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个人信息 |
姓 名: |
李译员 [编号]:1099 |
性 别: |
女 |
擅长专业: |
生物科学 |
出生年月: |
1986/10/1 |
民 族: |
汉族 |
所在地区: |
广东 广州 |
文化程度: |
本科 |
所学专业: |
生物科学 |
毕业时间: |
40374 |
毕业学校: |
清华大学 |
第一外语: |
英语 |
等级水平: |
CET-6 |
口译等级: |
高级 |
工作经历: |
1 年 |
翻译库信息 |
可翻译语种: |
英语 |
目前所在地: |
广东 广州 |
可提供服务类型: |
笔译、口译 |
每周可提供服务时间: |
口译为周五、周六、周日 |
证书信息 |
证书名称: |
CET-6 |
获证时间: |
2007/12/1 |
获得分数: |
569 |
工作经历 |
工作时期: |
2009/3/1--2009/6/1 |
公司名称: |
北京时代亮点科技发展有限公司 |
公司性质: |
其它 |
所属行业: |
教育/培训 |
所在部门: |
远程教育 |
职位: |
英语科目负责人 |
自我评价: |
善于交流,工作热情,有创意,精益求精! |
笔译案例信息 |
案例标题: |
Nature杂志论文 |
原文: |
(节选)Structural effects of insertions and deletions
Whereas single residue changes do not usually markedly
affect structure, one might expect larger sequence
insertions and deletions to do so. However, we have
already seen that a protein’s structure tends to be well
conserved over evolutionary time, even where there
are large changes to its sequence, including significant
insertions and deletions. The nature of evolution means
that any insertions are, over time, accommodated within
the protein’s structure while function is fine-tuned. Any
insertions tend to occur in loop regions lying on the
protein’s surface, between regions of regular secondary
structure29, and so help the overall fold to be preserved.
But proteins also tolerate certain insertions that are
engineered artificially, as demonstrated by a recent study
using linker insertion mutagenesis. Here a large number
of 5‑residue insertion mutants of the α‑complementing
domain of Escherichia coli β‑galactosidase were generated.
The insertions were made, essentially at random, along
the length of the sequence using bacteriophage m in vitro
DNA transposition30. Most insertions were tolerated— that is, they did not prevent the protein folding —
even those that disrupted secondary structure elements
and those that ended up within the protein’s interior.
As many as half of the mutants showed β‑galactosidase
activity at least equivalent to that of the wild type, with
activities up to twofold higher in some mutants. Note
that it is not unusual to be able to improve on nature
in this way, especially when focusing on a particular
characteristic of a protein. One can use either rational
engineering or directed evolution31 to re-engineer specific
enzyme functions or even create new ones. For example,
an engineered superoxide dismutase turned out not only
to be faster than the native protein, but also the fastest
enzyme known32. |
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