仅能有效的保护蓄电池,防止过充电现象的发生,同时具有快速、平稳的为蓄电池充电。内置温度补偿装置,使充电过程完全符合IU曲线。内置电子保险,具有C级防雷击保护。在本充电控制器中,采用高效率、低内阻的MOS管防止蓄电池过充电,使用过程中不需要维护,可长期运行。以上产品均通过CE认证和ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求。其技术指标如下: 额定电压:12/24V 最大充电电流:6.6A 最终充电电压:13.8V 气隙电压:14.5V 最大自消耗电流:4mA 环境温度:-25℃~+50℃ 满足测站配置的太阳能电池板和电池要求。 6. 蓄电池(38AH) 选用沈阳松下公司生产的LC-X1238阀控密封式铅酸免维护蓄电池,该公司产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: 生产厂家:沈阳松下蓄电池有限公司 型号:LC-X1238 电压:12V 容量:20小时率38AH 工作及保存温度:-40℃~+60℃. 端子:L端子 7. 人工置数器(同1.7.10) 制造厂:武汉长江测报自动化技术公司 型号:YAC-TK-02 选用武汉长江测报自动化技术公司生产的YAC-TK-02触摸键盘。该产品完全满足且优于招标文件所需的技术要求,技术指标及性能如下。 产品性能及特点: YAC-TK-02触摸键盘采用当前国际最流行的嵌入式技术,触摸屏通过RS-232接口可读取或设置YAC系列数据采集遥测终端所采集的雨量、水位数据,以及设备上的其他运行参数。读取和设置选项中含有时间,雨量,压力水位,浮子水位,人工水位,人工流量,电压,测站信息,常规状态,工作状态,时段选择,加报设置,信道设置,GSM设置,PSTN设置,北斗卫星,KC设置等基本参数,完全能实现并满足招标文件所提出的功能要求。 技术指标: LCD有效显示尺寸:4″ LCD点阵数量:320×240 输入方式:触摸屏 接口标准:RS-232 电源电压:DC 12V 外壳材料:PVC 安装方式:手持式或壁挂式 工作温度:-10℃~+55℃ 1.6.16 水准仪 制造厂:索佳 产品名称:自动安平水准仪 型号:B20Ⅱ(32X) 作为世界性的自动安平水准仪畅销品的索佳自动安平水准仪,在防水性、可靠性、使用方便性等方面进行了改良,具有卓越的防水性、可靠的自动补偿器、快速的整平作业、正确的视准作业、视距测量和水平角测量等特点。小型轻巧加之封闭型的壳体,进一步提高了对雨、水滴、湿气的防水性。四吊丝型的灵敏元件、卓越的磁阻尼器、新型的制动机构及无磁性材料,组成了索佳独特的自动补偿器。同时,在振动、冲击、环境变化等方面具有很大的适应力,对于微小的倾斜也能快速、正确地在水平方向自动修正。B20Ⅱ具有快、慢微动调焦机构,利用光学测微器,能进行精密水准测量(B20Ⅱ) 楔形十字丝加上选购部件的光学测微器,能进一步提高水准测量的精度。主要功能和技术指标如下: 满足三等以上水准测量,自动安平 补偿器:自动补偿器 补偿范围:±1.5' 调焦:具有快、慢微动调焦机构 视距测量:利用视距线,可方便地测定仪器到标尺的距离。 水平角测量:内藏直径103mm、直读1°的水平度盘,可方便地测定水平角,也可自由转动仪器,按照所需角度视准某个方向。 1公里往返测量精度:2.0mm 望远镜镜筒长度:215mm 物镜孔径:42mm 倍率:32x 成像: 正像分辨力:3" 视场角(100m):1°20'(2.3m) 最短视距:0.3m 楔形视距乘数(加数) :100(0) 弯管目镜:DE16 分划板照明:LA8 磁阻尼范围:±15' 光学测微器OM15 范围:10mm 直读:0.1mm 估读:0.01mm 1公里往返测中误差不用光学测微器:±1.0m 用学学测微器:±0.8m 水平度盘直径:103mm 分划值:1° 防水性:日本工程标准JIS防水 滴型4级圆水准器格值:10'/2mm 尺寸:130x215x135mm 重量(主机) :1.83kg (仪器箱) :1.1kg 设备配置组成:主机1台、铝合金脚架1付 1.6.17 水准尺 选用武测科大测绘仪器生产的3m铝合金水准尺,具备出厂合格证。 1.6.18 PSTN\GSM遥测站设备 设备组成 遥测终端机(含机箱) 1台 超短波电台 1台 鞭状天线 1付 太阳能电池板及支架(60W) 1套 太阳能充电控制器 1台 蓄电池(100AH) 1组 触摸屏(人工置数器 ) 1组 GSM模块(含GPRS功能) 1台 GSM模块天线 1个 PSTN MODEM、玲流控制器、避雷器 1套 设备功能和技术指标 1. 遥测终端机(含机箱) 同1.6.15.2 节 2. 超短波电台 同1.6.15.2 节 3. 鞭状天线 同1.6.15.2 节 4. 太阳能电池板及支架(60W) 选用武汉长明电源有限责任公司生产的S-60W太阳能电池板,该公司产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: 太阳板型号: SC-60W 太阳板硅片: 单晶硅片 最大工作电压:17V 最佳工作电流:2.34A 短路电流:2.60A 开路电压:21V 工作及保存温度:-40℃~+60℃. 5. 太阳能充电控制器(同P37) 选用德国Steca公司生产的 Solsum6.6C充电控制器。Solsum系列充电器采用脉冲调制技术,它不仅能有效的保护蓄电池,防止过充电现象的发生,同时具有快速、平稳的为蓄电池充电。内置温度补偿装置,使充电过程完全符合IU曲线。内置电子保险,具有C级防雷击保护。在本充电控制器中,采用高效率、低内阻的MOS管防止蓄电池过充电,使用过程中不需要维护,可长期运行。以上产品均通过CE认证和ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求。其技术指标如下: 额定电压:12/24V 最大充电电流:6.6A 最终充电电压:13.8V 气隙电压:14.5V 最大自消耗电流:4mA 环境温度:-25℃~+50℃ 6. 蓄电池(100AH) (同P38) 选用沈阳松下公司生产的LC-X12100阀控密封式铅酸免维护蓄电池,该公司产品完全满足招标文件所需的技术要求,其技术指标如下: 生产厂家:沈阳松下蓄电池有限公司 型号:LC-X12100 电压:12V 容量:20小时率100AH 工作及保存温度:-40℃~+60℃. 端子:L端子 尺寸:407×173×210mm,总高236mm 重量:约32kg 7. 人工置数器 9、GSM通信模块(含GPRS功能) 10、GSM模块天线 天线: GSM通信模块原厂配件。 11. PSTN MODEM、避雷器
译文: Volume 2 Technical Documents (Package 8 Flood communication system) 1 System design scheme 1.1 System overall structure The flood-reporting communication system of the Hydrologic Bureau of Heilongjiang Province is composed of 7 subcenters such as Harbin, Mudanjiang, Kiamusze, Suihua, Yichun etc, and 24 hydrographical stations including Tieli, Yixin, Chenming, Jingxing, Qinggang, Sifangtai, Qinjia, Lanxi, Zhaoyuan, Harbin, Mulan, Tonghe, Yilan, Xiajiatun, Acheng, Lianhua, Hulan, Wuchang, Changjiangtun, Jiamusi, Fujin, Tongjiang, Woken, Baoquanling, etc. The data transmission of hydrologic information between hydrologic reporting stations and sub-center stations mainly adopts networks of active/standby communication channels, the hydrologic information collected by each flood-reporting station is stored on the spot; and then is automatically forwarded to subcenters under its jurisdiction in the manner of timing/incident self-reporting. Each subcenter, according to demands, can perform remote programming for flood-reporting station under its jurisdiction, which has the functions of active query and call-measurement of hydrologic information, etc. In the meantime, can remotely control the operation of flood-reporting stations under the system's jurisdiction. The system overall structure and information flow are shown in Figure 1.1-1. Figure 1.1-1. The system overall structure and information flow 1.2 The system overall function and key technical indexes 1.2.1 System overall function The system performs the function of the automatic collection, storage and transmission of flood-reporting station hydrologic information, and guarantees the system's long-term stable and reliable operation under the condition of being maintained but not attended by people, with the system function completely in conformity with the relevant regulations of "Technical specifications for hydrologic data acquisition system". The system overall function is as follows: (1) The flood-reporting station has the function of automatic acquisition and on-site solid-state storage of hydrologic information such as water level, rainfall amount and etc. The allowance errors are less than those required in "Technical specifications for hydrologic data acquisition system", with the acquisition precision for rainfall and water level being 0.2mm and 1cm respectively. (2) The flood-reporting station can automatically send the information collected such as water level, rainfall amount and etc. to the hydrologic information station in a timing or reporting manner, with bit error rate less than 1×10-4 and data transfer rate more than 300bps; (3) The flood-reporting station can forward other parameters measured to the hydrologic information subcenter in the mode of artificial digit-setting. (4) The flood-reporting station has the function of reporting to the subcenter the working condition of equipment and responds to all instructions from the subcenter. (5) It can perform programmable control operations such as on-site or remote setting, repairs, examination of the equipment of the subcenter. (6) The subcenter can receive in real time the hydrologic information from each flood-reporting station and store the information in databases after processing it. (7) The subcenter can issue instructions to the flood-reporting station, search and inquire its information and call-measure its data, and monitor in real time the operation of its equipment; (8) The subcenter can send synchronized clock signals regularly to perform time checks on the subcenter, ensuring the clock synchronization of the whole system. (9) The subcenter can forward the hydrologic information received to provincial hydrologic information center, provincial flood control office and canton flood control office according to unified standard. (10) The subcenter has the functions of data receiving, data processing, data storage and data forwarding; the application software is concise and practical with friendly interfaces, performing the good function of human-computer interaction. (11) The subcenter can work in the operating mode of power supply drop and energy saving, and has lightning-proof and anti-resistance functions. the station of the system uses single crystal silicon solar cell panels as its power supply, which adopts maintenance-free floating charged cells. The cell capacity guarantees a successive 15 day-long normal operation duration of the station's equipment under overcast and rainy weather. 1.2.2 Key technical indexes Scale of system: 1: 7: 24 (scalable) Operation mode: a hybrid mode of timing self-reporting, self-reporting at time segments, automatic added reporting and responsive reporting at call-measurements. Items to be tested: automatically collected data on water level and rain amount and other artificially introduced measurement parameters. Data transmission: GSM communication, PSTN communication, Beidou satellite communication and VHF communication. The monthly average unimpeded rate of system data acquisition: >95% The bit error rate of the data transmission channel: ≤1×10-5 The unimpeded rate of network data transmission: ≥99% Equipment mean time between failures: RTU: MTBF≥25000h Data processing time: less than 20 mins needed for the subcenter to collect all real time hydrologic information within its jurisdiction. Working condition for the subcenter: temperature: 5~40℃, humidity: <90% (40℃) Working condition for the flood-reporting station: temperature: -30~60℃, humidity: <95% (40℃) 1.3 The networking structure of flood-reporting communication as well as networking design decision 1.3.1 The communication programme for the flood-reporting communication networking According to the technical requirements in the bidding documents, the networking programme adopts the GSM/PSTN or GSM/Beidou satellite communication channel to form the active/standby communication channel between the system flood-reporting station and the subcenter, and the active/standby communication channel have mutual backing-up and automatic switching functions. The network between the flood-reporting station's water level observation point and the flood-reporting office is established by adopting ultrashort wave wireless short-distance communication channels. The flood-reporting communication network in the hydrologic information automatic acquisition and transmission system for the Mudanjian, Jiamusi, Suihua, Yichun, Daxinganling, and Heihe subcenters is a “mixed network" composed of three kinds of communication channels of GSM, PSTN and ultrashort wave; whereas that for the Harbin subcenter is a "mixed network" composed of four kinds of communication channels of GSM, PSTN satellite and ultrashort wave. 1.3.2 Networking structure of flood-reporting communication System flood-reporting communication network adopts point-to-point star communication networking structure, that is to say, information from the flood-reporting station is directly transmitted to hydrologic subcenter under its jurisdiction. According to the differences between communication modes of PSTN, GSM and Beidou satellite that are adopted in the system, the kinds of communication networking structure for flood-reporting are as follows: (1) Communication networking structure of the PSTN communication channel When PSTN is adopted by the flood-reporting station for communication with the subcenter, the PSTN channels should be in a state of being attended. Therefore, in order to get rid of the damage to equipment caused by line lightning, the techniques of "ring connecting at vibrations" and lightning protector (telephone lightning arrestor) are adopted. The communication networking structure of the PSTN communication channel is shown in Figure 1.3-1. (2) Communication networking structure of the GSM short message communication channel The flood-reporting station and subcenter of the GSM short message communication channel adopts point-to-point communication mode for GSM short message communication between them, with GSM wireless MODEM respectively equipped in the flood-reporting station and the subcenter. The networking structure of GSM short message communication is shown in Figure 1.3-2. (3) The networking structure adopting the Beidou satellite communication channel is shown in Figure 1.3-3. 1.3.3 Working system and communication mode The flood-reporting communication network of the hydrologic subcenter adopts a mixed operating system compatible with timing self-reporting, self-reporting at time segments, automatic added reporting for increased amount and reply to inquiries. It has the functions of the on-site fetch of historical data stored in the flood-reporting station, the remote modification of operational parameters of telemetry terminals and the feedback and confirmation of information on artificial digit-setting. The communication works in a halfduplex mode, that is to say, data can be transmitted along any one direction at any given time. 1.3.4 Information transmission protocol The information data on rainfall amount and water level that is automatically collected and transmitted between the flood-reporting station and the subcenter is transmitted in the format required in "Hydrologic information coding standard" The information transmission between the flood-reporting station and the subcenter includes the following content: ① The data packets sent shall include working condition such as acquisition time, transmission time, station number of the transmitting terminal, station number of the central terminal (SIM card number, static IP address and telephone number included) and power supply status as well as hydrologic information. ② According to different messages, the data packets sent are designed to have identification for normal messages, artificial digit-setting, commissioning digit-setting and warning messages. ③ The rainfall amount data contains information on weather conditions such as rain, overcast and shine. Rain is indicated when it rains 5 mins ago; and overcast is indicated when there is no rain 5 mins ago but there is 30 mins ago; and shine is indicated when there is no rain 30 mins ago. ④ The water level data sent contains information on water level changes such as rise, ebb and holding. The information can be obtained by judging the water level changes between the current water level and that at a previous moment, and the time segment can be set by programming. ⑤ The format of artificial digit-setting meets the requirements for shot report format stipulated in "Hydrologic information coding standard". ⑥ Feedback acknowledgement information after receiving information. According to provisions stipulated in "Hydrologic information coding standard", the hydrologic information sent from the subcenter to the provincial center or other subcenters is transmitted via the real time hydrologic information WAN. Its data format satisfies the provisions in "The design and construction of state flood control and draught relief command system" 1.3.5 Data transmission mode The data transmission in the network of flood-reporting communication between the flood-reporting station and the subcenter is conducted in a serial mode, with the information flow represented in the form of bits and transmitted one bit each time in turn in a channel. 1.4 The integration solution for flood-reporting stations 1.4.1 Main functions of the flood-reporting station (1) Automatic acquisition of water level and rainfall amount The cumulative rainfall amount can be automatically acquired and recorded at every 0.2 mm precipitation; and the water level change of 1 cm, the highest and lowest water level as well as water level characteristics values can be acquired with the acquisition frequency set as 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 Min and etc. and with digital filtering function. (2) Management of automatic hydrologic information reporting and messages ① Automatic timing flood reporting. At 8 am everyday, when parameters of rainfall amount and water level do not meet the standard for flood reporting, an acquisition of data on water level and rainfall amount is automatically made. ② Automatic flood reporting of rainfall amount Automatic flood reporting of rainfall amount during time segments; according to demands, the time segment parameter for flood report can be set at will as: 1-segment system (at 8 o'clock everyday), 2-segment system (at 8 o'clock and 20 o'clock everyday), 4-segment system (at 8 o'clock, 14 o'clock, 20 o'clock and 2 o'clock everyday), 8-segment system (at 8 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 14 o'clock, 17 o'clock, 20 o'clock, 23 o'clock, 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock everyday) and 24-segment system (at every hour of everyday). The rainfall incrementation parameters (such as 0.5 mm, 1 mm, …… 30 mm and so on) are set corresponding to each time segment, and when the rainfall amount reaches or exceeds any one of the two incrementation parameters that have been set, the automatic reporting will be conducted at the end of the corresponding time segment, together with the data on rainfall amount of all previous time segments of the day forwarded to the subcenter. And the parameters for the time segment and rainfall incrementation can be set or modified through programming. Automatic added flood reporting for rainstorms: the parameters and time segments are set for the standard for the start of added flood reporting for rainstorms, and when cumulative rainfall amount within a time segment meets the standard, the automatic flood reporting is conducted at the end of the time segments that have been set for rainstorm reporting, otherwise, the automatic reporting is conducted according to rainfall amount during time segments. ③ Automatic water level reporting Different stages for water level (including warning stage and defence stage and etc.) are set with an independent flood-reporting solution for each particular water level stage, and with available flood-reporting parameter of time intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 6 h,12 h and 24 h-long time segments being selected at will, and when a certain water level reaches a certain stage, the flood reporting is conducted according to the flood-reporting solution for this stage, and what's more, the flood reporting is conducted immediately when the water level exceeds the warning stage or defence stage. ④ Response to call measurements After the flood-reporting station receives an instruction for a call measurement, it automatically forwards the information on water level and rainfall amount within the time segment required to the subcenter. ⑤ Management of messages In convenience for data management, the message identification can be made according to the message transmitted via different communication channels, and a second message identification can be respectively made according to the normal message, artificial digit-setting message, commissioning digit-setting message (data randomly entered at the time of system installation, commissioning, maintenance and repairs) and warning message transmitted via channels of every kind, in convenience for the subcenter to classify, load and process the data. The message sent contains working conditions such as acquisition time, transmission time, station number of the transmitting terminal, station number of the central terminal and power supply status as well as hydrologic information. (4) The double communication channels can backup each other and switch over to each other automatically. Each flood-reporting station adopts a combination of two kinds of communication channels, GSM with PSTN or with Beidou satellite. When the active channel GSM fails, the system can continue data transmission by switching over to the PSTN or Beidou satellite channel. The PSTN in the system has a trembling bell awakening MODEM, which shuts off automatically after the completion of data transmission. (5) Solid storage and downloading of data on water level and rainfall amount The cumulative rainfall amount is automatically stored every 5 min when it rains; the absolute value of water level can be automatically stored every 5 min, the observed value of water level and rainfall amount which have been artificially introduced can be stored; the storage capacity is 32M; the solid state storage data can be downloaded on site or in a remote manner, and be converted to the format required by hydrologic data compilation according to the form of month and year, and be directly used for hydrologic data compilation. (6) Artificial digit setting The keyboard for artificial digit setting equipped in each flood-reporting station performs the following functions: ① to artificially introduce traffic information and forward it to the subcenter according to the form of hydrologic shot reporting; ② to introduce the artificially observed data on water level and rainfall amount and perform solid state storage when sensors fail. ③ to set, modify and check the working parameters of the equipment in the flood-reporting station, and to display data on water level and rainfall amount. (7) Control management ① Each flood-reporting station can compare the time with the subcenter in an automatic timing manner, or the subcenter can set the clock for the flood-reporting station, thus the system clock synchronization can be guaranteed. ② On-site or remote programming can be performed to set, repair and maintain the working parameters of the equipment in the flood-reporting station; ③ It can receive and respond at any time all control instructions from the subcenter and offer confirmations to ensure normal operating conditions, furthermore, in the course of waiting for the acknowledgement of receipt after transmission, the instruction from the subcenter can be received and corresponding operations can be performed. ④ It has the functions of hibernation and awakening. The equipment of the flood-reporting station is usually in dormancy state with low power consumption, but enters the working condition after receiving external awakening instructions and then finishes transmission tasks, and after the job is done, it automatically turn the power off and enter the dormancy state again; ⑤ The hydrologic information forwarded contains information on weather conditions such as rain, overcast and shine, as well as information on water level such as rise, ebb, level and peak. (8) Function of self-maintenance The self-maintenance function includes the timing reporting of equipment working condition, low voltage alarm, power-off protection as well as automatic reset. (9) Normal working in severe environments To guarantee that the equipment of flood-reporting station can work normally in severe environments such as lightning, rainstorm, power off, enduring overcast and rainy days, the equipment take measures of embedded lightning protection earthing gird, protective earthing for signal cables and its laying, installation of signal arrestors, photoelectric isolation for RTU ports, floating charged solar power supply for equipment and so on. 1.4.2 Basic structure of flood-reporting stations According to the requirements of the bidding documents, the flood-reporting station has the function of automatic acquisition, storage and transmission of the information on rainfall amount and water level as well as short distance transmission, traffic and artificially observed parameters for water level values are automatically forwarded to the subcenter in the manner of artificial digit setting. Because the information on rainfall amount acquired by the subcenter is transmitted to the observation station office in a wired manner, whereas the information on water level acquired is transmitted to the terminal in the office by adopting the short distance wireless ultrashort wave. Therefore the building of flood-reporting station and the acquisition end should be equipped with devices for short distance wireless ultrashort wave transmission. The flood-reporting station adopts the structure of integrating measurement, control and reporting functions, and the building end ,with the telemetry terminal (the RTU with the solid state storage module) as its core, joins to corresponding rainfall amount sensors as well as data transmission and communication terminals. To prevent lightning strikes to equipment caused by alternating current, the equipment of the flood-reporting for acquisition and transmission use floating charged solar cells as their power supply. The flood-reporting station is composed of 5 parts: the telemetry terminal, the rainfall amount sensor, the communication device, the artificial digit-setting device as well as the power supply; and the station for water level short distance transmission (water level acquisition end) is composed of 5 parts: the telemetry terminal, the water level sensor, the ultrashort wave communication terminal, the artificial digit-setting device and the power supply. Figure 1.4-1 and 1.4-2 show the electrical structure of the flood-reporting station and the water level short distance transmission station. Figure 1.4-1 The electrical structure of the GSM/PSTN flood-reporting station as well as the water level short distance transmission station Figure 1.4-2 The electrical structure of the GSM/Beidou satellite flood-reporting station as well water level short distance transmission station 1.5 Integration solutions 1.5.1 Structure and principal functions of subcenter stations The hydrologic information subcenter station in the system is composed of software and hardware devices for data receiving and processing system, hydrologic information receiving and forwarding system and hydrologic information service system, with the following principal functions: (1) It provides all-weather attention and can simultaneously receive via all kinds of channels the hydrologic information proactively sent by the flood-reporting station and formation on working conditions of communication equipment on all station sites, adopt corresponding technology of error checking and correcting to decode, check and correct the information received, ensuring the correctness of the data and its storage according to the classification of elements; and the hydrologic information from all telemetry stations under its jurisdiction should be gathered together within 20 mins whether in the mode of self-reporting or call measurement. (2) It performs remote work design and working parameter setting for the flood-reporting station, including changes in time segments for flood-reporting, rainfall thresholds, water level thresholds as well as power-on status; (3) It has the function of remote downloading solid state storage data in the flood-reporting station, and provides data files for document compilation; (4) The testing data for the telemetry station received by the subcenter station does not enter databases; (5) It can receive standardized messages for hydrologic information in conformity with the requirements in "Hydrologic information coding standard"; (6) It has the function of detecting and eliminating abnormal data, thus keeps the abnormal data away from databases. (7) It forwards hydrologic information to provinces (regions and cities) or river basins and other hydrologic information subcenters; (8) It forwards hydrologic information to the province (region and city) or river basins and other hydrologic information subcenters; and it can be connected with the network of the central station of automatic hydrologic information measurement and reporting in river basins (river reaches) in its vicinity to realize information sharing. (9) It has good functions of power supply management and communication management. 1.5.2 Hydrologic information receiving and processing system The hydrologic information receiving and processing system for the subcenter is composed of communication devices such as a front-end computer, GSM, PSTN and Beidou satellite as well as data receiving software. It fulfills the real time receiving of remote measured hydrologic information in the region, including the data information from the subcenter on water level, rainfall amount and artificially introduced digits and information on equipment working conditions through established communication network for information transmission. The structure of hardware equipment of the subcenter is shown in Figure 1.5.2-1. Figure 1.5.2-1 Structure chart of hardware equipment for hydrologic information receiving and processing system of the subcenter 1.5.3 Hydrologic information receiving and processing software The data receiving system software is mainly used to receive and process hydrologic data and working conditions reports from the telemetry station, that is to say, it receives through GSM/PSTN/Beidou satellite communication the data information on rainfall amount, water level, the voltage of measurement equipment as well as relevant setting parameters of the observation station in a timing, randomly and batch working mode, fulfills the remote setting and reading of each operation parameter of the telemetry station. The data receiving and processing software will be developed independently by our company. System features (1) System adopts mainstream development tools on Windows platform, whose visual development environment and powerful object-oriented programming endow the system with good operating efficiency. (2) System adopts the structure of Microsoft SQL Server database application program to enable the formulated database chart to base on the unified format adopted by state flood commanding system, and increase the structure database charts concerning situation of stations, relevant telemetry parameters and original database, ensuring the integrality, sharing-oriented and safety of data. (3) System adopts modularization design ideas to maintain the relative independence and integrality of module in function and structure, ensuring the consistency for future functional expansion. (4) System boasts the working situation of real-time supervision telemetry station to investigate real-time and historically measured data, which can be visually displayed according to list. (5) System boasts the ability of sending instructions, active query and measurement of data, setting and modifying the present working parameters through long distance. (6) System boasts the functions of data receiving, processing, statistics and graphical representation. (7) System boasts the alarming function on the limitation-exceeding of the working parameters of telemetry stations. (8) Managerial personnel from the central station can modify the name and number of stations as well as add new stations. (9) Used for the processing of manual number-placing. (10) System boasts the function of remote downloading of solid stored data of flood station. (11) System boasts excellent functions of management on power supply and communication System functions Based on information sources and overall needs of the hydrological Receiving system, the system is divided into such functional modules as system management, management of telemetry stations, remote communication, data query and maintenance, statement statistics. Each module contains different sub-functional modules. The overall functional architecture is shown in figure 1.5.3-1. Fig. 1.5.3-1 Function architecture of hydrologic regime info receiving system (1) System management Such management means the management of identity of system manager, basic information and maintenance of received data. Its main functional sub-modules are as follows: Registration: by logging on with the identity of system administrator through logging frame, perform the operation of maintenance of system’s basic information and system initiation. System initiation: emptying the received and investigated data, restore to the original state. The function can only be fulfilled by logging as the administrator. The schematic figure is shown in 1.5.3-2 Fig. 1.5.3-2 System function sketch System application journal: such journal is used to record information of time of users’ registration and leaving as well as query and emptying of logs. Maintenance of fundamental information: perform such operation as management of relations of operator management, setting of communication interfaces of the computer, supervision of stations, data dictionary, error code management as well as setting precipitation initial value and water-level flow. Fig. 1.5.3-3 Sketch of communication port management Management of communication interfaces: set the equipment connected with the COM interface, including the setting of communication interface, data transmission pattern, baud rate, response and connection as well as flow control. The schematic figure is shown in 1.5.3-3. (2) Management of stations Such managements means the configuration management of station number, type, address, longitude and latitude, the schematic diagram is shown in 1.8.1-4. Fig. 1.5.3-4 Sketch of management function of measuring station (3) Remote communication Remote communication module is used for setting and reading of parameters of telemetry stations through the central station as well as batch transmission of history data of telemetry stations. Reading and setting of parameters: the sub-central station perform setting and reading of the operated parameters of telemetry stations vs GPRS. The schematic diagram is shown in 1.5.3-5. Fig. 1.5.3-5 Sketch of read and set parameter function Transmission of batch data: the sub-central station carry out batch transmission of historical data via GPRS within chosen range of measurement time, the schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.5.3-6 Fig. 1.5.3-6 Sketch of batch data transfer function (4) Data query: carry out the query function of real-time, single and multi-station precipitation and water level through graphic mode. The latest real-time data: perform statistics and calculation of real-time data concerning received water-level and precipitation value to display the latest real-time data received by the central station from the telemetry stations, the schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.5.3-7. Fig. 1.5.3-7 Sketch of data inquiry function Single-station query: sift the types according to types and numbers of stations, perform query of single-station water level, precipitation and voltage according to the user’s designated items, number of station and origin-destination time, the schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.5.3-8. Fig. 1.5.3-8 Sketch of single station voltage data inquiry function Multi-station time-fixed data query: perform query of water level, precipitation and voltage according the user’s designated measurement time. Data are shown in list, including station number and name, survey time, water-level, precipitation, voltage, receiving time and transmission channel, the schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.5.3-9. Fig. 1.5.3-9 Sketch of multistation periodic data inquiry function (5) Data maintenance: the program is used for maintenance and management of the bottom of subsystem, main functional sub-modules include: Data backup and recovery: fulfill the function of data backup and recovery according to user’s designated start-completion time. Data inspection and correction: perform inspection and correction of water-level and precipitation of original database of telemetry stations. Data export completed text: provide interface maintenance for non-structural information of the system. Carry out data export according to user’s designated station number, and form corresponding text files. Operate file logs: Error journal: owing to possible incurred mistakes in the course of system data receiving or operation, all errors were recorded so as to analyze the reasons. The error log is used for query of errors and emptying of error logs. Alarming information: (6) Statement statistics: make statistics of relevant dates, months and years in the database, and develop corresponding statement concerning multi-station water level and precipitation in the forms of monthly and yearly. By judging on the debugging situation of telemetry stations, develop debugging time-fixed report statement, and provide the statistical statement of the unimpeded rate of real-time data receiving for users. Multi-station daily statement: make daily statistics of relevant data in the database and develop multi-station-type statement. Multi-station monthly and yearly statements: make monthly and yearly statistics of relevant data in the database and develop multi-station-type statement of monthly and yearly Statistical statement of unimpeded rate of real-time data receiving: according to time-fixed self-reported data and frequency of report-added, count the unimpeded situation of each day, and store such data concerning due receiving, actually received, added report, error report and under-reporting in the results database of operating analysis, and print the results of statistics and calculation out, the schematic drawing is shown in figure 1.5.3-10 Fig. 1.5.3-10 Sketch of statistics of smooth receiving of real time data 1.5.4 Hydrologic information receiving and forwarding software System characteristics The system can realize the smooth transmission of real time hydrologic information, fulfill information exchanges at all destination nodes and between systems and the management of information transmission and exchange, and it enhances the ability and level of information exchanges, enables the real time information to be forwarded to relevant work units in a timely manner, thus realizing the highly hydrologic information sharing. Therefore, the system provides the hydrologic information transmission and management system based on TCP/IP protocol and developed in windows environment. The system has two big functions: the first, to forward hydrologic information of the center, the second, to realize the message transmission between the provincial center and subcenters as well as between subcenters by receiving messages forwarded from hydrologic subcenters; in addition, the system is fully compatible with the hydrologic information transmission software developed by The Bureau of Hydrology of the Ministry of Water Resources, realizing seamless integration and mutual communication and achieving the purpose of transmitting hydrologic information to the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters in a timely and effective manner. System functions It enables the messages from the provincial center or the subcenter to be forwarded to many target addresses, and provides the mechanism to control the forwarding at the same time. With regard to a concrete node, the message can be forward in full, or be forwarded according to the station number (only messages with specified station number can be forwarded to this address). The (sub) center can also receive messages from many target addresses, and provide the mechanism to control the forwarding at the same time. And it can also be designed whether the message received from a node is forwarded to other nodes. The system transmission routes are based on the application of the Provincial Computer Network for Flood Control Information and the National Computer WAN for the Real Time Hydrologic Information, and the PSTN (other networking channels are also ok) is added as the standby channel. The system can fulfill the information transmission by automatically switching over between the active and standby channels according to network conditions. The concrete functions are as follows: (1) To configurate the receiving and forwarding of messages To set the basic parameters for the operation of receiving and forwarding messages. Including: basic parameter configuration, target parameter configuration and station number forwarding control. Basic parameter configuration: the basic parameters are the basis of message receiving and forwarding program, the message-receiving and message-forwarding software cannot operate normally if the basic parameters have not been set correctly. Interface for configuration of basic parameters Target parameter configuration: the configuration of the size of data packets, network ports and node information and so on. Interface for configuration of target parameters Station number forwarding control: station number forwarding control is used to set whether or not the message from those observation centers can be forwarded to a certain node. For nodes to which messages are not forwarded to, the station number control is invalid; for nodes that are set as in-full forwarding, all messages will be forwarded to it whether the station number control is set or not. Control interface for station number forwarding (2) Message forwarding Message forwarding is generally fully automated, and the user can add this program to the starting program group to make it operate automatically with the system. Automatic forwarding: when this item is selected, the system will automatically forward data to each target address according to the set time interval for forwarding. Immediate forwarding: artificial forwarding of message data. Input data: to input messages artificially or to import messages from files. Interface schematic diagram for message forwarding (3) Message receiving Message receiving is fully automated according to the parameters set. As long as the system starts, it will monitor the system at any time, and respond to the requests from the other party and receive message information. For subcenters in need of receiving messages from other subcenters, this program can be added into system-starting program group. Interface schematic diagram for message receiving 1.5.5 Hydrologic information service software System features System of hydrological service software is based on B/S system structure, and boasts the information service application system with the ability of cross-platform application. Such system performs retrieval and query of real-time and historical hydrological information in designated time interval as well as statistics and calculation of hydrological characteristic value (average value, maximum value and minimum value of monthly, ten-month, daily or designated time interval), as well as generation of real-time hydrological information. Provide such information services as easy and rapid query and clear chart and graphical representation. System function (1) Real-time information supervision of water regime Display total precipitation and water-level value from 8 o’clock to the present time interval chosen by the users in GIS map mode, and refresh real-time data in every two minutes. Perform query of isoline and equivalence surface of precipitation in GIS map, and display hydrological information of the present day such as daily precipitation, water level at eight o’clock as well as flow or pondage, the displayed diagrams include water system, site, county, villages and towns Fig. 1.5.5-1 Real time hydrologic regime interface of major stations (2) Data query Checking of original data: Precipitation, water-level and voltage directly received from the terminal Query of daily precipitation: total precipitation of one day of various stations and the whole valley and the station with the maximum precipitation. Query of monthly precipitation: precipitation of single-station in a month, total precipitation of the present month and the maximum precipitation. Query of abnormal situation: query whether conditions concerning various stations are normal or not (if not receiving data in two days, the situation is abnormal). Fig. 1.5.5-2 Interface of system hyetometer (3) Statistical statement: make statistical analysis of hydrological data of telemetry to automatically generate data statement in common use, and print or save in the file. Query the user’s designated ten-month eigen value of any station and make statistics of average and extreme values of monthly and ten-month, and provide statement files and output function of printer. Refers to Fig. 1.5.5-3. Fig. 1.5.5-3 Appearance of statistics of monthly precipitation chart of each station Daily precipitation chart: total precipitation and types of precipitation of various stations in a day. Precipitation chare in time intervals: display precipitation of various stations in different periods of time. Process precipitation chart: display the total precipitation of various stations in designated time intervals. Periodic precipitation chart: display the precipitation details of stations based on periodic time (including total precipitation, maximum precipitation and frequency of various kinds of precipitation). Monthly precipitation chart: display the precipitation details of stations according to month (including total precipitation, maximum precipitation and frequency of various kinds of precipitation, maximum monthly and daily precipitation). Yearly precipitation chart: make statistics of total monthly precipitation of various stations and all valleys, total yearly precipitation, maximum monthly and daily precipitation). Annual day-by-day precipitation chart: monthly and daily precipitation, days of precipitation in a month and maximum daily precipitation of single-station in a year; make statistics of total annual precipitation and days of precipitation as well as maximum monthly precipitation; Time-interval water-level chart: display water levels of various stations indifferent intervals. Annual day-by-day water-level chart: average daily water level of single station in the whole year, average monthly water level, maximum and minimum water levels of various months, highest and lowest water levels of all valleys in the whole year. Annual day-by-day average flow chart: average daily flow water level of single station in the whole year, average monthly flow, maximum and minimum flow in each month; maximum and minimum flow of all valleys. (4) Statistical chart: represent the time-interval situation of valley precipitation with the bar chart of average precipitation, in which users can specify length of time interval and start-completion time, and provide file output and printing function of precipitation bar chart. Refers to Fig. 1.5.5-4 for its interface appearance design. Fig. 1.5.5-4 Interface of precipitation bar chart of the system 1.6 Equipment type selection and technical indexes To ensure that the engineering construction of the system achieves the target of construction, our company will stick to the principle of reliability, advanced quality and utility in the selection of equipment type. Under the precondition that the selected equipment should completely meet the requirements of system basic functions and technical indexes, the products from brand name manufacturers at home and abroad will be selected to guarantee that the equipment can work normally over a long period of time in the rugged field environment and replacement parts are available all the time. The key equipment (such as sensors, data terminals, communication equipment, power supply equipment and computer network equipment) must be the quality products that have proven by testing in the construction of other similar automatic acquisition and transmission systems that we have contracted to build, to be superior to that required in the bidding documents. 1.6.1 Information-receiving controlling machine According to the design scheme of our side, the subcenter can meet the technical requirements for receiving and processing hydrologic information and achieve its functions without the need to be equipped with the information-receiving controlling machine. 1.6.2 Front-end computer A Lenovo Kaitian M4700 business computer is chosen to work as a front-end computer with the key technical indexes as follows: Items Technical specifications Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo processorE4400(CORE 2 DUO 2.0G 2M Buffer) The operating system Genuine version of WINDOWS VISTA BUSINESS in Chinese language Memory 1G DDRII667 Hard Disk 160G SATA Mainboard 945GC Monitor 19-inch widescreen LCD Display card 7600GS 256M 128BIT (PCI-E Graphics card) Floppy drive None CD-ROM SATA DVD Network card/Sound card Mainboard integration 10M-100M /Sound card Keyboard Waterproof functional keyboard Mouse USB Optical mouse Power supply 250w Power supply Service policy 3-year limited warranty,1-year door to door service 1.6.3 Reinforced machine case The reinforced machine case is mainly used for the integral erection of telemetry terminal equipment. The equipment is mainly composed of a telemetry terminal, GSM/PSTN or GSM/Beidou satellite communication equipment, lightning arrestor and so on. The reinforced machine case adopts steel plates, upper and lower knob locks single door with push-pull machine case opening-and-closing structure, and its ability to guard against water, damp and dust completely comply with the protection grade of International Standard IP65. 1.6.4 GSM communicator The M1306B module made by French Wavecom Co. is chosen. The product fully meets the technical requirements of the bidding documents with the technical indexes as follows: Manufacturer: Wavecom Type: M1306B Technical standard: its development complies with the standards of ETSI, GSM and Phase2+ Frequency band: in support of the double frequencies of GSM900 and GSM1800 Output power: 2W-Class4, for EGSM 900 1W-Class1, for GSM 1800 Working voltage: 3.6VDC Input voltage: 5-32V Input current: 5mA in standby status, 140mA in connected status of GSM900MHz@12V 5mA in standby status, 100mA in connected status of GSM1800/1900MHz@12V Constancy of frequency: superior to 0.1ppm Interface standard: RS232 Working condition: -20℃~+55℃ Reliability: MTBF>25000 hours 1.6.5 Wired MODEM Equipment components: Telephone modem, signal arrester (1) Telephone modem Adopt e. net 800 series (Rockwell external type) high speed modem produced by Beijing Zhifu communication and telecom technology Co. Ltd. This product uses specialized modem provided by INTEL, ESS, CONEXANT, DAVICOM Company in USA. It not only adopts the newest technical results of the international superior level but also has taken full consideration the feature of Chinese program control telephone line during its design and manufacture process that make the product totally comply with ITU international standard and the network entry requirements of Ministry of Information Industry of the PRC. It completely satisfies the tender documents and has superiority over the required performance and technical indicators. The product has successful application in constructions of Yinbin, Danjiangkou and Hanshui hydrologic subcenters for State Flood Prevention Command System undertaken by our company. Manufacturer: Beijing Zhifu Communication and Telecom Technology Co. Ltd Type: e.net800 series Modulation mode: Protocols of ITU-TV.90/V.3.4/V.32BIS/V.32/V.22等协议 Data correction and compression: TU V.42 bis, MNP5 automatic identification Working mode: asynchronous Circuit mode: dialup line, private line Highest transmission rate: the extreme speed of upload can reach 33600BPS the extreme speed of download can reach 56000BPS Interface mode: RS232C serial port Lightning protection measure: the new semiconductor double protection Operational environment: temperature 10℃~80℃ humidity ≤85% ( without condensation) (2) Signal arrester Adopt RJ45-TELE/4-F series of arrester produced by OBO Company of Germany. It is currently the optimum product for lightning protection of telephone line signal that can completely meet the technical requirements of this project. Manufacturer: OBO Type: RJ45-TELE/4-F Rated operational voltage: 110 V acting voltage: 180V LPZ: 1→3 test range In (8/20μs) discharge capacity: 7.5KA The Maximum transfer rate: 100k Insertion loss db(a): 0.5 bri 36khz Interface/terminal: RJ45/UTP4 wire 1.6.6 Power supply system Used for power supply of communication terminal equipments in data receiving system of subcenter. System components: AC/DC charge power supply, power arrester (1) AC/DC charge power supply Adopt SD1731 special linear power supply produced by Guangdong Shunde Shunhe Communication Equipment Co. Ltd which can completely meet the technical requirements of this project. Manufacturer: Shunde Shunhe Communication Equipment Co. Ltd Type: SD1731 AC input voltage: AC187-242V, 47-63 Hz DC output voltage: 13.8V±0.2 V DC DC output current: 10 A Ripple voltage: ≤10mv (p-p) (2) Power arrester Adopt OBO V20-C/2 single phase double – module Class C power arrester. According to A1, A2 requirements of DIN VDE 0675, Part 6(Draft 11.89), the surge protector V20 – C belongs to Class C electrical surge protector which protects electrical equipments from surge of various voltages. Manufacturer: OBO Type: V20-C/2 Equipment type: Power arrester Maximum operational voltage (V): 385 Maximum discharge current (kA): 20 Residual voltage (V): <1900 1.6.7 Beidou satellite station Adopt YDD-3-01 No.1 subset produced by Chengdu Guoxing Communication Co. Ltd which can completely meet the technical requirements of this project. Manufacturer: Chengdu Guoxing Communication Co. Ltd Type:YDD-3-01 ⑴ Satellite Type Frequency: 2491.75 ± 4.08MHZ (Spread spectrum null bandwidth); carrier wave frequency deviation: ≤ ± 500HZ; pseudocode frequency deviation : ≤ ± 0.2HZ; OQPSK carrier phase deviation: ≤ ± 3°; Satellite signal: Conform to signal format in and out of the station and data format of Shenzhou Tianhong for upload and download. ⑵ Receiving antenna beam width: pitch direction: 25°~90°; horizontal direction: 0°~360°; polarization mode: right hand circular polarization; circular polarization axial ratio: ≤ 2; voltage standing wave ratio: ≤ 1.5: 1; receiving channel number: ≥ 2; receiving sensitivity C≤-157.6dBW (branch loop 1 signal power of the antenna); first acquisition time: ≤ 4s (the time required from startup to the receiving of two channels and demodulation of information, not including certification time of IC card); losing lock re-acquisition time: ≤ 1; error rate of receiving signal: ≤ 1×10-5; locating information processing time delay: ≤30ms (From receiving of the last locating information to the complete output of the information from serial port); Random error of received pseudocode tracing ≤ 12.5ns; measurement error of two satellites’ out station time difference with the same frame: ≤10ns (1σ); ⑶ transmission part beamwidth: pitch direction: 25°~90°; horizontal direction: 0°~360°; polarization mode: right hand circular polarization; circular polarization axial ratio: ≤ 2; voltage standing wave ratio: ≤ 1.5: 1; frequency: 1615.68 MHZ ± 4.08 MHZ (Spread spectrum null bandwidth); emission value of EIRP: ≥13 dBW; emission frequency deviation ≤2×10-7; BPSK carrier phase modulation deviation: ≤±3°; Transmission signal power stability ± 0.5dB (the longest signaling cycle); ± 1dB (24 hours, operational environment) carrier phase noise 100HZ: -60dBc/HZ; 1KHZ: -70dBc/ HZ; 10KHZ: -80dBc/HZ; 100KHZ: -90dBc/HZ; electromagnetic compatibility: Conform to GJB 15A-98, the antenna receiving unit should be able to resist the strong interference of nearby frequency; signal carrier suppression: ≥30dB (The difference between envelope peak value and carrier component value of the transmit) outband inhibition: ≤2-110 dBW/4KHZ (out of 1580-1650 MHz) the time interval between the two entries: The setup of corresponding service frequency is the same as the setup of IC card, commonly is 5s to 10min, the maximum can reach 1s; the terminal can set service frequency of practical operation within the permissive service frequency range of IC. The instability of equipment time delay (null value) and time delay difference between channels: ≤ 3ns (1σ); Operational environment (including antenna and main frame unit) Ambient temperature humidity (+45℃) shock vibration wind speed indoor unit: -20~+55℃ 5%~98% 6g/s 0.1g(20~100) HZ 200km/hr outdoor unit: -40℃~70℃ ambient temperature: -40℃~70℃ humidity: 98% without condensation MTBF: ≥ 5000hr Average power consumption: ≤6W 1.6.8 Receiving and processing software The system simultaneously receives the water level and rainfall information transmitted from monitoring station through GSM, PSTN or satellite and other communication methods. Then, it stores data information into data base whose format conforms to SL323-2005 “Real time rainfall and water information data base structure and identifier standard” after verification to be the data basis for hydrologic information analysis, enquiry and processing. System environment system development environment: DLPHI/VC Software structure: C/S structure system operation platform: WINDOWS2000/ WINDOWS XP data base platform: SQLSERVER 2000 Function The detailed function description of receiving and processing software refers to tender document section 1.5.3. 1.6.9 Hydrological information receiving and forwarding software System environment system development environment: DLPHI/VC Software structure: C/S structure system operation platform: WINDOWS2000/ WINDOWS XP System function The detailed function description of hydrological information receiving and forwarding software refers to tender document section 1.5.4. 1.6.10 Hydrological service software System environment system development environment: .net 2005, TopMap World 6.1; Software structure: B/S structure; System operation platform: WINDOWS2000 SERVER+SP4 or higher version; IIS5 or higher version; JAVA virtual machine; Data base deck: MS SQLSERVER 2000 (standard data base structure) System function The detailed function description of hydrological service software refers to tender document section 1.5.5. Output signal mode: magnetic steel – reed pipe contactor switching signal, double signals output mode switching contact rating: DC V ≤ 12V, I ≤ 120mA contact operating frequency: 1×107 operational ambient temperature: -10℃~+50℃ Mean time between failures: MTBF ≥ 25000h 1.6.11 Tilting bucket rain gauge Select JDZ02-1 tilting bucket rain gauge manufactured by Ministry of Water Resources. JDZ02-1 precipitation transducer is a kind of hydrological and meteorological instrument, used to measure precipitation of nature and convert it into digital information output in the form of switching value, meeting the requirements of information transmission, processing, recording and displaying. Such product with the qualification certificate for testing issued by the inspection institution designated by the hydrological industry is all stainless steel cores meeting the required technical indicators in the bidding documents, whose main technical indicators are as follows: Manufacturer: Nanjing Water Resources and Hydrology Automation Research Institute Model: JDZ02-1 Rain-collecting caliber: 200 Resolution: 0.2mm Range of rain intensity: 0.01~4mm/m (the allowable maximum rain intensity is 8mm/m) Precision of survey is less than or equals to ±4% Output signal mode: magnetic steel – reed pipe contactor switching signal, double signals output mode switching contact rating: DC V≤12V, I≤120mA contact operating frequency: 1×107 operational ambient temperature: -10℃~+50℃ Mean time between failures: MTBF ≥ 25000h 1.6.12 Wireline transmission In this system, the data cable of rainfall transducer adopts wireline transmission mode to connect with telemetry terminal equipments. In order to prevent lightning interference, the rainfall data cable shall use buried PV pipelines. 1.6.13 Pressure type hydrological gauge Adopt GK4500ALVS air type osmometer transducer from Geokon of USA with BGK408 readout. The air type osmometer transducer can provide automatic compensation for atmospheric pressure. (1) Transducer Manufacturer: Geokon of USA Type: GK4500ALVS Air type osmometer Standard span: 70Kpa outrange: 2×rated pressure resolution: 0.025% F.S. Accuracy: ±0.1%F.S. linearity: <0.5%F.S. (±0.1%F.S. optional) temperature range: -20℃~80℃ length * diameter: 133×25mm (2) BGK408 readout BGK408 can measure and read Geokon vibrating chord transducer under various climate conditions. It is supplied with battery charger interface, RS-232 interface, communication software and instruction. The data memory uses the simple single button operation that each data can be stored with an identification number which is from 1 to 256 with time, date and temperature records. All of the readings can be transmitted to the computer and input into worksheet or data base, e.g. Lotous1.2.3, Microsoft Excel, etc. The instrument cables can be grouped by using a termination rack and the readings can be obtained at a convenient position. Excitation range: 400Hz~6000Hz, 5v square wave resolution: 0.25μs/255 accuracy of measurement: 0.01% measurement range: -10℃~50℃ Length*width*height: 191×133×235mm (3) Complete equipment components and disposition One GK4500ALVS transducer, 100 meters gas transmission cable, one BGK408 readout, 3 meters long 1.5 inch galvanized iron pipe, certain amount of desiccant, one drying tube and one balloon. 1.6.14 Air bubble hydrological gauge Adopt WL3100 constant current air feed bubble pressure hydrological gauge and relative appurtenance supplied by Australian Hydrology Service Company. This product completely meets the technical requirements of the tender documents and its technical indicators are as follows: (1) Air bubble hydrological gauge manufacturer: Australian Hydrology Service Co. Ltd Type: WL3100 Span: 0~15M Resolution: 1mm Accuracy: ≤±0.02 % F.S Long-term stability: ±0.05%F.S Air consumption: 5ml/min signal output standard: SDI-12, RS232 operating voltage: DC 9.6~16 V operating temperature: -40℃~+80℃ Relative humidity: 0-95% (40℃) Operating mode: unattended operation with automatic continuous work. Installation method: WL3100 bubble pressure hydrological gauge is planned to be installed at the same place with telemetry terminal of short distance transmission station. (2) Complete equipment disposition and components WL3I00 main frame (including set and display function) 1 chassis 1 copper box (including fixing device) 1 set reduction valve 1 special pressure sensing pipe 100m 1.5 inch galvanized pipe 80m nitrogen tank with 99.9% purity (12MPa) 1 installation appurtenance (cutting sleeve adapter, measuring cup fixing device, etc) 1.6.15 Wireless transmission equipment The wireless transmission equipment is mainly used for wireless short distance transmission between water level observation spot and station room. Equipments disposition and components telemetry terminal (with chassis) 1 ultra-short wave radio station 1 whip antenna 1 solar panel and bracket (20W) 1 solar energy charging controller 1 accumulator (38AH) 1 manual register 1 connecting wire several Equipment function and technical indicators 1. Telemetry terminal Adopt YAC9900 multipath telemetry terminal with “National manufacturing license for industry products” supplied by Wuhan Changjiang Measuring Automation Technology Company. This product completely meets and is superior to the technical requirements of the tender documents Product performance and characteristics: YAC 9900 multipath telemetry terminal is a combination of collection, transmission and monitoring of hydrological data and an intelligent automatic measuring and reporting device with standardized interface, low power consumption and high reliability. YAC 9900 multipath telemetry terminal is designed and optimized based on the result of national “Eight five - year plan”. With high configurability and compatibility, it can be connected into various types of transducers and communication terminals such as hyetograph, float gauge, bubble pressure hydrological gauge, etc and supports many communication network protocols such as VHF, Beidou , GSM, GPRS, PSTN, etc. It can fulfill the automatic collection, memory and forwarding functions of hydrological information, namely satisfies various measuring and monitoring process requirements which also consolidates terminal equipments of short distance transmission station and observation station of this system. Because of the application of Flash RAM memory technology, the memory capacity of hydrological data at least reached 2MB which realized field or remote programming control function in the telemetry station or central station and enhanced management and maintenance ability of the system. It is the key equipment for realizing integration of observation, reporting and monitoring of the telemetry station in automatic hydrological observation system. Main function Automatic collection: Have the function of automatic collection of rainfall and water level real time data and the function of wave filtering processing for water level. Have the FLASH RAM function for hydrological data whose capacity can reach 2MB. Communication mode: Support many communication network protocols such as VHF, Beidou satellite, GSM/GPRS, and PSTN etc. and can be connected into either two of the communication modes at the same time to form a double – channel according to customers requests. Possess communication link automatic estimation and selection function. When the main channel fails, it shall automatically transfer to backup channel to transmit data. Setup and readout: Be able to setup or readout the operating state and working parameters of the observation station on site or remotely, such as the name, number of the station, basic value of rainfall and water level, self-report threshold of the event, time interval of periodically transmitting time, time and cell voltage, etc. Field display: When completing the data transmission or overtime occurs, it has the function of power down. Automatic power down: When completing the data transmission, it has the function of power down. Remote observation: When subcenter station tour gauging or call- gauging this station, according to the instruction, it will send real time data to the central station. Operating condition report: Has the function of self-inspection of operating condition that when the cell voltage is below required level, it will report to subcenter station spontaneously. With 14 bits digital voltage conversion accuracy, each periodically report shall be sent to subcenter station and stored in corresponding data base which means that, the voltage locus can be enquired at subcenter station. Different alarm class can be set with software in the subcenter so that the operation maintainer can make better decision for maintenance in advance. Automatic timing: Have system timing function. At the appointed time everyday, receive timing instruction sent from subcenter to synchronize the station clock with system clock. Data protection: Have the functions of power down data protection and hardware “Watch – dog”. Major technical indicators: Interfaces: one tilting bucket rain gauge increment port one water level parallel port one 4~20mA port can be connected with SDI-12 port one RS485 serial port equipped with 3 external RS232C serial ports Working parameter setup: Following working parameters can be set on site or remotely: √ collection interval √ multiple working modes like increment self-report, limit self-report, periodical self-report, observation, etc and reporting interval. √ communication channel √ VHF delivery predecessor time √ station number, water level basic value, rainfall initial value. √ clock, transducer and communication equipment disposition √ transmission path √ station category (observation station, relay station, central station) solid state storage capacity: 2MB Field setup display: Equipped with touch display screen which enables operations like below: √ Send to subcenter with hydrological telegraph format, manual input flow rate, evaporation (including water temperature and air temperature), etc and other manual information. √ When the transducer malfunction, input water level, rainfall data observed by human with solid state memory. √ Set, modify and check out working parameters in the reporting station and display the water level and rainfall data of this station. √ Download solid state memorized data on site. Short distance transmission: Equipped with wireless radio station which can realize short distance wireless transmission of the water level and rainfall amount. Clock timing: Through setting up the automatic clock timing, it can periodically receive the timing broadcast of central station clock and automatically adjust the clock. Self-maintenance control: √ Have the function of dormancy wakeup. When receiving an external instruction, the terminal shall start up and after completing operations such as collection, memory and delivery, it will automatically cut off the power and turn into dormancy state. √ Have software and hardware “Watch – dog” functions √ Have power down data protection function √ Be able to respond to observation instruction of the subcenter to realize remote control management of the subcenter. Management of message: hardware or software “debugging switch” shall be set. When “debugging switch” is set at debugging position, message sent shall be provided with debugging mark and the subcenter shall classify them as the different message for disposal and storage. Port protection: all ports shall be adopted photoelectricity isolation treatment Power supply means: solar panel floating accumulator will be adopted for power supply MTBF: >100,000hr MTBF: >100,000h Operating temperature: -10℃~+60℃ Port protection: photoelectricity isolation of external interface Application situation of product: YAC9900 multipath remote measurement terminal equipment has been successfully applied in Hankou hydrological regime subcenter of state flood control commanding system engineering, Xuliujing hydrological information acquisition system of Changjiangkou, Jiangya hydro junction of Hunan, Yahekou reservoir of Henan, Dunhuang Danghe irrigation of Gansu, Jinta Yuanyang irrigation area of Gansu, Gaobazhou in Qingjiang drainage area, Shuibuya hydraulic power station, automatic system of hydrological data acquisition and transmission in Shenzhen urban area as well as 118 central automatic flood reporting system of Changjiang Water Resources Commission. 2. Ultrashort wave radio NF886A digital transmission radio produced by Japan Nissei Electronic Company will be adopted, the product completely meets and exceeds the technical requirements required by bidding documents. The main performance index shall be the following: frequency range: 223.00~235.00MHz storage channel: 16 channels, half duplex channel spacing: 25KHz/12.5KHz width of working frequency band: 12MHz modulation format: 16K0F3D(E) rated working voltage: +13.8V (it can normally work at +10V~+15V) antenna impedance: 50Ω loudspeaker impedance: 8Ω starting time of sender: ≤20ms operating temperature range: -40~+70℃ size: 44.0 (H)×135 (W)×137 (D) mm sensitivity: ≤0.25Μv (12dB SINAD) stray and mirror image immunity: ≥75dB adjacent channel selectivity: ≥70Db intermodulation resistance: ≥70dB signal to noise ratio: ≥50dB audio output power: 1.3W (8Ω 10% distortion) distortion rate (when audio output power is 1W): ≤4% waiting current: normal mode ≤50mA electricity saving mode ≤10mA sleep mode ≤1mA data output level (RFSK): 180±20mV (at 230MHz) radio frequency output power: 2-15W (2W/5W/10W three level power programmable setting) noise emission: ≥70dB maximum modulation frequency deviation: ≤±5KHz audible frequency harmonic distortion: ≤2% modulation sensitivity(MIC): 3.5~14mV data input modulation frequency deviation (input signal: 1KHz,250mV) : ±4KHz (at 230MHz) frequency stability: ±1.5ppm limited emission time: 30-1200s can be set (steplength 30s) when emission current is 10W: ≤2.0A communication interface: RS232. RS485 or TTL can be set definition of communication interface: CD, RXD, TXD, RTS, DTR, CTS, GND transmission rate: 300-1200bps self adaptation or 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 bps, programmable setting modulation mode: FSK/FFSK/MSK/GMSK address code: programmable setting of self address code and public address code error rate: ≤10-7 @-105dBm 2400bps 3. Whip antenna Antenna gain ≥ 3.0dB center frequency of antenna: 230.00MHz antenna standing wave ratio: <1.5 antenna input impedance: 50Ω 4. Solar panel and bracket (20W) S-20W solar panel produced by Wuhan Changming Power Supply Co., Ltd. The product completely meets and exceeds the technical requirements required by bidding documents. The main performance index shall be the following: type of solar panel: SC-20W silicon slice of solar panel: single crystal silicon maximum operating voltage: 17V best operating current: 2.34A short current: 2.60A open circuit voltage: 21V operating and storage temperature: -40℃~+60℃. 5. Solar energy charging controller Solsum6.6C charging controller produced by Germany Steca Company will be adopted. Solsum series charger adopts pulse modulation technology, which not only can effectively protect the battery to avoid the occurrence of over charging, but can speedily and stably charge for the battery. Built-in temperature compensation device is provided, making the charging process meet IU curve completely. Built-in electronic insurance is provided, with grade C lightning protection. For this charging controller, MOS pipe with high efficiency and low inside resistance will be adopted to prevent the over charging of battery. No maintenance during its application and can operate for a long time. The product above has passed CE certification and ISO9001 international quality system certification, fully meets the required technical requirements in bidding document. The technical index is shown as the following: rated voltage: 12/24V maximum charging current: 6.6A final charging voltage: 13.8V air gap voltage: 14.5V maximum self consumed current: 4mA ambient temperature: -25℃~+50℃ Meet the requirements of solar panel and battery equipped by measurement station. 6. Accumulator (38AH) LC-X1238 valve control sealing lead-acid maintenance free cell produced by Shenyang Panasonic Company will be adopted. The product completely meets and exceeds the technical requirements required by bidding documents. The main performance index shall be the following: Manufacturer: Shenyang Panasonic Battery Co., Ltd type: LC-X1238 voltage: 12V capacity: 20hr 38AH operating and storage temperature: -40℃~+60℃. terminal: L terminal 7. Manual register Manufacturer: Wuhan Changjiang Monitoring and Forecasting Automation Technology Company Model: YAC-TK-02 Choose to use YAC-TK-02 touch keyboard manufactured by Wuhan Changjiang Monitoring and Forecasting Automation Technology Company. Such product fully meets and excels the required technical specifications in bidding documents, its technical indicators and performance are as follows: Product performance and features: Such product adopts present international most popular embedded technology, whose touch screen can, via RS-232 interface, read or set precipitation and water-level data collected through YAC-series data acquisition telemetry terminal as well as other operation parameters of the equipment. Options of reading and setting include such basic parameters as time, precipitation, pressure water-level, float water-level, manual water-level, manual flow, voltage, stations information, normal state, working state, selection of time intervals, setting of report-added, setting of channel, GSM, PSTN, Beidou satellite and KC, which can fully fulfill and meet the functional requirements stated in bidding documents. Technical indicators: Effective display size of LCD: 4″ LCD lattice number: 320×240 Input mode: touch screen Interface standard: RS-232 Source voltage: DC 12V Shell material: PVC Mode of installation: hand-held type or wall-hanging type Working temperature: -10℃~+55℃ 1.6.16 Level gauge Manufacturer: Sokkia Product name: automatic leveling level gauge type (32X) As a kind of best sold automatic level in the world, Sokkia automatic level has been improved in water proof, reliability and use convenience, and is of the features such as predominant water proof, reliable automatic compensator, fast leveling operation, correct collimation operation, stadia survey and horizontal angle measurement. The compact and closed case further improved the water proof to rain, water drop and moisture. Sokkia unique automatic compensator is composed by four hang spring sensitive elements, excellent magnetic damper and new brake mechanism and non-magnetic material. At the same time it has good adaptability in vibration, shock and environmental change; for the minor inclination, it also can quickly and accurately correct in horizontal direction automatically. B20 II has quick and slow micromotion focusing mechanism, by use of optical micrometer, it can precisely measure the optical micrometer on wedge cross spring parts purchased of B20 II for improving the precision of level gauge. The main functions and technical index are as the following: Meet the leveling above grade III, automatic level. compensator: automatic compensator compensation range: ±1.5' focusing: quick and slow micromotion focusing mechanism are provided Stadia measurement: distance from the instrument to measuring scale can be conveniently measured by use of stadia line Measurement of horizontal angle: a horizontal plate with diameter 103mm and direct reading 1° is set inside it, which can conveniently measure the horizontal angle; also the instrument can be rotated freely to collimate some direction as the required angle. Measurement precision for 1km: 2.0mm Length of telescope arm: 215mm objective aperture: 42mm magnification: 32x imaging positive image resolution: 3" field angle (100m): 1°20' (2.3m) shortest focusing distance: 0.3m wedge focusing distance multiplier (addend) : 100(0) diagonal eyepiece: DE16 focus glasses lighting: LA8 magnetic damping range: ±15' optical micrometer OM15 range: 10mm direct reading: 0.1mm reading by estimation: 0.01mm no optical micrometer adopted for error in 1km measurement: ±1.0m Pragmatics micrometer: ±0.8m Diameter of horizontal plate: 103mm scale value: 1° water proof: JIS water proof in JES Dripping type fourth grade spherical level scale value: 10'/2mm dimension: 130x215x135mm weight (host machine): 1.83kg (instrument case) :1.1kg Composition of equipment configuration: a set of host machine and a pair of aluminum alloy foot rest 1.6.17 Leveling staff 3m aluminum alloy leveling staff produced by surveying instrument of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, with factory qualification certificate. 1.6.18 PSTN/GSM telemetry station equipment Equipment composition telemetering terminal (including the case)) 1 set ultra-short radio 1 set whip antenna 1 pair solar panel and bracket (60W) 1 set solar charging controller 1 set battery (100AH) 1 group touch screen (manual register) 1 group GSM module (including GPRS function) 1 set GSM module antenna 1 PSTN MODEM, 玲流controller and lightning arrester 1 set Equipment function and technical index 1. Telemetering terminal machine (including the case) same as 2. Ultra short wave radio same as 3. whip antenna same as 4. solar panel and bracket (60W) S-20W solar panel produced by Wuhan Changming Power Supply Co., Ltd. The product completely meets and exceeds the technical requirements required by bidding documents. The main performance index shall be the following: type of solar panel: SC-60W silicon slice of solar panel: single crystal silicon slice maximum operating voltage: 17V best operating current: 2.34A short current: 2.60A open circuit voltage: 21V operating and storage temperature: -40℃~+60℃. 5. Solar energy charging controller Solsum6.6C charging controller produced by Germany Steca Company will be adopted. Solsum series charger adopts pulse modulation technology, which not only can effectively protect the battery to avoid the occurrence of over charging, but can speedily and stably charge for the battery. Built-in temperature compensation device is provided, making the charging process meet IU curve completely. Built-in electronic insurance is provided, with grade C lightning protection. For this charging controller, MOS pipe with high efficiency and low inside resistance will be adopted to prevent the over charging of battery. No maintenance during its application and can operate for a long time. The product above has passed CE certification and ISO9001 international quality system certification, fully meets the required technical requirements in bidding document. The technical index is shown as the following: rated voltage: 12/24V maximum charging current: 6.6A final charging voltage: 13.8V air gap voltage: 14.5V maximum self consumed current: 4mA ambient temperature: -25℃~+50℃ Meet the requirements of solar panel and battery equipped by measurement station. 6. Accumulator (100AH) LC-X12100 valve control sealing lead-acid maintenance free cell produced by Shenyang Panasonic Company will be adopted. The product completely meets and exceeds the technical requirements required by bidding documents. The main performance index shall be the following: Manufacturer: Shenyang Panasonic Battery Co., Ltd type: LC-X12100 voltage: 12V capacity: 20hr 100AH operating and storage temperature: -40℃~+60℃. terminal: L terminal Size: 407×173×210mm, total height 236mm Weight: appr. 32kg 7. Manual register 9, GSM communication module (including GPRS function) 10, GSM module antenna Antenna: fittings from the original manufacturer of GSM communication module. 11. PSTN MODEM and lightning arrester.
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