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姓 名: 吴译员  [编号]:1153 性 别: 男 
擅长专业: 中西医(学习中) 出生年月: 1986/7/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 海南 儋州
文化程度: 本科 所学专业: 高分子材料与工程
毕业时间: 40725 毕业学校: 海南大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 六级
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 2 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 海南 儋州
可提供服务类型: 笔译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 全周
获证时间: 2009/11/1
工作时期: 2008/3/1--2009/7/1
公司名称: 网上
公司性质: 其它
所属行业: 翻译
所在部门: 网上翻译
职位: 兼职英语翻译
自我评价: 细心、认真、负责、追求完美。
案例标题: 张家界富民椪柑专业合作社
原文: 张家界富民椪柑专业合作社 (解说词) 在中国湖南张家界,有一个与张家界奇山异水、美丽风光相得益彰的名优水果—椪柑。深秋时节,行走在张家界,漫山遍野、挂满枝头、色泽光亮的椪柑,形成了自然山水风光之外的又一道亮丽景观。走进椪柑果园,处处芬芳;细细品尝,香甜可口,沁人心脾! 张家界椪柑栽培历史攸久,面积大、产量高、品质好。现有栽培面积12600公顷,年产量20万吨。张家界椪柑产品曾多次荣获湖南省优质水果金奖;2007年11月获得中华人民共和国注册的“张家界椪柑”地理证明商标。 为提高广大果农组织化程度和标准化生产水平,2007年7月,由167个椪柑种植和经营大户发起,成立了“张家界富民椪柑专业合作社”,成员遍布张家界椪柑主产区。合作社以“团结协作、互助互惠、诚信经营”为宗旨,专门从事椪柑生产、加工、销售业务,年生产经营椪柑5万吨,产值收入达5000万元以上。合作社在开发境内市场的同时,积极创造条件拓展境外市场。2008年,创建了张家界椪柑出口基地,通过了湖南省柑桔出境基地登记。同年12月,又通过了商务部门的进出口企业登记。现产品远销北京、哈尔滨等北方市场和俄罗斯等境外市场,在全国各地共建立了100多个经销网点。 “小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”。随着市场经济应运而生,以“张家界椪柑”特产命名组建的“张家界富民椪柑专业合作社”,正迎着时代发展的节拍,带领广大果农奔向致富的大道。
译文: Zhangjiajie Ponkan Cooperative ( COMMENTARY ) In Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, there is one good thing which adds to the glory of the beautiful scenery of Zhangjiajie, ponkan, a tasty citrus fruit. When you walk around Zhangjiajie in deep autumn you will see golden lustrous ponkan on ponkan trees that distributed all over the hills and fields, which creates another remarkable landscape outside the natural wonders. Stepping into the ponkan orchard, you will be embraced by fragrance anywhere you go. If you settle down and have a ponkan you will find it tasty and experience its great refreshing power. Zhangjiajie has a long history of cultivating ponkan. The cultivating area, covering 12, 600 hectares, produces high quality ponkan and has annual output of some 200 thousand tons. Zhangjiajie Ponkan has won many times the Gold Medal of Hunan High Quality Fruits. In November 2007 it got the brand “Zhangjiajie Ponkan” a geographic label, registered with the People's Republic of China. To better get the fruit farmers organized and enhance the level of production standardization, in July, 2007, initiated by 167 ponkan planters and brokers, Zhangjiajie Ponkan Cooperative was established, which had members all over the major ponkan producing areas. The cooperative, under the concept of “unity, cooperation, mutual benefit and faithful operation”, specially engages in the production, processing and marketing of ponkan. It produces and deals with 50 thousand tons of ponkan and earns more than 50 million RMB per year. While developing its domestic market the cooperative also actively engages in creating opportunities to expand its overseas markets. In 2008, Zhangjiajie Ponkan Export Base was born and finished its registration as a citrus exit base of Hunan Province; In December it successfully registered as an entry-exit enterprise with the official commerce department. Its products are now sold far into the northern markets such as Beijing and Harbin as well as some foreign markets like Russia, in addition it has built more than one hundred distribution branches throughout the country. With the market economy coming into being, Zhangjiajie Ponkan Cooperative, which got its name from Zhangjiajie Ponkan, is leading broad farmers to an affluent future.
案例标题: 张家界富民椪柑专业合作社简介
原文: 张家界富民椪柑专业合作社简介 椪柑是张家界名优水果,2007年获得了中华人民共和国注册的“张家界椪柑” 地理证明商标。张家界椪柑种植12670公顷,年产量20万吨。为了提高广大果农组织化程度和专业化水平,增加经济收入,2007年6月,167个椪柑种植经营大户自愿组织成立了张家界富民椪柑专业合作社,注册资金40万元人民币。合作社以团结协作、互助互利为理念,专门从事椪柑生产、加工、销售一体化经营业务,年生产、经营优质椪柑5万吨。本社椪柑生产基地于2007年7月30日通过无公害产品认定(WNCR-HN04-0046),2008年9月4日通过湖南省出入境检验检疫局认定为出口基地(4300GY071)。2008年12月8日通过商务部门申报登记为进出口企业(代码:4300669291)。本社凭借“张家界”世界知名品牌,欲把张家界椪柑推销到国内外市场,谋求与国内外果品企业商家合作发展,共创和谐双赢。 法人代表:李启业 通讯地址:张家界市永定南庄坪 传 真:0744-8223829 电子邮箱:123tg456@163.com 邮 编:427000 联系电话:0744-2129639 移动电话:13107146818 13574419599
译文: Zhangjiajie Ponkan Cooperative Ponkan, a famous citrus fruit of Zhangjiajie, was given the brand Zhangjiajie Ponkan, a geographic label, registered with the People’s Republic of China in 2007. Zhangjiajie now has a cultivating area of ponkan of 12.670 hectares, with annual output of 200 thousand tons of ponkan. To better get the farmers organized and enhance the level of production standardization, in June, 2007, 167 ponkan planters and brokers established Zhangjiajie Ponkan Cooperative on a registered capital of 400 thousand RMB of their own accord, aiming to better the local farmers’ lives. The cooperative has “unity, cooperation, mutual benefit and faithful operation” as its concept and specially engages in the production, processing and marketing of ponkan. It produces and deals with quality ponkan of 50 thousand tons of ponkan per year. The production base of the cooperative passed hazardless product authentication (WNCR-HN04-0046) on July 30, 2007, and on September 4, 2008 the authenticated export base (4300GY071) with the Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau. On December 8, 2008 declaration was adopted by the official commerce department and the cooperative successfully registered as an import & export enterprise (code: 4300669291). It now takes the advantage of the world-renowned brand Zhangjiajie to push Zhangjiajie Ponkan in both home and overseas markets, seeking cooperation and development with fruit companies to create a win-win situation. Legal Representative: Li Qiye Address: Nanzhuangping, Yongding District, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, 427000, China Fax: 0086 - ( 0 )744-8223829 E-mail: 123tg456@163.com Postal Code: 427000 Telephone Number: 0086 - ( 0 )744-2129639 Mobile Phone: 0086- ( 0744 ) -13107146818 0086 - ( 0744 ) -13574419599
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