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姓 名: 刘译员  [编号]:1124 性 别: 女 
擅长专业: 英语语言学 出生年月: 1983/6/1
民 族: 汉族 所在地区: 北京 北京
文化程度: 硕士 所学专业: 英语语言学与外国语言学
毕业时间: 39263 毕业学校: 北京航空航天大学
第一外语: 英语 等级水平: 专八
口译等级: 中级 工作经历: 2 年
可翻译语种: 英语
目前所在地: 北京 北京
可提供服务类型: 笔译、口译、家教
每周可提供服务时间: 32小时
证书名称: 英语专业四级
获证时间: 2002/6/1
获得分数: 79
证书名称: 英语专业八级
获证时间: 2005/5/1
获得分数: 78分
工作时期: 2007/7/1--2009/7/1
公司名称: 北京盛世星火教育科技有限公司
公司性质: 民营企业
所属行业: 教育/培训
所在部门: 大学英语部
职位: 英语翻译,编辑
自我评价: 认真负责,勤于思考,学习能力强
案例标题: 专利
原文: 一种延缓磁控轮轴心磨损的结构,其主要是于中空座体中设一弧形磁阻件,该弧形磁阻件的底面两侧备设一具斜面的调整块供该弧形磁阻件承置,两调整块供一螺杆穿枢其间,调整该螺杆可令两调整块同步朝中间位移或朝外侧位移,以调整弧形磁阻件与磁控轮间的距离;而该弧形磁阻件上设有线圈,在导电之后可产生一与磁控轮同性的磁场,提供一阻抗磁控轮转动的磁阻力,令使用者须付出较大的施力始能驱动磁控轮,以达到运动强身的效果。而该弧形磁阻件提供的磁阻力位于磁控轮重力方向的正下方,可减轻磁控轮的轴心与其轴承间抵靠的重力,使该磁控轮轴心与其轴承不易磨损及产生噪音。
译文: A structure for delaying the wear of a magnetic control axle center is as follows: an arc-shaped magnetic resistance component is arranged in a hollow seat body; an adjusting block with an inclined plane is arranged on each of the two sides of the bottom surface of the arc-shaped magnetic resistance component and allows the arc-shaped magnetic resistance component to be held; the two adjusting blocks allows a screw to go through; the screw can be adjusted to enable the two adjustment blocks to simultaneously move towards the middle or the outside so as to adjust the distance between the arc-shaped magnetic resistance component and a magnetic control wheel; a coil is arranged on the arc-shaped magnetic resistance component; a magnetic field with the same polarity as the magnetic control wheel can be generated after the coil is electrified, so that reluctance force is provided for resisting the rotation of the magnetic control wheel, and a user needs to apply greater power to drive the magnetic control wheel, thereby achieving the effect of strengthening bodies; and the reluctance force provided by the arc-shaped magnetic resistance component is located just below the direction of the gravity of the magnetic control wheel, so as to reduce the gravity between the magnetic control axle center and a bearing thereof which push against with each other, and lead the magnetic control axle center and the bearing thereof not to be easily worn and generate noises.
案例标题: 军事文学
原文: 一个中国边防部队的营长带领着士兵们在路两侧维持秩序,士兵们都穿着厚厚的冬装,头上戴着狗皮帽子。 边防军营长指挥士兵们在路边排出警戒线,然后回头向入朝部队看了一眼,突然,他惊讶地睁大眼睛。 特写:行进中的27军官兵中竟有一部分人穿着单薄的夏装,士兵们在刺骨的寒风中瑟瑟发抖…… 边防军营长:老天那,他们还穿着夏装,这不是找死吗?
译文: A battalion commander of China frontier army, together with the soldiers, was busy maintaining order on both sides of the road. The soldiers were wearing thick winter clothes and dog skin hats. The frontier army battalion commander was directing the soldiers to form the warning line, and then he cast an eye on the entering-North Korea army. Suddenly, his eyes were wide open with great amazement. Features: Some of the officers and soldiers in 27 Army were wearing thin summer clothes. They were chilling in the cutting wind… The frontier force battalion commander: Gosh, they were still wearing summer clothes. Did they want to kill themselves?
案例标题: 儿童权利
原文: Other forms of abuse Internet abuse and abusive images of children Abusive images of children (commonly known as child pornography) is defined as any representation, by whatever means of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for sexual purposes. Technology has also meant that children are now subject to additional abuse through the internet. There is a trade in the transmittal of abusive images of children. Digital and phone cameras have made it possible for some children images to be distributed across the internet without their knowledge. Children may also be at risk of coming in to contact with people who want to harm them through their use of the internet. More information is available on the section in Module Four of the Training Pack on child sex offenders and in the How to Guide in Standard 3 on Prevention. Witch craft/Ritualistic abuse Some communities believe strongly that adults and children may be in possession of evil spirits which can bring bad luck on a family, this is sometimes known as kindoki or another term. The tradition comes from a mixture of evangelical Christianity and traditional African spiritual beliefs. These beliefs can lead to practices that may be harmful to children e.g. fasting, beating, emersion in water. These practices can lead to extreme cruelty and even death of children. Disabled children are rarely seen as a blessing and their behaviours are often interpreted as a sign of passion by evil spirits. Other communities or individuals may use and abuse children through ritualistic practices and ceremonies.
译文: 其他形式的虐待 网络虐童和虐童照片 虐童图片(即俗称的儿童色情制品)的定义是:以任何形式,通过任何方式将儿童从事真实的或模拟的性行为展示出来,或为色情目的将孩子的性器官展示出来。 科技的发展也意味着现在的儿童遭受到来自互联网的更多侵犯。传输虐童照片已经成为一种交易。数码照相机的应用使儿童在毫不知情的情况下,把他们的图片传播到互联网上。儿童上网时,也接触一些人而受到伤害的危险中。想获取更多的信息请参照关于儿童性侵害加害人的训练包的第四模块以及有关预防性侵犯的3号标准指导方法。 巫术/仪式虐待 一些社区坚信成年人和儿童可能带有邪恶的灵魂,这会给他们的家庭带来霉运, 这就是通常人们认为的巫术或另一个术语。这个传统是福音派基督教和传统的非洲精神信仰的混合物。这些信仰可能导致侵害儿童的行为,比如:禁食,责打和浸礼。这些行为异常残忍,并且可能导致儿童死亡。致残的儿童很少被好好地对待,相反地,他们的行为经常被诠释为恶鬼邪灵的激情迹象。其他社区或个人可能会通过仪式活动和庆典来对儿童进行侵犯或施虐。
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